2023 1 Define data mining Why are there many names and definitions for data | Assignment Collections
Computer Science 2023 Homework
2023 1 Define data mining Why are there many names and definitions for data | Assignment Collections
1) Define data mining. Why are there many names and
definitions for data mining?
2. What are the main reasons for the recent popularity of
data mining?
3. Discuss what an organization should consider before
making a decision to purchase data mining software.
4)Distinguish data mining fro m other analytical tools and
5) Discuss the main data mining methods. What are the
fundamental differences among them?
Exercise 1: Visit teradatauniversitynetwork.com. Identify case
studies and white papers about data mining. Describe
recent developments in the field of data mining and
predictive modeling
When submitting work, be sure to include an APA cover page and include at least two APA formatted references (and APA in-text citations) to support the work this week.
All work must be original (not copied from any source).
All these questions I need in 2 pages
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