2023 15 12 quiz average app Develop an app that computes a student s average quiz | Assignment Collections
Computer Science 2023 15.2 quiz
2023 15 12 quiz average app Develop an app that computes a student s average quiz | Assignment Collections
15.12 quiz average app. Develop an app that computes a student’s average quiz score for all of the quiz scores entered. Use message convert.ToInt32 to convert the user input to an integer. Use instance variables with module scope to keep track of the sum of all quiz scores entered and the number of quiz scores entered.
A. Copy the template to your working directory.
B. Open the app’s template file.
C. Setting option to strict On. Use the directions provided in the box, enabling options strict, to set option strict to on.
D. Adding the instance variables. Add to instance variables total score, which keeps track of the sum of all of the quiz scores entered, and taken which keeps track of the number of quiz scores entered.
E. Adding the submit score buttons event handler. Double click the submit score button to generate the empty event handler submitButton_click. The code required by steps and F-K should be placed in this event handler.
F. Obtaining user input. Use method convert.ToInt32 to convert the user input from the text box to an integer.
G. Updating the number of quiz scores entered. Increment the number of quiz scores entered.
H. Updating the sum of all the quiz scores entered. Add the current quiz score to the current total to update the sum of all the quiz scores entered.
I. Calculating the average score. Divide the sum of all the quiz scores entered by the number of quiz scores entered to calculate the average score.
J. Displaying the average score. Use method ToString to display the average quiz grade in the Average: field.
K. Displaying the number of quizzes taken. Use method ToString to display the number of quiz scores entered in that Number taken: field.
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