September 2023 Develop a system that keeps track of preschool students There are four types of preschoolers Guppies who
2024 Java code Assignment Help
Develop a system that keeps track of preschool students There are four types of preschoolers Guppies who 2023
Develop a system that keeps track of preschool students. There are four types of preschoolers: Guppies, who are two; Puppies, who are three; Tigers, who are four; and Lions, who are five. Each group needs a special list of school materials. Guppies need paste and colored paper. Puppies need paste, colored paper, and rulers. Tigers need the supplies of the younger students plus a notebook and pencil. Lions need all of this and scissors. Ms. Smith teaches the Guppies and Puppies. Ms. Jones teaches the Tigers. Ms. Anderson teaches the Lions. Your system should capture the name, age, and school group (which is determined by age) of “n” number of preschoolers. Note that if the user does not enter a school group, the group appropriate for that age should be added for the student. Each type of student (Guppies, Puppies, etc.) should be separate classes that all inherit from a common parent, “preschoolStudent”. The parent class should have defaults for each of the data variables and methods needed. Your application should store the individual objects in an ArrayList, and should allow the inputing of “n” number of records. The only attributes that the user must input are the name and age of each entered student (be sure to handle the entry of different data types with a try catch block). Group is optional, with the system ascertaining the appropriate preschool class for each one. Your application should also print out a report that groups each class, with the teacher and students, along with the supply list. Example (Data entry): Name: Timmy Jones Age: 4 Name: Suzy Smith Age: 5 Name: Mikey Nesmith Age: 2 Name: Pablo Garcia Age: 4 Group: Tiger (Print out): Guppies Ms. Smith Mikey Nesmith Supplies needed: … Puppies Ms. Smith Supplies needed: … Tigers Ms. Jones Timmy Jones Supplies needed: … Lions Ms. Anderson Suzy Smith Pablo Garcia Supplies needed: …