September 2023 Week 7 Final Course Project The Course Project is due at the end
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Week 7 Final Course Project The Course Project is due at the end 2023
Week 7: Final Course Project The Course Project is due at the end of this week. Papers should be 10–15 typed pages, not including references, cover sheets, table of contents, appendices, and so forth. To be considered complete, papers must include a Title page, Table of Contents, Reference list, and Appendices (APA format). Substantial points will be deducted for failure to include all of these items. Use proper grammar, spelling, sentence and paragraph structure Use 1” margins on all sides and double spacing Black font color with a professional 12-point nonitalic font (no comic sans, as an example) Name, page number, course number and title of paper on each page See the grading rubric below. You must provide at least five reliable and credible sources outside the textbook. Cite all sources. All references must be cited in two places: within the body of your paper using APA format and on a separate reference list. Choose references judiciously and cite them accurately. Choose references from multiple sources. Keller uses the services of Turnitinto detect and verify outside sources used in your research paper. This is available to you to check your paper before you submit it for grading to ensure the integrity of your work. Please see the Turnitin tab located on the shell under Course Home. Possible sources include the following. Marketing Management journals Marketing and Sales journals Wholesaler Digest Journal of Retaining Journal of Marketing Journal of Marketing Research Journal of Advertising Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science Marketing News Business Week Fortune Forbes Advertising Age Specific Industry Trade Publications