September 2023 Learning goal To develop your ability to systematically analyze and plan for a dynamic fast growing
2024 Individual (Strategic Analysis/Plan) Paper Assignment Help
Learning goal To develop your ability to systematically analyze and plan for a dynamic fast growing 2023
Learning goal: To develop your ability to systematically analyze and plan for a dynamic, fast-growing organization. You will prepare a strategic analysis of/plan for Uber. Your “client” is that organization’s top management team. Your paper will be graded on the basis of its insight, logic, and scope. Your paper should be three pages, double-spaced, using 12-point type, not including appendixes, exhibits, and/or references. Please follow this format: Page 1: • Current capabilities—as a mix of differentiation (D), economy (E), and interaction (I)* • Current customers, competitors, and complementors (C3) Page 2: • Your time frame (planning horizon), and rationale for that date • Your proposed capabilities • Your expected/proposed C3 Page 3: • Rationale for your proposed capabilities • Rationale for your expected/proposed C3 • Major implementation issue(s)