Robert Merton’s Goal Attainment Theory – Assignment Help Online Collections

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This theory basically argues that when individuals feel pressure and/or strain to attain certain cultural goals they may resort to different forms of deviance to alleviate the pressure and achieve specific social goals.

Our Assignment help experts understand the significance of adequate and ethical research. Hence, they leave no stone unturned while performing a thorough and detailed analysis. This, in turn, ensures that your custom paper writing help has all the relevant materials that are integral to your topic. Place your order now


Construct a brochure for a local elementary school. Consider your audience, as this information would likely be distributed during meetings… – Assignment Help Online Collections

Lets do your Psychology Assignment

Construct a brochure for a local elementary school. Consider your audience, as this information would likely be distributed during meetings where a child might have received an intelligence test. Your brochure would then be given to parents, guardians, and others to help them better understand the purpose of intelligence testing.Include the following in your brochure:•Provide a brief overview of at least two theories of intelligence related to the content of your selected articles to help your audience understand what intelligence testing accomplishes.•Discuss methods of measuring intellectual functioning.•Discuss how the concept of intelligence is different than academic achievement.

Our Assignment help experts understand the significance of adequate and ethical research. Hence, they leave no stone unturned while performing a thorough and detailed analysis. This, in turn, ensures that your custom paper writing help has all the relevant materials that are integral to your topic. Place your order now


Explore how the functions of personnel psychology support the purpose of industrial psychology. – Assignment Help Online Collections

Lets do your Psychology Assignment

This is an industrial psychology assignment.1.I’m going to attach the instruction sheet for you so you know what to do first.2. I have already a case study, I only need some answers to the questions below written in simple language.3. The answers should be paraphrased not exactly taken from the case study word by case study about Harrods’ll provide you with (Wal-Mart case study) already done by another student so you can follow the same steps, and to help you with my assignment

Our Assignment help experts understand the significance of adequate and ethical research. Hence, they leave no stone unturned while performing a thorough and detailed analysis. This, in turn, ensures that your custom paper writing help has all the relevant materials that are integral to your topic. Place your order now


cri1 – Assignment Help Online Collections

Lets do your Psychology Assignment

CompetencyThis deliverable will allow you to demonstrate your skill in reading, listening, and writing critically.InstructionsWatch Internet Research: What’s Credible? Write a 200-300 word abstract that covers the following;Identifies the main point of the filmClearly defines the position of the filmmakers on this topicPresents at least three pieces of clear evidence from the film that lead to this position.Use APA style for the abstract and include a properly-formatted reference for the film. Grammar and punctuation count.

Our Assignment help experts understand the significance of adequate and ethical research. Hence, they leave no stone unturned while performing a thorough and detailed analysis. This, in turn, ensures that your custom paper writing help has all the relevant materials that are integral to your topic. Place your order now


EssayGTheMan – Assignment Help Online Collections

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Our Assignment help experts understand the significance of adequate and ethical research. Hence, they leave no stone unturned while performing a thorough and detailed analysis. This, in turn, ensures that your custom paper writing help has all the relevant materials that are integral to your topic. Place your order now


Introduction to Criminology. – Assignment Help Online Collections

Lets do your Psychology Assignment

choose one of the theories (and why you chose this theory) from one the chapters being discussed within this module.  Discuss why you think this particular theory is relevant and why it should  be used.

Our Assignment help experts understand the significance of adequate and ethical research. Hence, they leave no stone unturned while performing a thorough and detailed analysis. This, in turn, ensures that your custom paper writing help has all the relevant materials that are integral to your topic. Place your order now


DEP 4 – Assignment Help Online Collections

Lets do your Psychology Assignment

Discuss adolescent idealism, criticism, personal fable and imaginary audience. 1.Give examples of each from your own adolescence.2.In addition, please discuss the emerging adulthood transition.3.What is/was your transition like?4.Can adolescent idealism, criticism, personal fable and imaginary audience cognitive distortions continue to affect people’s judgments and decision-making during the emerging adults period?5.Do the above cognitive distortions and immature behavior continue during early adulthood (20- 29 years)?6.Support your discussion with research from your readings in the book or other research from reputable sources.Post Requirement:200-250 wordsDo not plagiarizeCollege writing level

Our Assignment help experts understand the significance of adequate and ethical research. Hence, they leave no stone unturned while performing a thorough and detailed analysis. This, in turn, ensures that your custom paper writing help has all the relevant materials that are integral to your topic. Place your order now


psychology ADHD – Assignment Help Online Collections

Lets do your Psychology Assignment

In Chapter 14,  page 507 in your textbook is  an article that addressed critical thinking about ADHD.Normal High Energy or Genuine Disorder? Please read this section and then submit a one-two page response to the following questions.Where do you stand in this controversy? Why? (Explain your answer)

Our Assignment help experts understand the significance of adequate and ethical research. Hence, they leave no stone unturned while performing a thorough and detailed analysis. This, in turn, ensures that your custom paper writing help has all the relevant materials that are integral to your topic. Place your order now


Discussion due today before midnight – Assignment Help Online Collections

Lets do your Psychology Assignment

To complete this activity,Discuss the following situation from everyday life in which learning (i.e., a relatively permanent change in behavior) is desirable.Biggs Boss wants his employees to arrive on time.Prepare a plan utilizing operant conditioning principles to change the behavior of the targeted individual(s), clearly identifying and justifying suitable reinforcers or punishers to attain your desired outcome.Example: If I want my son to eat his vegetables (i.e., increase a desired behavior), I could do several things.If he eats his vegetables, I could apply a positive reinforcer by adding something he does like, such as screen time; alternatively, I could apply a negative reinforcer by taking away something he does not like, such as one of his weekly chores.If he does not eat his vegetables, I could apply a positive punisher by adding something he does not like, such as a new weekly chore; alternatively, I could apply a negative punisher by taking away something he does like, such as screen time.After you have shared your plan, discuss at least three factors that might impact the success of your plan, including social and cultural considerations.Describe at least one ethical consideration as relevant to operant conditioning.Discussion should be at least 400 words.

Our Assignment help experts understand the significance of adequate and ethical research. Hence, they leave no stone unturned while performing a thorough and detailed analysis. This, in turn, ensures that your custom paper writing help has all the relevant materials that are integral to your topic. Place your order now


Informative Essay – Assignment Help Online Collections

Lets do your Psychology Assignment

Assignment 1 Due Sunday by midnightWrite a short, informative essay, aimed at your fellow college students, that explains what kinds of writing can be found in your major academic/career field (PSYCHOLOGY) online and local libraries.Ensure the following:Identify the types of writing done by academics in your major and/or professionals in your intended career field.Find at least 4 sources that address how writers write in your discipline, major, or career.Exploratory Assignment RubricClearly focused around a creative and insightful central thesis/message. The writer lays out clear reasons/points that contribute to the overall central thesis/message. Everything in the writing contributes to the development of the message.There is a variety of support (anecdotes, quotes, description, examples, etc.). The support is vivid, concrete, and connects clearly to the message. The piece raises well-thought out questions, or pursues a line of reasoning in an unexpected or unusual direction.The introduction and conclusion creatively tie the message together. Each paragraph is focused and effectively developed around an individual point. The overall paragraph organization is effective and creative. Transitions are effective and establish complex relationships between points.The sentences are complex and effective, and the word choice is sophisticated. The writer uses sentence structure and word choice in creative ways to establish tone and meaning. There may be one or two very minor errors, but no patterns of error.All words and ideas from sources external to the writer are accurately documented via standard academic documentation guidelines (i.e., MLA or APA.

Our Assignment help experts understand the significance of adequate and ethical research. Hence, they leave no stone unturned while performing a thorough and detailed analysis. This, in turn, ensures that your custom paper writing help has all the relevant materials that are integral to your topic. Place your order now