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Business Finance Assignment Collections – assignmentcollections.com
Reply to the posts of two classmates who chose an issue different from the one you chose, if possible, and indicate why the issue you chose will have a greater impact in the future. If it is necessary to reply to classmates that chose the same issue you did, identify ways that they could strengthen their argument. Each reply should be a minimum of 75 words. As always, be specific and make connections to the text or other sources as needed. Make sure you use a source, cite it, and Reference. A outside source or the book needs to be used in the answer.
Please reply to the following paragraph below with the above instructions
When considering ethical issues and dilemmas in business that were discussed in Business Ethics: Ethical Decision Making and Cases, and which of those listed I feel will have the greatest affect on the future, I chose corporate intelligence. Corporate intelligence is defined as “the collection and analysis of information on markets, technologies, customers, and competitors, as well as on socioeconomic and external political trends” (Ferrell, Fraedrich, & Ferrell, 2013, p. 71). Essentially, it encompasses all the information that is available today in our current society with the use of technology. This becomes an issue when information is obtained by illegal means, such as hacking. Hacking has three main methods of obtaining information. System hacking is when the person hacking has a low-level clearance to the computer system and utilizes it to obtain information. Remote hacking is when a hacker has no clearance to the system and breaks into the system and takes information. This form of attack is increasing and will likely continue to increase. Physical hacking occurs when the hacker enters the location and utilizes the organization’s own computers against them. There are many other ways that hackers obtain information they can utilize to break into computer systems, and there seems to be no end in site to this ethical issue and dilemma. A hacker’s purpose is to “gather a firms’ weaknesses, vulnerabilities, defenses, and information” (Hausken, 2017, p. 3) and share them with the public. This is detrimental to organizations, and can cause problems not only inside the organization, but outside as well.
As organizations continue to fight against hackers stealing their information, and the issue continues to expand, businesses will be required to spend more time and money to safeguard their information and consumer’s data. It will also affect how consumers feel about giving an organization their information. For example, recently, I was asked to provide some of my personal information to receive a chance to win a vacation. It was a reputable organization that was promoting it, but because I questioned how my personal information might be used, or how secure my information was, I decided not to enter my information.
Ferrell, O. C., Fraedrich, J., & Ferrell, L. (2013). Business ethics: Ethical decision making and cases [9th edition]. Mason, OH: Cengage Learning. Retrieved from https://www.betheluniversityonline.net/cps.
Hausken, K. (2017). Security Investment, Hacking, and Information Sharing between Firms and between Hackers. Games (20734336), 8(2), 1-23. doi:10.3390/g8020023
– assignmentcollections.com