Hello, Can you help me find out how to calculate my grade so far, using the Weighted Average in Excel? What formula do I need to use? | assignmentcollections.com
Hello, Can you help me find out how to calculate my grade so far, using the Weighted Average in Excel? What formula do I need to use? | assignmentcollections.com
Can you help me find out how to calculate my grade so far, using the Weighted Average in Excel? What formula do I need to use? Can you please show me via excel spreadsheet.
Discussions 1 to 3 : : 15/15
Quiz 1 : 14/15
Quiz 2 w/EC : 16/16
Quiz 3 w/EC : 27/23
Mini-case 1 : 2.5/5
Midterm Exam : 18/25
Assignment Weights total:
Discussions (6) 6%
Quizzes (6) 36%
Mini-cases (2) 10%
Midterm Exam (1) 24%
Final Exam (1) 24%
Total 100%
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The post Hello, Can you help me find out how to calculate my grade so far, using the Weighted Average in Excel? What formula do I need to use? first appeared on Nursing Assignment.
Hello, Can you help me find out how to calculate my grade so far, using the Weighted Average in Excel? What formula do I need to use? was first posted on November 18, 2020 at 7:26 pm.
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