literature review and research design
2000 words ± 10%
Learning outcomes 3-5
Electronically through MyLO Assignment submission folder
Before attempting this assignment:
Ensure the ‘Assessment’ section in this Unit Outline is read and understood. If you have any
questions, please do not hesitate to contact the lecturer.
Students should refer to the ‘Guide to Assessment’ file under the Content tab on the unitMyLO site for guidelines on assignment presentation.
Ensure you understand the assignment question(s) and/or tasks. Once again, consult your lecturer should you be unsure of any matters.
Note: All students are required to submit this assignment.Task description & requirements
Continue with the research topic and proposal from assignment 1. Make sure you make necessary revisions if this is suggested in the assignment feedback. Conduct a full literature review, and based on the literature review, develop the research design for your research project. This assignment covers two main parts of the project reports. The first part is the literature review, and the second part is the research design.
The following structure is suggested for assignment 2:
- Title page
- Abstract
- Table of contents
- Chapter 1: Introduction (based on your assignment 1, i.e. background, research aims,and research questions, expected outcomes and contributions, proposed structure ofthe report)
- Chapter 2: Literature review
- Chapter 3: Research design (including three subsections for the conceptualframework, data collection, and analysis methods respectively)
- References list
There is no requirement for the number of references. Instead, the researcher should ensure that the full literature review in Chapter 2 covers at least the main references relevant to the research topic. In your literature review chapter, clearly explain what key words and databases have been used to search for relevant studies for your literature review.
JNB728 Industry Research Project Page 10
The research design/methodology in Chapter 3 should explain and justify your research conceptual framework (if any) and your data collection and analysis methods. It is essential to show how all of these have benefited from the literature review presented in Chapter 2.
See the Essay/report assessment criteria sheet on the following page for information about the criteria and the standards by which your work will be judged.
JNB728 Industry Research Project Page 11
Assignment #2 feedback form: JNB728 Industry Research Project
Assessment criteria |
High Distinction* |
Distinction* |
Credit* |
Pass* |
Fail* |
1. Literature review |
1.1. Comprehensi veness |
Very comprehensive and thorough |
Extensive |
Some studies missing or not appropriately reviewed |
Significant lapses in appropriately reviewing literature |
Literature poorly reviewed |
1.2. Depth |
Very profound review and critical evaluation of the existing studies, their methods, and findings
Well thought review of the existing studies and their research methods and findings |
Basic study methods covered but lack of in-depth evaluation and or some key studies |
Descriptive, summary, and lack of depth and some details
Confusing and lack of many details |
2. Research design |
2.1. Conceptual framework |
Innovative, well designed and effective research conceptual framework Well-presented and supported by the literature |
Sound research conceptual framework Well-presented and supported by the literature |
A research conceptual framework Well presented with some support by the literature |
A research framework presented with some errors or not well presented or supported by literature |
Research framework not well designed, not relevant and poorly supported by the literature |
2.2 Data collection method |
Highly consistent with data sources |
Mostly consistent with data sources |
Occasionally inconsistent |
Frequently inconsistent |
Generally ignores the consistence with data sources |
2.3. Data analysis method |
Highly reasonable and feasible |
Mostly reasonable and feasible |
Generally reasonable with some outcomes unreasonable or infeasible |
A number of outcomes unreasonable or infeasible |
Generally unreasonable or infeasible |
3. Logical structure, organisation & succinctness of writing |
Highly effective, logical structure Highly effective, clear & coherent flow of ideas |
Sound structure Effective, clear & coherent flow of ideas |
Adequate structure Sufficient flow of ideas |
Organisation ineffective Aspects unclear/illogical |
No meaningful organisation Generally illogical & unclear |
4. Presentation, style, formatting and references |
Professionally presented Faultless application of prescribed style |
Follows most requirements Prescribed style applied with very few errors |
Basic, essential requirements followed Prescribed style applied with few errors |
Significantly deviation from requirements Some inconsistence in application of prescribed style |
Requirements largely ignored Incorrect referencing style |