mn503 unit 7 db topic 2 |
mn503 unit 7 db topic 2 |
Go to the online library and find a recent (no older than 3 years) article reporting the results of a nursing or health research study in which a statistical procedure from Chapter 12 in your textbook is used for analysis (try using health research and chi square as search terms, or use the name of a different nonparametric test).
Post the reference using APA format at the top of your response and then provide a BRIEF 1 paragraph summary of the study.
Discuss why the nonparametric test was used. In order to do this, you will need to state:
What was the Dependent Variable (DV) and at what level was it measured?
What was the Independent Variable (IV) and at what level was it measured?
You will then compare this to the type of data required and whether assumptions of the test were met.
Your posting will conclude with whether or not the finding was statistically significant or not, and a brief discussion of what it means for the finding in the study to be statistically significant at the 0.05 level.
Chapter 12: “Examining Cross-Tabulations: The Chi-Square and Associated Statisticsâ€
Include at least 3 references
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