Unit 3 the add on to unit one | assignmentcollections.com
Unit 3 the add on to unit one | assignmentcollections.com
Unit III Project
Consider the proposal you are developing and identify key components and information that you anticipate needing to submit. Develop a timeline for the first six months. Explain each process or phase that will need to be addressed for each month. You may use either a spreadsheet or table to develop your timeline.
Begin with ‘Month One’ as the award month. Key areas that should be addressed include, but are not limited to:
Developing relationships
Implementation updates
Evaluation processes
There is no minimum length or amount of information required. However, you should be as thorough as possible based on the type of proposal you developed in Unit I.
Your timeline must be a minimum one page in length, but it could be longer depending on the type of proposal you have developed in Unit I.
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