Who can write an executive summary for a non profit? – assignmentcollections.com
Business Finance Assignment Collections – assignmentcollections.com
Assignment Details:
Create a strategic plan with an executive summary of the plan, outlining how the plan will adapt during the various life cycles of the company.
Background Info on Company
The Tapestry is made up of a total of 50 employees, 30 of those employees are caseworkers and the remaining 20 employees are made up of office personnel such as office manager, receptionist, assistants, clinical manager, social work director, and executive director of the agency. The caseworkers are mostly women who are recent college graduates, with an average yearly salary of $30,000. Recruiting skilled caseworkers is challenging due to pay, availability of skilled workers, and the high stress level of this particular industry. The agency offers full benefit package to employees, covering medical, dental, life and disability insurance. Pay and benefits make up $4.5M of the total annual operating budget of $10M.
Operating Restraints
The Tapestry gets their funding from foundations and government agencies. They currently operate out of three small locations around Denver and maintain an outreach office in Boulder. Many of the children they work with are emotionally and developmentally delayed, which makes for high workers compensation rate due to increase on the job injuries. They have a large volunteer base which helps them run certain programs, events, and even maintenance related issues on their facilities.
Current Organizational Life Cycle Stage
The Tapestry is in the growth stage. During the growth stage, staff size begins to increase, a division of labor is defined, and programs begin to establish themselves in the market, unpredictable funding sources, and efficiency with volunteer resources. Identifying factors for this stage at The Tapestry are: low pay, the possibility for injury is high, employees are expected to play a pivotal role in marketing events while maintaining a heavy caseload, and they have a massive volunteer base, which leads to long hours and low employee morale. However, employees join the organization because they believe in the mission.
Statement of Values
The mission of The Tapestry is to take care of the welfare of children, regardless of economic status, mental or physical disabilities, and other potential disadvantages. Our main guiding principles include goodwill, community, awareness, compassion, support, teamwork, responsibility, and safety. The sole goal of the center is to ensure that children are protected, and their families are strengthened. Our value statement is that we will make decisions and perform services based on the wellbeing of the children and their families. Even when we face challenging times, we will hold steadfast to our values.
We aim to create a partnership with all people of interest to make sure that we keep all children safe while promoting their economic stability and ensuring that their families are thriving. It is our shared responsibility to inform the community of our purpose, how we can help, and guarantee our actions by being accountable and transparent. All interactions should be handled with respect and dignity. Each person is a valued member of the community and should be treated as such. Because of our values for proper stewardship we manage our finances efficiently and with accountability. We also support and bring to account all our works and contractors since their performance is essential regarding our success.
Information you may or may not need:
- Organizational Description: The Tapestry is a non-profit child protection agency. As an agency, they serve 1000 children and their families in the Colorado area. Children’s advocacy centers and staff usually includes a multidisciplinary team whose sole purpose is to respond to allegations of child abuse in a child-focused environment where both the children and their families receive support, protection, education, and mental health services.
- Employees: The Tapestry is made up of a total of 50 employees, 30 of those employees are caseworkers, and the remaining 20 employees are made up of office personnel such as office manager, receptionist, assistants, clinical manager, social work director, and executive director of the agency. The caseworkers are mostly women who are recent college graduates, with an average yearly salary of $30,000. Recruiting skilled caseworkers is challenging due to pay, availability of skilled workers, and the high-stress level of this particular industry. The agency offers full benefits package to employees, covering medical, dental, life and disability insurance. Pay and benefits make up $4.5M of the total annual operating budget of $10M.
- c.Operating Restraints: The Tapestry gets their funding from foundations and government agencies. Because funding comes from various agencies, they are not able to offer pay increases. They currently operate out of three small locations around Denver and maintain an outreach office in Boulder. Many of the children they work with are emotionally and developmentally delayed, which makes for high workers compensation rate due to increase on the job injuries. They have a large volunteer base which helps them run certain programs, events, and even maintenance related issues at their facilities.
- Lifecycle: The Tapestry is in the growth phase of the organizational life cycle. During this stage, employees have a strong commitment to delivering services and focus on the vision. They have deeply involved volunteer workers.
- Organizational Mission Statement: We seek to enrich the lives of the children and their families throughout the community in which we serve. The Tapestry organization is steadfast in our goal to promote, develop and protect the well-being of the people around us.
- Vision Statement: Our future depends on the right of every child to attain education, protection, and development. Our priority is to make sure that happens.
Human Resource Structure: Due to the size of The Tapestry, only one dedicated HR professional is needed at this time. Administrative assistants/office workers can assist with basic HR functions, such as shared services and help implement other HR related responsibilities as needed. The Tapestry outsources recruiting and utilizes HR software to assist with payroll and time tracking functions. During the growth stage, HR’s main goal is to hire more experienced social workers. HR will continue to work on their objectives from the startup phase, with the expectation of providing the best services possible to employees and creating a safe working environment.
– assignmentcollections.com