Entries by admin

internet of things part 2

Article 1: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/healthcare-internet-things-patric-mutabazi/ Write a 2–3 page paper addressing the points below: How does this article relate to what you know at work, or have studied in this class or in other healthcare related/nursing courses? Provide details: Of the technologies discussed in the article, which ones do you personally use and how do you use […]

giants of the arts

PURPOSE: What is the name of the artwork you are analyzing and who is the creator? Where and when did you view this artwork? By completing this analysis, what do you wish to accomplish? QUESTION AT ISSUE: Why did ________ create __________? What did she/he wish to accomplish? ASSUMPTIONS: Artists create art with purpose. What […]

write full one page about quot business strategy decisions and marketing recommendations quot

Please read the attached case carefully, Then, answer the below question by writing one page full. Question What operations policy and business strategy decisions and marketing recommendations would you make to the CEO of Sea Pines? To John Baker? (Consider future demand growth, pricing, profitability and marketing tactics.) HINT:Consider the monthly variation in demand vs. […]

chronic disease 35 65 yo

Chronic Disease Health Promotion and Maintenance/for adults age 35–65 Chronic Disease Pick One chronic disease from the list below. Write a 2–3-page paper discussing the concepts of health promotion, health maintenance, health restoration and health teaching to an adult patient with this chronic disease. Be sure to integrate Evidence Based Practice into your discussion. Chronic […]

nacd guidelines

Has to be around 150 words The National Association for Corporate Directors (NACD) established guidelines which encouraged companies to align shareholders’ and directors’ interest in the compensation program for directors. This commission also developed some Best Practices of director compensation plans. Talk about three of the five Best Practices in your initial posting, sharing how […]

discussion question 733

1. Identify five general ledger accounts that are likely to be affected by the payroll and personnel cycle in most audits. 2. Explain the relationship between the acquisition and payment cycle and the inventory and warehousing cycle in the audit of a manufacturing company. List several audit procedures in the acquisition and payment cycle that […]

use-the-Six-Step-Process-from-Chapter-9-in-Ethical-Dimensions-of-the-Health-Professions – Nursingresearchtutors | Assignment Collections | assignmentcollections.com

[ad_1] Instructions For your final paper, use the Six Step Process from Chapter 9 in Ethical Dimensions of the Health Professions to build a recommendation in response to a hospital’s ethical dilemma. You will navigate through scenes and choices in a virtual hospital, gathering information for a recommendation to your health care facility, and basing that recommendation […]

Personal-selling-marketing-homework-help – Nursingresearchtutors | Assignment Collections | assignmentcollections.com

[ad_1] Please help me finish the homework. I need the PowerPoint (two -three slides )about main points in two steps(step 7 and step 8) and a paper about 300 words to explain it.    Do you need a similar assignment done for you from scratch? We have qualified writers to help you. We assure you an […]

13-Strategic-Staffing-Decisions-discussions-help – Nursingresearchtutors | Assignment Collections | assignmentcollections.com

[ad_1] Put yourself in the position of HR manager of your current or previous employer.  Using the 13 Strategic Staffing Decisions listed in Fig. 1.7, in Chapter 1, Describe two (2) of the 13 staffing strategies in Fig. 1-7, which you believe your organization should consider that would be both applicable to the employment market as well as help […]