1 Overview Political parties are the principle institutions for the popular control of government 2 The – Get help from top-rated tutors 2024

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1. Overview: Political parties are the principle institutions for the popular control of government.

2. The two major characteristics of American political parties: (1) Dispersed power/decentralization – multiple power centers in our political party system. Reasons: federalism, separation of powers, the nomination process, campaign finance, the spirit of localism, significance of outsiders in our political process.  (2) The strengthening of the political party organization: the state and local party is stronger and more effective today than a few decades ago. Yet ironically, the state and local party organization has less impact on public policy than they once did. Discussion of reasons why.

3. Party Competition: (1) Overview – effective competition between political parties is not always the norm. In some states and localities and at various times it is strongly competitive and in other areas and at other times it is dominated by one party. (2) Competitiveness in Congressional elections. (3) Competition on the state level.  (4) Party competition and issue positions. 

4. The role of the political party system in government: (1) Definition of “party in government”: Public officials who are either elected under the party label or are appointed by those who are elected constitute the party in government. (2) The greater the level of party cohesion in government the more able is party leadership to enact public policy and govern.   (3) Why do members of the same party in government (for example in the Legislature), as we have seen so clearly over the past few years, disagree on legislation so often? (4) How the design of the American political system works against a unified party in government. (5) How, over the past several years, the major political parties have been acting more like responsible and cohesive parties in government.

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Basic Format 1 7 pages 3 pages of summary 3 pages of critical analysis and 1 2 – Get help from top-rated tutors 2024

7 – 8 page paper

Basic Format 

1. 7 pages – 3 pages of summary, 3 pages of critical analysis, and 1/2 page conclusion.

2. 12 font 

3.Times New Roman 12 point font 

4. use subheadings to denote the sections of the paper. – subheadings: introduction, summary, critical analysis, and conclusion. 

5. Use paragraphs that are divided by concept or idea. Each page should have a minimum of two paragraphs. 


1. identify the authors purpose (why they wrote the book), method  ( how they collected and analyzed data) and thesis ( the authors central argument). 

2. introduce the actual name of the book and the author within the introduction. 

3. also publisher and the year it was published. For example 

(Cambridge University Press, 2004)

Summary (3 pages) 

1. Break down parts of the books based on the author’s organization.

2. Summarize the parts of the book giving the author’s argument, data, and conclusions.

3. Use concise paragraphs.

4. Cite in text using page numbers after the period. For example (23) 

5. The summary should contain the authors research question, the evidence she or he presents, and their findings. 

Critical analysis

1. Look at your summary and see the data and conclusions that your author has asserted.

2. Challenge the author’s assertion based on data that you have learned. Ask yourself the following questions before writing:

a. is what the author is saying true? why or why not?

b. is there alternative data that challenges the authors assertions? If so, what data?

3. Use information that you have lea

4. avoid i believe or i feel 

5. stick to facts

6. critical analysis should refer back to book point by point. 

conclusion (1/2 page)

1. give a brief and overarching view of the book’s summary and your own findings.

2. state whether the book was consistent with outside evidence. 

Book for book report : 

Side note: this is an african politics class. The paper should be on things from the perspective of the African economy along with politics impact. 

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Answer the questions below 1 2 pages Pick either the Syrian Civil war or the Rise – Get help from top-rated tutors 2024

Origins of the Conflict in Syria and Origins of ISIS(Global Politics)

 Answer the questions below. (1-2)pages

  1. Pick either the Syrian Civil war or the Rise of ISIS and using the levels of analysis, discuss what factors you think led to the start of each.
  2. Think about the current complexity of the conflict (actors/interests/power capability) and what the options may be for resolving the conflict.
  3. What is the Responsibility to Protect and why do you think it hasn’t been used in Syria?  


If you prefer reading, there is the BBC description.


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In each case answer the questions at the end of the case and give researched references to support your – Get help from top-rated tutors 2024

Health Care Ethics Paper

In each case, answer the questions at the end of the case and give researched references to support your assertions; also, explain what would be the ethical course of action and the legal requirements for action in the case.

Case One

Mary Stokes is in need of a kidney transplant, and her parents and siblings have been tested for compatibility. Her father is afraid of operations and knows that kidney trouble runs in the family. Before the test, Mary’s father tells the doctor that he does not want anyone, especially his wife, to know that he is compatible. He explains that if the family knows they will pressure him into being a donor. The father turns out to be the only one who is compatible. Mary asks the doctor, “Are you sure no one in my family is compatible?”

Is the father a patient and protected by confidentiality? Even if he is not a patient, is his explicit request, which was not refused, a protection of his confidentiality? If the matter is confidential, what can the physician say or do to protect the secret?

Case Two

Dr. Curious has a habit of wandering around the hospital and looking at the records of friends who are in the hospital. The nurses have tried to stop him, but he has retaliated by making their lives miserable and belittling them in public at every opportunity. The nursing administration has been notified but has done nothing, as it wants to avoid rocking the boat.

What are the nurses’ ethical obligations after they have done everything mentioned in the text? See Chapter 2 (Garrett). Is “not wanting to rock the boat” a sufficient excuse for the administration to do nothing further?


Paper should be in 3-4 pages 

APA references should be included.

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Go to http www unoosa org Links to an external site and read the 1972 Convention on International Liability for Damage Caused – Get help from top-rated tutors 2024


  • Go to http://www.unoosa.org (Links to an external site.) and read the 1972 Convention on International Liability for Damage Caused by Space Objects
  • View the Dr. Gerardine Goh Escolar video “State Responsibility and Liability in International Space Law.”
  • Using materials from links on the UN Office for Outer Space Affairs website,
  • the Journal of Space Law, (e.g.)
    • Andrew Brearly, “Reflections upon the Notion of Liability: Kosmos 954 and Space Debris.” v.34/#2 (Winter 2008)
    • Paul Dembling, “Catastrophic Accidents; Indemnification of Contractors Against Third Party Liability.” v.10/#1&2 (1982)
    • Paul Dembling, “The 1986 Challenger Disaster: Legal Implications.” v.19/#1 (1991)
  • The Space Review, (e.g.)
    • Scott Kerr, “Liability for space debris collisions and the Kessler Syndrome.” parts 1&2 (1/2/2018)
  • and other resources (Googling is encouraged), write a 4-7 page, double-spaced essay (footnoted with bibliography) on the following:
    • Summarize the Articles of the Liability Convention (definitions, grounds for liability, exceptions to liability, compensation and exceptions, and mechanics of processing claims)
    • Who is bound by the Convention?
    • What if a state/entity has insufficient funds to settle a claim?
    • Is there a statute of limitations for settling claims?  What if damages do not become apparent for decades?
    • Can a state claim sovereign immunity from paying claims?
    • How to determine what type of “claims commission” to agree to?  Is there a role for the International Court of Justice?  Should a special court be created like is the case with the Maritime Tribunal established for the Deep Seabed Authority in the 1982 Law of the Sea Treaty?  Utilize the Permanent Court of Arbitration (see their “PSA Optional Rules for Arbitration of Disputes Relating to Outer Space Activities” https://pca-cpa.org/en/search/?q=outer+space+rules (Links to an external site.))
    • How do states govern the liability for private entities and their activities?

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Due Thursday of Week 11 8 PM Pacific Time This research paper can be – Get help from top-rated tutors 2024

Final paper

Due Thursday of Week 11, 8 PM Pacific Time

This research paper can be based on the preceding research presentation. Unlike the response paper, your focus has to be on analysis rather than on opinion. You are supposed to develop a thesis in the beginning, and then develop arguments in support of the thesis, but also hint at possible counterarguments. You need to use at least 2 of the texts discussed throughout the seminar, and to find at least 3 additional scholarly research articles or books. Standard citation methods apply. The paper should be a minimum of 5 pages of text, no more than 6 (12 point Times, 1.5-spaced, 1 in. margins) plus bibliography in addition to the allotted pages.

Grading: 15 points total

  • 5 points for complexity of the argument
  • 2 points for correct bibliography and correct citation (choose either MLA or APA, see Appendices II and III, page 26, and stick to one method throughout your paper).
  • 1 point for spelling and language
  • 1 point for structure
  • 1 point for fulfilling formal criteria (formatting, length, etc.)
  • 1 point per cited article or book that was assigned for class (up to 2 points)
  • 1 point per cited article or book that you individually researched (up to 3 points)
  • Penalties for turning it in later: Same day but late: -½ a point; then -1 point per day

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This is for International Relations Theories This assignment is a take home essay assignment of 1 question 3 – Get help from top-rated tutors 2024

Midterm Paper for International Relations


This is for International Relations Theories…..

This assignment is a take-home essay assignment of 1 question, 3 full pages, to test knowledge and assimilation of the course objectives. Use required readings and outside scholarly sources as needed. This means that you must use materials from the course lessons on this assignment, focusing on integrating as many readings as possible from lessons 1-3 in addition to reliable outside sources. This is a formal assessment; you must demonstrate that you can synthesize and analyze the material. This means quotations can only be used sparingly, if at all.  

How can theory help us to study, understand, and explain the twenty-first-century world?

Please submit your assignment as a Word doc, using Times New Roman 12-point font, standard one-inch margins, and double spacing.

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As explained in the presentation unitary systems of government are the most common worldwide – Get help from top-rated tutors 2024

discussion question

As explained in the presentation, unitary systems of government are the most common worldwide.  Could a unitary system work in the United States, or is would this create more political conflict?

For your post, I would like you to identify and explain one example of a political issue or public service that might be more effectively dealt with if the United States operated under a unitary system. 

Similarly, I want you to identify and explain one example of a political issue or public service that might be less effectively dealt with if the United States operated under a unitary system.

One paragraph and a half

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Assignment Rubric First Essay Length 1250 1700 words Format Double spaced using APA MLA or Chicago styling Due date Midnight on Friday 7 February – Get help from top-rated tutors 2024

Latino Politics Essay

Assignment Rubric: First Essay Length: 1250 – 1700 words Format: Double-spaced, using APA, MLA, or Chicago styling Due date: Midnight on Friday, 7 February 2020 Submission type: DOC or PDF file on Canvas Instructions: For this essay, you (1) must address discrimination against Hispanics in the US (does it happen, in what forms, is it improving?), and (2) assess whether Hispanics are successfully assimilating to American society. Feel free to cite outside sources, or material from the lectures or course readings to support your arguments. All facts and figures require appropriate citations. Devote 1 or 2 pages of your paper to (3) reflect on your personal experiences with discrimination and assimilation. (4) Do your personal experiences or the experiences of people you know fit into the assimilation model? In brainstorming, consider concepts discussed in class, like the glass ceiling, and the geographic distribution of Hispanic immigrants across the US, etc. Are places like Miami, New York, or Los Angeles unique in their treatment of Hispanic ethnic identity from the rest of the US? In other words, do all Hispanics across the US have the same experiences with discrimination and assimilation? 

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1 Due 7 29 18 at 8pm pacific standard time 1 page Work on refining your research – Get help from top-rated tutors 2024

Political Science 7-10 page prospectus for an original research project.


1. Due 7/29/18 at 8pm pacific standard time (1 page)

Work on refining your research question(s), the variables suggested by your question, and how you will measure (operationalize) the variables.  I have posted a sample based on the example I gave in last week’s assignment.  By the end of this week you should have your question(s) finalized as well as a statement of the variables and their operationalization. You may need to submit the assignment more than once to get everything just right.

Example of assignment for Sunday 7/29/18 at 8pm

“Operationalizing my variables

In last week’s assignment I offered the following as my first attempt at a research question: Have the residents of Riverside County, California changed their water usage habits over the past year, or have they chosen not to change their usage over that same period of time and what reasons do they give for their decision?

This week I want to tweak my question and determine how I might measure or operationalize my variables: 

Drought: I will use the definition of drought given by the National Weather Service.

Change in water usage: This is a quantifiable variable and data could be gathered that is interval/ratio data; however, I don’t believe most people are aware of exactly how much water they are using even though it is listed on their monthly bill. I will use ordinal level data to determine if people believe they are using less water, more water, or no change in water habits.

Reasons for changing or not changing water usage: If people have changed or not changed their habits, I will ask them why. This is qualitative data and cannot be quantified, but it will give important information on people’s perceptions of the drought and its impact on the area. I can code reasons as philosophical, economic, cultural, or other depending on the answers.”

My Topic Question: How has social media impacted the voting behavior of Riverside, CA?” 

                     ****you can elaborate on this****

2. Research Paper/Prospectus: August 4th at 8pm pacific standard time

Each student will prepare a 7-10 page prospectus for an original research project. 

· How has social media impacted the voting behavior of Riverside, CA?” 

****you can elaborate on this****

The prospectus will include three chapters 

1. Introduction and Design

2. Literature Review

3. Methodology- that follow APA guidelines.

Must include:

· Research question- It must follow the root question, ”How has social media impacted the voting behavior of Riverside, CA?” 

-This may be elaborated.

· 15 Source Annotated Bibliography

– In lieu of a comprehensive literature review, each student will prepare an annotated bibliography consisting of a minimum 15 items. These items must address the topic/theory of the research proposal. 

· Must include surveys or data sampling: survey questions and/or interviews.


Scholarly Sources that must be used:

Rand State Statistics 

The Statistical Abstract of the United States

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