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Write five to six 5 6 page paper in which you 1 Choose any policy issue of your choice The – Get help from top-rated tutors 2024

Assignment 3

Write five to six (5-6) page paper in which you:

1) Choose any policy issue of your choice.  (The Affordable Healthcare Act) Then construct constitutive and operational definitions for any three policy actions and outcome variables that would be associated with your policy and policy actions.

2) Determine an appropriate indicator or index that would help determine whether your identified problem is being solved through government action. Justify for position.

3) Construct valid rebuttals using at least four (4) threats to validity: Example: The greater the cost of an alternative, the less likely it is that the alternative will be pursued.

4) Appropriately incorporate at least four (4) quality sources. Note: Wikipedia, SparkNotes, and similar websites do not qualify as academic resources.

5) Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:  Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.  Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

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Servant leadership is explored within different cultural contexts in Chapter 10 of your textbook Identify at least – Get help from top-rated tutors 2024

PSC-410; 3 DQ 2

 Servant leadership is explored within different cultural contexts in Chapter 10 of your textbook. Identify at least two culturally specific variables that impede the adoption of servant leadership within one specific cultural perspective. If you were transferred to that country to work, armed with this knowledge, what would you do differently to bring about a change in perception of servant leadership? 

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Fascism can be described as a political movement that was created by – Get help from top-rated tutors 2024

306 WK2 DB2 RES2 (75 WORDS)

Fascism can be described as a political movement that was created by Benito Mussolini, the eventual dictator of Italy. Shubert & Goldstein (2012) write that his “ideology was a rather vague blend of anticommunism, Italian nationalism, promises of social reform, and appeals to the revival of Italy’s past role from the Roman Empire as the dominant power in the Mediterranean Sea.” The reason that many people were drawn to fascism is because they felt the need to follow someone they thought of as a hero that saved their nation from protests and riots. His use of the squads militarily was efficient in controlling the chaos at that time. Those who agreed with his movement thought he brought peace to Italy. In reality, his dictatorship became a reign of terror. An interesting article that I have come across is written by Assoudeh (2015) where he associates fascism with religion. He uses a comparative study between three religious movements during the Interwar period. The Protestants of Germany, the Catholics supported by the Pope, and the French who opposed the Pope were the three religious movements. The reason and results of the study were “to demonstrate that fascist movements, which utilized the religious sentiments of the nations and entrusted religious entities with some socio-political roles, fulfilled their political ends more successfully” (p. 26). He gives us an example. Spain was a country full of Catholics, and Francisco Franco used religion to persuade people to get behind him in his political agenda as a Fascist dictator. This is similar to Nazism of Germany and Fascism of Italy. Assoudeh concludes his research with the idea that religion does not necessarily mean someone became a Fascist but that religious movements can certainly play a role in the impulses leading to Fascism. The characteristics that separated Fascism and mere authoritative regimes were patriotism and nationalism. The Fascist dictator used his methods to make people believe that everything he did, he did for the nation state’s benefit only. Authoritative regimes do not usually care about those notions, only their gain.  


Assoudeh, E. (2015). Between Political Religion and Politicized Religion: Interwar Fascism and Religion Revisited. Religion Compass, 9(1), 13–33. https://doi-org.proxy-library.ashford.edu/10.1111/rec3.12141

Shubert, A. & Goldstein, R.J. (2012). Twentieth-century Europe [Electronic version]. Retrieved from https://content.ashford.edu/

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Please see instructions below Needs to have cited sources APA format Discussion Diffusion Theoretical Models – Get help from top-rated tutors 2024

Discussion W6 – 7035

  Please see instructions below. Needs to have cited sources. APA format.

Discussion: Diffusion Theoretical Models

Use the Advocacy Coalition Framework Theory and apply it to a situation that could occur in your own organization. I am in a social work firm in Indianapolis that works with family and child welfare. 

Additionally, provide elaboration and analysis on the Diffusion Theoretical Models as used in public policy theorizing.

Your initial post should be at least 250 words. Support your ideas with relevant examples and evidence that is dated within the past five years. Include at least one academic resource in addition to materials assigned in this course to support your reasoning. All references must be cited using current APA style and format.

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1 Using proper MLA bibliographic formatting cite the film text in the box to the right – Get help from top-rated tutors 2024

Pol SC

1.Using proper MLA bibliographic formatting, cite the film text in the box to the right:


2.Develop a thesis statement pertaining to the assigned film text and whether or not it, the film, in your view has the power to transform one’s political sensibilities. Your argument should express your point of view regarding the politics of difference, political sensibilities, and political transformation(s) as related to the film. Remember, you’re writing (developing) an analytical essay. Submit your thesis statement in the box located to the right. Be sure to proofread your work.

3. Develop three (3) topic sentences that articulate the major ideas that will comprise the body of your essay. Remember that your topic sentences should clearly state the argument or point to be made in the respective paragraphs and must map back to your thesis statement. Submit your topic sentences in the box located to the right. Be sure to proofread your work.

4.Identify three (3) scenes from the film that support your thesis statement. Briefly explain your choices of scenes and how the scenes specifically support your thesis statement. Also, provide the exact time the scenes begin and end within the film text. Submit your reply in the box located to the right. Be sure to proofread your work.

5.Lastly, fully develop your introductory paragraph. Remember that the best possible thesis will answer some specific question about the text. In this case a question related to the film’s power to transform political sensibilities regarding difference. Your thesis statement should appear parenthetically within the paragraph you present. Submit your answer in the box located to the right. Be sure to proofread your work.

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Week 3 Sustainability Project Part 1 Objective Understand the importance and the method of writing feasibility and business plans Prompt – Get help from top-rated tutors 2024

Political Science


Week 3: Sustainability Project Part 1

Understand the importance and the method of writing feasibility and business plans.

The theme for the next two weeks (3 & 4) focuses on developing a Small Business Sustainability, Survivability, and ongoing Maintenance Plan for the local business you have been interviewing.  The plan you will develop and submit by Sunday of Week 4 must address how you and the Entrepreneur/mentor agree that he or she can insure that his or her business can survive for the next few years?  After researching the subject of small business survivaility, you should have an extensive list of factors affecting the survivability of a small business, including: catastrophic business interruption incidents, major economic downturns, shifts in consumer demand, the loss of a key individual, a computer system crash, a loss of financing, significant legal issues.  There are more factors that affect the survivability of a small business that we will leave for you to discover in your reading assignments.  

Your assignment for weeks 3 is to complete the first part of a sustainability project:

  1. Read the materials in the Lessons section (Reading & Resources)
  2. Do some additional research on survivability and ongoing business continuity factors
  3. Develop a preliminary list to present to your Entrepreneur/Mentor
  4. Conduct an interview with your Entrepreneur/Mentor 
  5. Submit your notes from your interview for grading in Week 3.

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MIDTERM EXAM POLS 2212 INSTRUCTIONS This is a take home open book exam consisting of essay questions – Get help from top-rated tutors 2024




This is a take-home, open-book exam consisting of essay questions. Please note the following instructions:

  •   You are only required to answer five of the essay questions listed below
  •   Each essay should be roughly 2 to 3 paragraphs in length. This however, is only a guideline, as I grade on content,
    rather than length
  •   Essays should be double spaced with appropriate sized fonts
  •   All sources must be cited and formatted based on your choice of MLA, APA, or Chicago formats
  •   All essays must be saved in a single file and uploaded to the appropriate midterm dropbox
  •   All submissions will be processed through D2L’s plagiarism detection software
    These essays will be graded in a similar manner as the written assignments. An excellent essay will demonstrate the following characteristics:
  •   The essay thoroughly addresses all components of the question
  •   The essay is focused on the topic of the question and contains few to no tangential discussions
  •   The essay contains a smooth and logical progression of explanations and arguments
  •   The overall readability of the essay is not diminished by mistakes of spelling or grammar
  1. Identify and explain the different characteristics of ‘springboard’, ‘career’, and ‘dead-end’ legislatures.
  2. Explain the difference between state-centered and nation-centered views of federalism.
  3. Explain how Gibbons v. Ogden (1824) and the 16th Amendment served to increase the power and scope of the federal government.
  4. Explain the differences between dual and cooperative conceptions of federalism. Which of these conceptions appears to be more advantageous for states, and why?
  5. Under Article I of the Constitution, state governments have the power to set voter qualifications and regulate the time, place, and manner of elections. Identify and explain at least two examples of federal intervention to prevent such state powers being used to disenfranchise voters.
  6. Governors have little to no formal involvement in the legislative process. What kinds of techniques, strategies, and/or informal powers can governors use to influence the legislatures in their states?
  7. Explain the decentralized structure of the political party system in the United States. How does this decentralization affect the functioning and/or behavior of political parties?

Answer topics 2,6,5,4,3

no plagiarism!!!!!!!!

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Choose any federal statute that is currently in the news You will have to research that statute and at least – Get help from top-rated tutors 2024



Choose any federal statute that is currently in the news. You will have to research that statute and at least two court cases pertaining to the statute. Then, prepare a PowerPoint Presentation of 6 to 8 slides addressing the following:

  1. Provide a summary perspective of the statute.
  2. From the two cases relevant to the statute you researched, analyze and evaluate each case separately by providing the following (about two paragraphs per case):
  • Facts of the case
  • Issues
  • Rule
  1. Identify and discuss the legal ramifications and violations of any legal subjects and/or decisions related to any constitutional principles and/or administrative agency.
  2. Make an argument for or against the statute.  Discuss and persuade the audience of your position as a public administrator for or against it.

Your assignment must:

  • Include 6-8 PowerPoint slides, with two (2) devoted to each of the topics in items 2–4 above. Slides should abbreviate the information in no more than five or six (5 or 6) bullet points each.
  • In the Notes View of each PowerPoint slide, incorporate the notes you would use when presenting the slides to an audience.
  • Slide titles should be based on the criteria described above (e.g., “Four Major Changes,” “Major Court Cases,” etc.)
  • In addition to the 6-8 content slides required, a title slide and a reference slide are to be included. The title slide is to contain the title of the assignment, your name, the instructor’s name, the course title, and the date. The reference slide should list, in APA format, the sources you consulted in writing the paper.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

  • Interpret the language of the U.S. Constitution and the U.S. legal system in order to explain the principles and process of constitutional, regulatory, and administrative laws at the federal and state levels.
  • Use the “case” approach to the U.S. legal system for researching cases, laws, and other legal communications using technology and information resources.
  • Evaluate legal subjects relevant to public administration to include property, government contracts, employment, and torts.
  • Relate the administrative process, constitutional and statutory requirements, to the scope of judicial review of administrative agency decisions.
  • Assess legal decisions related to the administration of public goods.
  • Apply and rule on moral and ethical analysis to issues relevant to the public administration decision-making process.
  • Use technology and information resources to research issues in constitution and administrative law.
  • Write clearly and concisely about issues in constitution and administrative law using proper writing mechanics.

Grading for this assignment will be based on answer quality, logic/organization of the paper, and language and writing skills

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Write a minimum of 6 pages and use 5 cites from your book to support what – Get help from top-rated tutors 2024

6 Page Essay About The Effect Of The Maritime Industry To Houston, And To Texas

 Write a minimum of 6 pages and use 5 cites from your book to support what you write. your paper should be reflective in that you have explored the history/politics/impact of maritime on Houston and on Texas using 5 academic sources to support your paper. 

A useful place to explore is under: maritime tidings.  https://houstonmaritime.org/maritime-tidings/

Textbook is   https://player-ui.mheducation.com/#/epub/sn_3fdc5

DUE TODAY IN 13 HOURS 10/18/2020

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Paper due by tonight if you can help it would be greatly appreciated Instructions One role of government is – Get help from top-rated tutors 2024

Benefiting Thepublic Good

Paper due by tonight…if you can help it would be greatly appreciated.
Instructions: One role of government is to ensure that policies benefit the people within their jurisdiction. Use an ideology discussed in the textbook, construct an argument explaining how this ideology upholds the public good by examining power, order, and justice. 

Textbook: Understanding: Politics, Institutions, and Issues 12th edition, Thomas M. MagstadtReadings chapter 1 & 2

Writing requirements: (APA format)

  • Length: 1.5 – 2 pages (not including title page or references page)
  • 1-inch margins
  • Double spaced
  • 12-point Times New Roman font
  • Title page
  • References page (minimum of 1 scholarly source and textbook/lesson)

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