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Discussion 3 a Please answer the following questions 1 Who founded Political Science 2 How did Hobbes Locke Rousseau differ 3 – Get help from top-rated tutors 2024

week 3 Political Science

Discussion  3(a)

Please answer the following questions:

1. Who founded Political Science?

2. How did Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau differ?

3. What are the Classical Theories of Political Science?  Please give be specific!

Your initial post should be at least 150 words. Respond to at least one other student with 20+ words. 

Discussion  3(b)


Please answer the following questions:

1. Define Marxism and Capitalism

2. What are the similarities and differences between Marxism and Capitalism?   Be sure to explain Adam Smith and Karl Mark in their approaches to political theories.   Please be specific!

*Include any sources you use

Your initial post should be at least 150 words. Respond to at least one other student with 20+ words. 

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Paper requirements topics should not be general but should explore a specific research question or thesis that falls under – Get help from top-rated tutors 2024

African American politics

Paper requirements:

  1. topics should not be general but should explore a specific research question or thesis that falls under one of the general
  2. papers must incorporate original thought that builds on previous scholarly ideas.
  3. papers must consult only scholarly and elite media sources
  4. papers should be approximately eight pages, use a format consistently (APA, MLA, Chicago Style, APSA), 12 font Times New Roman
  5. papers should follow the corresponding rubrics posted on BlackBoard.

the topic is Steven Lawson, Running for Freedom: Civil Rights and Black Politics in America Since 1941, (New York: Wiley-Blackwell, 2008).

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Quiz 1 Select any issue from international affairs that involves a difference of opinion What – Get help from top-rated tutors 2024


Quiz #1

Select any issue from international 

affairs that involves a difference of 

opinion. What are

the different sides. 

Use levels-of-analysis to explain which 


should or, will,

prevail. Or use 

them to explain why an event happened 

the way that it did. Provide a theoretical 

ethos to support your view.

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Week 7 Final Paper For Week Seven you will be using the material covered in your reading – Get help from top-rated tutors 2024

political science


Week 7 Final Paper

For  Week Seven, you will be using the material covered in your reading list  and the APUS Library, to develop a paper which explores one of the  sensorimotor systems (e.g., vision, touch, taste, smell, or attention.  You will not be allowed to use hearing as a topic as it was examined in  the Week Two paper.) from a biopsychological perspective. Be sure to  address, the physiological (structure and function) as well as the  psychological (cognitive-perceptual) underpinnings of the system. Use each item as a required subheading in your paper. Students should preview the grading rubric before beginning the assignment.

The paper should include:

  • Be  a minimum of 4 and a maximum of 5 full pages, size 12 font Times New  Roman, double spaced with 1 inch margins, NOT including the Title and  References pages.
  • A title page
  • Include  the sub headings of: “Physiological Underpinnings”, “Structure”,  “Function” “Psychological Underpinnings”, “Cognitive-Perceptual”.
  • 100-120 word abstract
  • Introductory paragraph ending in a clear thesis statement
  • Several well-developed (5-7 sentences) body paragraphs that explore the topic in detail
  • A summary and conclusions paragraph
  • Four references, three of which cannot be from the class readings.

Be sure to submit your project in one Word document in APA 6th ed. format and attach it below.

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Both China and Russia have changed profoundly in recent decades although many – Get help from top-rated tutors 2024


Both China and Russia have changed profoundly in recent decades, although many have observed a high degree of continuity as well.  Pick one of the two countries and discuss how it has changed politically since the days either of Mao Zedong or of the Soviet Union.  To what extent has there been continuity in their political structures and practices?  To what extent do you believe these changes confirm the optimism of Francis Fukuyama and others that the world is gradually moving towards democracy, and to what extent do you feel that the experience of the country you chose contradicts this prediction? 


Be sure to write a coherent, well-structured essay of approximately five (5) double-space pages in length, giving citations for all sources you quote or use in a substantive way (including any online sources you may use), with a reference page at the end. These should include references from both of the assigned textbooks for the course, as well as any other sources you find relevant.  Also, try to organize your answer well, with both introductory and concluding paragraphs indicating the overall direction of the paper, and the general argument that you are making. 

Patrick H. O’Neil, Karl Fields, and Don Share. 2015. Cases in Comparative Politics. Fifth ed. New York: W.W. Norton & Co. 

 Patrick H. O’Neil. 2015. Essentials of Comparative Politics. Fifth ed. New York: W.W. Norton & Co. 



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Welcome to Week 5 everyone We are so close to the finish Overall it can be difficult to determine – Get help from top-rated tutors 2024

Response 2 DB5a (75 words)

Welcome to Week 5 everyone! We are so close to the finish. 

Overall, it can be difficult to determine the strongest and weakest explanation for the democratic peace but I believe that the realist perspective is the strongest because it argues that both democracies belong to the same union and have good international relations without the threat of war. This can be demonstrated by the Summit that happened today in Helsinki. President Trump met with Vladimir Putin this morning to discuss the state of affairs between the two countries. Both the United States and Russia are both strong, established countries and some may say they would be competitive, however, the open lines of communication may prevent a future war (Nau, 2017). 

A weaker argument for democratic peace may be the liberal perspective because it affirms that trade between two strong democracies is too important to wage war. An example of this would be the United States and China who are both strong countries but have important trades. Currently, China has a Trade War going on and President Trump imposed higher tariffs on Chinese imports to keep the American Economy running smoothly. Even though these countries have trades, there is still feud making this argument weaker than the realist perspective (Nau, 2017). 

I believe that democratic peace may be a long-lasting phenomenon but it depends on who the international leaders are. If a communist country like China became a democracy, that could skew the results of peace, for example. However, if our President wants to cut ties with EU and NATO, then there could be less peace as well. Overall, in my opinion, it depends on who is in charge. 

The United States could encourage democracy to international partners but I believe that may not be efficient. 16 Russian actors have been indicted with election meddling. I know they are innocent until proven guilty, however, if it is true that other countries have an influence on our elections, is the United States really a representative democracy? In turn, our elections are no longer free and fair, so how can be a democracy? This goes without saying if the United States does not have a democracy, how can we spread the United States foreign policy? My thought is that the United States should fix its own system before trying to be an example to others. 

What are your thoughts?

Nau, H. R. (2017). Perspectives on international relations: Power, institutions, and ideas (6th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: CQ Press.

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Dear everyone I need a help on my short assignment and I need – Get help from top-rated tutors 2024

Problems of Democracy assignment

Dear everyone

I need a help on my short assignment and I need two versions to be done in two hours it’s pretty short and wont take time few sentences each version. Instruction and example below:

In this optional first set of arguments, students can earn EC if they: 

  • Start an argument by formatting it (P1–premise1, P2, P3, etc., then C–conclusion).  You should provide at least two premises, one conclusion, and evidence (link or citation) for at least one of the premises. 
  • Enhance an argument by adding evidence (link or citation) to one of the premises or additional premises (with evidence). You can add a Comment to explain your changes if you wish.
  • Critique an argument by adding a comment that identifies the flaw (weak evidence, non-authoritative source, etc.). You can also add another counter argument (P1, P2, P3, C; with evidence) and add a comment to the original one.
  • Identify the type of argument (Inductive, Deductive, etc.) and explain your reasoning.


Sample argument: Putnam’s Decline Thesis

Decline Thesis: American Exceptionalism

P1: America’s political participation AND civic engagement have declined. [Evidence: Stolle/Hooghe]

P2: European political participation has declined, but not civic engagement. [Evidence: Stolle/Hooghe]

C1: America’s  decline is unique (‘exceptional’).

Decline Thesis: Europe’s Next

P1: America’s political participation AND civic engagement have declined. [Evidence: Stolle/Hooghe]

P2: European political participation has declined, but not civic engagement. [Evidence: Stolle/Hooghe]

C2: Europe may soon decline in civic engagement.

Decline Thesis: Civic <> Political 

P1: America’s political participation AND civic engagement have declined. [Evidence: Stolle/Hooghe]

P2: European political participation has declined, but not civic engagement. [Evidence: Stolle/Hooghe]

C3: Social capital and political participation are not related.

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INSTRUCTIONS You are to write a critical analysis of ONE of the two TWO assigned topics below Your – Get help from top-rated tutors 2024



 You are to write a critical analysis of ONE of the two TWO assigned topics below. Your analysis must NOT be more than three short paragraphs. The three paragraphs must NOT EXCEED 250 words with works Cited included. When completed, submit assignment.  SHOW WORD COUNT.

PLEASE NOTE  Since your name is already uploaded in the course, no need to include it on your submission nor do you need to include instructor’s name as per the usual MLA style. Include ONLY the assigned topic at top of submission.

A critical analysis is NOT a description. Rather it is a well researched and carefully thought out set of arguments that are systematic, coherent, logical and precise, drawing heavily on evidence to support arguments. Examples of a critical, analytical paper have been provided to you in previous  discussions. 

NOTE:  Use of personal pronouns{ I, you, me, we, they, etc., } are not allowed and so are contractions: {It’s, isn’t, weren’t, aren’t, you’re, etc}. Use of encyclopedia  as a source is never allowed  nor can it be cited as such. Use of the MLA system to cite sources must be carefully followed both within text and in Works Cited.


1) Why were the Founding Fathers so careful in creating a bicameral legislature and assigned so much more powers to the Senate than to the House of Representatives? Do you think this split in powers reflect Dye & Zeigler’s argument about Elite Theory?

2) Currently, the United States House of Representatives is controlled by the Democrats, the Senate and Presidency by the Republicans. Is democracy in America  better served with one political party controlling both the Senate and the Presidency with political power to also control the Judiciary?


Information on Locke’s Treatise on Government (NOT the encyclopedia version) can be found online and so too the works of Baron de Montesquieu. Please research them along with library texts to fully and completely inform yourself on this topic. 

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DUE Sunday December 29 by 5PM Central Standard Time Policy Identification According – Get help from top-rated tutors 2024

Policy Identification

 DUE:   Sunday December 29 by 5PM Central Standard Time

Policy Identification

According to the Council on Social Work Education, Competency 5: Engage in Policy Practice:

Social workers understand that human rights and social justice, as well as social welfare and services, are mediated by policy and its implementation at the federal, state, and local levels. Social workers understand the history and current structures of social policies and services, the role of policy in service delivery, and the role of practice in policy development. Social workers understand their role in policy development and implementation within their practice settings at the micro, mezzo, and macro levels and they actively engage in policy practice to effect change within those settings. Social workers recognize and understand the historical, social, cultural, economic, organizational, environmental, and global influences that affect social policy. They are also knowledgeable about policy formulation, analysis, implementation, and evaluation.

Required Readings

Birkenmaier, J., & Berg-Weger, M. (2018). The practicum companion for social work: Integrating class and fieldwork (4th ed.). New York, NY: Pearson.

· Chapter 8, “Social Work Practice in the Field: Working with Organizations, Communities, and Policy” (pp. 186-206)


Website of Organization Chosen that works with Veterans with PTSD and any Trauma


To prepare: identify a social problem ( Social Problem Chosen are Veterans and Combat Veterans with PTSD) that is common among the organization  At Veterans Resilience Project  (or its clients) and research current policies at that state and federal levels In Minnesota that impact the Veterans with PTSD. Then, from a position of advocacy, identify methods to address the social problem (i.e., how you, as a social worker, and the agency advocate to change the problem). You are expected to specifically address how you and the agency can effectively engage policy makers to make them aware of the social problem and the impact that the policies have on the agency and clients.

The Assignment (2-3 pages):

· Identify the social problem in Minnesota

· Explain rational for selecting social problem

· Describe state and federal policies that impact the social problem

· Identify specific methods to address the social problems

· Explain how the agency and student can advocate to change the social problem

Use APA format and intext citation and references. Required Reading and Website of Organization, Also outside creditable sources and Plagiarism Checker. 

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The relationship between Russia and the United States hit a new low – Get help from top-rated tutors 2024

Final Paper

The relationship between Russia and the United States hit a new low level in the aftermath of the 2016 United States general elections. In addition, Russia’s postures in Ukraine, Syria, and Venezuela continue to pose considerable threats to the 4Ps of the United States Foreign policy. In a well-argued 1000-word essay, describe how any of the Russian actions in one of the aforementioned countries threaten any three of the following foreign policy principles:




Principle of Democracy

Also, you should recommend at least three ways the United States foreign policy officials should follow to counter the threats you described above. 

At least 5 sources 

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