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At a minimum each student will be expected to post an original and thoughtful response to the DB question – Get help from top-rated tutors 2024

Cultural studies unit 1 DB


At a minimum, each student will be expected to post an original and thoughtful response to the DB question and contribute to the weekly dialogue by responding to at least two other posts from students. The first contribution must be posted before midnight (Central Time) on Friday of each week. Two additional responses are required after Friday of each week. Students are highly encouraged to engage on the Discussion Board early and often, as that is the primary way the university tracks class attendance and participation.

The purpose of the Discussion Board is to allow students to learn through sharing ideas and experiences as they relate to course content and the DB question. Because it is not possible to engage in two-way dialogue after a conversation has ended, no posts to the DB will be accepted after the end of each unit.

Discussion Specifics:

  • Of the various subjects  of the humanities—history, music, religion, literature, art, architecture, and so on—with which subject do you associate the most?
  • What characteristics do you think helps define you as a person and places you within a culture? (Please refer to the definition of Culture in your text to help you understand the definition of culture.)
  • What does it mean to you to be part of a culture?
  • Review the definition of the humanities as fashioned in the U.S. legislation forming the National Endowment for the Humanities. www.neh.gov
  • What subjects are not included in the definition of the humanities? Why?

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Required Resources Read review the following resources for this activity Textbook Chapter 11 Lesson Minimum of 1 scholarly source in – Get help from top-rated tutors 2024

Week 7 political science discussion

Required Resources
Read/review the following resources for this activity:

  • Textbook: Chapter 11
  • Lesson
  • Minimum of 1 scholarly source (in addition to the textbook)

Initial Post Instructions
Agenda setting can be a difficult task in government. Why? Who do you consider an important agenda setter in government? How does this participant help set the agenda? Give an example of an attempt at agenda setting in government. Was it successful? Why or why not? Consider how factors such as culture, political positions, etc. might impact your own, or the agenda setters’ priorities.

Use evidence (cite sources) to support your response from assigned readings or online lessons, and at least one outside scholarly source.

Follow-Up Post Instructions
Respond to at least two peers or one peer and the instructor. Further the dialogue by providing more information and clarification. Minimum of 1 scholarly source, which can include your textbook or assigned readings or may be from your additional scholarly research.

Writing Requirements

  • Minimum of 3 posts (1 initial & 2 follow-up)
  • Minimum of 2 sources cited (assigned readings/online lessons and an outside scholarly source)
  • APA format for in-text citations and list of references


Hello Professor and Class,

     Agenda setting is the most difficult because first and foremost the problem must make it to the agenda for those in power to review, (Whitman Cobb, 2019). One way to get an issue noticed is by using the media.  The media has enormous power to influence the public on topics of politics, economy, culture, etc. The public and media’s response to a situation may gain elite or government attention.  Interest groups also have an impact on agenda setting by influencing political process or by blocking the agenda, (Owens and Lamm, n.d.).

     The president is most powerful agenda setter. When a president focuses on a topic, this alerts congress to the significance of the issue. Presidents also use the State of the Union address to let the public know policies they feel are most important and want to focus on, (Whitman Cobb, 2019).

     The most current political agenda was the effort to impeachment former President Trump. Several impeachment attempts were made during his term, with the last one being after the Capital riot on January 6, 2021.  On January 7, 2021, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi called for Trumps removal under the 25th Amendment or prepare for impeachment, (Johnson, 2021). Trump was not removed from office, so the impeachment process began.  Agenda setters include the Senate, House of Representatives, and the media who played an instrumental part in this.

     New York Post reports former President Trump was acquitted, vote was 57 (guilty) to 43; 67 votes were needed for a conviction. U.S.A., (Moore, M, 2021).


Hi Everyone, 

Agenda setting is a difficult task in government since the amount of political attention given to different issues varies in that issues that get government attention are often political agendas and interest and non-governmental groups may have an influence on public issues. An important agenda setter is vital to the government as many issues can be changed with their influence. The government has the active participants who are greatly involved in the agenda setting. The decisions of these government officials is impacted by out side forces for example, the interest groups. The president is most powerful agenda setter. When a president focuses on a topic, this alerts congress to the significance of the issue. Presidents also use the State of the Union address to let the public know policies they feel are most important and want to focus on (Cobb, 2019). Some may argue that legislators are the most important agenda setters in government as they have the power to vote in favor or against a bill (Fouirnaies, 2018). 

An example of an attempt at agenda setting is the tobacco control in the Dutch government. There was a low urgency in tobacco control in Dutch due to its political orientation, this occurred due to the fact that they were preoccupied with an economic crises at the time (Willemsen, 2018). Interest groups, tobacco control organizations, and the tobacco industry were successful in not drawing attention to this issue through framing.

Donating firms achieve their political goals by influencing the legislative agenda rather than focusing on legislators’ votes. Leaders cannot promote an agenda unless it is aligned with the interest of median legislator, in addition, the majority party leaders use their privileges to advance the electoral fortune of the members of the majority party (Fouirnaies, 2018). Special interest groups are able to sway legislative agenda. Cultures and traditions of other states played a  role in attempting to influence viewers as well as establish a hierarchy of news prevalence. 


Public Administration

Woodrow Wilson is considered by many to be the father of public administration. As an academic, heavily influenced by the progressive movement, he focused on improving administration. Wilson’s dichotomy of politics and public administration postulates that elected officials are responsible to the citizens to make laws to solve problems while public administrators are accountable to the elected officials and have a duty to carry out the law (Wilson,1887). In reality, it is  impossible to separate public administration from politics. Politics and public administration are intertwined. Politicians pass legislation that decides who gets what, but public administrations carry out the policy based on their interpretation of the law. Elected officials will make changes in policy that change the work of public administrators. These public administrators have the institutional memory of the issue area and may not agree with the elected officials’ decisions. This conflict is part of politics. Wilson’s goal was to make public administration like a science, based on processes with structure, to keep it on the straight and narrow road. His vision was to make it more business-like and less susceptible to the spoils system. The spoils system refers to a system of patronage that the progressive era rebuked. In the spoils system, supporters of the winning party are often rewarded with favors such as political appointments. Wilson wanted public administration to be organized and responsive to the electorate’s needs,  not beholden to political favors.

In discussing public administration, we are considering the agencies and the agencies’ employees of the federal, state and local governments. The workers of these agencies, public administrators, are often called bureaucrats. These agencies carry out laws enacted by the legislatures. The executives in government are elected officials or political appointees. Public administrators or bureaucrats are deemed experts in their own policy areas so legislatures often leave complicated portions of legislation for these workers to sort out. Given that most legislators are generalists in the legal field, they leave the details to the experts in the agencies or the bureaucracy. For example, you would not want Congress setting the parameters for disease prevention and preparedness, would you? It is best to leave that job to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Most public administrators are career public servants that provide continuity and advice as political administrations change.

We expect government to solve the problems we identify. Remembering our definition of politics, public administrators help decide what to do about these problems and how to do it. It goes without saying that there will be conflicts as different values and expectations clash in society. Citizens want government that is effective. They also want government that is efficient and accountable.

Guy looking out window with binoculars. Woman at desk covered in files. Caption: ”Get ready! The next wave of legislation is rolling in.”

Accountability in Government

What is accountability in public administration? First, public administrators must themselves obey the law. The rule of law remains a founding principle of our government. It means that no one is above the law. This concept dates back to early England and the Magna Carta. Secondly, public administrators must adhere to the instructions given to them by their superiors who are often elected officials carrying out the will of the people. Third, public administrators are expected to behave ethically. Finally, public administrators are expected to be efficient and economical. As stewards of public trust, they must guard our tax dollars.

Government Expansion

Pony Express Envelope

The Founding Fathers said little about the administration of government because “the functions of government were simple, because life itself was simple” (Wilson, 1887). As the population grew, so did its problems and needs of its citizens – things were no longer so simple. During the first one hundred years, the government grew slowly and the bureaucracy consisted mostly of postal workers. The federal and state governments continued to operate in the separate spheres until the signing of the Morrill Act in 1862 by President Lincoln. The Morrill Act is considered the first federal grant-in-aid program in the United States. It provided for land grants to help fund public university education within the states. Grants by the federal government to the states increased over time.

The Great Depression brought with it a large expansion of government as Roosevelt’s New Deal was implemented to bring the country out of despair. Roosevelt’s first one hundred days alone in office saw the federal bureaucracy expand by fifteen agencies. Grant-in-aid was used as a major policy instrument.

A second expansion in bureaucracy took place in the 1960s with L.B. Johnson’s Great Society. The Great Society declared war on poverty and greatly expanded social programs. Programs such as Head Start, Medicaid, and Medicare were enacted. Johnson’s legislative agenda provided grant-in-aid to numerous programs. These programs were successful in driving down poverty, but raised government debt.

Roosevelt and Johnson sought to redistribute wealth through the use of government programs run by the bureaucracy. The increase in the number and size of programs, heavily contributed to the increase in size of the bureaucracy. Both of these presidential initiatives set an agenda for policy making, or the development of public policy.

Public Policy

Public policy is policy made by government. It can be a law enacted by the legislature, or it can be rules developed by agencies, or even decisions made by judges. The Affordable Care Act of 2009 (ACA) or Obamacare was enacted by Congress to strengthen our health care system. Your state department of motor vehicles might make rules concerning what documents are needed to register your car. The US Supreme Court ended legal segregation of schools with its ruling in Brown v. Board of Education (1952). All three of these cases are examples of the making of public policy.

Political scientist, Thomas Dye, tells us that public policy is what government chooses to do and what government chooses not to do (Dye, 1992). While his meaning is quite clear in saying public policy is what government chooses to do, what does the second piece of the statement mean? It is simple. If government chooses not to do something about an issue, it is still public policy. For example, if a pothole forms in the street on which you live, you expect government to do something about it if you bring this development to the attention of officials. However, if for some reason nothing is done about the pothole, whether it is due to budget cuts or other reasons, this inaction becomes policy. Inaction by government is policy. It is a choice made by government.

Paper that says Immigration Law with a gavel in front of paper

Who carries out public policy? Public policy is carried out by public administrators or bureaucrats. They follow legislation enacted by a legislative body or initiated by a court order to accomplish a goal. The task is meant to solve an issue or problem that society finds important. Before a problem can be solved, it must be defined. This task can be a bit harder than it seems. For example, let’s take the problem of illegal immigration. What is the underlying issue? Is it people breaking the law? Is it a broken legal immigration system? Does immigration put a strain on the American economy or does it help the American economy? We could probably come up with several more possible problem definitions. Which one is the right one? Until we can agree, we cannot formulate policy to solve the problem.

The Policy Process  

How public policy is enacted is known as the policy process. The policy process can essentially be broken down into five stages:

  • Agenda Setting
  • Policy formation
  • Adoption
  • Implementation
  • Evaluation

Each of these stages can take months, years, or even decades to evolve after you have a concrete problem definition in place.

Agenda setting: The agenda is a list of the problems that government is working on solving. In order for a problem or issue to be placed on the agenda is must be recognized. A problem is not a problem unless it is perceived as one. For example, cigarette smoking was seen as glamorous and even healthy for many years. It was not until smoking was recognized as a problem that caused cancer that it became an item for the agenda. Even then, it took decades and several iterations of policy making to make a dent in the problem, only for a new version of the problem to surface as vaping. Some problems need constant monitoring to keep up with innovation and technology.

Policy formation: The policy formation stage occurs as participants discuss and debate alternative policy choices. Analysis is performed by the bureaucracy; legislators and their staff; and, interest groups. Each of these participants will support their preferred policy choice, instrument, and/or position. Policy instruments can include regulation, government management, taxing/spending, market mechanisms, and education/information.

Launch External ToolAdoption: Decision-makers choose the appropriate policy to solve the problem addressed. Laws are passed by legislative bodies. Resources are allocated to support the policy and execute it. This stage can be difficult if all the participants are not in agreement. It is also important to get the public on board. Favorable reporting by the media will assist in getting public approval. Policies that do not have public backing are not likely to be implemented. For example, President Clinton’s health reform initiative did not get favorable media coverage and was not adopted.

Implementation: Policy is put into action! Funds are dispersed to support the policy. Refining regulations may need to be put into place by the bureaucracy. It is important that legislators or other adopting bodies convey their intentions to the bureaucracy. Instructions that are too vague or ambiguous may not be successful. Clear goals must be established in order for implementation to be successful. Additionally, the proper resources must be allocated for a policy to be successfully implemented. Much of the problems with President G.W. Bush’s No Child Left Behind program have been attributed to resources being diverted to the 9/11 crisis. Without proper funding, the program which had been the cornerstone of the Bush Administration, was not the success envisioned.

Evaluation: Evaluation is an important stage of the process that is often overlooked. This stage provides feedback and allows for adjustments to policy. Methods for evaluating programs or policy should be established as the policy is developed to ensure that goals are measured correctly and in a timely fashion. Has the policy accomplished what it is was supposed to? Were the goals achieved? What was the impact? Were there any unforeseen circumstances in the implementation?

Let’s review. Drag the text to its appropriate stage.

Launch External Tool


Public administration is a mechanism that helps implement public policy. The size and scope of this part of government expanded greatly in the US in the last century due to an increase in public policy attributed to population growth and the need for government problem solving. Public policy helps solve the problems and issues that concern citizens. Law makers pass legislation which is carried out by public administration or the bureaucracy. The legislation often needs refinement which is accomplished by bureaucrats who are experts in their fields.  Public policy does not occur in a vacuum


Brown v. Board of Education, 347 U.S. 483 (1954).

Dye, T. R., & Dye, T. R. (1992). Understanding public policy. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.

Wilson, W. (1887). The study of administration. Political science quarterly2(2), 197-222.

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The objective of this assignment is to take what we have learned throughout the semester – Get help from top-rated tutors 2024

What Is An American

 The objective of this assignment is to take what we have learned throughout the semester and try to understand the role that ethnic politics has played in defining what it is to be “American”. The readings and assignments leading up to this assignment should be excellent preparation for you to write a thoughtful essay for this assignment. Answer the question in the context of concepts such as identity politics, immigrant status, etc. as well as historical examples. A minimum of 8 sources should be used, at least 4 of which should be scholarly articles. I want this paper to tell me as a reader why ethnicity and race matter. What do they mean for U.S. politics? What are the real implications of the effect of race/ethnicity on the governance of a people and the design of their institutions on how they live their lives and who they define themselves to be? 

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MIDTERM DRAFT ESSAY TOPIC INSTRUCTIONS IMPORTANT You need to read this whole document carefully It contains all – Get help from top-rated tutors 2024

need done by oct 21, sunday 5pm

MIDTERM DRAFT ESSAY TOPIC & INSTRUCTIONS IMPORTANT: You need to read this whole document carefully. It contains all the important information and guidance you need for BOTH your midterm draft and final version of your essay. Print this file to ensure you are not missing important details, and keep it with you to help guide your work. Highlight the areas in the instructions that may not be clear and feel free to stop by my office (Schmitt Hall 241G) to seek help or ask for clarifications. As stated at the beginning of the semester, we must write an essay for this class. All students must do the essay. However, the way we are going to do this goes like this: 1) At the midterm point, we must produce the first draft (outline) of the essay, which will be due on October 22, 11:30 AM. Whatever grade you will get on the Midterm Draft will be a placeholder grade that will be waiting for the final essay version’s grade to be changed. While this midterm grade will reflect the strict quality of your Midterm Draft, it is expected that you will use my feedback to improve your work and produce a final version of your essay that will allow you to get the best final essay grade you can get. 2) And, so, based on the feedback you will receive on the Midterm Draft, you will produce the final version of your paper, which will be due on Final Exam day on December 19. The Final Essay Grade you will get here will count not only towards your final essay grade, BUT ALSO towards your Midterm Draft grade. For example, let’s assume you got 65% (D) on your Midterm Draft, but 92% (A) on your Final Essay version; well, in this case, this 92% will count not only towards its natural spot in your Final Essay grade, but also replace the 65% you got on your midterm draft, so that you will end up with 92% on the Midterm Draft grade and 92% on your Final Essay grade. 3) Since you will have the next three weeks to do this Midterm Draft, amidst other regular weekly assignments, I would recommend working on a section of your draft each week, so that you can be ready by the deadline. Note that you will still continue to have our regular weekly 200-word assignments as per the usual, so your time management skills are going to be essential. 4) The topic for the Midterm Draft will be the same topic for the final version of your essay. So, be sure to begin to look at this carefully. TOPIC (For BOTH the Midterm Draft and the Final versions of your essay) Let’s assume that by virtue of your taking this class, you have become an expert on Africa. Based on what you have learned, and using both the films and books used in this class to support your arguments, what would you respond to someone who would make the following three statements in a U.S. Department meeting where people who have never studied Africa are present? 1. “Africans have dictatorships today because they traditionally only had dictatorial and despotic forms of governments prior to the arrival of the Arabs and the Europeans.” 2. “Africans have ethnic wars today because their ethnic groups always hated each other prior to the Arab invasions and European colonization, and their ethnic wars of today are a direct consequence of these pre-colonial and pre-Islamic hatreds.” 3. “Contrary to Basil Davidson’s assertion, the model of the “nation-state” that Europeans used to create the countries that make up Africa today was never a curse and, with their territories now independent, Africans can no longer blame colonialism and/or use the white man’s colonial abuses during colonial times as an excuse to explain their political and economic problems of today.” As you can see from the way the essay topic is organized, this is multifaceted essay topic that actually contains three questions. All three questions must be addressed as part of the same essay topic. The topic already organizes your essay into THREE sections and, therefore, THREE lines of argument that are guided by the three  2 questions. These sections should be the basis not only of your outline, but also for your general progression of ideas and arguments. • A good idea, when responding to a question is to always introduce your paper with an idea of exactly what you are going to try to show. Use formulas such as: “I will argue in this paper that such a depiction of Africa is the result of the types of colonial misperceptions and misconceptions that contributed to the “invention of Africa” by European colonial powers. Or, “In this paper/section, I will be showing that 1 + 2 + 3…. are equal to 6.” • Also: refrain from being emotional or personally and emotionally involved in your paper. Academic analysis is neutral and attempts to remain objective. So, instead of saying: “I am shocked to see how cruel Europeans were towards Africans”, a scholar would, rather, use phrasing that is similar to this: “The European’s treatment of Africans, on many grounds, appears to have involved a great deal of cruelty”. So try as much as you can to stay out of your own paper. An emotional argument takes away from the scholarly analysis expected from you and also may read as too “high-schoolish”… We want, rather, to write as scholars. A. MIDTERM DRAFT INSTRUCTIONS: • DUE DATE: October 22, at 11:30AM in class (Hand in your printed work on this day in class). • SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS: You work must be TYPED and your file attached on Canvas by 11:30AM on October 22. Must also be PRINTED and the printed copy must be turned in to me in class on October 22 at 11:30AM. No late drafts will be accepted. FORMAT FOR MIDTERM DRAFT: – Type your work in a MS Word file; – 3 FULL pages of text minimum; this means you can write more if you feel inspired. In other words, write as much as your inspiration allows, but the minimum for the draft version of your paper must be 3 pages built around your drafty outline as describe below; – Paper must be double-spaced throughout; – Use Times New Roman or Garamond font, size 12 – Margins should be 1 inch left, right, top, and bottom. – Paper must have a SEPARATE “Works Cited” page attached at the end. This page does not count towards the 3-page minimum mentioned above. This means you will have 3 pages of text and one additional page containing your bibliography/works cited. – Paper must use the Chicago Manual of Style, available both here on the Web (General info: https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/research_and_citation/chicago_manual_17th_edition/chicago_manual_of_styl e_17th_edition.html; Sample Paper: https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/research_and_citation/chicago_manual_17th_edition/documents/2018021612 42_717_10.pdf), or attached on the page where you got this file from. The preparation of the draft outline will have to follow the below guidelines: STEP 1: Produce an outline and include it on your essay COVER PAGE. The outline is basically a presentation of the main sections of your paper organized like the table of contents in a book. It gives a general  3 Overall Topic of Your Paper Your name Class info Outline Introduction ……. p. 1 1. Title/Subheading of First Section ……. p. 1 2. Title/Subheading of Second Section ….. ……. p. 2 3. Title/Subheading of Third Section ……. p. 2 Conclusion……. p. 3 STEP TWO: Organize and produce your essay sections. Here is where the details of your essay sections are laid out, section by section. For this essay, we shall be using the Chicago Manual of Style. You can see a sample Chicago Manual of Style essay presentation on this link: https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/research_and_citation/chicago_manual_17th_edition/documents/201802161242_717 _10.pdf . While that sample does not use headings and sub-headings, do follow that Chicago Style presentation for the main body of your essay, except that, while doing so, you must include the section headings that you produced in your outline above. Thus, your essay will generally be presented as below: 1. INTRODUCTION: In your introduction, you must clearly articulate what you are going to show, argue and/or demonstrate in your paper; for this to work well, people generally begin the introduction with general ideas about Africa, then, in a second move, they generally announce the THESIS STATEMENT, that is, the main ideas they are going to work on and how they are going to prove or support them; these ideas are generally presented as the things you plan to demonstrate, show or prove; they also are generally presented in a way that reflects what the main sections of your essay are going to be, based on the outline you produced. For the Midterm Draft, your introduction must be full and complete. In other words, write it fully as if this was the final version of your essay. 2. THE BODY OF YOUR ESSAY DRAFT, in which you provide: a. SUB-HEADINGS: Each of your essay sections must be introduced by a short sub-heading. These would be the same as the headings used in your outline page; b. SUMMARIES: For the Midterm Draft, we may produce summaries as opposed to full-fledged developments. Because this is still a draft of your essay, instead of actually beginning to do a fullfledged writing of your sections, what I expect is a summary of about 100-200 words that includes: o What you will be showing, demonstrating and/or arguing in each section; do not hesitate to be literal by saying “In this section, I am going to argue that….” o The book Excerpt(s) that you will be using to support your point in each section. Do not hesitate to be literal by saying: “This is the excerpt I am going to use for this section because I believe that it will help me argue that…” This means that, to support your arguments, you will need to use at least one appropriate and well-chosen book excerpt per section from each of the four main books used in this class (Ethnic Politics; The Black Man’s Burden; Why Nations Fail; Black African Cinema). In other words, each section of your essay will have to contain at least ONE excerpt from any of the four books. NOTE: It’s only once you have satisfied this minimum requirement that, if you so choose, you may use additional excerpts from the additional readings provided, if any (that is, excerpts from Daniel Mengara’s Images of Africa, William Cohen’s The French Encounter with Africans, or Mbiti’s African Traditional Religions, or even others). AGAIN, this does not mean that all four books must be quoted 4 in each section in a way that would cause you to have four excerpts per section; rather, it means that, based on your arguments, you will choose for each section only the excerpt from any book that best support what you are saying, using them only where appropriate. As such, a given book may not be mentioned at all in a given section if what you are saying in that section does not lend itself to the elements that this book provides. However, each section must have at least one excerpt quoted, no matter what book from our list it comes from. NOTE: The Book Excerpts MUST be FULLY typed into your draft; however, they do not count towards the 100-200 words that summarize your ideas. ALSO: A book or article can be used as source for your essay ONLY if it is part of our syllabus and /or I provided scanned PDFs or photocopies of it on Canvas or in class. You cannot use external sources not used in this class. § NOTE ON FILM SCENES: You must also, in addition to the book excerpts as indicated above, use AT LEAST ONE SCENE from the films used in this class to support your arguments. For the Midterm Draft, you can use scenes only from the TWO films used SO FAR in this class (Lumumba and Sankara’s Ghost). In other words, you are free to mention scenes from these films briefly in the sections where you think they will help your argument the most; AGAIN, this does not mean that the two films must be used; rather, it means that, based on your arguments, you will choose for a given section only the scene or the scenes that best support what you are saying, using them only where appropriate. As such, a given film may not be mentioned at all in a given section if what you are saying in that section does not lend itself to the scenes that movie provides. However, at least one scene from any of the films must be mentioned/cited somewhere in your essay. So, you summaries will look like this: 1. Title/Subheading of First Section In this section, I will be showing that Africa was blah blah blah and I will be using this excerpt: TYPE the exact excerpt here I will support my argument with this excerpt because I think that blah blah blah Note: Your own text must be about 100-200 words. The excerpt is not included in these 100-200 words. Note: If using a film scene, you would do the same, except that you must describe the scene and if possible quote the exact words that may have been used if referring to a specific dialogue. 3. A CONCLUSION SECTION where you can write a few concluding lines to “wrap up” your essay. A conclusion generally attempts to summarize the things you were able to show or prove, and may open the topic to new general ideas or new questions. For the Midterm Draft, you may limit yourself to stating what you think your outline as presented should allow you to show or prove. 4. A WORKS CITED SECTION, where you will list: o The four books used for this essay draft. Of course, if you used more sources, that is, more excerpts from the additional readings provided in this class (that is, excerpts from Images of Africa, The French Encounter with Africans, and others), you must list their full bibliographical information in this “Works Cited” section. o The films cited in your essay. This means you will be listing in your “Works Cited” section ONLY the bibliographical information of the film or films that you cited (that is, for the Midterm Draft, Lumumba and/or Sankara’s Ghots). 5 NOTE: Of course, these are minimalistic requirements. If you prefer to actually begin to do the real writing, feel free to do so, but at a minimum, your work should reflect what is required for the midterm draft; you will expand on your content later after we have seen additional films. You can see a sample “Works Cited” section on the Chicago Manual of Style sample essay presented on this link: https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/research_and_citation/chicago_manual_17th_edition/documents/2018 02161242_717_10.pdf. IMPORTANT: Be sure to read the other instructions provided on your instructions page for this essay on Canvas if any. Also be sure to read any other document provided on that page. ADDITIONAL GENERAL NOTES ON ESSAY WRITING. An essay is nothing more than a way for us to present and argue ideas, and then support them with sources such as films and books. The essay will thus, alongside our own ideas, include ideas from both PRIMARY sources as well as SECONDARY sources, that are meant to provide support to what we are saying. For our essay, the books are our PRIMARY sources since we are working directly with them, and the films are our SECONDARY sources since they are used as additional support for our arguments. The bibliographical information of each of these sources will need to be included in your bibliography/works cited page, as shown in this sample paper: https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/research_and_citation/chicago_manual_17th_edition/documents/201802161242_717 _10.pdf. 1. USING SOURCES: You will need to draw specific quotes from the various books or describe specific scenes from the films that you will be citing in order to make your points. Doing so will prevent your work from being too generic, too vague and not specific enough. A generic work is one that privileges general statements, but does not provide enough in terms of concrete textual quotes from the books or concrete examples of scenes from the films to support the various arguments being made. Think of your essay in this class as you would a literary essay in which you have to analyze novels. When working with novels, you normally have to quote specific passages to help guide your thinking and arguments. Thus, if using a film, the idea is to describe scenes that help you support your lines of argument. You do not need to use all the films in each of the sections of your essay. Instead, use the films only where needed in your analysis. If a given film, say, does not have scenes that can be used in section 2 of your essay for example, then skip that film for that section and use it in a section where its scenes are more pertinent. What matters is that one scene AT LEAST from any of the films used in this class must be mentioned in your overall paper where needed the most (see each specific section for the draft or final essay above for specific instructions). If using books, you will need to quote specific passages from the readings assigned in this class to support your arguments as instructed above (I provided scanned PDFs for any additional readings on Canvas). It is expected that you will have read most the PDFs or passages assigned for reading in this class. You are not allowed to quote anything from the Web or from sources not assigned in this class. Only the readings assigned on the syllabus and/or provided in class can be used as sources to support your arguments. 2. USING CHICAGO STYLE FORMAT TO QUOTE/CITE SOURCES: We will be using the Chicago Manual of Style for our essay. This means that every paper will follow the Chicago Style format and instructions for quoting and referencing sources inside the text, as well as listing the sources used (films and books) in the Work Cited page of your paper. Again, this list will contain only those sources (films and books/articles) that you actually quoted/cited in some form or another in your paper.  6 To know how to quote and use bibliographical references based on the Chicago Manual of Style manual, visit the following links: • Citing, referencing and quoting sources within your text: https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/research_and_citation/chicago_manual_17th_edition/general_format.html, • including books https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/research_and_citation/chicago_manual_17th_edition/books.html • and articles: https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/research_and_citation/chicago_manual_17th_edition/periodicals.html • and films (https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/research_and_citation/chicago_manual_17th_edition/audiovisual_recordings _and_other_multimedia.html) • and using the corresponding entries in your list of works cited as shown in this sample paper: https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/research_and_citation/chicago_manual_17th_edition/documents/2018021612 42_717_10.pdf. NOTE: A document summarizing how to present your bibliographical information based on the Chicago Manual of Style is also available on your instructions page for this essay on Canvas STATEMENT ON PLAGIARISM: Montclair plagiarism statement goes like so: It is Montclair State University’s policy not to tolerate plagiarism of any kind. Plagiarism is defined as the verbatim use of four or more words from an unreferenced source. This includes copying from someone else’s homework, from a book or article, the Internet, etc. without attributing the words in question (giving the author, the title, the pages, and so on). Plagiarism is severely sanctioned by the University and it may result not only in a grade of “F,” but in suspension or even expulsion from MSU. Take this statement into account. Any paper containing plagiarized statements or passages will simply be given an “F”. A paper is personal; that means the thinking and wording must be original and creative. It is therefore important for students to learn to “digest” what they have read and learned so as to be able to convey the same ideas in an original fashion using their own words and formulas. When you do quote or refer to someone’s thinking, mention the source properly with specific references to the author, pages, and other information that would allow the reader of your essay (me!) to track the source and verify the accuracy of your quotation. Remember, I do not expect perfection in these papers. I value originality more than perfection. So, purchasing a paper or having someone else do it for you so it can appear perfect will not help you at all and I will easily detect a paper that is not done by yourself (I will be asking you to provide files of your papers to me so I can submit them to the databases that check for plagiarized or purchased essays). My interest is to see you progress in your ability to handle an intellectual reflection on the issues raised in this class, and to come out of it with a sense of achievement and broadened state of mind. Ways of avoiding plagiarism: • Never copy ideas directly from a book, unless you are quoting. Rather, try to paraphrase ideas intelligently using your own words. And do not paraphrase a passage with the source book open under your eyes. Doing so will cause you to be influenced by what you are reading, ending up in plagiarism. Rather, close the book and try to remember the main gist or idea conveyed in the passage or idea you are trying to paraphrase. • Give credit to the source’s author even as you paraphrase someone else’s ideas. Cite the source and reference the page in your text! • Make sure any quotation used flows naturally with the rest of your text and, at the same time, aligns with your demonstration and argument (makes sense and supports your thinking well). • Do not mention names of authors in your essay that you did not actually read. If you use as source the author of an article in a collective book edited by a given person (such as Images of Africa), reference the  7 actual author of the article quoted or referenced (See the sample Chicago Manual of Style links provided above) • Every author quoted or referenced in text must be listed in your bibliography or Works Cited section. • Never use a paper that you wrote for one class in another class, and never use another student’s paper and present it as your own. • Never copy a paper from online sites and never buy papers from online “shops”; I am able to track the stylistic differences between your usual work and work written by someone else and there are databases available to professors for checking plagiarized work;

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There are many people who think that members of Congress should be term limited just – Get help from top-rated tutors 2024

Short Essay 6 Ag

There are many people who think that members of Congress should be term-limited just like their counterparts in state legislatures across the country. Supporters of term limits claim that would draw people to run for office who wanted to ‘get things done’ instead of worrying about getting reelected. Opponents of term limits say that experience is a critical part of the job and that legislators do a better job for their constituents and the nation as time goes on. Which point do you agree with and why? Be sure to use examples to support your key points.

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For the initial post respond to one of the following options and label the beginning of – Get help from top-rated tutors 2024

Government regulations and social insurance programs

For the initial post, respond to one of the following options, and label the beginning of your post indicating either Option 1 or Option 2:

  • Option 1: The main social insurance programs like Social Security, Medicare, and unemployment compensation are funded by a payroll tax on the earnings of individuals who may receive benefits. Do you think the social insurance programs are effective? How are social insurance programs affected by the socioeconomic and political forces? Explain your answers.
  • Option 2: Research government regulations on a particular area of your choice, such as food, drugs, product safety, fracking, environment, etc. Do you think the government regulations go too far? Do you think the government needs to add more regulations? How are lobbyists involved concerning regulations on food and drug safety, and our environment concerning fracking? Explain your answers.

Be sure to make connections between your ideas and conclusions and the research, concepts, terms, and theory we are discussing this week.

Writing Requirements

  • Cite your sources when applicable (assigned readings/online lessons and an outside scholarly source)
  • APA format for in-text citations and list of references

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World War I devastated the great powers of Europe and brought sweeping consequences – Get help from top-rated tutors 2024

306 DB2 REP2 (75 WORDS)

“World War I devastated the great powers of Europe and brought sweeping consequences for the entire world, including the deaths of millions, the reshaping of empires and colonial territories, deadly innovations in warfare, and an unstable peace that eventually ushered in the even more destructive World War II” (Gorman, 2013, para. 1).

The first World War took place between 1914 and 1918; many people called this the Great War because of the fact that is was such a terrible and unimaginable war. It also was the first war to stretch out as far geographically speaking. The main reason WWI ever started was because of an assassinated government official. “Austin Emperor Franz Joseph felt that his empire was under threat from specialist elements and blamed the Serbian government for the assassination of his heir, Franz Ferdinand” (Shubert, Goldstein Sect. 1.1).  In other words he was scared Serbians and other minorities would overthrow the government. The Austrian government gave Serbia an ultimatum to answer to whether or not they had assassinated their heir. Serbia answered the ultimatum, but the Australian ambassador was told to not accept any response from Serbia so therefore they decided to go to war. The reason this war got so out of hand is because of alliances. Germany, Italy, and Austria had a military alliance and so did Russia and France, but France had an Alliance with Britain as well. However, Italy would eventually join the side with Britain, France, and Russia. The actual war started when Austria invaded the Serbian capital on July 29th.  When it came to empires each was trying to outdo the other. Their goal was to become as wealthy and powerful as possible by taking over smaller communities, cities, and countries that didn’t have the means to fight back. This gave them resourceful territories which gave them access to much needed supplies to become wealthy and powerful. This did nothing but cause the war to get even more intense due to powerful countries overthrowing smaller less powerful countries for their resources and location.

War trenches were a big thing in WWI and this is how many people portray how the war went visionally. Most of these trenches consisted of at least 3 parallel trenches with interconnecting passages which usually faced enemy trenches anywhere from 200-1,000 yards away. Many trenches were dug deep into the ground and were protected by sandbags and barbwire, guns, and artillery. In many cases trenches were never attacked due to the man power behind them. In most cases the soldiers had to completely live in trenches meaning they had to sleep, eat, and do other daily tasks inside the trench. These trenches were dirty disgusting, rat and lice infested, had random body parts from deceased laying around, and when it rained, they were usually flooded. In most cases trench life was the same for both sides. In most cases trench life wasn’t different at all. Mainly because of the simple fact that usually only 1,000 yards would separate each trench. In many cases however, trench life was worse for German soldiers due to the fact of their leaders which expected them to fight at all times.  Trench life was a terrible life to live and for many it was the last life they remember.

By the middle of the war many soldiers were not sure why they were even fighting anymore. On a Christmas truce soldiers from each side decided to shake hands and they ended up playing soccer and singing Christmas carols in no man’s land. Many began to dessert their posts and eventually it came to individuals being arrested and court martialed. This happened on all sides and fronts as many countries had issues getting their soldiers to stay in the field. This helped lead to some countries withdrawing from the war. In many cases they didn’t continue to fight a lot of soldiers did dessert their posts. If they stayed it was to merely defend their lost soldiers and their country.

In many cases woman begin to fill the spots of the missing men. This includes in the industrial area because there were not enough men to work in these positions. This was a big deal for woman because this was the first time they were allowed participate in a once barred workforce. This also helped with woman fighting to be in the workforce and propaganda.

Germany was the first to leave the war due to having issues at home. This mainly includes workers striking which forced them to pull out of the war because they were no longer able to supply their soldiers and their home front like they needed too. The war ended because all of these countries were beginning to have these home front problems so therefore all countries decided to sign treaties.

Gorman, R. F. (2013). World War I. Salem Press Encyclopedia. Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com.proxy-library.ashford.edu/login.aspx?direct=true&db=ers&AN=89316811&site=eds-live&scope=site

Shubert, A. & Goldstein, R.J. (2012). Twentieth-century Europe[Electronic version]. Retrieved from https://content.ashford.edu/ (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. (Links to an external site.)

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As you also may know Tuesday 3 3 2020 is Super Tuesday where a bunch of – Get help from top-rated tutors 2024

Super Tuesday (3/3/2020) Assignment

As you also may know, Tuesday (3/3/2020) is “Super Tuesday” where a bunch of states have their primary elections. In this cycle, only Democrats are at it picking a General Election nominee because there is a Republican incumbent seeking re-election.

Please reflect on and answer the following questions. Please bring this typed to share with your classmates.

  • Who seemed to be the biggest winner of Super Tuesday? Why? You can think of how to answer this question in terms of overall share of the vote in each state or in terms of the number of delegates allocated.
  • Choose two states that had different outcomes (ie: X candidate wins in one state but the same candidate does not win in another). Why do you think those different states came to different conclusions as to who the majority chose to be their nominee in the 2020 General Election.

This is informal and can be in bullets if you prefer

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For the initial post respond to one of the following options and label the beginning of your post – Get help from top-rated tutors 2024

discussion post poli sci 8


For the initial post, respond to one of the following options, and label the beginning of your post indicating either Option 1 or Option 2:

  • Option 1: The main social insurance programs like Social Security, Medicare, and unemployment compensation are funded by a payroll tax on the earnings of individuals who may receive benefits. Do you think the social insurance programs are effective? How are social insurance programs affected by the socio-economic and political forces? Explain your answers.
  • Option 2: Research government regulations on a particular area of your choice, such as food, drugs, product safety, fracking, environment, etc. Do you think the government regulations go too far? Do you think the government needs to add more regulations? How are lobbyists involved concerning regulations on food and drug safety, and our environment concerning fracking? Explain your answers.

Be sure to make connections between your ideas and conclusions and the research, concepts, terms, and theory we are discussing this week.

Follow-Up Post Instructions

Respond to at least one peer. Further the dialogue by providing more information and clarification. Minimum of 1 scholarly source which can include your textbook or assigned readings or may be from your additional scholarly research.

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Instructions Aristotle defined tyranny as an illegitimate form of government by one individual that tightly – Get help from top-rated tutors 2024

Ideal citizen in a totalitarian government


Aristotle defined tyranny as an illegitimate form of government by one individual that tightly controlled every part of life and government. Adolf Hitler is the most notorious tyrant. Using a totalitarian society from the past or present, discuss how the state and its leader attempt to impede citizens from exercising their rights. In your discussion, explain some components of an “ideal citizen,” consequences of voter apathy, and ways the state controls the citizen.

Writing Requirements (APA format)

    Length: 1.5-2 pages (not including title page or references page)

    1-inch margins

    Double spaced

    12-point Times New Roman font

    Title page

    References page (minimum of 2 scholarly sources)

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