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The ten excluding works cited page paper double spacing will offer a comparison between Florida s legislative – Get help from top-rated tutors 2024

State And Local Government Essay

The ten (excluding works cited) page paper (double spacing) will offer a comparison between Florida’s legislative framework and another state of choosing.  

Possible sections might include, but are not limited to: elections, lawmaker responsibilities, committee structure, lawmaker composition, ethics, fundraising, scandals, partisanship in the process, impact on term limits or lack thereof, successes, failures, budgeting, history,  and future changes.

 Remember the works cited page does not count towards your total page count.

The grading of this assignment will be comprised of quality work (25%), length (25%), MLA format (25%), and evidence of research (25%).

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Policy Memo Assignment One Directions Select ONE of the following scenarios for your – Get help from top-rated tutors 2024

Policy Memo


Policy Memo Assignment One

Directions: Select ONE of the following scenarios for your memo.

Write a One-Page Memo answering the all of the questions in one of those choices. Be concise.

Format: 12 pt font Single Spaced. Memo must have works cited. Citation page will not count against the one-page memo requirement.

Submit this assignment via Canvas on Monday February 4, 2019, by 11:59 PM. Contact the instructor if there are conflicts meeting this requirement (e.g. excused absence).

Before writing, watch the posted Mini Seminar on Writing for Decision Makers, via Canvas.

I set expectations for written assignments in this recorded lecture.

Scenario One: What is Homeland Security Anyway?

Assignment: Your boss, the newly elected Representative from the 9th District of Indiana, has been assigned to the US House of Representatives Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee (HSGAC). He does not have a background in public safety, and ran primarily on a government reform program.

He turned to you, his new legislative aide, for a briefing. He asks “So, what is this homeland security thing, anyway?” 


Answer the Representatives’ question. Provide a one-page memo on what homeland security is (i.e. define Homeland Security), with your recommendations on where she should focus as a Member of Congress new to this policy area. Use your readings from Week Two, reviewing Bellavita, the readings authors (Bullock, Oliver, et. al) and current policy doctrine by DHS (their mission, the various policy strategies and doctrine).

Remember to defend your choice for what homeland security is, and defend your reasoning and recommendation.

Scenario Two: Redefining Terrorism

You are a legislative director for Senator Ortolan Finisterre (D-VT). Finisterre serves on the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee. The USA PATRIOT Act of 2001 (the PATRIOT Act) required a periodic reauthorization of its provisions. Senator Finisterre has always believed that domestic terrorism was poorly defined under the PATRIOT Act, its successor, the USA FREEDOM Act and in the US Code. The senator has asked you to review the literature and provide tworecommendations to amend the act

The current definition under the former USA PATRIOT Act states that domestic terrorism:

“(A) involve acts dangerous to human life that are a violation of the criminal laws of the United States or of any State; (B) appear to be intended— (i) to intimidate or coerce a civilian population; (ii) to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or (iii) to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping; and (C) occur primarily within the territorial jurisdiction of the United States.”

Prepare a one-page memo for the Senator, providing two recommendations to amend the definition of domestic terrorism under the PATRIOT Act, based on your review of literature presented in class, assigned readings or external sources.

Your recommendations may also include deleting portions of the definition, so long as you provide rationale. Make sure to provide rationale and data for your recommendations.

Scenario Three: The Terrorist Next Door

This case study is based on a series of real events. Zach Chesser is a white, middle-class American who was raised in the northern Virginia suburbs outside of Washington, DC. Over the course of 2 years, from the time he graduated high school until his eventual arrest and conviction, Chesser moved through a radicalization and mobilization process.

ACTION: Your audience is your professor. Evaluate the timeline provided below against your readings, and the lecture on radicalization.

This one-page assignment has three parts:

  • Identify Chesser’s radicalization, using the assigned readings (e.g. Moghaddam, NCTC, Alomari), lecture notes and the timeline.
  • Explain in the memo at what point a crime may have been committed, in your opinion. Use evidence/data from the readings.
  • Explain what obligations law enforcement had to protect his first amendment activities as well as what obligations law enforcement had a duty to act, or at least, monitor his behavior.

Zachary Adam Chesser: A Timeline

  • December 22, 1989: Zachary Adam Chesser is born in Charlottesville, Virginia.
  • Spring 2008: Chesser graduates from Oakton High School in Fairfax County, Virginia, where he participated in high school sports, joined a break-dancing team, and spent 4 years studying Japanese.
  • Summer 2008: Chesser converts to Islam while playing on a soccer team organized by a member of Hizb ut-Tahrir, an Islamist political organization that has radical, but not officially “terrorist” positions. Three months after converting to Islam, Chesser obtained a copy of several lectures by Al Qaeda operative, the American born Anwar al-Aulaqi. Chesser soon became a devoted adherent to the radical cleric, frequently visiting al-Aulaqi‟s web site for guidance. Al-Aulaqi was a U.S. citizen and U.S. Government designated terrorist who inspired dozens of homegrown terrorists to commit violent acts.
  • Fall 2008: Chesser begins his undergraduate studies at George Mason University in Virginia, where he studied for one semester before dropping out.
  • November 2008: Chesser‟s anti-American writings appear for the first time on Anwar al-Aulaqi‟s blog.
  • January 2009: Chesser corresponds with Proscovia Nzabanita, the daughter of a Muslim Ugandan diplomat, through al-Aulaqi‟s blog.
  • March 2009: Chesser marries Proscovia Nzabanita.
  • November 2009: Nzabanita gives birth to Chesser‟s son. Chesser unsuccessfully attempts to travel to Somalia with Nzabanita.
  • December 2009: Chesser creates his own radical web site, themujahidblog.com, which is intended to be “a web site dedicated to those who give their lives for this religion.” Chesser was a member of, and prolific contributor to, at least six terrorist online forums; the creator of three YouTube terrorist propaganda channels; the holder of at least two Twitter accounts; the manager of an active Facebook profile; and the creator and author of two stand-alone online blogs advocating violent Islamist extremism
  • April 2010: Chesser issues a violent threat through a video on YouTube to Matt Stone and Trey Parker, the creators of the television show “South Park,” following the release of a South Park episode in which the Muslim Prophet Muhammad is shown dressed in a bear costume.
  • July 10, 2010: Chesser is questioned at John F. Kennedy Airport in New York City by airport officials after being denied boarding on a flight to Uganda with his infant son.
  • July 14, 2010: Chesser is interviewed by the FBI after trying to travel to Somalia, and informs an agent that he had decided against joining al-Shabaab after the group took responsibility for bombings in Kampala, Uganda that killed 76 people on July 11, 2010.
  • July 21, 2010: Chesser is arrested by the FBI on charges of providing material support to al-Shabaab.
  • October 20, 2010: Chesser pleads guilty to three Federal felony charges: (1) communicating threats to Parker and Stone; (2) soliciting violent Islamist extremists to desensitize law enforcement by placing suspicious-looking but innocent packages in public places; and (3) attempting to provide material support to a designated foreign terrorist organization.
  • February 24, 2011: Chesser is sentenced to serve 25 years in Federal prison. His current date of release is in 2032.

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The critical analysis questions are designed to stimulate thought clarify concepts explore course – Get help from top-rated tutors 2024

Political Ideology Discussion

The critical analysis questions are designed to stimulate thought, clarify concepts, explore course materials in detail, and to examine the course concepts from a new or different perspective.

Responses should be 500-800 words in total. 


  1. What theoretical and analytical elements does Silvia Federici say are missing from the writings of Marx?
  2. In what ways does Federici say that women’s bodies were part of primitive accumulation in the transition from feudalism to capitalism, and how does this tie into what she refers to as a “sexual division of labor”? What is this sexual division of labor?
  3. What was the Combahee River Collective, and how did it challenge traditional (Marxist) class-based analyses of power?
  4. In what ways can the notion of “interlocking oppression” highlighted by the Combahee River Collective be used to complicate Federici’s discussion of women and the sexual division and feminization of labor?

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Is the US and even the whole West in a steady decline with serious political and economic issues – Get help from top-rated tutors 2024

Political Science

  Is the US, and even the whole West, in a steady decline with serious political and economic issues?

2 pages long, 2 Sources/References  from any legitimate mainstream book, journal article, periodical, or newspaper (in that order of importance).  

Cite sources using the APA Style for anything that is not common knowledge, let alone if you quote from it. Use standard formatting (double-spaced, 12-point Times or Times New Roman, normal margins, page numbering, etc.).

No dictionaries or encyclopedias, especially Wikipedia

 Do not do a Title Page or sub-headings.

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One of this week s topics is political socialization Socialization is how humans are taught or trained to behave or fit – Get help from top-rated tutors 2024

political socialization

  One of this week’s topics is political socialization.  Socialization is how humans are taught or “trained” to behave or fit into society.  Some of the ways we are socialized is by our parents, schools, or other organizations we belong to.  Political socialization is no different.  It is essentially how we acquire our political beliefs or “political leanings.” Most of us acquire this, initially, through our parents.

Would you agree that your parents have socialized you in terms of your political beliefs? And, if so, are you still influenced by your parents’ political socialization or has something else been more influential in politically socializing you?

Dr. Branch

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Put together an action plan that will help improve its corporate social responsibility efforts and pay more – Get help from top-rated tutors 2024

Read The Attached Articles About The Water Pollution Crisis In Flint, Michigan And Complete The Following In 500-700 Words:

•Put together an action plan that will help improve its corporate social responsibility efforts and pay more attention to environmental ethics.  

•In your action plan, do the following: ◦Identify all of the stakeholders in the water crisis, and list specific steps the city leadership can take to improve their image and restore public trust.    

•Apply corporate social responsibility and environmental ethics in your paper. 

  Your paper must be in APA format.http://resources.careered.com/LCMSFileSharePreview/Resources/AdobePDF/PHIL101_U4_IP_Article1.pdf

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Power and System Please respond to the following An accurate definition of the current IR system and how power is – Get help from top-rated tutors 2024

DQwk1 due jan 5


“Power and System”  Please respond to the following:

 An accurate definition of the current IR system and how power is  distributed is crucial in forming a sound foreign policy. Roskin and  Berry allude to the tendency toward idealism in international politics  before WWII ended in 1945, but the tendency toward realism after that  year.

  • Research two countries whose relationship has been in the news  recently. Visit a reputable Website, newspaper, or TV broadcast to catch  up on the latest events in their interactions. Next, discuss why is it  sometimes difficult to define the current IR system and if you had to  choose from one of the many suggested names, which one would you select?  Justify your response.
  • Compare and contrast at least three (3) key differences between the  world before 1945 and the world after that year with respect to  international relations. Next, explain the causes of the transition  (from idealism to realism). Provide support for your response.

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Discuss all of the following questions using several different examples from the text or video and original analysis – Get help from top-rated tutors 2024

306 WK4 DB1

Discuss all of the following questions using several different examples from the text, or video, and original analysis of your own.

  • What were the causes of the Cold War?
  • How did the outcome of the Second World War factor into the Cold War?
  • What role did communism play in the Cold War?
  • What role did nationalism play in the Cold War?
  • What was life like for people in Eastern Europe during the Cold War?
  • What was life like for people in Western Europe during the Cold War?
  • What was life like for women during the Cold War?
  • How did the Cold War affect European culture and society?

Your initial post should be at least 250 words in length. Support your claims with examples from required material(s) and/or other scholarly resources, and properly cite any references.

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POL 115 American National Government Wk 2 Congress the President Paper or Presentation due Mon Wk 2 – Get help from top-rated tutors 2024

pol/115 assignment

 POL/115: American National Government

Wk 2 – Congress & the President Paper or Presentation [due Mon]

Wk 2 – Congress & the President Paper or Presentation [due Mon]

Assignment Content

  1. This assignment is designed to help you think about how the Founding Fathers wrote the Constitution and examine how the presidency and Congress are functioning today.

    Consider the current Congress and Office of the President.

    Discuss how contemporary activities of these two branches of the U.S. government compare and contrast with the intentions of the founders. Use specific examples, and include support from at least 3 sources, 1 of which can be your textbook. Your examination of the topic should include information about the following:

    • Structure and makeup of Congress
    • Differences between the House of Representatives and the Senate
    • Powers granted to Congress and the president under the Constitution
    • Checks and balances of power, considering Congress, the president, and the judiciary
    • Roles and responsibilities of the president
    • Evolution of presidential power
    • How bills become laws
    • Format your assignment as one of the following:
    • 12- to 15-slide presentation with detailed speaker notes in a separate word document.
    • 875-word paper
    • Another format approved by your instructor
    • Cite 2 peer-reviewed, scholarly, or similar references to support your assignment. Do not use Wikipedia, Quora, Yahoo Questions or other crowdsourced websites as references.
    • Include a reference list in APA format.
    • Use in-text citations in APA format.

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The Liberal Media is a common phrase that you hear from pundits both – Get help from top-rated tutors 2024

Critical challenge

The Liberal Media” is a common phrase that you hear from pundits- both identified Democrats and Republicans- but, is it ‘liberal (i.e. aligned with the Democrats) as we would think it is?

I would like you to watch this report on polarized media and respond to it and the question, does the media have a liberal bias? Why?




Disclaimer: This is a more politically charged assignment so, I understand that some people’s politics will play a role in your answer- and that’s okay. I will be grading this on a 1-5 scale (represented in a grade percentage) in terms of the following:

– Competency; attention to detail/ absence of pre-established partisan talking points; demonstration of understanding the situation; and, nuance and thoroughness of the response.

– 5 grade is the equivalent of an A; 4 grade is equivalent to a B; 3 grade is equivalent to a C; 2 grade is equivalent to a D; 1-0 grade is equivalent to an F.

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