Review the following if needed:

Part 1

Identify four potential roles of human resources representatives within an organization.

Create a mind map or infographic that summarizes 7 to 10 characteristics or responsibilities of those individuals.

Part 2

Select one of the HR roles listed in your mind map, and research potential job requirements.

Write a 225- to 525-word job description for the HR role that you have selected.

Submit a brief overview of the presentations you plan to give. USING THIS Presentation Preview Form

Specify the context and the kind of presentation you plan on giving for each interactional goal. Each presentation should be one you are likely to give in a future professional context.

For example, if you work or plan to work for a public agency, your presentations might be:

  • An overview of what your agency does to a community organization, such as the Rotary Club (articulating a perspective).
  • Introducing yourself as the new manager to your employees (asserting individuality).
  • A discussion with your employees about how to solve a particular problem (discovering knowledge and belief).
  • A sales presentation to a potential customer (securing adherence).
  • Talking with the Board of Directors about how they can be of help to the agency (building community).

Or, if you plan to work as an advocate for environmental reform, your presentations might be:

  • Encouraging university students to join an environmental organization (securing adherence).
  • Pep talk to new employees during a training session (building community).
  • Testifying before Congress on an environmental issue (articulating a perspective or securing adherence).
  • Introducing yourself to staff members as the new director of an environmental organization (asserting individuality).
  • Working with a neighborhood group on ways to improve their relationship with area industries (discovering knowledge and belief).

there is already templet form or you can use word doc but I need the same steps as the temp

Initial Post:

discuss how the so-called “Princess Culture” has had an impact on young girls and their sense of identity. They differ, of course, on whether that impact has been positive or negative. We might also disagree on the short-term and long-term effects that popular culture has or can have on us.

  1. Consider how you have personally been affected by the movies and television shows with which you grew up. Can you think of an specific example that helped to shape or influence who you are today? How did it affect you, and was that impact positive or negative?
  2. You should also consider whether or not there is such a thing as “Prince Culture.” If there isn’t such a phenomenon, why isn’t there? If there is, has it had a similar impact on young boys (and/or girls)? What has been or what would the impact of “Prince Culture” be?

Your answers to both sets of questions should be 5-7 sentences long. You do need to address both sets of questions in your initial post: your personal connection to popular culture and your thoughts on the Disney princes

Class Name: Edu Governance, History & Phil:

Discussion 2b

  • Post your responses to the questions about IEPs on Slide 7. —–Willl Attached at the bottom.
  • How will you begin to approach working with students in an inclusive classroom?
  • Do you think RtI/MTSS is more effective than the Discrepancy Model of Identifying ESE students? Explain your answer.

Article Review 2b: Layout Attached at the bottom.

“ADHD: From Stereotypes to Science” by T. Brown

Educational Leadership, October 2015, Vol. 73, No. 2, pages 52-56

Site: LibGuide at

Class Name: ESOL Cross Cultural:

Create Your Digital Culture StoryDiscussion Topic

You are being asked to engage reflectively to show awareness and understanding of your own culture. Start with considerations of different factors of diversity, for example race/ethnicity, age, religion, socio-economic status, gender, language, etc. You can think of other factors that are not on this list as well. I have provided a list of deep and surface cultural traits below to help you get started. Select at least 5 or more factors that you feel best describe your cultural identity.

Deep Cultural Factors

Surface Cultural Factors





Gender Roles








Communication Styles and Rules




Decision Making

Literature / Famous People

You will create a digital story reflecting on you as a member of your culture. Feel free to add anything you might have experienced in your own culture, a time when you may have been excluded from your cultural identity group, or if you observed someone being excluded from your or another identity group. Develop your digital story using any of the following tools. These sites offer free trials so don’t worry if you have never used the websites, take a risk and try something new!





Discussion2b for ESOL class:

English Language Learners enter the classroom with diverse learning backgrounds and educational experiences. As an educator of ELLs, consider how you will address each of the following:

  • How does culture affect learning, second language acquisition, and achievement? How has culture affected your learning, personally?
  • Once a teacher recognizes the effect of culture on learning, discuss the importance of making accommodations for ELLs based on cultural differences. What types of accommodations would you expect to see in the classroom?
  • In order to implement culturally sensitive instructional practices, and guide curriculum discuss resources that are available for parents and teachers to help them learn about the experiences of their ELLs. Why did you chose the resources you did, and what did you learn?

Homework 1, and 2

Gonna attached them at the bottom, if you have to google that up.

Class Name: Reading Foundations Elem School:

Discussion 4:

Review Figure 4.12 Assessment of Phonological Awareness on p. 108 of the textbook. gonna attached that figure frim text.
What roles do assessments like this play in the classroom?

Next assignment for Reading foundation: I will get the book copied and sent and this done later.

Practice Administering Phonological Assessments

Students will first administer a range of early literacy assessments on phonemic awareness to a kindergarten or first grade student. Afterwards, students will write a 2-3 page reflection referencing the course textbook and analysis of their results demonstrating their ability to analyze assessment data to guide instructional decisions and differentiate instruction. Please see assignment description in course syllabus for specific details.

Class Name: Mathematics in Elem School:

Discussion 1:

What skills are needed for K-6 students to demonstrate proficiency in all four operations? (ELEM.MAT1.6) How would you assess proficiency?

Discussion 5:

Think about the article from module 4, 12 Math Rules that Expire in the Middle Grades.

Explain how estimation skills are appropriate for solving problems with whole number operations.

Another Assignment for the mathematics in Elem School class:

Diversity Project:

Students will create their own Pinterest Board as a means of collecting diversity in math lesson ideas demonstrating their ability to integrate current information and communication technologies. Students will select a country that has significantly contributed to the study of mathematics: Egypt, Greece, China, Japan, India, Arabia, European countries, Central and South America, etc. Students will create a Pinterest Board that specifies: an important people (male and female), theory, strategies in mathematics, and impact to current uses (technology, architecture, music, space exploration, etc.).

Most of you are probably already familiar with Pinterest, a social media website used to share ideas and resources, such as images, videos, and texts. To complete this assignment, students are to create a Board on Pinterest. The only people who should have access to the Board are you and the course instructor. To get started you will need to first set up your Pinterest account using your SLU email address (do not connect it to your Twitter or Facebook account). Provide your first and last name, which will become the title of your account.

Your Board should be organized into the following sections:


  • A minimum of 10 pins showing geographic location and country (maps, countryside, people, and vital statistics).
  • A minimum of 5 videos specific mathematic strategies and theories originating from the selected country. Your pins should display strategies and teaching ideas that focus on mastery of math content (clear connections to NGSSS) while also including formal and informal learning experiences to provide math curriculum that promotes students’ innate curiosity and active inquiry (e.g., hands-on experiences, active engagement, student interaction)
  • A minimum of 5 pins identifying influential people from the selected country who have contributed to mathematics.

Class Name: Seminar: Reflection:



Students will write an essay (minimum four pages, double-spaced) based on the Florida Department of Education Code of Ethics & Principles of Professional Conduct. Criteria for evaluation are the ability to analyze, reflect on, and apply personal experiences, use of specific examples, appropriate writing conventions, and demonstration of understanding of the Code of Ethics. APA style

I will attached them at the bottom.

If you can get this all done within 18 hrs, like before 10:00 A.m eastern tomorrow morning.The discussion posts if you can get at least 100-200 words with great detail

When the CNC machine broke down, it was a wake-up call for French. The production line was dependent on both CNC machines working full time—if they slowed down or needed repair, the business suffered. French believed the key to relieving this bottleneck would be increasing capacity. It not only would prevent downtime but also would allow the company to take on new business. If capacity increased, French estimated that sales revenues would rise by at least $50,000 per month due to unmet demand and increased efficiency. The company’s margins on the additional revenues were expected to be 35%. French saw two viable options to increase capacity: 1. Purchase an additional CNC machine for cash, or 2. Finance the purchase of an additional CNC machine 1 French considered the details of each option, keeping in mind that for long-term projects he would use a discount rate of 7%.

OPTION 1: PURCHASE A NEW CNC MACHINE WITH CASH Although it would be costly, the idea of adding a third CNC machine appealed to French. It would provide him peace of mind that if there were a breakdown, jobs would continue on schedule. French’s preliminary research revealed that the cost of the new equipment would be $142,000. He also estimated that there would be increased out-ofpocket operating costs of $10,000 per month if a new machine were brought online. After five years, the machine would have a salvage value of $40,000. Although Peregrine did not have the cash readily available to make the purchase, French believed that with a small amount of cash budgeting and planning, this option would be feasible.

OPTION 2: FINANCE THE PURCHASE OF A NEW CNC MACHINE The company selling the CNC machine also offered a leasing option. The terms of the lease included a down payment of $50,000 and monthly payments of $2,200 for five years. After five years, the equipment could be purchased for $1. The operating costs and salvage values would be the same as option 1, the purchasing option. The company had the necessary cash on hand to make the down payment for the lease. With both the leasing and purchasing options, the company had sufficient space to operate the new equipment, and French believed he had almost all of the right employees in place to execute this plan.

Please see below for instructions and please…NO PLAGERISIAM!

  • You will develop a Job Application Cover Letter (as though you were applying to that position) that highlights and emphasizes why you are the most suitable candidate for this position. For the purposes of this assignment, you can present yourself as a recent graduate if needed.Complete the cover letter on page 1 of the submission and then include a link to the job posting on page 2 (a copy and paste of the link is acceptable and the link must work). To compose the letter, use the general writing guidelines on pp. 266-267 in the text for structural and content guidance. Note: An example can be found on p. 263, Figure 13.8.The message should take the form of a business letter; however, you will submit your assignment to the online course shell.The job letter / application message must adhere to the following requirements:
    1. Content
      1. Highlight relevant background and job history information specific to the opening.
      2. Emphasize significant qualifications and exclude nonessential ideas.
    2. Format
      1. Follow proper letter formatting techniques per business letter format.
      2. Use an appropriate and professional greeting and closing.
    3. Style
      1. Use professional language.
      2. Paragraphs effectively developed and efficient. Note: Six (6) or seven (7) lines when possible.
    4. Mechanics
      1. Make sure there are no grammar or spelling errors.
      2. Eliminate wordiness and unclear sentence construction.

    This course requires use of Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). The format is different than other Strayer University courses. Please take a moment to review the SWS documentation for details. The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

Your company represents Sony. Sony is interested in acquiring a theme park chain in the United States so it can emulate the successes of The Walt Disney Company and Universal Pictures in owning theme parks where it can cross-promote films, artists, and related merchandise.

Your managing partner has asked you to research two possible options: Six Flags Entertainment Corporation, which trades as SIX on the New York Stock Exchange, and Sea World Parks and Entertainment, which trades as SEAS on the New York Stock Exchange. Perform research on each company.

Draft a memo to the managing partner in which you: (1) Make a recommendation as to which target, SIX or SEAS, would be the best target for Sony; (2) Discuss which option would be better for Sony to pursue – a merger or an acquisition – of the company you’ve chosen; and (3) outline the process that Sony would have to take to acquire a majority position in that company.

Check Attachment Please

Part 1: Career Research Work plan

Part 2: Career Research Report

The topic is privacy and the Internet. Discuss why privacy is important, and provide one situation where privacy may be expected, but where there is a legitimate reason for a lack of privacy. write 400 to 500 words.

Select a team you know very well. An organizational team typically operates with 4–6 members. Therefore, try to select a team that is not smaller or larger than this. The team can be a group with which you work or it can be a group with which you are involved outside of work such as a church group, sports team, etc. You do not have to be involved with the team at the current time; just be able to recall details of your experience for analysis in this assignment.

You must refer to relevant academic concepts from the assigned reading. Research can also be supplemented from (but not solely based on) other information from academically credible resources.

Address the following:

  1. Assess the team’s strengths and weaknesses based on assigned reading concepts/theory (including but not limited to how they make decisions, how they handle conflict, etc.).
  2. Analyze the team dynamics including stage(s) of team development based on assigned reading concepts/theory. Research can also be supplemented from (but not solely based on) other information from academically credible resources.
  3. Defend 2–3 recommendations for team performance improvement based on assigned reading concepts/theory. Research can also be supplemented from (but not solely based on) other information from academically credible resources.
  4. Assess the level of trust evident in team interactions, including recommendations for improvement based on assigned reading concepts/theory. Research can also be supplemented from (but not solely based on) other information from academically credible resources.
  5. Justify a leadership style which would be appropriate for this team based on assigned reading concepts/theory. Research can also be supplemented from (but not solely based on) other information from academically credible resources.
  6. Defend a plan to facilitate a higher motivation level of team members.


  • Present your report as a 4–5-page Microsoft Word document formatted in APA style.
  • Support your responses with examples and research. Cite any sources in APA format.