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2024 Economic Assignment Assignment Help

1 In comparing the economies of two nations economists frequently use per 2023

1. In comparing the economies of two nations, economists frequently use per capita GDP figures. (a) Why is per capita GDP rather than total GDP used? (b) What other indicators are important in comparing economies? 2. In the midst of a deep recession, the president of the United States calls on the nation’s consumers to “spend their way” out of the slump. What does the president mean? 3. Assume that the nation has just reached the bottom of a long recession. Summarize the probable effect of the recession upon: (a) prices, (b) wages, (c) employment, (d ) investment, and (e) profits.

2024 BUS 308 week 1 Assignment Assignment Help

BUS 308 Week 1 Assignment Problem Set Week One Week One Assignment will require students to 2023

BUS 308 Week 1 – Assignment Problem Set Week One Week One Assignment will require students to utilize the following resources to complete the assignment. Assignment instructions are contained within the following resources. All statistical calculations will use the Employee Salary Data Set and Week 1 assignment sheet. Grading Rubric: 1. Identifies Data Variable level and Reasons Total: 1.60 Distinguished – Performs the following: 1.Correctly identifies all variable data levels and 2. Provides correct reasoning for placing variables in the nominal, ordinal, or interval, categories. Proficient – Performs the following but misidentifies no more than three data types and/or the reasons: 1. Identifies all variable data levels and 2. Provides reasoning for placing variables in the nominal, ordinal, or interval categories. Basic – Performs the following but misidentifies no more than eight of the data types and/or the reasons: 1. Identifies variable data levels and 2. Provides reasoning for placing variables in the nominal, ordinal, or interval, categories. Below Expectations – Performs the following but misidentifies nine or more of the data types and/or the reasons: 1. Identifies variable data levels and 2. Provides reasoning for placing variables in the nominal, ordinal, or interval, categories. Non-Performance – There is either no response to problem one, or it fails to provide any correct identification and/or reasoning. 2. Generates Mean, Standard Deviation, and Range for Salary, Compa, Age, Performance Rating, and Service For the Overall Group as well as the Males and Females Separately Total: 1.60 Distinguished – Performs all of the following correctly: 1.The data necessary for computations was selected accurately. 2. Accurate results produced. 3. The results are presented in a clear format. 4. Identified which variables this function does not work properly for. Correctly calculated and displayed asked for values for all three groups. Proficient – One of the following was not done correctly: 1.The data necessary for computations was selected accurately. 2. Accurate results produced. 3. The results are presented in a clear format. 4. Identified which variables this function does not work properly for. Incorrectly calculated no more than three values. Basic – Two of the following were not done correctly: 1.The data necessary for computations was selected accurately. 2. Accurate results produced. 3. The results are presented in a clear format. 4. Identified which variables this function does not work properly for. Incorrectly calculated no more than 14 total values. Below Expectations – Three of the following were not done correctly: 1.The data necessary for computations was selected accurately. 2. Accurate results produced. 3. The results are presented in a clear format. 4. Identified which variables this function does not work properly for. Incorrectly calculated more than 15 values. Non-Performance – There is either no response to problem two, or it does not provide correct statistical outcomes as asked for. 3. Determines Probability Total: 1.60 Distinguished – Performed all the following correctly: 1.The data necessary for computations was selected accurately. 2. Data counts were correct. 3. Produced accurate results. 4. Difference in values explained clearly. Proficient – One of the following was not done correctly: 1.The data necessary for computations was selected accurately. 2. Data counts were correct. 3. Produced accurate results. 4. Difference in values explained clearly. Basic – Two of the following were not done correctly: 1.The data necessary for computations was selected accurately. 2. Data counts were correct. 3. Produced accurate results. 4. Difference in values explained clearly. Below Expectations – Three of the following were not done correctly: 1.The data necessary for computations was selected accurately. 2. Data counts were correct. 3. Produced accurate results. 4. Difference in values explained clearly. Non-Performance – There is either no response to problem three, or it does not provide probability values as asked for. 4. Finds Selected Values For Raw Scores That Cut Off the Top 1/3 of the Values Within the Selected Groups Total: 1.60 Distinguished – Performed all of the following correctly: 1.Correct raw score identified for each group. 2. Z score correctly calculated. 3. Related probability determined. 4. Interpretation presented. Proficient – No more than four errors were noted in the following: 1. Raw score identified for each group. 2. Z score calculated. 3. Related probability determined. 4. Interpretation presented. Basic – No more than eight errors were noted in the following: 1. Raw score identified for each group. 2. Z score calculated. 3. Related probability determined. 4. Interpretation presented. Below Expectations – No more than 15 errors were noted in the following: 1. Raw score identified for each group. 2. Z score calculated. 3. Related probability determined. 4. Interpretation presented. Non-Performance – There is either no response to problem four, or it fails to provide any information on z-scores, distributions and relative value of different measures asked for in the question. 5. Conclusions About the Male and Female Pay Equality Total: 1.60 Distinguished – Provides thorough and accurate conclusions about the following issues: 1. Male and female pay inequality. 2. Consistency between and among different statistical measures of equality. Proficient – Provides complete and mostly accurate conclusions about the following issues: 1. Male and female pay inequality. 2. Consistency between and among different statistical measures of equality. Basic – Provides incomplete and/or inaccurate conclusions about the following issues: 1. Male and female pay inequality. 2. Consistency between and among different statistical measures of equality. Below Expectations – Provides incomplete and inaccurate conclusions about the following issues: 1. Male and female pay inequality. 2. Consistency between and among different statistical measures of equality. Non-Performance – There is either no response to problem five, or it fails to provide any correct response to the results about males and females.

2024 ECO 365, ECO-365, ECO365, ECO/365, ECO 365 Week 1 DQ 2 Version 4 Principles of Microeconomics¸ Economics (8th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Assignment Help

ECO 365 Week 1 DQ 2 Identify a recent purchase in which the price of the product was an 2023

ECO 365 Week 1 DQ 2 Identify a recent purchase in which the price of the product was an important consideration in the decision-making process related to purchasing the product. What other factors affected your decision? How important was your income as a factor? How important was the price of other goods as a factor?

2024 ACC 201 – Argosy university – guide – Assignment 2: Common and Preferred Stock -M5A2 Assignment Help

Assignment 2 Common and Preferred Stock Respond to the following independent issues concerning the capital stock of 2023

Assignment 2: Common and Preferred Stock Respond to the following independent issues concerning the capital stock of corporations in your initial post: Why are paid-in-capital and retained earnings displayed separately in the stockholder’s equity section of the balance sheet? Why would investors buy common stock when preferred stock is available? If you owned 5,000 shares of common stock in Microsoft Corporation and someone offered to buy the stock for its book value, would you accept the offer? Provide rationale for your decision.

2024 Economists and their philosophies Assignment Help

Economists and their philosophies 750 words APA format 750 Word APA format comparing and contrasting three 3 2023

Economists and their philosophies : 750 words APA format 750 Word (APA format) comparing and contrasting three (3) of the economists and their philosophies. In your summary, articulate only one economist you believe is most representative in today’s U.S. economy and defend your position with persuasion. EX: The Classical School, i.e., Adam Smith David Ricardo Thomas Robert Malthus John Stuart Mill

2024 Case Study: Ivory Delights Assignment Help

Assessment item 2 Case Study Value 30 Due date 20 Sep 2015 Return date 2023

Assessment item 2 Case Study Value: 30% Due date: 20-Sep-2015 Return date: 14-Oct-2015 Submission method options Alternative submission method Task The following case study has been developed to provide you with a realistic business scenario from which you can develop the necessary strategic management accounting skills to answer the 6 questions provided below. Please take note of the heading next to each question, which will help guide you through the key accounting practices and principles. Overview of the task Ivory Delights is part of a privately owned multinational organisation, Pluto Pinnacle which manufactures a range of products including: frozen food, animal pharmaceuticals and confectionery. Ivory Delights was established in 1977 and is Australia’s third largest confectionery company and solely focuses on manufacturing small candied confectionery. Head office and the manufacturing plant is located in the Albury/Wodonga region. The plant has the capacity to produce over 1,000,000 tonnes of confectionery items per year which are consumed domestically and exported overseas. In 2014 Ivory Delights employed over 1100 staff, with major distribution centres located in Melbourne and Sydney. Major customers include supermarkets, supermarket branded stores and large department stores. Quality is something that Ivory Delights is very particular about and in 2001 was accredited with ISO 9002. ISO 9002 was also accredited for administration processes of purchasing, training product control, product traceability and process improvement. The Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP) food safety system was also adopted, further highlighting Ivory Delights commitment to quality control and safety. Ivory Delights’ strategic goals are as follows: • To be recognised as the leading confectionery brand in the Australian food industry; • To provide customers with high quality products and excellent service; and • To be the leading company in the industry, continuing to grow at rates higher than the industry average. It plans to achieve these objectives by: • Being an accredited supplier to the major supermarket chain and speciality outlets; • Expanding by acquisition, where appropriate; • Sustaining superior performance; understanding and satisfying customer needs; and • Investing in state-of-the-art equipment to enable product innovation and efficiencies. Ivory Delights is already recognised as having a differentiated offering compared with its major rivals—Sweet Nothing and Wiggles—due to its value product range, well established relationships with key retails outlets and the achievement of quality accreditation across a wide range of its operations. In planning to be the supplier of choice, Ivory Delights is focused on its direct customer (i.e. the retailers) and the end customer (i.e. the customer).. The company recognises that they need to sustain their growth rate and profitability to prevent takeovers from one of the two major companies, Wiggles and Sweet Nothing. The acquisition of Smickers in 2001 was undertaken to achieve production and processing economies of scale and gain access to additional markets through Smickers’ accreditation and speciality store relationships, as well their export focus and AQIS (Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service) export approval status. Further acquisitions are possible; however they would need to be a good strategic fit from operational and cultural perspectives. The company has strong family values, and the ongoing sustainability of the business is more important than short-term profitability. In 1999, Wiggles unsuccessfully approached Darrell Lea, the General Manager at Pluto Pinnacle about the prospect of buying Ivory Delights’ operation for $250 million. Lea was offered a seat on the board; however, under the terms of the deal he would lose control over the Ivory Delights operations. In addition, a large proportion of the purchase synergies would arise from the removal of duplicate functions across the combined business group. This would have resulted in the retrenchment of many of Ivory Delights loyal employee base, some of whom had been with the company since Darrell Lea’s grandfather established the business over 50 years ago. Question 1 – Strategic Management (15 marks) As part of your role you have been asked to prepare a discussion paper on the strategic position Ivory Delights should pursue. The company want to increase its market share in the confectionery area. Considering the following issues, prepare a response to be presented at the next board meeting. Issues you might like to address include: a) What type of organisation and industry does Ivory Delights want to compete in? b) What business strategies will Ivory Delights need to follow and how will these be in line with Pluto Pinnacle’s overall strategy? c) Who are Ivory Delights competitors? What are their strengths and weaknesses? d) What are the key issues that will affect future industry growth including any impacts? e) What are the key issues that will affect future industry profitability including any impacts? f) Who are Ivory Delights’ key stakeholders? Question 2 – Knowledge Management (KM) (15marks) Ivory Delights for the past 10 years has been more conscious of capturing knowledge and incorporating KM into strategy and culture, particularly after losing several integral managers in an aeroplane accident. A key knowledge value that Ivory Delights encourages is ‘everyone has great ideas’. Ivory Delights want to implement a KM system where employees are rewarded and encouraged to share information both formally and informally. In addition, incentives are put into place which encourage progression in the company. The attitude Ivory Delights has is that high-potential employees must be retained somewhere within the organisation. Hoarding of people and information is strongly discouraged. The result is that knowledge follows people from position to position and the organisation as a whole benefits from this. In a letter to the BOD the General Manager wrote that: ‘The organisations’ ability to continuously learn from any source and convert what is learnt into action is the greatest competitive edge’. Part of Ivory Delights strategic challenge is finding ways to make the company operate as one learning organisation where each group can benefit from experience and knowledge gained by each other. Required: 1. Explain why it is important to capture knowledge. How can employees be motivated to contribute to and use a KM system? 2. How could Ivory Delights improve the way that knowledge is captured, stored and rewarded? Question 3 – Economic Order Quantity and Sustainability (20 marks) Ivory Delights imports from Pooran an ingredient which is used to help the confectionery crystallise. Pooran is a country that has rich resources and very productive land but has been ruled by a dictator (Justine) and her family for over 25 years. Family members own and tightly control all the industries in Pooran. Justine’s brother, Richie operates and owns the fields where the ingredient stickit; which Ivory Delights needs is grown. He pays his workers very poorly and uses chemicals that the World Health Organisation (WHO) has not condoned due to its carcinogenic effects. Ivory Delights know of this corruption but is unable to source the ingredient from anywhere else. In the past Ivory Delights has had no special inventory policy other than to order equal quantities of inventory 12 times a year. The newly appointed purchasing manager has queried how ‘relaxed’ this policy is and wants the inventory policy reviewed. So far the information obtained is that the stickit product comes in barrels which cost $95each. Ivory Delights uses 7,000 barrels per year. The purchasing manager estimates that to place and receive a typical order of stickit costs $175. The annual cost of storing stickit is $5 per barrel. The lead time to receive the order is one month. Required: 1. Using the EOQ formula determine the optimal order quantity. 2. What is the total annual cost of ordering and storing stickit at the economic order quantity and how many orders will be placed per year? 3. Prepare a graphical analysis of the economic order quantity decision. 4. Assuming a stable usage each month, determine the reorder point. 5. What are some of the financial, environmental, social and broader issues Ivory Delights should consider when purchasing stickit from Pooran? Question 4 – Linear Programming (15marks) Ivory Delights manufactures 3 main products: Belly Beans, Darties and Nubes and supplies to supermarket chains and distributors. Although the company does make other confectionery treats these are seasonal and change yearly. The raw material ingredients that the three products use are all the same, it’s the process of mixing and cooking that determine how the product will turn out. Belly Beans are small lollies which come in 5 flavours and every 110g pack contains 5 of each flavour. Ivory Delights packages 20 individual packets into boxes which are then shrink wrapped ready to be supplied to the customer. To produce these lollies 1.5kg of raw material is required, 2 hours of labour and overhead is applied at a rate of 150% of direct labour. Darties are a similar sized lolly to Belly Beans and come in 7 different flavours and packaged in a small cardboard box weighing 130g per box. Darties boxes holds 15 packages of these boxes. To produce this lolly requires 2 kg of raw material, 2.5 hours of direct labour and overhead is applied at 150% of direct labour. Nubes are sugar coated lollies which are soft and chewy to eat and is Ivory Delights’ biggest seller. Ivory Delights has kept to traditional flavours and will once a year bring in a limited edition flavour for a set period. Nubes require 3 kg of raw material, 3 hours of direct labour with overhead applied at 150%. A box contains 10 Nubes packages. Each of these 3 products goes through the same manufacturing process which consists of mixing, cooking and packaging. Belly Beans are sold for $1.60 per pack, Darties for $1.70 and Nubes at $2.00 per pack. SP RM DL OH Belly Beans $ 1.60 $ 0.30 $ 0.20 $ 0.30 Darties $ 1.70 $ 0.50 $ 0.10 $ 0.15 Nubes $ 2.00 $ 0.40 $ 0.27 $ 0.41 Mixing Cooking Packaging HOURS REQUIRED Belly Beans 4 8 3 Darties 10 3 2 Nubes 8 8 2 HOURS AVALIABLE 800 1200 1000 Required: 1. Using Solver, derive the optimal solution for the number of boxes that should be prepared to maximise profit. 2. State the optimal confectionery treat mix and the resulting profit. 3. Should the product mix suggested by solver be implemented? Question 5 – Transfer Pricing and Performance Management (20 marks) Pluto Pinnacle in 2014 purchased Ebony Boxes, which manufactures packaging supplies. This was part of the corporate strategy to vertically integrate along the value chain. Ivory Delights currently purchases its packing supplies from ‘Boxing UP’. The contract with this supplier is up for renegotiation at the end of 2015. The board of directors wants Ivory Delights to purchase the boxes from Ebony Boxes but each manager is free to decide whether goods will be transferred internally and can determine the prices at which the transfer will occur. Ivory Delights would like to purchase the packaging boxes from Ebony Boxes, but can purchase the same product from Boxing Up for $0.045 per box. Ebony Boxes is currently operating at full capacity and sells to an outside supplier for $0.045. The manager at Ivory Delights is hoping to receive a price concession if the boxes are bought internally. The full cost to produce each box is $0.04 ($0.032 representing variable costs). If the box is sold internally, $0.03 of variable costs can be avoided. The managers of the two divisions met to discuss the possible transaction. After some discussion and negotiation, it was decided that Ivory Delights would purchase the boxes at the current price for the next 6 months. At the end of the 6 months, negotiations can be reopened by either party. Required: 1. Based on current information, what is the highest price that Ivory Delights should be prepared to pay for each box? What is the lowest price that Ebony Boxes should be willing to accept? 2. Assume that the outside sales price of the box increases to $0.047. How would this affect the internal transfer price? 3. Assume that because of market conditions; demand for the box has decreased significantly, creating excess idle capacity within Ebony Boxes. How would this change affect the internal transfer price? 4. Why is it in the best interest of the company as a whole to allow the division managers to negotiate internal transfer pricing instead of using a fixed, nonnegotiable formula for establishing transfer pricing? Question 6 – Sustainability (15 marks) In Australia more companies are starting to report on their sustainability performance. Ivory Delights believes that incorporating into their end of year reports acknowledgement of how they have implemented more sustainable practices, will be of benefit to the company’s reputation. 1. Why are an increasing number of companies reporting on their sustainability performance? What are the benefits for companies to report such activity? 2. What key measures could Ivory Delights include in its sustainability balanced scorecard? Rationale This assignment is designed to demonstrate your ability to: use strategic management principles and technologies in making and assessing business decisions for profit; be able to apply your knowledge of management accounting in a strategic manner; generate, evaluate and use quantitative and qualitative information to measure financial and non financial performance of an organisation be able to present your answers, effectively, appropriately and neatly, using computers; Marking criteria You will be assessed on the following criteria: Ability to identify strategic management accounting problem(s) or issue(s); Ability to obtain correct answers for each of the practical questions and sub-questions. Workings showing how you have obtained your answers, including whether you have applied appropriate techniques to analyse and solve problems Ability to use EXCEL to solve management accounting problems. This includes the ability to use appropriate EXCEL analysis tools and functions, construct appropriate spreadsheet formulae and to effectively and appropriately print and present you material and results. Ability to correctly interpret the results of your analysis and to clearly convey your understanding of the results to the reader. Level of understanding of the theoretical issues associated with the topics covered. Ability to present your answers, effectively, appropriately and neatly using computers Learning Outcome High Distinction Distinction Credit Pass Fail Generate, evaluate and use quantitative and qualitative information to measure financial and non-financial performance of an organisation. Correctly identify underlying accounting issue/s and all of the potential implications of accounting data/ results. Identify key areas of concern for management adopting a strategic ‘whole of business’ approach including well thought out and justified recommendations. Output is well researched, logically argued, and well written in a manner that very effectively conveys the key outcomes and recommendations to the end user. All references and sources acknowledged and professionally presented. Correctly identify underlying accounting issue and all of the potential implications of accounting data/results and identify and report key areas of concern for with effective strategic recommendations for management. Well researched and well written argument with references and sources acknowledged and output professionally presented Correctly identify underlying accounting issue and some of the implications of accounting data/results and identify and report key areas of concern for with effective strategic recommendations for management. Well researched and well written argument with references and sources acknowledged. Identify underlying accounting issue and some implications of the reported accounting data/results and report issues that should be of concern to firm management. Written in clear language with references and sources acknowledged. Fail to identify underlying accounting issue. Incapacity to interpret the results of quantitative problem analysis in a manner that adds value to the accounting data/results developed for management Use strategic management principles and technologies in making and assessing business decisions for organisations Evaluates and provides in depth discussion on business decisions using appropriate management principles. Demonstrates functional use of appropriate technologies to aid in decision making. Evaluates business decisions for relevant organisations using appropriate management principles. Demonstrates functional use of appropriate technologies to aid in decision making. Explains business decisions using relevant organisations and limited  application of management principles. Demonstrates some use of appropriate technologies to aid in decision making. Explains business decisions relevant organisations using some appropriate management principles. Demonstrates limited use of appropriate technologies, with some links to support decision making. Fails to explain business decisions for relevant organisations Does not demonstrate use of appropriate technologies. Develop and evaluate computer spreadsheet models Apply appropriate accounting technique to identified issue with no quantitative errors and excellent presentation and formatting. Identify type of accounting problem and apply appropriate accounting technique with very few (if any) errors and good presentation and formatting. Identify type of accounting problem and apply appropriate accounting technique with few minor errors. Identify type of accounting problem and apply appropriate accounting technique with some calculation errors. Fail to correctly identify the accounting issue and fail to apply the appropriate accounting technique to solve the problem. Numerous calculation errors. Apply sustainability concepts in the context of accounting and business practices; Apply and demonstrates an understanding of relevant sustainability concepts in a business case context, with specific detail relating to multiple examples. Apply and demonstrate an understanding of relevant sustainability concepts in a business case context, with detail relating to 1 or 2 examples. Apply appropriate accounting sustainability concepts to multiple contexts of the response. Demonstrates an understanding of all key areas. Apply appropriate accounting sustainability concepts to multiple contexts of the response. Fail to identify relevant sustainability concepts in the context of the case study. Demonstrates an understanding that is limited to a few key areas. Generate, evaluate and use information for planning and controlling operations within an organisation; Based on the information provided, in the case study, students are able to generate, evaluate, and succinctly develop a clear strategy for planning and control. This strategy correctly identifies factors they can control and how to plan for this. This may also include the identification of external factors they cannot control, such as competitors and price fluctuations which are discussed in detail. Presents answers effectively, appropriately, and neatly. References and sources acknowledged and professionally presented. Develops a clear and accurate strategy for planning and control procedures based on the case study information provided. Some acknowledgement of external factors but limited discussion. References and sources acknowledged. Combines all relevant information of the case study to generate, evaluate, and succinctly discuss planning and control operations within Ivory Delights. Identifies external factors. References and sources acknowledged. Combines most relevant information of the case study to generate, evaluate, and discuss priority planning and control operations within Ivory Delights. References and sources acknowledged. Fail to identify underlying accounting issue. Incapacity to interpret the results of quantitative problem analysis in a manner that adds value to the accounting data/results developed for management. Presentation Your response is to be in a written format and it is compulsory for you to lodge both the report (word file) which is to include all your answers and your calculations (excel) Please see the Faculty of Business Writing Skills at (http://bit.ly/FoBAcademic-Writing-Skills) and CSU Learning Skills material on Writing a Report student .csu.edu.au/_data/assets/pdf_file/008/186443/reportwrtg.pdf Requirements Assignments must be submitted through turnitin. The lecturer will announce if a hard copy submission is required addition to turnitin submission.

2024 International Business Unit IV Assignment And DQ Question Assignment Help

Unit IV Assignment For this assignment you will practice calculating exchange rates and examine some of the 2023

Unit IV Assignment For this assignment, you will practice calculating exchange rates and examine some of the key factors that have an impact on foreign exchange. Part 1 does not need to be done only part 2. I uploaded whole assignment as well as copied it here. DQ question Many financial newspapers or websites say that the U.S. dollar is the strongest currency in the world. Think about the factors that affect exchange rates, and make a case that our currency should or should not be the strongest. In your opinion, what are the advantages to having a strong currency versus a weak currency? Unit 4 assignment Part 1 : Your company is deciding to expand to the following countries, and you and two other managers will have to visit these countries to set up operations. You have $1,500.00 to convert in each currency. Compute the exchange amount for each, and complete the table. Country/Currency USD value for 1 unit of another currency (as  of 2/17/16) Exchange amount Japanese yen $0.008754 Ұ Euro $1.1159 € British pound $1.4398 £ While you are visiting each of these countries, you have to buy supplies and equipment for your operations. You want to determine what it is costing you in U.S. dollars. Utilizing the same exchange rates given above, compute the costs into U.S. dollars, and complete the table: Japanese yen Computer Ұ167,000.00 $ Euro Desks & chairs €1,125.00 $ British pound Printer £575.00 $ Part 2 : Pedro in Costa Rica wants to purchase some wild Atlantic salmon from Hans in Iceland. The fish are purchased in Iceland’s currency, the krona. Pedro’s brother works in a bank and will take care of the transactions free of charge. Pedro has 1,000,000 colons to start with. (There is no transaction fee, and shipping is not calculated at this point.) How much krona does he have to work with? Answer: Country/Currency USD  $ value for 1 unit of another currency (as of 2/17/16) Euro  € value  for 1 unit of another currency (as of 2/18) Costa  Rica colon CRC $0.001909 €0.001745 Iceland  krona ISK $0.00788 €0.007062 The next day Hans decides to purchase some bananas from his new trading partner in Costa Rica. Han’s sister works for an import/export agency and can arrange the transaction in euros with no fee. Hans takes all of the krona he received from Pedro and proceeds to convert his currency to colon. (Note, one country’s currency experienced some weakness overnight.) How much colon does he have to work with? List your steps and the results you achieved with each step. Also, explain some factors that could cause the country’s currency to weaken. Answer:

2024 For Ann Harris Assignment Help

Due Sunday 8 6 2017 Discuss PERT CPM and Gantt based on the following action items Propose and describe in text 2023

Due Sunday 8/6/2017 Discuss PERT, CPM and Gantt based on the following action items: Propose and describe in text form a sample project that you would theoretically develop into a PERT diagram and Gantt chart. For example, “Building a car would consist of the following steps…”(briefly outline the steps as task statements). Postulate the critical path of your sample hypothetical project: What would be the critical path sequence?

2024 UNIT 2 IP PP Assignment Help

10 power point slides with 150 speaker notes Based on your discussions with 2023

10 power point slides with 150. speaker notes Based on your discussions with Michelle, you have developed a clear picture of the environmental issues that will affect the initial release of the new product. As you compile your notes, the phone rings. “Hello?” “Hi. This is Michelle. I want to touch base with you about your presentation to the board next week. Do you have any questions about the upcoming meeting?” “Thanks for calling,” you say. “You have good timing. I was just reviewing my notes and working on my PowerPoint presentation. I think I’ve covered the areas we discussed at our last meeting. Do you have something else that you want me to include?” “Oh, good,” says Michelle. “Yes, I’d like you to share 3 or 4 goals for the marketing project, too. Make sure these goals are specific as possible. You might want to lead with the goals, but I’ll leave that up to you. Naturally you’ll need to do some research to determine the types of goals that are relevant for a new product project like this. Be as specific as you can when outlining realistic expectations. “Okay,” you say as you jot down more notes. “Anything else?” “Just be sure to include your thoughts about whether we should develop a product that can be marketed world-wide. You know that is one of their main concerns. You’ll have about 30 minutes for your presentation. ” “Will do. Thanks for the information. I think about 10–15 slides should be about right for a 30-minute presentation.”

2024 Economic Systems Mind Map Assignment Help

Create a Mind Map using a tool such as Popplet Mindmeister GoConqr or a Microsoft Word 2023

Create a Mind Map using a tool such as Popplet®, Mindmeister®, GoConqr®, or a Microsoft® Word document in which you do the following: Define each economic system Provide an example of each economic system Compare the pros and cons of each economic system Identify the economic system we have in the United States Explain why it is important to have an economic system Your Mind Map should be between 525 to 700 words total.