Tag Archive for: Assignment Help Services

2024 IF PH 1 Proj Assignment Help

300 word min Many factors affect currency exchange rates Determine the effect of the following factors on changes in currency 2023

300 word min Many factors affect currency exchange rates. Determine the effect of the following factors on changes in currency exchange rates, providing examples using the rate of exchange between two currencies. How might this information be used if you were travelling to a foreign country? Inflation Interest rates National debt Unemployment Money supply Political stability

2024 Homework Assignment Help

Prepare bond and lease amortization schedules using the values from Week 2 2023

Prepare bond and lease amortization schedules using the values from Week 2, including appropriate bond and lease journal entries. Create journal entries for the book debt restructure. Adjust the balance sheet and income statements, including the bond and lease footnotes. Submit the amortization schedules, journal entries, and the adjusted Balance Sheet and Income Statement in Microsoft ® Excel ® spreadsheets

2024 Fin/571 Week 4 Analyzing Pro Forma Statements 133948 Assignment Help

Decide upon an initiative you want to implement that would increase sales over 2023

Decide upon an initiative you want to implement that would increase sales over the next five years, (for example, market another product, corporate expansion, and so on). Using the sample financial statements, create pro forma statements of five year projectionsthat are clear, concise, and easy to read. Be sure to double check the calculations in your pro forma statements. Make assumptions that support each line item increase or decrease for your forecasted statements. Discuss and interpret the financials in relation to the initiative. Make recommendations on potential discretionary financing needs. Write a 350 – 700 word analysis of the company’s short term and long term financing needs and determine strategies for the company to manage working capital. Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment. NEED ASAP! NEED BOTH A WORD DOCUMENT AND EXCEL FILE IN ORDER TO MODIFY WITH MY OWN WORDS. Attachments: fin571_r7_xyz_p_and_l.pdf fin571_r7_xyz_balance_sheet.pdf

2024 Project part two 59 Assignment Help

Hi i need project according to requirement Palagrisam free with Proper Formate and to the 2023

Hi i need project according to requirement . Palagrisam free with Proper Formate and to the clear point.i share project requirement file in this attechment . if you have any question let me know before starting assignment and requirement . Formal Proposal Submission Assignment Go to the https://fbo.gov Search for an opportunities within a 90 day period and select any opportunity of your choice. Include the solicitation Number and Contract Award date. Submit a formal written proposal in response to the opportunity that you have selected. Evaluation Criteria Technical merit is substantially more important than price in determining who will be included in the competitive range. As proposals become more technically equal, price will take on greater significance. The Government will select the top 3-5 Offers, considering the following evaluation criteria, listed in descending order of importance. Technical Approach Subject Matter Knowledge Key Staff and Other Resources Past Performance Cost Written Proposal Format and Instructions Your written proposal must have a minimum of 20 pages but not exceed 25 pages in length and include the items below: 1 Page Business Professional Cover Letter addressed to the bid contact, including your overall cost estimate (bid) for the project. Technical Approach should be at least 5-7 pages and include a description of your management planfor the overall project. Hint: Use of PM concepts apply here! Resumes should be summarized for the key staff that you are proposing indicating their past experience, skills and education relative to the bid selection (at least 3-5 – one page each). 3 Past Performance references. Each reference must include a point of contact and contact information in addition to a brief description of the work performed by your company. Description ofa proposed teaming partner and/or subcontractors and explanation of how they will contribute to the project Your proposed bid should includeevidence your company capabilities, as well as your proposed partners’ capabilities. The format of your entire proposal must use standard margins with the font size of 12 pointsand include any required attachments or appendices. Instructions Please note that there must be no communication with the client regarding this initiative until a selection has been made. This includes any potential teaming partners and subcontractors. Failure to do so will result in disqualification. Any questions or concerns must be addressed to the instructor. Suggested Outline Cover Page 1. Cover letter 2. Technical Approach 3. Resume (Skills Summary) a. Project Manager/Owner ( your full resume modified to fit the project ) b. Staff: Jane Doe Skills Summary c. Staff: John Doe Skills Summary 4. Past References a. Client #1 contact information, project title and project description b. Client #2 contact information,project title and project description c. Client #3 contact information,project title and project description 5. Teaming Partners / Sub-contractors 6. Company Capabilities 7. Partner Capabilities 8. Reference Page (use APA format)

2024 International Organization Assignment Help

Technology has allowed even the smallest organization to operate internationally Along with this amazing opportunity comes many challenges 2023

Technology has allowed even the smallest organization to operate internationally. Along with this amazing opportunity comes many challenges. I would like for you discuss a few of these challenges from an organizational behavior standpoint, meaning challenges within the organization itself. You can either discuss the company you currently work for, or you can discuss a company that you are familiar with in some way. APA format , minimum of 300 words, and use only the attached material as reference. We will be discussing the Pepsico corporation as it stands internationally

2024 Assignment 3: Negotiating For Your Employer Assignment Help


DO NOT ACCEPT/BID ON THIS ASSIGNMENT IF YOU CAN’T SPEAK AMERICAN ENGLISH!!!!!! DO NOT ACCEPT/BID ON THIS ASSIGNMENT IF YOU CAN’T SPEAK AMERICAN ENGLISH!!!!!! DO NOT ACCEPT/BID ON THIS ASSIGNMENT IF YOU CAN’T SPEAK AMERICAN ENGLISH!!!!!! Imagine that you have been put in charge of a large team that is negotiating a company merger with 2 other hypothetical multinational companies that have offices located around the globe. Your task is to design a negotiation strategy to deal with the negotiation issues involved with merging these multinational companies. For this assignment, pick two countries that will represent the corporate cultures of the multinational companies. One of the countries must not be from Europe. Write a six to eight (6-8) page paper in which you: Examine the issues that might influence a negotiation within a diverse cultural environment. Recommend a negotiation strategy that would work best in that situation. Analyze the dynamics of multiparty negotiations and their role in your strategy. Predict potential for conflicts that can occur when negotiating within a diverse cultural workplace. Propose suggestions to mitigate these foreseen conflicts. Determine the benefits cultural conflict can bring to a multinational company. Use at least two (2) quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not qualify as academic resources. Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements: Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions. Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length. The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are: Analyze the dynamics of multiparty negotiation and develop strategies to effectively manage the negotiations. Analyze the functions of conflict in the workplace and develop actions to effectively manage conflict and enhance operations. Given a negotiation requirement in a diverse cultural environment, adapt negotiation styles to accommodate cultural norms and differing negotiating norms. Use technology and information resources to research issues in negotiation and conflict resolution. Write clearly and concisely about negotiation and conflict resolution using proper writing mechanics.

2024 BA430 W5 Assignment – Work Instructions Assignment Help

BA430 W5 Assignment Work Instructions Review the article 8 ways electronic work instructions are transforming the shop floor from 2023

BA430 W5 Assignment Work Instructions Review the article “8 ways electronic work instructions are transforming the shop floor” from this week’s reading assignment. This article discusses the importance of work instructions and how these instructions have improved a company that runs a shop floor environment. Assume that you are a manager for the company in this article. Considering the methods that have been used in the past and that are currently being used as mentioned in the article, explain what you feel the pros and cons are to electronic work instructions . Using outside research, what other work instructions might you introduce to the work place? You should include a minimum of two additional techniques not mentioned in this article. Use your course materials and outside research to generate a solid analysis on why these methods would be helpful. Your analysis should be supported by research. Your work should be a minimum of two (2) full pages (title and reference page are separate) following APA format. .

2024 LDR Week 6, Rewriting Work, Follow The Instructions Assignment Help

Review course assignments for Weeks 1 5 including the results of the Mastering Leadership 2023

Review course assignments for Weeks 1-5, including the results of the Mastering Leadership Self-Assessment taken in Week 1. Select an organizational change in your company or one you know. Develop a 1,100-word analysis designing the action plan for you, as a leader, to address the organizational change. Include the following, in any sequence you choose: 1. Identify the organizational change process steps you would take and prioritize the order in which you would take them. 2. Include both individual and organizational leadership actions. 3. Scholarly citations must be given to support your rationale and proposed actions. Format your assignment consistent with APA guidelines.

2024 Airline Borrowing Case: May 1985 Assignment Help

It is May 1985 and UAL Inc parent of United Airlines needs to borrow 500 million to finance 2023

It is May 1985 and UAL, Inc., parent of United Airlines, needs to borrow $500 million to finance the purchase of Hertz. You are Assistant Treasurer and must make a recommendation about the choice between borrowing in the USA in U. S. Dollars or in Japan in Yen (¥). As background, UAL, Inc. owns United Airlines and Westin Hotels. It is buying Hertz from RCA. United Airlines will generate about 80% of the UAL revenue and the remainder will be evenly split between Hertz and Westin. United Airlines, Hertz, and Westin Hotels are worldwide service companies that generate revenue in many countries and currencies, mainly in the U.S., Canada, Latin America, and Europe. The Treasurer considers this to be a “No Brainer” or easy choice. If the loan is in U. S. Dollars in the USA, company policy requires the use of a specific investment banker. This firm describes the terms of the USA loan as follows: An interest rate of 11% per year paid semi-annually in December and June for 10 years. The principal of $500 million would be repaid at the end of the 10-years. There would be a one-time underwriting fee of 0.5% to be paid when the loan funds are received. A leading Japanese bank is offering a loan with the interest and principal denominated in Yen. The interest rate will be 5% and there are no upfront fees. Both loans require interest payments in December and in June. The entire principal is due in June 1995. In May 1985, the exchange rate fluctuated between 250 and 252 yen to the dollar. For convenience, use 250 ¥ to the $ as the exchange rate in May 1985. Each student must (a) recommend one alternative and (b) discuss why your alternative is wise. You can find historical currency rates at http://www.oanda.com/convert/fxhistory . This link is provided to allow the reader to check the exchange rates included in the case.

2024 APA formatting Assignment Help

For your final individual project you will prepare a project plan document based on your individual project submissions 2023

For your final individual project you will prepare a project plan document based on your individual project submissions made in the previous units. Your project plan should be prepared using Word and should include the following. A title page A business letter introducing the contents of the plan with a general summary of timeframe and costs. This letter should serve as your “selling” point to the library board and should summarize the benefits of the plan. A system proposal that includes the following: A description of the current system and associated problem A summary of the goals of the proposed system A description of the proposed solution including hardware, software and other required resources. This will be the most detailed part of the plan and should include much of the information from the System Design phase. An implementation summary including timetables, resources, and costs. A rollout plan A final closing summary of the plan indicating how this solution meets the objectives. This document should be of sufficient length to adequately represent your project plan. Adhere to APA formatting and reference guidelines