Tag Archive for: Assignment Help Services

2024 Identify A Research Or Evidence-based Article That Focuses Comprehensively On A Specific… Assignment Help

Identify a research or evidence based article that focuses comprehensively on a specific intervention or new diagnostic tool for the 2023

Identify a research or evidence-based article that focuses comprehensively on a specific intervention or new diagnostic tool for the treatment of diabetes in adults or children. In a paper of 750-1,000 words, summarize the main idea of the research findings for a specific patient population. Research must include clinical findings that are current, thorough, and relevant to diabetes and the nursing practice. Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required. This assignment uses a grading rubric. Instructors will be using the rubric to grade the assignment; therefore, students should review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the assignment criteria and expectations for successful completion of the assignment. You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Refer to the directions in the Student Success Center. Only Word documents can be submitted to Turnitin.

2024 Health care policies Assignment Help

Health policies must undergo policy processes of analysis prior to implementation Pre process 2023

Health policies must undergo policy processes of analysis prior to implementation. Pre-process, intra-process, and post-process all have major impacts on healthcare organizations and consumers. Based on the policy many people may face economical or social change, which could either be just/unjust. In a minimum of 250 words, discuss the following: Evaluate the ACA’s impact on healthcare quality and cost. How does the ACA impact society as a whole? Highlight the relevance of the Federal Medicaid Assistance Percentage (FMAP), as it relates to the ACA.

2024 FIN 370 – Term Project


During the semester, each class member will serve as an analyst responsible for analyzing the performance,… Assignment Help

FIN 370 Term Project Overview During the semester each class member 2023

FIN 370 – Term Project Overview During the semester, each class member will serve as an analyst responsible for analyzing the performance, estimating the current market value and making an investment recommendation on one company. To help in this process, you will also serve on a “sector team” with other class members who are analyzing similar companies. Each sector team will be composed of five or six team members. The analysis of each company will be done in a series of steps with weekly posts on topics paralleling those we cover in class. Be the end of the semester, you will have completed a detailed analysis and valuation of a real company. Finally, each team will make a presentation and lead a discussion about their firms in a panel discussion attended by a number of Bryant alumni who work in finance. Purpose The purpose of this project is twofold. First, and most importantly, the project will give you an opportunity to apply what you are learning in this course and to develop your skills as a financial analyst. Second, this project will give you the opportunity to develop a professional work product that may be useful to you in your job search. To this end, you should view your weekly additions to the project not just as a step to meeting the course requirements but as a showcase for your abilities as a financial analyst. Sector and Company Selection Each sector team will select one of the following three sectors and each team member will select one company from that sector. We will be using BusinessWeek’s sector rosters to make these choices and the links to these sectors are shown below. Shown below are a series of additional criteria to use in selecting your company. Attached is a form that you should use in submitting your company selections for approval. Requirements (your choice must meet these criteria): 1. Your company must come from one of these three sectors and should be in the same subsector as the rest of you sector team. · Consumer Discretionary Sector http://investing.businessweek.com/research/sectorandindustry/sectors/sectordetail.asp?code=25 · Consumer Staples Sector http://investing.businessweek.com/research/sectorandindustry/sectors/sectordetail.asp?code=30 · Technology Sector http://investing.businessweek.com/research/sectorandindustry/sectors/sectordetail.asp?code=45 For example, if you click on the Consumer Discretionary Sector link above, you will be taken to a screen that lists 17 subsectors. The first subsector is “Textiles, Apparel and Luxury Goods” and it contains 38 companies. The next subsector, “Specialty Retail” contains 106 companies. Your team should select a sector (one of the three above) and then a subsector with each team member selecting a different company from that subsector. This way, you will reduce your work load by being able to share comparable data with your teammates. 2. You may not choose a company that has been analyzed in FIN 370 during the last two years. A list of these companies is on the course Blackboard site under the “project” link. 3. You may not choose a company that is being analyzed during this semester in this course (e.g., DKS or a company from one of the cases). 4. Your company must have at least five years of available financial statements and 10k reports. You can verify this by looking at the company’s investor relations web site or by searching for the company on the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission’s EDGAR site at http://www.sec.gov/edgar/searchedgar/companysearch.html (Hint: Search using the ticker symbol, not the company’s name). 5. Your company must have at least three publicly-traded competitors each with five years of available financial statements. Other Guidelines for Company Selection (carefully checking for these criteria will make your life a lot easier over this semester): 1. Look for companies that are engaged in a single business. Companies that are engaged in multiple businesses will require you to do much more work as you will have to analyze each business individually and then combine the results to measure the overall performance and value of the company. 2. Avoid companies that have had significant acquisitions or divestitures during the last five years. The presence of these transactions will skew your financial results and add to your work load. There are two ways to check for this. First, you should read the first section of your firm’s 10k report for each of the past five years. Major transactions will typically be disclosed there. Second, look at the firm’s total assets in each of the past five years. Firms without major acquisitions or divestures will show a fairly smooth pattern of growth in assets. If you find a unusual increase or decrease in total assets, look for the reason. 3. Coordinate with your sector team and pick companies that operate in the same subsector. For example, your team might choose to pick companies from the 106 specialty retailers listed in the Consumer Discretionary Sector. Picking a group of firms that are competitors in the same subsector will allow you to share information and specialize. Project Guidelines The FIN 370 course syllabus includes a course plan that details both in-class and project activities and due dates. The course is designed so that we will be covering each step of the analysis a few days before you are responsible for updating your project. You are expected to have posted your completed analysis for each segment by the end of the day (i.e., midnight) on the due date. Late or missed additions will result in grade penalties. While much of the analysis focuses on the individual companies, your sector team is intended to be a resource for you. You should meet regularly with your sector team and you may use team mates for editorial support. That is, while you are expected to analyze your own company, you may review each other’s postings to help correct for errors or omissions. Each analyst’s report should include a summary posting with a listing of all of the companies and a brief overview of the performance of the group of companies. Each sector team will also work together to prepare for the Sector Panel Presentations at the end of the semester. The grade portion of the project related to the sector team will include a peer evaluation at the end of the semester. Shown below are guidelines for each update that you will post to your company analysis. You should regard these guidelines as minimum requirements . The best analyses will go beyond these guidelines. Feel free to post additional material that would help an investor decide whether to buy or sell this stock. Be creative! Track your company throughout the semester. Update your analysis to include discussions about ongoing news on the firm. Show that you really understand the firm, its businesses, the industry and competitors. Go beyond simple quantitative analysis. What do the numbers tell you? Remember your role; you are an independent analyst following this stock for the purpose of making an investment recommendation on the company. Be objective; don’t get caught up in the company’s marketing hype and management discussion “spin.” Post 1 : The Company – Introduce the company and its businesses. Post 2 : Competitors – Determining which companies are most comparable to the subject company is a non-trivial exercise. Look at the companies that operate in the same industry segment as your company. How are they similar and how are they different? Are they comparable in size? How do their strategies compare? Do they serve similar market segments and geographic areas? Do these companies also operate in other businesses that may affect comparisons with your company? Post 3 : Strategic Analysis – What is the company’s strategy and how does it compare to that of its competitors? What is the company’s source of competitive advantage? Do an environmental scan and/or a SWOT analysis. Consider the industry and what it takes to succeed. Consider Porter’s five forces. Look into the future. How is the business and industry changing? Are there any disruptive innovations looming? Post 4 : Profitability Analysis – Examine the firm’s profitability over the past five years in comparison to its overall industry and to your selected competitors. Look at multiple metrics for profitability including gross profit margin, net profit margin, return on assets, return on equity and return on net operating assets. Use the DuPont equation to disaggregate the firms’ ROE and explain changes in the firms’ ROE over the past five years. Post 5 : Revenue Recognition and Operating Income – How does your firm recognize revenue and how does your firm’s revenue recognition policies compare to its competitors? Is there any evidence of aggressive revenue recognition? Consider the firm’s operating income and how it has been affected by “above the line” items including research and development expenses, restructuring costs, income taxes and foreign currency translation. Consider “below the line” components to income including discontinued operations and extraordinary items. Examine earnings per share and the impact of dilution from new shares (and potential new shares) and the anti-dilution effects of share buy-backs. Finally, consider the “quality of earnings” of your firm. Post 6 : Assets and Working Capital – Examine each of the major assets and working capital accounts. How does your firm account for each of these items and does the accounting method differ from the firm’s competitors. Examine the firm’s receivables. Is there any evidence of aggressive revenue recognition or earnings management through manipulation of the allowance for doubtful accounts? Examine the firm’s inventory methods and policies and compare to their competition. If the firm uses a different inventory accounting method (e.g., FIFO versus LIFO) than its competitors, calculate the impact on net earnings. Is there any evidence of excess or obsolete inventory? Examine the firm’s accounts payable. Is the firm paying within a reasonable time? How does this compare to the firm’s competition? Calculate asset management / efficiency ratios for the past five years for your company and its selected competitors including A/R turnover in days, Inventory turnover in days, A/P turnover in days, the cash collection cycle in days. Calculate and interpret liquidity ratios including the current ratio, quick ratio and cash ratio. Examine the firm’s fixed assets and related accounting policies including depreciation period and method. Examine the firm’s intangible assets. Look at the footnotes for evidence of impairments. Post 7 : Liabilities and Off-Balance Sheet Financing – Examine the firm’s use of leverage and compare its use of leverage with its competitors. Compute leverage ratios and coverage ratios. Make a judgment about the firm’s financial risk compared to its competition. Does the firm utilize off-balance sheet financing? If so, estimate the value of this off-balance sheet financing and prepare a revised balance sheet recognizing this debt. Calculate the impact of this off-balance sheet debt on the leverage ratios and on your overall assessment of the firm’s financial risk. Does the firm have any pension obligations? Is any portion of these obligations unfunded? Post 8 : Equity Analysis – Examine the firm’s equity in comparison to its competitors. Does the firm utilize multiple classes of stocks and, if so, what are the differences in the classes. Examine stock transactions by insiders and institutional investors? Are insiders buying or selling stock? Examine the firm’s use of employee stock options and other stock-based compensation. Consider the dilutive effect of these transactions on future earnings per share. Examine the firm’s dividend policy and any stock dividends and splits over the past five years. Compare the firm’s stock performance over the past five years with its competitors and with an appropriate broad market index. Post 9 : Cost of Capital – Calculate the firm’s weighted average cost of capital (WACC). Consider the impact of any off-balance sheet financing in the calculation of the firm’s capital structure weights. Determine the firm’s cost of debt. What is the most reasonable proxy if your firm’s debt is not publicly traded? Estimate the firm’s cost of equity using the DCF, CAPM and Bonds plus risk premium methods. Post 10 : Free-Cash Flow Valuation – Estimate the value of the firm using the McKinsey Free Cash Flow model. Be sure to discuss your key assumptions and sources and justify your growth rates, key inputs (e.g., COGS percent, SG&A percent, CapEx percent, etc.) and your choice of time horizon. Post 11 : Alternate Valuation Models – Estimate the value of your firm using alternate valuation models including the Residual Operating Income (ROPI) model and market multiples approach. Post 12 : Examine your entire project and make a final judgment about the firm as a potential investment. What do you believe is the “true value” of the company and its stock? Make an investment recommendation. Project evaluation will be based on the following criteria: 1. Demonstrated understanding of accounting and financial concepts, 2. Creativity in the analysis and justification in the recommendations, 3. Thoroughness and completeness, 4. Initiative, 5. Form (e.g., details such as citing references, grammar, presentation of the project, Professionalism of graphics, typing errors, etc.), and 6. Timeliness. FIN 370 – Term Project Sector & Company Selections Analyst’s Name: Other Team members: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Sector (check one): Subsector: Consumer Discretionary Sector □ Consumer Staples Sector □ Technology Sector □ Company Name:  Company Ticker Symbol: Year of Company’ Initial Public Offering: Brief description of the company and its business: Does the company compete in more than one business segment? If so, list the segments. Has the firm been involved in significant acquisition or divestiture activity in the past five years? If so, briefly describe. List at least three competitors with five years of available 10k reports: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

2024 see below Assignment Help

Assignment The Key Concepts in Economics Due Week 4 and worth 175 points Write a three 2023

Assignment: The Key Concepts in Economics Due Week 4 and worth 175 points Write a three to four (3-4) page paper in which you: Identify at least four (4) key points of a relevant economic article from either the Strayer Library or a newspaper. The article must deal with any course concepts covered in Weeks 1-8. Apply one (1) of the following economic concepts (supply, demand, market structures, elasticity, costs of production, GDP, Unemployment, inflation, aggregate demand, and aggregate supply) to the key points that you highlighted in Question 1. Explain how the concept that you identified in Question 2 could affect the U.S. economy. In your concluding paragraph, state whether you agree or disagree with the economic article identified in Question 1. Provide a rationale for the response. Use at least three (3) quality resources in this assignment with one (1) being your article.

2024 Panera Bread the case study Assignment Help

Panera Bread the case study The case study Panera Bread Company 2010 Still Rising Fortunes will 2023

Panera Bread the case study The case study: “Panera Bread Company (2010): Still Rising Fortunes?” will include a synopsis; identification of their resources, capabilities, and core competencies; and three findings of fact. Each finding of fact will require a justified solution, each a minimum of one page each . Support your recommended solutions with rational thought learned from the course material, other courses, and real-life experiences. The paper must be 10 pages in length. Please mark each sections very clear as: synopsis, resources, capabilities,core competencies, finding of fact 1, finding of fact 2, and 3…..

2024 Assignment 2: Case Study 9.5: Swedish Daddies Due Week 8 And Worth 275 Points Read Case 9.5: Swedish Daddies, Located Here Or On Page 351 Of Your Textbook. Write A Four To Six (4-6) Page Paper In Which You Answer The Following Questions: 1. Describe The Assignment Help

Assignment 2 Case Study 9 5 Swedish Daddies Due Week 8 and worth 2023

Assignment 2: Case Study 9.5: Swedish Daddies Due Week 8 and worth 275 points Read Case 9.5: Swedish Daddies, located here or on page 351 of your textbook. Write a four to six (4-6) page paper in which you answer the following questions: Describe the balance that you currently seek between career and family life. Do you believe that the mindset of corporate America is conducive to the type of work and family arrangement that would suit you? Explain the major reasons why or why not. Explain whether or not you believe the United States should require companies to provide paid maternity leave. Suppose the U.S. did make maternity leave a requirement. Discuss whether or not you believe the U.S. government should assist companies to do so. Describe your stance on the U.S. requiring companies to offer paternity leave. Provide a rationale for your position. Should specialized organizational arrangements be made for workers who wish to combine career and child raising? Explain why or why not. Suppose specialized organizational arrangements must be made for such workers. Identify steps that companies can take to accommodate parental needs more effectively. Does a firm have an obligation to give employees the flexibility to work out the particular balance of career and family that is right for them? Or does this go beyond the social responsibilities of business? Justify your response. Cite your textbook as a reference. Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements: Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions. Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required page length. The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are: Analyze the concepts of public safety and government regulation along with the role of business responsibility. Recommend ways in which businesses can be partners with nature by applying the concepts of business ethics, business ecology, and environmental ethics. Use technology and information resources to research issues in business ethics. Write clearly and concisely about business ethics using proper writing mechanics. Years ago, the faMous eConoMist pauL Samuelson quipped that “women are just men with less money.” He was referring to the financially dependent posi- tion of women at that time, when they were unlikely to be employed outside the home and, if they were, were likely to earn substantially less than men. That has now changed for the better. Although women have yet to achieve full equity at the highest levels of business, they constitute nearly half the U.S. workforce, and their pay is not so very far behind that of men. Moreover, with the decline of manufacturing and the growing importance of the service sector in today’s economy, brain power matters more than brawn. Here women can compete as well as men, and they have proved their value to employers over and over again. In fact, they now outnum- ber men in professional and managerial positions. And, with women continuing to graduate from college at a higher rate and in greater numbers than men, their future looks bright.121 But for many women there is one continuing source of frustration. They often feel forced to choose between moth- erhood and a high-powered career. Jobs that offer the hours and flexibility that suit women with family responsibilities tend to pay less, while the most financially rewarding jobs frequently require brutal hours and total commitment to the job. And the higher you go, the rougher it gets. Not only must those who want to fight their way to the top of the corporate world work long, grueling hours, but they are also often expected to gain experience working in different depart- ments and divisions and even in different countries. That tends to rule out women with family commitments. As a result, women with children, especially single mothers, earn less on average than men do while childless women earn almost as much as men. Over the years, some business writers have argued that we should simply accept this fact and that companies should distinguish between the career-primary woman and the career-and-family woman. Those in the first category put their careers first. They remain single or childless or, if they do have children, are satisfied to have others raise them. The automatic association of all women with babies is unfair to these women, argues Felice N. Schwartz, an organizer and advocate for working women. “The secret to dealing with such women,” she writes, “is to recognize them early, accept them, and clear artificial barriers from their path to the top.” The majority of women, however, fall into the second cat- egory. They want to pursue genuine careers while participat- ing actively in the rearing of their children. Most of them, Schwartz and others believe, are willing to trade some career growth and compensation for freedom from the constant pressure to work long hours and weekends. By forcing these women to choose between family and career, companies lose a valuable resource and a competitive advantage. Instead, firms must plan for and manage maternity, they must provide the flexibility to help career-and-family women be maximally productive, and they must take an active role in providing family support and in making high-quality, affordable child care available to all women. In other words, companies should provide women with the option of a comfortable, but slower “mommy track.” Although distinguishing between career-primary women and career-and-family women seems reasonable and humane, there’s rarely any mention of fathers or of shared parental responsibility for raising children. The mommy track idea also takes for granted the existing values, structures, and biases of 43075_ch09_ptg01_hr_316-352.indd 351 8/13/12 1:29 PM 352 part FOUr The organIZaTIon and The people In IT a corporate world that is still male dominated. As authors Barbara Ehrenreich and Deidre English write, “Eventually it is the corporate culture itself that needs to slow down to a human pace . . . [and end] workloads that are incompatible with family life.” One country that is trying to push things in a new direction is Sweden. Whereas America stands almost alone in the world in not guaranteeing women paid maternity leave, Sweden provides sixteen months paid leave per child, with the costs shared between the employer and the government. However—and this is what is novel—at least two of these months are reserved for fathers. No father is forced to take baby leave, but the leave is nontransferable so it’s “use it or lose it.” And more and more men are using it. In fact, more than eight in ten Swedish fathers now take advantage of parental leave. And some Swedish politicians are arguing that more months—perhaps, half of them—should be exclusively for fathers. Germany has now followed Sweden’s lead. In 2007 it began guaranteeing fathers two months’ paternity leave. No country, however, has gone further toward parental equity than Iceland. It reserves three months of parental leave for the father and three months for the mother, and allows parents to share an additional three months. In the meantime, the paternity-leave law is helping to redefine masculinity in Sweden. Take game warden Mikael Karlson. A former soldier who owns a snowmobile, two hunt- ing dogs, and five guns, he’s a man’s man. Cradling his two- month-old baby girl in his arms, he says he cannot imagine not taking parental leave. “Everyone does it.” Not only does his wife agree, but she says that he never looks more attrac- tive to her than “when he is in the forest with his rifle over his shoulder and the baby on his back.” Some men admit that they were unsure of themselves at first—the cooking, clean- ing, and sleepless nights—but that they adjusted to it and even liked it. One Swedish father calls it a “life-changing experience.” “Many men no longer want to be identified just by their jobs,” says Bengt Westerberg, who as deputy prime minister helped to bring the law about. “Many women now expect their husbands to take at least some time off with the children.” “Now men can have it all—a successful career and being a responsible daddy,” adds Birgitta Ohlsson, another govern- ment minister. “It’s a new kind of manly. It’s more wholesome.” Some also think the paternity-leave law is the reason that the divorce rate in Sweden has declined in recent years. There are, however, stories of companies’ discouraging men from taking long baby leaves, and managers admit that parental leave can be disruptive. Still, by and large Swedish business has adapted, and many companies find that a family- friendly work environment helps them attract talented employees. “Graduates used to look for big paychecks,” says one human resources manager. “Now they want work-life balance.” disCussion Questions If you have,or plan to have,children,whatsortofbalance do you seek between career and family life? Do you believe that the mindset of corporate America is conducive to the type of work-and-family arrangement that would suit you? Should the United States require companies toprovide paid maternity leave? Should it assist them to do so? What about paternity leave? Docompaniesalreadyhaveamommytrack,whetherthey call it that or not? Is the idea a good one? Is it somehow discriminatory against women? Against men? Shouldmenbemoreactivelyinvolvedinchildrearing?If not, why not? If so, what steps, if any, should either busi- ness or society take to encourage this? Shouldspecialorganizationalarrangementsbemadefor workers who wish to combine career and child raising? If so, identify the steps that companies can take to accom- modate parental needs more effectively. Doesafirmhaveanobligationtogiveemployeesthe flexibility to work out the particular balance of career and family that is right for them? Or does this go beyond the social responsibilities of business? Canpaidmaternityorpaternityleavemakesensefroma business point of view, even if it is not subsidized by the government? …………………………..

2024 Healthcare Products Assignment Help

When selecting marketing and communication techniques health care organizations must carefully examine their consumer 2023

When selecting marketing and communication techniques, health care organizations must carefully examine their consumer populations, as not all techniques are effective for all consumers. Depending on the product, organizations might even choose two or three different techniques in an effort to reach multiple consumer segments. For this Assignment, you examine the consumer populations of your organization and create an advertisement using marketing and communication techniques appropriate for your consumers. To prepare: Select a health care product to market within your organization. Note: If you do not currently work for a health care organization, select one that is of interest to you. You may use the same organization you selected in Week 3. Identify the consumer population of your organization, including general and business consumer. Consider traditional and/or contemporary marketing techniques that may be appropriate for your consumer population (i.e., brochure, flyer, video commercial, audio commercial, billboard, social media, etc.). Reflect on why you might select this technique and how you might use it to market the product. With the marketing technique you select in mind, consider how you might create an advertisement to market the health care product and what communication techniques might be appropriate for your population. The Assignment Write a 2-page brief that addresses the following: Describe the health care product you selected. Analyze the consumer population of your health care organization. Recommend a marketing technique that is appropriate for your consumer population (i.e., brochure, flyer, video commercial, audio commercial, billboard, social media, etc.). Include why you selected this technique and how you will use it to market the product you selected. Recommend one or two communication techniques that are appropriate for the consumer population. Then, create an advertisement using the marketing technique you selected. Be sure to utilize communication techniques that would be appropriate for the consumer population you identified.

2024 target marketing Assignment Help

Target Market Research and include the following information about your market Distinguishing characteristics What are the 2023

Target Market Research and include the following information about your market: Distinguishing characteristics – What are the critical needs of your potential customers? Are those needs being met? What are the demographics of the group and where are they located? Are there any seasonal or cyclical purchasing trends that may impact your business? Size of the primary target market – In addition to the size of your market, what data can you include about the annual purchases your market makes in your industry? What is the forecasted market growth for this group? How much market share can you gain ? – What is the market share percentage and number of customers you expect to obtain in a defined geographic area? Explain the logic behind your calculation. write about 300-400words

2024 A+ Answers Assignment Help

1 Explain what is meant by the following statement Value differences between 2023

1. Explain what is meant by the following statement: Value differences between cultures must be taken into account. (2 paragraphs) Off the top of your head, Are you able to think of a business to start with little capital and no employees? Place yourself in the position of having to make money within one week. You have to start a business, and you have $1,000; a working car or pickup truck; an apartment, garage, or dorm room; and a smartphone. Remember the business must be legal! What will it take to make the first move and get you started? 1. Ask friends what they need. Drive through local neighborhoods and towns. Jump on the Internet. Read local papers in other areas. Find out what other people are accomplishing with what appears to be a small investment. What did you find? What opportunities can you explore further? 2. Can you purchase products at a warehouse to resell online? If you have time, visit a swap meet and explore online selling at eBay, Craigslist, or Yahoo. 3. Could you tap a skill you already possess? For example, could you be a foreign language tutor Compile a list of all the business opportunities you have discovered and share them with your classmates. What are they willing to pay for your products and services? How often would they purchase? Who are your competitors Actions for What business are you in? Watch a carpenter framing a new house. He works close to the wood, nailing with quick strokes of his hammer. However, to get a view of the total house—the structure that will become someone’s home—he must walk across the street. He has to step back from his detailed work to see the shape of the entire home. What business is the carpenter in? Is he in the nail-driving business, the framing business, or the home-building business? Or is he in the business of satisfying the age-old dream of home ownership? Only by stepping back can you answer the very important question: What business am I in? You can move forward, once you know who your customers are and what internal and external needs your product or service is satisfying, Here are some examples: Define your business as shown above and create a flyer that will utilize your newfound knowledge. Attach the flyer to get feedback from other students

2024 Capital Budgeting Process Assignment Help

Complete an APA formatted two page paper not including the title and reference pages answering the following questions Organizations 2023

Complete an APA-formatted two-page paper (not including the title and reference pages) answering the following questions. Organizations that decide to issue bonds generally go through a series of steps. Discuss the six steps. An alternative to traditional equity and debt financing is leasing. Leasing is undertaken primarily for what purposes? Discuss the two major types of leases. Discuss the terms short-term borrowing and long-term financing. What are the primary sources of equity financing for not-for-profit healthcare organizations? The capital budgeting process occurs in several stages, but generally includes what? Discuss and list the three discounted cash flow methods.