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2024 Assessing Diversity Initiatives Assignment Help

Assignment 2 Assessing Diversity Initiatives Acme Inc has hired you to help in 2023

Assignment 2: Assessing Diversity Initiatives Acme Inc. has hired you to help in evaluating the effectiveness and impact of the diversity recruiting initiatives it put into place one year ago. Previously, Acme had focused most of its recruiting efforts toward driving applicants’ traffic to its corporate website and job postings. While this approach yielded some excellent new hires, the board of directors noticed that the new hires were not a very diverse group. Three additional recruiting initiatives were incorporated into the Acme recruitment plan with the goal of increasing the diversity of new hires. The following are the three initiatives: Minority college recruiting Job fairs in minority communities Mining diversity websites such as the diversity employment exchange The human resources (HR) manager has been asked to report to the Acme board of directors next month regarding the impact of these initiatives. He or she has hired you to help him or her understand which of the recruiting methods made the best impression of Acme as a potential employer among the recruits. Every applicant was asked to complete a survey at the end of his or her recruiting experience. One of the survey items asked the recruit to rate how likely he or she would be to accept a job offer from Acme. The item was rated using a 5-point Likert-scale item ranging from 1 (definitely would not accept) to 5 (definitely would accept). The data from that question is provided below. Using ANOVA, analyze the data and report the results. Click here to view the data. In your report, include: The Microsoft Excel printout of your ANOVA results. Your interpretation of the results. In other words, was there a significant difference between the recruiting methods in terms of likelihood of accepting a job offer? Drawing upon this data and the scholarly literature, provide recommendations for Acme’s human resources (HR) manager with regard to continuing diversity recruitment efforts. Include three recommendations to help Acme Inc. continue to grow its diversity efforts in an ethical and legal manner. Present your work in a 3- to 4-page (excluding references) Microsoft Word document. Use APA style for writing. Submission Details: By Wednesday, October 28, 2015 , save your report in a Microsoft Word document as M4_A2_LastName_FirstInitial.doc and submit it to the M4 Assignment 2 Dropbox .

2024 MATH102 Assignment Help

Open excel In one column enter 8 heights for 10 year old boys 2023

Open excel In one column enter 8 heights for 10 year old boys (inches) and in the second column enter 8 weights for 10 year old boys (pounds) . Ten year old boys height ranges from 42 inches to 62 inches while the weight ranges from 60 to 90 pounds. You can make these up as long as they are reasonable if you do not have access to any data. We want to see if there is a correlation. Move your mouse to put a box around the numbers. From the insert menu select scatter or the chart that says scatter and then select the chart at the top left on the dropdown Click on one of the points Select Add Trendline The default radio button is linear, keep it checked Check display equation on chart and click on the display r-squared value The equation is your least squares line On the least squares line the slope is in front of the x value. Also, you can look at the slope of the scatter plot to see if the slope is positive. This will let you know whether to make the r value positive or negative when you take the square root of r^2. If the r^2 value is say .0382 then you will click on an excel cell and type =.0382^.5 Note the ^ key is above the 6 key This will be your r value and you will make it negative if your slope is negative otherwise leave it positive. If you have a different version of excel then you may want to search to see how to form a trendline. These instructions work with Office 365 and Office 2010. Then follow these instructions: Attach your scatter plot if possible. What did you get for your regression line? What was your r value? What did this tell you? What would be a scenario where you might need to use this application?

2024 Traditional Training Methods” Assignment Help

Based on the scenario assess key roles of the lecture discussion training method as 2023

Based on the scenario, assess key roles of the lecture / discussion training method as it applies to today’s virtual era. Provide examples from the scenario and the textbook to support your rationale. Analyze two to three specific benefits that students can derive from the addition of audiovisual enhancements to traditional training methods. Scenario: CASE EVOLUTION OF TRAINING AT MR. LUBE In 1979, Clifford Giese had become so frustrated with the amount of time it took to get his fleet of vehicles serviced that he created a drive-through oil change system. His first store opened that year, and by 1984, there were 45 stores. Shortly thereafter, Mr. Giese sold the rights to the Mr. Lube trademark to Imperial Oil Limited (Esso), and by 2003, the number of corporate stores and franchised outlets had grown to 87. However, this growth created new challenges for maintaining the consistent high quality and customer-focused service across the widely distributed network. The success of the Mr. Lube operation depended on a high level of competence from a relatively young and geographically dispersed workforce. The technical aspects of the industry were becoming increasingly sophisticated, making training a key component in Mr. Lube’s strategic thinking. In 2002, Senior Vice-President Bill Tickner did not feel that the paper-based training system that had developed over the history of the company could meet the demands of the current workforce and company configuration. The training manuals contained all the correct information about how to service a vehicle properly, but he didn’t feel that employees were actually reading the voluminous training manuals and technical bulletins distributed to each of the stores and franchises. Additionally, there was no reliable and easy way to ensure that the employee actually understood and retained the information. How could he ensure that every employee across the country had the competencies needed to meet Mr. Lube’s standards, while keeping the cost within reasonable limits?

2024 Finance Research Assignment Help

Hello This homework is only 2 pages long on Gilead GILD company It should be written in 2023

Hello, This homework is only 2 pages long on Gilead (GILD) company. It should be written in basic English level. I am attaching an example of what I need and I need you to write me in the same format. I want genuine work. I am attaching the report on the company and you are welcome to use any other credible source. Use the example file. Thank you.

2024 BUS 680 Week 1 Assignment Assignment Help

Week 1 Assignment Case Analysis Rick s New Job Read the Rick s New Job case 2023

Week 1 – Assignment Case Analysis: Rick’s New Job Read the Rick’s New Job case analysis at the end of Chapter 3 of the Blanchard and Thacker (2013) text. In an 800 to 1,000 word paper (excluding the title and reference pages), respond to the following case questions: · Explain why Rick was let go and how reinforcement theory applies to this situation. · Explain Rosie and Walter’s reaction to Rick’s computer in terms of resistance to change. Use the concepts in this chapter to explain how Rick might have approached the computer situation so as to gain acceptance. · Explain Rick’s inability to “fit in” using social learning theory. Identify where breakdowns occurred. · If Val hired you to develop a management training program for the senior managers at PPP, explain how you would go about designing the program. Provide appropriate theoretical rationale to support your position. Your paper must be formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. Your paper must also include citations and references for the Blanchard and Thacker (2013) text and at least two scholarly sources from the Ashford University Library. An Abstract is not required. Use APA formatted headings, rather than numbers, to delineate your response to each case question. For example, the following headings (or equivalent) can be used to identify each section of your paper: · Reinforcement Theory · Resistance to Change · Social Learning Theory · Designing a Management Training Program The paper · Must be 800 to 1,000 words, double-spaced (excluding title and references pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. · Must include a separate title page with the following: o Title of paper o Student’s name o Course name and number o Instructor’s name o Date submitted · Must use at least two scholarly sources in addition to the course text. · Must document all sources in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. · Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing · Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. Carefully review the Grading Rubric (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.

2024 Discussion Board #1 Assignment Help

Cases tell a story of a company facing a strategic dilemma Select 2023

Cases tell a story of a company facing a strategic dilemma. Select one company and describe a dilemma they are currently facing and their strategic approach to successfully address these circumstances. (You can use the “How to Conduct a Case Analysis” section at the back of your textbook to assist you.) 3paragraphs

2024 Due in 18 hours – discussion question -apa – original Assignment Help

Assignment 2 The Net Exports Effect The net exports effect is the impact on a country s total spending 2023

Assignment 2: The Net Exports Effect The “net exports effect” is the impact on a country’s total spending caused by an inverse relationship between the price level and the net exports of an economy. Using this principle, discuss how the following economic variables change during an economic expansion: The balance of payments The rate of interest The value of the dollar In your answer, also discuss the case in the context of both a flexible exchange rate and a fixed exchange rate. By Sunday, September 27, 2015 , post your initial discussion response in the Discussion Area . By Wednesday, September 30, 2015 , read all of the other students’ postings, and post comments in the Discussion Area on at least two other responses.

2024 Consumer Behaviour Individual Assignment Assignment Help

Students are required to develop a Consumer Behaviour Report to be submitted 2023

Students are required to develop a Consumer Behaviour Report to be submitted to the Managing Director of a Medium to High Involvement Brand/Product of your choice to outline the key issues facing the company in terms of consumer behavioural issues. The Report will cover the following areas: 1. Situation Analysis of the Company 2. Target Market Description 3. Target Market Decision Making Process 4. Social Influences on Buying Behaviour 5. Psychological Influences on Buying Behaviour 6. Marketing Strategy Recommendations Detailed assignment guidelines will be conveyed in class.

2024 Short 1 Page discussion Question, Globalization and Risk. Assignment Help

MGT 492 Strategic Mgmt for the Mult Enterprise Capstone Globalization and Risk One goal of 2023

MGT 492 Strategic Mgmt for the Mult Enterprise Capstone Globalization and Risk One goal of a multinational organization is to build, protect and exploit its unique resources to establish a competitive advantage. A similarly important goal of a multinational organization is to diversify the organization’s financial risk portfolio. Discuss how globalization allows organizations to diversify their financial/business risks and amortize their fixed costs and resource investments throughout the organization. Please respond to at least two fellow students’ postings, advancing and debating the key points of their posting.

2024 ECon One page summary due in two hours from now. Assignment Help

Look for an online article published in 2015 that talks about the USA 2023

Look for an online article published in 2015 that talks about the USA national debt. Write a short summary of the article and show how it relates to the Economics class that am taking. Give a link to the article used. Remember that this is not an essay, its just a short summary.