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2024 Answer Needed ASAP Assignment Help

A scrambled list account from the income statement and balance sheet of Belmond Inc is found here 2023

A scrambled list account from the income statement and balance sheet of Belmond, Inc. is found here How much is the firm�s net working capital? Complete an income statement and balance sheet for Belmond. If you were asked to respond to part (a) and (b) as part of a training exercise, what could you tell your boss about the company�s financial condition based on your answers? How much is the firm�s net working capital? The firm�s net working capital is_______________________ Inventory $6,490 Common stock 44,930 Cash 16,530 Operating expenses 1,300 Short-term notes payable 590 Interest expense 890 Depreciation expense 540 Sales 12,760 Accounts receivable 9,590 Accounts payable 4,780 Long-term debt 55,070 Cost of goods sold 5,770 Buildings and equipment 122,340 Accumulated depreciation 34,050 Taxes 1,500 General and administrative expense 860 Retained earnings ?

2024 activity 1.6- case study Assignment Help

Each case study is an in depth example that illustrates how prominent businesses and organizations implement the concepts 2023

Each case study is an in-depth example that illustrates how prominent businesses and organizations implement the concepts you have just learned. They provide a broader, integrated critical thinking process that will help you to expand and clarify your understanding of the material covered in this module. This is a graded assignment and is due before the end of this module. Case Study Analysis Read the Charley and Iris case study on pages 35-36 and answer the following questions: Based on your reading of the chapter and what you now know about the issues, list at least three things Iris could do. Among the things listed in your advice to Iris, which one thing is the most important? Why? When answering the case study questions, use terminology from the chapter. Each answer should be grammatically sound, and free of spelling errors. This activity is due by the end of the module’s week. Follow the submittal instructions below when you are ready to turn in you work.

2024 mkt inner circle – Samsung Galaxy Assignment Help

Write a 1 050 to 1 400 word memo to an organization s leadership in which you assess concepts about the golden circle 2023

Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word memo to an organization’s leadership in which you assess concepts about the golden circle after listening to and studying Simon Sinek’s TEDTalk, “How Great Leaders Inspire Action.” Address the following: Select a product or service that is beneficial to the organization. Samsung Galaxy Determine how the values of your organization are aligned with the product or service. Describe the golden circle. Explain how the organization could leverage the golden circle to appeal to even more consumers. Cite the reading, the TEDtalk, and at least one outside reference. please use APA format No plagiarism accepted

2024 1. Assume you have a data set from a normally distributed random variable. Answer the following questions about it. Assignment Help

1 Assume you have a data set from a normally distributed random variable Answer the 2023

1. Assume you have a data set from a normally distributed random variable. Answer the following questions about it. a. Will the random variable be discrete, continuous, or neither? How do you know? b. Will the data be qualitative or quantitative? How do you know? 2. Assume the following data were gathered by a manufacturer of a robotics component, in units of days of continuous use until the component fails. There are 60 measurements in this data set. Show a histogram of this data set with 10 bins of equal size, spanning the range from the data minimum to the data maximum. 142, 147, 127, 161, 145, 137, 122, 123, 141, 139, 139 135, 135, 130, 147, 118, 154, 133, 136, 129, 139, 131 143, 130, 160, 127, 127, 145, 144, 155, 128, 124, 144 133, 136, 133, 151, 131, 133, 119, 122, 139, 128, 121 142, 136, 148, 136, 121, 131, 125, 120, 123, 145, 140 150, 136, 135, 133, 134 The data are divided into bins in the following manner: 3. A university has been tracking the percentage of alumni giving to its annual fund each year for the past 10 years. The data is given here. 14% 13% 15% 21% 19% 24% 25% 28% 25% 31% Answer the following questions about this data. a. What are its mean and median? b. What is the procedure for using mean and median to determine whether the data is skewed, and if so, in what direction? c. Apply the procedure you described to the mean and median computed in part a. 4. A large department store records the number of returns per day in women’s dresses for reasons such as wrong size, didn’t like it, color, and so on. The manager of the women’s dresses department recalls from her statistics class in college that the Poisson distribution might describe such events. A random sample of 150 days is taken. The number of returns per day in the sample as well as the observed frequencies are show below. Numbers of Observed returns per day frequency 0 21 1 37 2 44 3 30 4 14 >4 4 The manager tests the hypothesis that returns per day are Poisson distributed with a population mean equal to 1.90. Her significance level is 0.05. State the null and alternative hypothesis. What are the appropriate degrees of freedom? Identify the critical value. Calculate the expected frequencies. 5. In the diagram below, events A, B and C are shown with numbers in various regions of the graph indicating how many sample points lie in each. For example, the number 3 in the top left of the diagram indicates that there are 3 sample points in B that are not also in either A or C. a. Are the events A and B independent? b. Are the events and mutually exclusive? 6. Under which of the following conditions would it be appropriate to use a Binomial random variable? In each case, explain why your answer is correct. a. A department will interview 10 candidates for a position, and call back for second interviews those who answer the interview questions to the satisfaction of all the interviewers. They hope to call back at least 3, but past experience suggests an average of about 1 call back per 4 interviews. b. A factory posts on the wall the number of days since its last safety infraction or injury. In the past year, the factory has had a safety infraction or injury on 6 different days. The factory is interested in the number of days that can be expected to elapse without an injury. c. Fifteen of a doctor’s patients have the same ailment. Studies have shown that about 86.5% of patients with this ailment respond to a certain drug. The doctor prescribes the drug to all 15, but the number who will respond in this case is, of course, not known in advance. 7. The mean time for a racecar drivers’ crew to perform a pit stop is 13.2 seconds, with a standard deviation of 0.9 seconds. To maintain his current lead, the driver needs a pit stop in 12.5 seconds or less. Assuming this random variable is normally distributed, what is the probability of the driver getting the pit stop in a short enough time to maintain his lead? 8. From a sample of size 175, the sample mean is and sample standard deviation is s = 7.07. a. Construct a 95% confidence interval for the population mean and show your work. b. Explain how your work in part a would have been different if the sample size had been only 12 instead. 9. A random sample from the population of registered voters in California is to be taken and then surveyed about an upcoming election. What sample size should be used to guarantee a sampling error of 3% or less when estimating p at the 95% confidence level? 10. An elementary school teacher learned that 40% of school children have at least three cavities. The teacher has 30 students in his class. How many students would he expect in his class to have at least three cavities? What is the standard deviation? Using the appropriate approximation, determine P(X > 20); that is, the probability that more than 20 students in his class will have 3 cavities.

2024 Ubuntu Assignment Help

After reading the last section of the Ubuntu article that begins with Implications for Management bottom 2023

After reading the last section of the Ubuntu article that begins with Implications for Management (bottom of p. 31), I want you to address the question of how Ubuntu can contribute to making organizations more ‘ humane ’ and, at the same time, have sustainable competitive advantage. Your work will be evaluated based upon the usual criteria: (1) good essay writing; (2) from the reading; (3) logic of argument (4) course concepts & theories.

2024 FM4-Assignment 2: Cost of Debt and Equity Assignment Help

The manager of Sensible Essentials conducted an excellent seminar explaining debt and equity financing and how firms should 2023

The manager of Sensible Essentials conducted an excellent seminar explaining debt and equity financing and how firms should analyze their cost of capital. Nevertheless, the guidelines failed to fully demonstrate the essence of the cost of debt and equity, which is the required rate of return expected by suppliers of funds. You are the Genesis Energy accountant and have taken a class recently in financing. You agree to prepare a PowerPoint presentation of approximately 6–8 minutes using the examples and information below: Debt: Jones Industries borrows $600,000 for 10 years with an annual payment of $100,000. What is the expected interest rate (cost of debt)? Internal common stock: Jones Industries has a beta of 1.39. The risk-free rate as measured by the rate on short-term US Treasury bill is 3 percent, and the expected return on the overall market is 12 percent. Determine the expected rate of return on Jones’s stock (cost of equity). Here are the details: Jones Total Assets $2,000,000 Long- & short-term debt $600,000 Common internal stock equity $400,000 New common stock equity $1,000,000 Total liabilities & equity $2,000,000 Develop a 10–12-slide presentation in PowerPoint format. Perform your calculations in an Excel spreadsheet. Cut and paste the calculations into your presentation. Include speaker’s notes to explain each point in detail. Apply APA standards to citation of sources. Use the following file naming convention: LastnameFirstInitial_M4_A2.ppt. By Wednesday, October 28, 2015 , deliver your assignment to the M4: Assignment 2 Dropbox . Assignment 2 Grading Criteria Maximum Points Calculated the expected interest rate (cost of debt). 40 Calculated the expected rate of return on Jones’s stock (cost of equity). 40 Wrote in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrated ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; displayed accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation. 20 Total: 100

2024 Week 1 Written Assignment – Price Making Firms Assignment Help

Week 1 Written Assignment Price Making Firms Week 1 through week 5 you 2023

Week 1 Written Assignment – Price Making Firms Week 1 through week 5 you will be a working as a consultant to a fortune 100 company of your choice. Your instructor must approve the company prior to you starting your project. The firm you select will be used during the first five weeks. This will allow you to build upon your research on a weekly basis. Each week you will be tasked with providing a paper in addition to a visual aid (chart, graph, infographic, etc.) to support your viewpoint. The topics will change based upon the material that’s covered each week. The paper will be two pages in length and follow APA formatting. The visual portion will be completed using PowerPoint. The length of the visual is up to you, but must support and represent your position as if you were presenting to the board of directors. In other words it must be clear, concise and convincing! For this week’s written assignment you are playing the role of a consultant. First pick a fortune 100 company you desire to learn more about. You’re tasked, as a consultant, to provide the board of directors of the firm you selected with a brief, 2 page paper and accompanying visuals (PowerPoint). The objective is to fully explain why the company has been successful and will continue to be an effective price maker or if your firm is not a price maker, what actions need to be instituted to become a price-making firm.

2024 Week 1 Discussion 1 – Due Friday 3:00pm CST – APA Format Assignment Help

1 Describe a company that you believe represents the 4Cs well and provide examples of why you believe they are 2023

1. Describe a company that you believe represents the 4Cs well, and provide examples of why you believe they are successful at it. 2. Describe a company that you believe does not do well putting the 4Cs into practice, and provide two (2) examples of why you believe they struggle at it. 3. What recommendations would you give the company who needs to update their approach? “The Death of the 4Ps?” Watch the video below and then respond to the questions that follow: Click here for full screen viewability in a new window. FORA.tv. (2014, May 28). Coty, Inc: The death of the four p’s of marketing [Video file]. Retrieved from https://youtu.be/Oi7raBwliQ8.

2024 Ethics In Accounting Assignment Help

APA style Be typed double spaced using Times New Roman font size 12 with one inch 2023

APA style Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA. Effective financial reporting depends on sound ethical behavior. Financial scandals in accounting and the businesses world have resulted in legislation to ensure adequate disclosures and honesty and integrity in financial reporting. A sound economy is contingent on truthful and reliable financial reporting. Instructions: Read the following scenario. Answer the questions that follow. Your answers should result in a 2-3 page submission. Reference back to your text book for guidance on how to think through the scenario. Scenario: Imagine you are the assistant controller in charge of general ledger accounting at Linbarger Company. Your company has a large loan from an insurance company. The loan agreement requires that the company’s cash account balance be maintained at $200,000 or more, as reported monthly. At June 30, the cash balance is $80,000. You give this update to Lisa Infante, the financial vice president. Lisa is nervous and instructs you to keep the cash receipts book open for one additional day for purposes of the June 30 report to the insurance company. Lisa says, “If we don’t get that cash balance over $200,000, we’ll default on our loan agreement. They could close us down, put us all out of our jobs!” Lisa continues, “I talked to Oconto Distributors (one of Linbarger’s largest customers) this morning. They said they sent us a check for $150,000 yesterday. We should receive it tomorrow. If we include just that one check in our cash balance, we’ll be in the clear. It’s in the mail!” Questions What is the accounting problem that the Linbarger Company faces? What are the ethical considerations in this case? Provide rationale for why these are ethical considerations. What are the negative impacts that can happen if you do not follow Lisa Infante’s instructions to wait one more day to post the balance? Who will be negatively impacted if you do comply? Provide a rationale for why these individuals will be impacted. What is one alternative that you could pursue in this scenario? Support your recommendations with information you learned in this class.

2024 Discussion Assignment Help

Capital Structure and Tax Shields A Go to Yahoo Finance s Website located at http finance yahoo com and navigate 2023

“Capital Structure and Tax Shields” A. Go to Yahoo! Finance’s Website, located at http://finance.yahoo.com/ , and navigate to the page of the publicly traded stock you chose in Week 1. Then, click on the “SEC Filings” link on the left-hand side of the page under “COMPANY”. Review the debt structure of the company you have chosen by reading the company’s latest quarterly report and determining whether it has any convertible bonds or long-term debt. Recommend two (2) actions that the selected company can take in order to optimize its capital structure. Provide a rationale for your recommendation. B. Recommend two (2) uses of a tax shield that can improve return on the equity of a firm. Determine what the optimal degree of leverage would be as far as the firm’s capital structure is concerned. Suggest two (2) strategies you would use to optimize shareholder value by altering the firm’s capital structure.