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2024 BUS461: Decision Modeling & Analysis Week 5 Final paper Assignment Help

Submit a six page paper not including the title and reference pages on the major topic listed 2023

Submit a six page paper (not including the title and reference pages) on the major topic listed below. Incorporate at least two related scholarly sources: Network modeling The paper must (a) identify the main issues in the chosen area, (b) apply and reference new learning to the chosen area, (c) build upon class activities or incidents that facilitated learning and understanding, and (d) present specific current and/or future applications and relevance to the workplace. The emphasis of the paper should be on modeling application, outcomes, and new learning. Writing the Final Paper The Final Paper: Must be six double-spaced pages in length and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the approved APA style guide. Must include a cover page that includes: – Title of paper – Student’s name – Course name and number – Instructor’s name – Date submitted Must include an introductory paragraph with a succinct thesis statement. Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought. Must conclude with a restatement of the thesis and a conclusion paragraph. Must use at least two resources. Must use APA style as outlined in the approved APA style guide to document all sources. Must include, on the final page, a Reference Page that is completed according to APA style as outlined in the approved APA style guide.

2024 In 10 Hours Please Assignment Help

7 0 Financial Analysis and Projections 7 1 Sources and Uses of Capital 7 2 Cash Flow Projections 7 3 Balance Sheet Projections 2023

7.0 Financial Analysis and Projections 7.1 Sources and Uses of Capital 7.2 Cash Flow Projections – 7.3 Balance Sheet Projections – 7.4 Income Statement Projections – 7.5 Breakeven Analysis – 7.6 Ratio Analysis 7.7 Risks and Assumptions Work Hard, Play Hard My Company description My business will provide a healthy living for youth and adults. Helping people stay active, fight obese, get stronger, and feel better about themselves. My company would be a non profit organization. My company objectives would be to strive to reach these goals in everything we do. Prepare youth and adults to succeed, strengthen and develop communities, encourage and inspire healthy living. My Company Goals is to reach out to all types of people regardless of age, race, or background. We want to help build the next Randy Moss. We want to help you have the body you always wanted. My business philosophy is for members to feel safe and comfortable while enjoying their workout. My company will continue to add new equipment, more programs, and have more fun is how I would keep my members and add new members. My company strengths would be to offer friendly but knowledgeable staff. Have the equipment strengthen the whole body. Have equipment to get help the body with endurance. Have knowledgeable instructors. Make the members feel good about themselves by posting encouraging posters up for them. Offer child care, and family activities for families to interact with other families.

2024 Course Project- Overall Scope And Events Assignment Help

This assignment has two parts In the FIRST part of this assignment you will use the Project 2023

This assignment has two parts. In the FIRST part of this assignment, you will use the Project Scope Document template (linked below). In the SECOND part of this assignment, you will use Tab 2 of the Project Schedule Template (also linked below). Tab 2 will provide you with the unexpected events information needed to complete your analysis. *Project Overview Attached* Part I Develop the project scope document (no more than 3 pages long) to include the following information: Project Description Project Assumptions Project goals Project constraints (if any) Project limitations Project milestones Project risks (initial assessment) Please use the template linked below to develop your project scope document. *Attached as Part 1* The Project Scope needs to be developed prior to any analysis of unexpected events. Analysis of Unexpected Events Part 2 In a separate Word document, provide an analysis of unexpected events using the Project Schedule Template below (the unexpected events are located in Tab 2 of the document). In your analysis, you should discuss four areas affected by these unexpected events. Three of the areas of the project affected by the events should include changes to budget, human capital, and impact to schedule. Identify one additional area affected by these events. *Use Attachment Labeled Part 2*

2024 Two different essay Assignment Help

1 Read the article about President Obama and President Putin a Using 2023

1. Read the article about President Obama and President Putin a. Using ideas and concepts from the book “The Passions and the Interests,” write a 3 paragraph essay explaining why it is in the two leaders’ interest to focus on cooperation. 2. Read the article about Volkswagon a. Using ideas and concepts from “Thinking in Systems,” explain in a 3 paragraph essay why this is an example of system dynamics in the world of capitalism.

2024 FOR LADY HAWKINS ONLY Assignment Help

Assess the Draft Training Proposal and peer feedback you received in Week Two and 2023

Assess the Draft Training Proposal and peer feedback you received in Week Two, and finalize the topic and objectives for your training program. In a 20- to 25-slide PowerPoint presentation, not including the title and references slides: Conduct a needs assessment for your proposed training program. This should include both a person and a task analysis. Develop SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely) training objectives based on the needs assessment and any assumptions you may need to make. Create an original, detailed training proposal. This should include: A title and description of the program. A discussion of training methods to be used, and a rationale (justification) for using them, based on training theory. Proposed instructors and the reason for using them. A tentative training outline. A tentative list and description of training materials needed. Develop a plan for evaluation of training effectiveness including both short-term and long-term evaluation where appropriate. Your presentation must be formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. Support your work with cited sources from the textbook and at least three additional scholarly sources.

2024 HUM 440 Module 4 Assignment 2 – The Structure Of Statements – Translating If And And Statements Assignment Help

This exercise will help you become more proficient at recognizing translating and evaluating if 2023

This exercise will help you become more proficient at recognizing, translating, and evaluating if and and statements. In this assignment, find two examples for the exercise; translate the claims of the example into symbolic form; identify an if or an and statement; then assess it. Note: Translation and assessment are tools we use to categorize statements. Therefore, you will not be penalized if, through translation and assessment, you learn a statement that appeared to be an if or an and statement is a statement of another type. The completed assignment must contain the original claims, your translation of the claims into logical form, and your assessment of the statement in logical form. The original examples should be three to five sentences in length. Your assessment should include answers to the following questions: · Is the set of claims an argument? · Is the original claim (when translated) an if . . . then or and statement? · Did the translation of the original claims reveal the statement was a different kind of statement than you originally believed? Remember, you will also need to provide a translation key to explain the symbols you use. Present the summary, translation, and evaluation in Microsoft Word document format. You must cite the source of information you use in your argument appropriately. Apply current APA standards for editorial style, expression of ideas, and format of text, citations, and references.

2024 Unit IV Project Assignment Help

Marketing Plan Project Phase 2 You are continuing to develop your marketing plan project for 2023

Marketing Plan Project: Phase 2 You are continuing to develop your marketing plan project for final delivery in Unit VII. In this portion of the project, you will be addressing the marketing strategy for the company you chose in Unit III to develop its marketing plan. This section represents the heart of the marketing plan. Here, this portion enables the marketer to create the necessary strategies for implementation. It also enables the marketer to provide the objective basis for these strategies. The format also enables the marketer to objectively describe, in detail, each section in order to give the marketer’s intended planning audience the ability to judge the soundness of the proposed strategies. It is important to be as specific and detailed as possible. It will help in judging the plan’s effectiveness and use of required resources in the next section. In this assignment, you will research, analyze, and create the marketing plan sections described below. Marketing Strategy: Using the sections below, describe your selected company’s marketing strategy in sufficient and objective detail. Objectives: Describe, in detail, the specific elements that make up the marketing strategy. This enables management to create and implement strategies that can be measured and corrected. If challenges arise, then corrective strategies can be objectively created and promptly implemented. Target Markets: List the segmented target markets that align with your selected company’s products. This is important as all marketing strategies begin with the following: segmentation, targeting, and positioning. Positioning: Identify your selected company’s positioning attributes. These would be a brand description and its benefits. In addition, you will need to describe your brand’s points of difference and points of parity. Strategies: Describe your strategies for the following categories: product strategy, pricing strategy, distribution strategy, and marketing communications strategy. Together, these strategies identify decisions about product mix and brands (product strategy), setting product prices and/or adjusting prices to competitor pricing (pricing strategy), assessment of existing and potential channel value effectiveness (distribution strategy), and a communication plan to all target market audiences and channel members (marketing communications). Marketing Mix: Describe the implemented programs and/or tactics that would support the product, pricing, distribution, and marketing communications strategies. Since this is the stage in which other departments can become involved, demonstrate the coordination needed for the best strategies implementation. Marketing Research: Describe how marketing research supports the basis of your created strategies and implementation plans. Show how the objective insights gathered from marketing research add customer value for your selected company’s products. Your assignment will be a minimum of three pages in length. Ensure that you identify each section with a heading in your assignment. You should reference at least three sources to support this section of your marketing plan.

2024 ACC 561 Final Exam Assignment Help

1 The statement of cash flows is used for A showing the relationship of net 2023

1) The statement of cash flows is used for _____. A. showing the relationship of net income to changes in current assets B. determining a company’s acceptable level of debt financing C. revealing commitments that may restrict future courses of action D. evaluating the creditworthiness of the organization 2) Nonoperating items on the income statement _____. A. are revenues and expenses arising from adjusting entries B. include interest income and expense C. appear only on corporate income statements D. appear on the income statement immediately after gross profit 3) The difference between a single-step and multiple-step income statement is that a single-step income statement _____. A. groups all revenues together and all expenses together, whereas a multiple-step income statement separates certain revenues and expenses from each other and presents subtotals B. calculates net income using one method, whereas a multiple-step income statement calculates net income using two or more methods C. calculates gross profit and operating income, whereas a multiple-step income statement does not D. shows only 1 year’s net income, whereas a multiple-step income statement shows multiple years’ net income 4) Which one of the following statements is true? A. The statement of cash flows reports the cash receipts but not cash payments of an entity over a period of time. B. Both the statement of cash flows and the income statement determine the net income for a company. C. Transactions affecting the sale and the purchase or production of goods and services are reported in the financing activities section of the statement of cash flows. D. Investing activities in the statement of cash flows include acquiring and selling long-term assets. 5) The _____ accounting convention uses the acquisition cost minus depreciation in valuing an asset on the balance sheet. A. continuity B. conservatism C. cost-benefit D. materiality 6) A new corporation issuing a common, no-par value stock for cash would include a journal entry a debit to _____. A. paid-in capital and a credit to retained earnings. B. cash and a credit to common stock. C. retained earnings and a credit to cash. D. cash and a credit to retained income. 7) Which type of organization would most likely have work-in-process inventory? A. A retail store B. A manufacturing company C. A service organization D. A real-estate investment trust 8) _____ is a measure of income or profit divided by the investment required to obtain that income or profit. A. Return on sales B. Capital turnover C. Return on investment D. Residual income 9) The following information is available for the Peter Company: Sales: $150,000 Invested capital: $156,250 ROI: 10% The return on sales is _____. A. 10.00% B. 10.42% C. 62.50% D. 9.60% 10) The following information is available for the Peter Company: Sales: $500,000 Invested capital: $312,500 ROI: 10% The return on sales is _____. A. 10.00% B. 6.250% C. 1.000% D. 62.50% 11) Company A’s revenues are $300 on invested capital of $240. Expenses are currently 70% of sales. If Angelo Company can reduce its capital investment by 20% in Company A, return on investment will be _____. A. 75% B. 93.75% C. 18.75% D. 46.88% 12) When the variable costing method is used, fixed factory overhead appears on the income statement as a _____. A. component of cost of goods sold B. fixed expense C. production-volume variance D. component of gross profit 13) In absorption costing, costs are separated into the major categories of _____. A. manufacturing and nonmanufacturing B. manufacturing and fixed C. fixed and variable D. variable and nonmanufacturing 14) _____ is another term for variable costing. A. Full costing B. Direct costing C. Traditional costing D. Absorption costing 15) Budgeted service department cost rates protects the user departments from _____. A. service department efficiencies B. price fluctuations C. service outages D. employee control 16) _____ is an example of the external financial-reporting purpose of the cost management systems. A. The cost of a manufacturing process B. The product mix to optimize profitability C. The amount of inventory that should appear on the balance sheet D. Budget reporting 17) The level of sales at which revenues equal expenses and net income is zero is called the _____. A. margin of safety B. contribution margin C. break-even point D. marginal income point 18) Output measures of both resources and activities are _____. A. cost drivers B. stages of production C. fixed activities D. variable activities 19) The break-even point is where _____. A. total sales revenue equals total cost plus desired profit. B. the contribution margin equals net income plus fixed costs. C. total sales revenue equals total cost. D. the variable cost equals total cost. 20) _____ budgeting is when budgets are formulated with the active participation of all affected employees. A. Financial B. Team C. Participative D. Shared 21) _____ is the logical integration of management accounting tools to gather and report data and to evaluate performance. A. An internal control system B. A quality control system C. A financial-reporting system D. A management control system 22) _____ are components of a master budget. A. A strategic plan and an operating budget B. An operating budget and a capital budget C. A continuous budget and a static budget D. A cash budget and an activity budget 23) An important factor considered by sales forecasters is _____. A. production employee requirements. B. expectations of the board of directors. C. competitors’ activities. D. the desired level of sales. 24) _____ models are mathematical models of the master budget that can react to any set of assumptions about sales, costs, and product mix. A. Variance analysis B. Financial planning C. Accounting D. Futuring 25) Which of the following is an objective of budgeting? A. Budgeting provides benchmarks against which performance can be measured. B. Budgeting provides a fixed fiscal plan that should not be changed during the year. C. Budgeting helps managers build favorable variances into the performance-evaluation process. D. Budgeting is done exclusively by the chief fiscal officer for control purposes. 26) An organization’s budget program should be used A. to have power over employees. B. to assign blame to managers that do not meet budgetary goals. C. to help managers plan and control the organization’s performance. D. to help the chief fiscal officer to allocate resources to the favored projects of the executives. 27) The activity-based costing may reveal _________, whereas traditional costing cannot. A. high-volume products are overcosted B. low-volume products are overcosted C. both high- and low-volume products are overcosted D. both high- and low-volume products are undercosted 28) _____ is a method of approximating cost functions. A. Cost-driver analysis B. Transaction analysis C. Product analysis D. Account analysis 29) In relation to a cost function, the term reliability refers to _____. A. whether the costs and activities can be easily observed B. whether the cost function conforms to a given mathematical model C. how well the cost function predicts future costs D. how well the cost function explains past cost behavior 30) One of the simplest methods to measure a linear cost function from past data is the _____. A. regression analysis method B. high–low method C. least squares regression method D. visual-fit method

2024 Communication And Team Decision Making Assignment Help

Part 1 Sharpening the Team Mind Communication and Collective Intelligence A What are some of 2023

Part 1: Sharpening the Team Mind: Communication and Collective Intelligence A. What are some of the possible biases and points of error that may arise in team communication systems? In addition to those cited in the opening of Chapter 6, what are some other examples of how team communication problems can lead to disaster? B. Revisit communication failure examples in Exhibit 6-1. Identify the possible causes of communication or decision-making failure in each example, and, drawing on the information presented in the chapter, discuss measures that might have prevented problems from arising within each team’s communication system. Part 2: Team Decision-Making: Pitfalls and Solutions A. What are the key symptoms of groupthink? What problems and shortcomings can arise in the decision-making process as a result of groupthink? B. Do you think that individuals or groups are better decision-makers? Justify your choice. In what situations would individuals be more effective decision-makers than groups, and in what situations would groups be better than individuals?

2024 Unit5-problem Assignment Help

I have attached the workbook to place the answer on and all you have to do it click unit 2023

I have attached the workbook to place the answer on and all you have to do it click unit 5 tab. All work must be shown in order for me to get credit for it. To enhance your understanding of financial concepts, please complete the following problems in your Corporate Finance textbook. Chapter 16, problem 1 (page 510). Chapter 16, problem 4, a through d (page 510). Chapter 16, problem 7 (page 511) Chapter 16, problem 16a (page 512).