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2024 In this problem, a regression has been performed that examines whether or not one can predict if a student wants a lecturer to be extroverted using the student’s extroversion score. Assignment Help

In this problem a regression has been performed that examines whether or not one can predict if a 2023

In this problem, a regression has been performed that examines whether or not one can predict if a student wants a lecturer to be extroverted using the student’s extroversion score. Using the attached tables, please interpret the results (but not the Variables Entered/Removed Table). There are three-four questions but no calculations. Comment on the changes in the variables scores. The correlation coefficient (r) and the coefficient of determination (r 2 ) found in the Model Summary indicate the strength of the linear trend between the variables. What is it? Also, the significance value in the ANOVA table indicates whether the changes in the dependent-variable scores that accompany changes in independent variable scores are significant. Are they? Lastly, the Coefficients Table provides the y-intercept and the slope for the regression equation. What is it? Variables Entered/Removed a Model Variables Entered Variables Removed Method 1 Student Extroversion b . Enter a. Dependent Variable: Student wants Extroversion in lecturers b. All requested variables entered. Descriptive Statistics Mean Std. Deviation N Student wants Extroversion in lecturers 12.9288 6.89891 281 Student Extroversion 29.5160 6.61605 281 Model Summary Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate 1 .153 a .023 .020 6.82989 a. Predictors: (Constant), Student Extroversion ANOVA a Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. 1 Regression 311.947 1 311.947 6.687 .010 b Residual 13014.630 279 46.647 Total 13326.577 280 a. Dependent Variable: Student wants Extroversion in lecturers b. Predictors: (Constant), Student Extroversion Coefficients a Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients t Sig. B Std. Error Beta 1 (Constant) 8.220 1.866 4.405 .000 Student Extroversion .160 .062 .153 2.586 .010 a. Dependent Variable: Student wants Extroversion in lecturers

2024 Price & Income Paper (Economics) Assignment Help

Write to your parent or significant other and explain the economics concept of price and income elasticity They 2023

Write to your parent or significant other and explain the economics concept of price and income elasticity . They probably don’t have much of a background in economics, so you’ll need to keep it fairly simple, but you want to get the key ideas across. An example they can relate to will probably be necessary.

2024 History Assignment Help

1 Compare Indian society with that of the Europeans What differences were there Similarities Be sure to include in your 2023

#1. Compare Indian society with that of the Europeans. What differences were there? Similarities? Be sure to include in your analysis ideas about religion, land, and gender roles, as well as notions of freedom. #2. Once England decided to create an overseas empire, it did so with impressive speed. Explain the motives behind English expansion to the North American continent, including the Great Migration.

2024 Discussion Post – Determining A Linear Correlation And Dell And Hewlett Packard Assignment Help

NEED TO ANSWER ALL TWO DISCUSSION QUESTIONS also specify which answer goes to which 2023

NEED TO ANSWER ALL TWO DISCUSSION QUESTIONS…also specify which answer goes to which discussion question question 1 In a test of a weight loss program, weights of 40 subjects are recorded before and after the program. Assume that the before/after weights result in r = 0.876. Is there sufficient evidence to support a claim of a linear correlation between before/after weights? Does the value of r indicate that the program is effective in reducing weight? Why or why not? question 2 Research Dell Corporation and Hewlett Packard. Analyze each company’s competitive strategy. Are they really in competition with each other? If so, how? Which company is the better competitor? Why? Which has the best chance for a successful future? Why?

2024 Week 1 FINC300 Assignment Help

Explain the advantages and disadvantages of setting up a new business as Sole Proprietorship a Partnership or a 2023

Explain the advantages and disadvantages of setting up a new business as Sole Proprietorship, a Partnership or a Corporation. 250+ Words 1 scholorly journal referance in APA Format NO PLAGIARISM! Why does the balance sheet report historical cost information instead of market values for assets? 250+ Words 1 scholorly journal referance in APA Format NO PLAGIARISM!

2024 A+ Answers Assignment Help

use the information below based on raw test scores for two instruments given to 2023

use the information below based on raw test scores for two instruments given to the same group of students to answer questions 1-6. Test I Test II N: 100 N: 100 Low Score: 24 Low Score: 50 High Score: 74 High Score: 149 Mean: 50 Mean: 100 Median: 53 Median: 100 Standard Deviation: 5 Standard Deviation: 10 =============================================================== 1. For which test is it most evident that the distribution was NOT normal (based only on what you can see above)? a) Test I b) Test II c) It is likely that both are normal d) it is likely that neither is normal 2. If we were to convert the scores in Test I to z-scores, a raw score of 40 would be a z-score of a) -10 b) -2 c) -1 d) 40 3. A z-score of 3 would be the equivalent of a raw score of ______ for Test I. a) 3 b) 53 c) 65 d) 150 4. The most extreme outlier in the scores reported above is a) the 24 in Test I b) the 74 in Test I c) the 50 in Test II d) the 149 in Test II 5. A raw score of 45 on Test I would be equivalent to a raw score of _______ on Test II. a) 45 b) 80 c) 90 d) 95 6. On Test I, a score of 51 would be a) above the 50th percentile b) below the 50th percentile c) on the 50th percentile d) there is inadequate information to answer this question =============================================================== use the following scenario as the context for answering questions 7 -13. A researcher wished to see if the percent of teachers with masters degrees is related to school effectiveness. He noted that in his state, about 40% of schools were small (less than 300), 50% were moderate sized (300-600), and 10% were large (all were in excess of 800 students. He randomly selected 20 small schools, 25 moderate sized schools, and 5 large schools. He then took the average standardized reading score for juniors for each school and calculated the correlation. He found that the correlation between the percent of teachers with masters and the average reading score was .32. He also looked at school size and found that the correlation between school size and percent teachers with masters was .20. =============================================================== 7. For which of the following variables would it be likely that the median is a better indicator of central tendency than the mean? a) reading scores b) school size c) percent with masters d) none of the above. 8. School size, if indicated by small, medium, and large, is an example of ________ level data. a) nominal b) ordinal c) interval d) ratio 9. Suppose the researcher had considered average salary of teachers as well and found that as the average salary increased, the percent of teachers with masters also increased. This would be represented by a ____________ correlation coefficient. a) positive b) negative c) insufficient information to answer this question. 10. This is an example of __________ research. a) experimental b) non-experimental c) it is not a research study. 11. From the information above, about _______ percent of the variance in percent with masters degrees is related to the variance in school size. a) .2 b) 4 c) 20 d) 40 12. On the basis of the research presented here, it would make sense to a) insist that more teachers get masters degrees b) recognize that better qualified teachers prefer to teach in schools with more highly qualified students c) recommend that schools that wanted to increase their size should hire more teachers with masters degrees d) none of the above. 13. If one were trying to generalize to the overall population of schools in a state, the sampling done in this research would be best described as ________ sampling. a) simple random b) stratified c) cluster d) none of the above 16. If a test has a mean of 500 and a standard deviation of 100 and N = 1000, about how many individuals score below 600 (assuming a normal distribution)? a) 680 b) 840 c) 960 d) 980 17. If a test has a mean of 500 and a standard deviation of 100 and N = 1000, about how many individuals score between 300 and 600 (assuming a normal distribution)? a) 680 b) 820 c) 840 d) 960 18. Salaries for the 100 line workers and clerical staff at a factory range between $20,000 and $40,000 per year, while the salaries for the 8 administrative staff range from $140,000 to $980,000 per year. A researcher wishes to represent the salary of people working at the factory. Which of the following would be most appropriate? a) mean b) median c) mode d) standard deviation 19. A researcher wishes to represent the degree to which salaries vary. Which of the following would be most appropriate. a) mean b) correlation coefficient c) standard deviation d) mode

2024 Part One: Statement of Cash Flows Analysis

You are given the following information for Barko Industries:

Barko Industries
Balance Sheet (Partial) 
Year 3
Year 4Cash
84,000Accounts… Assignment Help

Part One Statement of Cash Flows Analysis You are given the following 2023

Part One: Statement of Cash Flows Analysis You are given the following information for Barko Industries: Barko Industries Balance Sheet (Partial) Year 3 Year 4 Cash $70,000 $9,640 AR 70,000 85,000 Inventories 87,000 84,000 Accounts Payable 48,000 51,000 Barko Industries Income Statement For the Year Ending December 31, Year 4 Sales $560,000 Operating Expenses $420,000 Depreciation Expense 46,000 466,000 Income Before Taxes $94,000 Income Tax Expense $37,600 Net Income $56,400 Other Data: Barko Industries sold an asset and recorded a loss on the sale of $8.700. The sale price was $220,000 and the asset was originally purchased for $360,000. Dividends paid in Year 4 were $22, 460. Required: Prepare a statement of cash flows for the year ending December 31, Year 4 using the indirect method. What conclusions could you arrive at regarding the cash position of the firm? What information was provided in the statement of cash flows that was not evident if just the balance sheet and the income statement were examined? Part Two: Final Project Week 3: Investing and Financing Activities; Interim Presentation of Findings Examine the statement of cash flows for the companies you selected in Week 1 for the most recent year. Address the following concerns: What are the two largest investing activities and financing activities for each firm? Compare and contrast the investing and financing activities of the two companies. Evaluate the investing and financing strategies of the two firms? Provide a rationale for your opinion as to the effectiveness of each of the strategies. Required: Address the above-noted questions. Prepare a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation of 5-10 slides that summarizes your findings for the two companies for Weeks 1 to 3 of the Final Project. Deliverables: By Tuesday, October 27, 2015 , submit your answers to the questions in Part One, using an MS Excel document, to the W3: Assignment 2 Dropbox . Use good form, show all your calculations and conclusions. Name your document SU_FIN4060_W3_A2_Part1_LastName_FirstInitial By Tuesday, October 27, 2015 , address the issues for the Final Project, Week 3 outlined in Part Two, in a report using an MS Word document, and submit your document to the W3: Assignment 2 Dropbox . Use good form, and cite all sources using APA format. Name your document SU_FIN4060_W3_A2_Part2_LastName_FirstInitial By Tuesday, October 27, 2015 , create a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation consisting of 5-10 slides that summarizes your findings for the Final Project over the last three weeks. Post this assignment in the W3: Assignment 2 Dropbox . Name your document SU_FIN4060_W3_A2_Presentation_LastName_FirstInitial Assignment 2 Grading Criteria Maximum Points Correctly prepared a statement of cash flows using the indirect method 50 Correctly identified the cash position of the firm and provided accurate conclusions. Correctly identified information provided in the statement of cash flows that would not be evident by just examining the balance sheet and income statement. 25 Identified the largest investing and financing activities of the two firms selected for research. 15 Compared and contrasted the investing and financing activities of the two firms. 25 Evaluated the investing and financing strategies of the two firms and provided a rationale as to the effectiveness of each strategy. 35 Created a 5-10 slide Microsoft PowerPoint presentation that effectively summarized the findings for the two companies for Weeks 1 to 3 of the Final Project. 20 Commented on at least two other presentations and participated in the discussion. 10 Presented a structured report free of spelling and grammatical errors and cited sources in APA format when necessary. 20 Total: 200

2024 E4-4B (Single-step Income Statement) Assignment Help

E4 4B Single step Income Statement The financial records of Leon Paul Inc were destroyed by fire at the end of 2014 2023

E4-4B (Single-step Income Statement) The financial records of Leon Paul Inc. were destroyed by fire at the end of 2014. Fortunately the controller had kept certain statistical data related to the income statement as presented below. 1. The beginning merchandise inventory was $184,000 and decreased 20% during the current year. 2. Sales discounts amount to $34,000. 3. 20,000 shares of common stock were outstanding for the entire year. 4. Interest expense was $40,000. 5. The income tax rate is 30%. 6. Cost of goods sold amounts to $1,000,000. 7. Administrative expenses are 20% of cost of goods sold but only 8% of gross sales. 8. Four-fifths of the operating expenses relate to sales activities. Operating expenses consist of selling and administrative expenses. Instructions From the foregoing information, prepare an income statement for the year 2014 in single-step form.

2024 BA510 week 3 solution (5-17, 5-21, 5-22, 6-16, 6-17, 6-18) Assignment Help

Week 3 ABSORPTION COST PROBLEMS 5 17 Nickelson Company Variable and Absorption Costing Unit Product Costs and Income Statements Nickleson Company 2023

Week 3 ABSORPTION COST PROBLEMS 5-17 Nickelson Company Variable and Absorption Costing Unit Product Costs and Income Statements Nickleson Company manufactures and sells one product. The following information pertains to each of the company’s first three years of operation: Variable costs per unit: Manufacturing: Direct materials ……………………………………. $ 25 Direct labor …………………………………………… $16 Variable manufacturing overhead ………… $5 Variable selling and administrative……………….. $2 Fixed costs per year: Fixed manufacturing overhead…………………….. $ 300, 000 Fixed selling and administrative expenses……. $ 180, 000 During its first year of operations Nickelson produced 60, 000 units and sold 60,000 units. During its second year of operations it produced 75, 000 units and sold 50,000 units. In its third year, Nickelson produced 40, 000 units and sold 65, 000 units. The selling price of the company’s product is $ 56 per unit. REQUIRED: 1. Compute the company’s break-even-point in units sold. 2. Assume the company uses variable costing: a. Compute the unit product cost for year 1, year 2, and year 3. b. Prepare an Income statement for year 1, year, 2, and year 3. 3. Assume the company uses absorption costing: a. Compute the unit product cost for year 1, year 2, and year 3. b. Prepare an income statement for year 1, year 2, and year 3. 4. Compare the net operating income figures that you computed in requirements 2 and 3 to the break-even point that you computed in requirement 1 . Which net operating income figure seem counterintuitive? Why? PROBLEM 5-21 Prepare and Reconcile Variable Costing Statements (LO 5-1, LO 5-2, LO 5-3) Linden Company manufactures and sells a single product. Cost data for the product follow: Variable costs per unit: Direct materials……………………………………………. $ 6 Direct labor …………………………………………………. 12 Variable factory overhead………………………….. 4 Variable selling and administrative…………….. 3 Total variable costs per unit……………………………………. $ 25 Fixed costs per month : Fixed manufacturing overhead …………………….. $ 240, 000 Fixed selling and administrative ……………………. $ 180, 000 Total fixed cost per month ………………………………………. $ 420, 000 The product sells for $40 per unit. Production and sales data for May and June, the first two months of operation, are as follows: Units Units Produced Sold May……………………… 30, 000 26, 000 June…………………….. 30, 000 34, 000 Income statements prepared by the accounting department, using absorption costing, are presented below: May June Sales………………………………………………………. $ 1, 040, 000 $ 1, 360, 000 Cost of goods sold………………………………….. 780, 000 1, 020, 000 Gross margin…………………………………………. 260, 000 340, 000 Selling and administrative expense………. 260, 000 282, 000 Net operating income…………………………… $ 2, 000 $ 58, 000 REQUIRED: 1. Determine the unit product cost under: a. Absorption costing b. Variable costing 2. Prepare contribution formal variable costing income statements for May and June. 3. Reconcile the variable costing and absorption costing net operating incomes. 4. The company’s Accounting Department has determined the break-even point to be 28,000 units per month, computed as follows: Fixed cost per month = $ 420,000 = 28,000 units Unit contribution margin $ 15 per unit Upon receiving this figure, the president commented. “There’s something peculiar here. The controller says that the break-even point is 28,000 units per month. Yet we sold only 26, 000 units in May, and the income statement we received showed a $ 2, 000 profit. Which figure do we believe?” Prepare a brief explanation of what happened on the May income statement. PROBLEM 5-22 SANDI SCOTT Absorption and Variable Costing: Production Constant, Sales Fluctuate (LO 5-1, LO 5-2, LO 5-3) Sandi Scott obtained a patent on a small electronic device and organized Scott Products, Inc. to produce and sell the device. During the first month of operations, the device was very well received on the market, so Ms. Scott looked forward to healthy profit. For this reason, she was surprised to see a loss for the month on her income statement. This statement was prepared by her accounting service which takes great pride in providing its timely financial data. The statement follows: Scott Products, Inc. Income Statement Sales (40,000 units)………………………………………………… $200, 000 Variable expenses Variable cost of goods sold………………………………. $ 80,000 Variable selling and administrative expenses … 30,000 110, 000 Contribution margin………………………………………… 90, 000 Fixed expenses Fixed manufacturing overhead ………………………. 75, 000 Fixed selling and administrative expenses………. 20, 000 95, 000 Net operating loss ………………………………………………… $ (5, 000) Ms. Scott is discouraged over the loss for the month because she had planned to use the statement to encourage investors to purchase stock in the new company. A friend who is a CPA, insists that the company should be using absorption costing rather than variable costing. He argues that if absorption costing had been used, the company would have reported a profitfor the month. Selected cost data relating to the product and to the first month of operation follow: Units produced ……………………………………………………………………… 50, 000 Units sold ………………………………………………………………………………. 40, 000 Variable cost per unit: Direct materials………………………………………………………… $ 1.00 Direct labor …………………………………………………………..…. $ 0.80 Variable manufacturing overhead …………………………… $ 0.20 Variable selling and administrative expenses………….. $ 0.75 REQUIRED: also does realistic computer animation for special effect in movies. 1. Complete the following: a. Complete the product cost under absorption cost. b. Redo the company’s income for the month using the absorption costing. c. Reconcile the variable and absorption costing net operating income (loss) figures. 2. Was the CPA correct in suggesting that the company really earned a “profit” for the month? Explain? 3. During the second month of operations, the company again produced 50,000 units but sold 60,000 units (Assume no change in total fixed costs). a. Prepare a contribution format income statement for the month using variable costing. b. Prepare an income statement for the month using the absorption costing. c. Reconcile the variable costing net operating incomes. PROBLEM 6-16 Second – Stage Allocation and Product Margins (LO 6-4, LO 6-5) AnimPix, Inc. is a small company that creates computer-generated animation for films and television. Much of the company’s work consists of short commercials for television, but the company The young founders of the company have become increasingly concerned with the economics of the business-particularly because many competitors have sprung up recently in the local area. To help understand the company’s cost-structure, an activity-based costing system has been designed. Three major activities carried out in the company; animation concept, animation production, and contract administration. The animation concept activity is carried out at the contract proposal stage when the company bids on projects. This is an intensive activity that involves individuals from all parts of the company bids on the projects. This is an intensive activity that involves individuals from all parts of the company in creating storyboards and prototype stills to be shown to the prospective client. After the client has accepted a project, the animation goes into production and contract administration begins. Technical staff do almost all the work involved in animation production, whereas the administrative staff is largely responsible for contract administration. The activity cost pools and their activity measure and rates are listed below: Activity Cost Pool Activity Measure Activity Rate Animation concept………………… Number of proposals $ 6, 000 per proposal Animation production……………. Minutes of animation $ 7, 700 per minute of animation Contract administration………… Number of contracts $ 6, 600 per contract These activity rates include all of the costs of the company, except for the costs of idle capacity and re-organization-sustaining costs. There are no direct labor or indirect materials costs. Preliminary analysis using these activity rates has indicated that the local commercials segment of the market maybe unprofitable. This segment is higly competitive. Producers of local commercials may ask several companies like Anim Pix to bid which results in an unusually low ratio of accepted contracts to bids. Furthermore, the animation sequences tend to be much shorter for local commercials than for other work. Because animation work is billed at standard rates according to the running time of the completed animation, the revenues from these short projects tend to be below average. Data concerning activity in the local commercials market appear below: Local Activity Measure Commercials Number of proposals …………………….. 20 Minutes of animation ……………………. 12 Number of contracts ……………………… 8 The total sales for local commercials amounted to $240,000. REQUIRED: 1. Determined the cost of serving the local commercial market. 2. Prepare a report showing the margin earned serving the local commercial market. (Remember, this company has no direct materials or direct labor costs.) 3. What would you recommend to management concerning the local commercial market? PROBLEM 6-17 Precision Manufacturing , Inc. Comparing Traditional and Activity – Based Product Margins (LO 6-1, LO 6-3) Precision Manufacturing Inc. (PMI) makes two type of industrial component parts – the EX300 and the TX500. An absorption costing income statement for the most recent period is shown below: Precision Manufacturing Inc. Income Statement Sales ……………………………………………………….. $ 1, 700, 000 Cost of goods sold…………………………………… 1, 200, 000 Gross margin…………………………………………… 500, 000 Selling and administrative expenses………… 550, 000 Net operating loss ………………………………….. $ ( 50, 000) PMI produced and sold 60,000 units of EX300 at a price of $20 per unit and 12, 500 units of TX500 at a price of $40 per unit. The company’s traditional cost system allocated manufacturing overhead to products using a plantwide overhead rate and direct labor dollar as the allocation base. Additional information relating to the company’s two product lines is shown below: EX300 TX500 Total Direct materials………………… $ 366, 325 $ 162, 550 $ 528, 875 Direct labor………………………. $ 120, 000 $ 42, 500 162, 500 Manufacturing overhead….. 508, 625 Cost of goods sold…………….. $ 1, 200, 000 The company has created an activity-based costing system to evaluate the profitability of its products. PMI’s ABC implementation team concluded that $50,000 and $100,000 of the company’s advertising expenses could directly traced to EX300 and TX500, respectively. The remainder of the selling and administrative expenses was organization – sustaining in nature. The ABC team also distributed the company’s manufacturing overhead to four activities as shown below: Manufacturing Activity Activity cost Pool (and activity measure) Overhead EX 300 TX 500 Total Machining (machine-hours)………………… $198, 250 90,000 62,500 152,500 Setups (setup hours)……………………………. 150, 000 75 300 375 Product-sustaining costs……………………… 100, 000 1 1 2 Other ( organization-sustaining costs) 60, 375 NA NA NA Total manufacturing overhead cost…….. $ 508, 625 REQUIRED: 1. UsingExhibit 6-12 as a guide, compute the product margins for the EX300 and TX500 under the company’s traditional costing system. 2. Using Exhibit 6-10 as a guide, compute the product margins for EX300 and TX500 under the activity-based costing system. 3. Using Exhibit 6-13 as a guide, prepare a quantitative comparison of the traditional and activity-based cost assignments. Explain why the traditional and activity – based cost assignments differ. PROBLEM 6-18 Comparing Traditional and Activity-Based Product Margin (LO 6-1, LO 6-3, LO 6-4, LO 6-5). Rocky mountain corporation makes two types of hiking boots – Xactive and the Pathbreaker . Data concerning these two product lines appear below: Xactive Pathbreaker Selling price per unit…………………………………………… $ 127. 00 $ 89. 00 Direct materials per unit…………………………………….. 64. 80 51.00 Direct labor per unit …………………………………………… 18. 20 13.00 Direct labor hours per unit ………………………………… 1. 4 DLHs 1.0 DLHs Estimated annual production and sales……………… 25, 000 units 75, 000 units The company has a traditional costing system in which manufacturing overhead is applied to units based on direct labor-hours. Data concerning manufacturing overhead and direct labor-hours for the upcoming year appear below: Estimated total manufacturing overhead……………………….. $2, 200, 000 Estimated total direct labor-hours …………………………………. 110, 000 DLHs REQUIRED: 1. Using Exhibit 6-12 as a guide, compute the product margins for the Xactive and the Path breaker products under the company’s traditional costing system. 2. The company I considering replacing its traditional costing system with an activity-based costing system that would assign its manufacturing overhead to the following four activity cost pools (Other cost pool includes organization-sustaining costs and idle capacity costs): Estimated Expected Activity Activities and Activity Measures Overhead cost Xactive Pathbreaker Total Supporting direct labor (direct labor-hours) $ 797, 500 35,000 75,000 110, 000 Batch setups (setups)……………………………….. 680, 000 250 150 400 Batch setups…………………………………………….. 650, 000 1 1 2 Other……………………………………………………….. 72, 500 NA NA NA Total manufacturing overhead cost………….. $2, 200, 000 Using Exhibit 6-10 as a guide, compute the product margins for the Xactive and the Path-breaker products under the activity-based costing system. 3. Using Exhibit 6-13 as a guide, prepare a quantitative comparison of the traditional and activity-based cost assignment. Explain why the traditional and activity-based cost assignments differ.

2024 stastical methods Assignment Help

Statistical Methods Research and describe at least 2 statistical methods from this week s theory Explain 2023

Statistical Methods Research and describe at least 2 statistical methods from this week’s theory. Explain how statistical analysis is utilized in quality control/assurance. Why is knowing statistical analysis an important skill to learn for managers and leaders? The requirements below must be met for your paper to be accepted and graded: 750 word minimum, APA style, see example below. Use font size 12 and 1” margins. Include cover page and reference page. At least 80% of your paper must be original content/writing . No more than 20% of your content/information may come from references Minimum 3 references, no foeign references NO plagarisim, Safe Assign will be used to detect any amount of plagairism Properly Cite