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2024 MAT540 Homework Week 9 Homework Assignment Help

MAT540 Homework Week 9 Page 1 of 3 MAT540 Week 9 Homework Chapter 2023

MAT540 Homework Week 9 Page 1 of 3 MAT540 Week 9 Homework Chapter 5 1. Rowntown Cab Company has 70 drivers that it must schedule in three 8-hour shifts. However, the demand for cabs in the metropolitan area varies dramatically according to time of the day. The slowest period is between midnight and 4:00 A.M. the dispatcher receives few calls, and the calls that are received have the smallest fares of the day. Very few people are going to the airport at that time of the night or taking other long distance trips. It is estimated that a driver will average $80 in fares during that period. The largest fares result from the airport runs in the morning. Thus, the drivers who sart their shift during the period from 4:00 A.M. to 8:00 A.M. average $500 in total fares, and drivers who start at 8:00 A.M. average $420. Drivers who start at noon average $300, and drivers who start at 4:00 P.M. average $270. Drivers who start at the beginning of the 8:00 P.M. to midnight period earn an average of $210 in fares during their 8-hour shift. To retain customers and acquire new ones, Rowntown must maintain a high customer service level. To do so, it has determined the minimum number of drivers it needs working during every 4-hour time segment- 10 from midnight to 4:00 A.M. 12 from 4:00 to 8:00 A.M. 20 from 8:00 A.M. to noon, 25 from noon to 4:00 P.M., 32 from 4:00 to 8:00 P.M., and 18 from 8:00 P.M. to midnight. a. Formulate and solve an integer programming model to help Rowntown Cab schedule its drivers. b. If Rowntown has a maximum of only 15 drivers who will work the late shift from midnight to 8:00 A.M., reformulate the model to reflect this complication and solve it c. All the drivers like to work the day shift from 8:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M., so the company has decided to limit the number of drivers who work this 8-hour shift to 20. Reformulate the model in (b) to reflect this restriction and solve it. 2. Juan Hernandez, a Cuban athlete who visits the United States and Europe frequently, is allowed to return with a limited number of consumer items not generally available in Cuba. The items, which are carried in a duffel bag, cannot exceed a weight of 5 pounds. Once Juan is in Cuba, he sells the items at highly inflated prices. The weight and profit (in U.S. dollars) of each item are as follows: MAT540 Homework Week 9 Page 2 of 3 Item Weight (lb.) Profit Denim jeans 2 $90 CD players 3 150 Compact discs 1 30 Juan wants to determine the combination of items he should pack in his duffel bag to maximize his profit. This problem is an example of a type of integer programming problem known as a “knapsack” problem. Formulate and solve the problem. 3. The Texas Consolidated Electronics Company is contemplating a research and development program encompassing eight research projects. The company is constrained from embarking on all projects by the number of available management scientists (40) and the budget available for R&D projects ($300,000). Further, if project 2 is selected, project 5 must also be selected (but not vice versa). Following are the resources requirement and the estimated profit for each project. Project Expense ($1,000s) Management Scientists required Estimated Profit (1,000,000s) 1 50 6 0.30 2 105 8 0.85 3 56 9 0.20 4 45 3 0.15 5 90 7 0.50 6 80 5 0.45 7 78 8 0.55 8 60 5 0.40 Formulate the integer programming model for this problem and solve it using the computer. 4. Corsouth Mortgage Associates is a large home mortgage firm in the southeast. It has a poll of permanent and temporary computer operators who process mortgage accounts, including posting payments and updating escrow accounts for insurance and taxes. A permanent operator can process 220 accounts per day, and a temporary operator can process 140 accounts per day. On average, the firm must process and update at least 6,300 accounts daily. The company has 32 computer MAT540 Homework Week 9 Page 3 of 3 workstations available. Permanent and temporary operators work 8 hours per day. A permanent operator averages about 0.4 error per day, whereas a temporary operator averages 0.9 error per day. The company wants to limit errors to 15 per day. A permanent operator is paid $120 per day wheras a temporary operator is paid $75 per day. Corsouth wants to determine the number of permanent and temporary operators it needs to minimize cost. Formulate, and solve an integer programming model for this problem and compare this solution to the non-integer solution. 5. Globex Investment Capital Corporation owns six companies that have the following estimated returns (in millions of dollars) if sold in one of the next 3 years: Company Year Sold (estimated returns, $1,000,000s) 1 2 3 1 $14 $18 $23 2 9 11 15 3 18 23 27 4 16 21 25 5 12 16 22 6 21 23 28 To generate operating funds, the company must sell at least $20 million worth of assets in year 1, $25 million in year 2, and $35 million in year 3. Globex wants to develop a plan for selling these companies during the next 3 years to maximize return. Formulate an integer programming model for this problem and solve it by using the computer. Cab Company Scheduling let Di = # of drivers who start their 8 hour shift in period I (I = 1,2,3,4,5,6) period 1 12:00:00 AM–4:00am period 4 12 noon — 4:00pm period 2 4:00am — 8:00am period 5 4:00pm — 8:00pm period 3 8:00am — 12 noon period 6 8:00pm — midnight period 1 period 2 period 3 period 4 period 5 period 6 average fare/ driver 80 500 420 300 270 210 # of drivers in each period >= >= >= >= >= >= minimum # of drivers 10 12 20 25 32 18 DV D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 # of drivers/period Objective function Denim Jeans CD Player Compact discs profit 90 150 30 weight 2 3 1 Denim Jeans CD Player Compact discs DV Constraint <= 5 Objective function Texas Consolidated Electronics Company Project Expense ($1,000s) Management Scientists required Estimated Profit (1,000,000s) Project Selection constraints 1 $50 6 $0.30 2 105 8 0.85 3 56 9 0.2 4 45 3 0.15 5 90 7 0.5 6 80 5 0.45 7 78 8 0.55 8 60 5 0.4 Constraints <= <= 300 40 DV Project 1 2 Please include the following constraints in your solutions 3 4 Note: project 5 >= project 2 5 6 Note: All projects must be integer (1 or 0) 7 8 Objective Maximize Profits Mortgage Associates Let P = # of permanent operators and T = # of temporary operators Permanent operator Temporary operator average pay/operator 120 75 daily # of accounts/per operator 220 140 >= 6300 #of computers available 1 1 <= 32 average errors/ day 0.4 0.9 <= 15 P T Decision variables objective function Global Investment Capital Year Sold (Estimated returns in $ 1000000) Company 1 2 3 1 14 18 23 2 9 11 15 3 18 23 27 4 16 21 25 5 12 16 22 6 21 23 28 constraints 1 2 3 1 <= 1 2 <= 1 3 <= 1 4 <= 1 5 <= 1 6 <= 1 Decision variables are C15:E20 this a 0-1 integer problem. Each decision variable has to be restricted to have the value 0 or 1 Objective function

2024 Discussion – NO PLAGIARISM!!! Assignment Help

Question 1 Productivity is a universal measure of corporate and national competitiveness According to Friedman 2023

Question 1: Productivity is a universal measure of corporate and national competitiveness. According to Friedman, globalization has had an immense impact on the business environment in that it has leveled the playing field, making the world essentially flat. What have been the implications of globalization for corporate productivity in developing countries? Has there been an impact on the major developed countries such as the United States and the European Union too? Hint : Research the globalization trends in developed countries to include outsourcing as a strategy to help determine if there are any implications for productivity. An effective operations and supply strategy must be integrated with the organization’s corporate strategy. Is the concept of outsourcing a form of corporate strategy or does it simply focus on the short-term bottom line? Defend your position. Researched and analyzed the implications of globalization for corporate productivity in developing as well as developed countries. Identified and debated their position on whether the concept of outsourcing is a form of corporate strategy or if it simply focuses on the short-term bottom line. QUESTION 2 Week 1: Iceland Experienced An Epic Volcanic Eruption 6 6 unread replies. 6 replies. In 2010, Iceland experienced an epic volcanic eruption. From a supply chain and operations management chain perspective, what were the implications for global supply chains? Should planning for future events such as this impact the strategy of the company? Support your position based on your research. Evaluation Criteria: The students should have: Analyzed and described the implications of the volcanic eruption for global supply chains. Evaluated and justified whether planning for future events such as natural catastrophes impact the strategy of the company using research. QUESTION 3 Week 1: The World Is Flat: A Brief History of the Twenty-First Century 1 1 unread reply. 6 6 replies. Thomas Friedman in his best selling 2005 (with updates in 2006 and 2007) book, The World Is Flat: A Brief History of the Twenty-First Century, argues that globalization has fundamentally changed the environment in which firms and even whole countries must compete. By “flat” he means that the playing field is essentially level; work that was once the province of one country can now easily be done in many places around the world. He notes that over 400,000 US tax returns were prepared in India in 2005 or that many companies have outsourced customer services to Ireland and India. Other challenges in the business environment include technological change, increasing use of the Internet to move information and conduct business (E commerce), changing demographics in the workforce, global climate change, and increased litigation. Organizations must be aware of these trends and be sufficiently flexible to adapt to the changes as required. Friedman suggests that the world is flat because of automation and supply chain globalization. Do you agree with Friedman regarding the world becoming “flat?” Why or why not? Work that was once the province of one country can now easily be done in many places around the world. What challenges do you think this has thrown to the fundamental operations that get the product from the manufacturing plant and warehouses to the customer? Please provide reasoning for your answers. The Friedman’s text states that “At the most fundamental level, operations and supply management is about getting the day-to-day work done quickly, efficiently, without errors, and at low cost.” How do you think companies can be sufficiently flexible to adapt their supply chain operations to the technological change as required? Evaluation Criteria: The students should have: Stated and justified their position on Friedman’s claim regarding the world becoming flat. Critically analyzed and described the challenges thrown to the fundamental operations to get the product from the manufacturing plant and warehouses to the customer due to increasing delocalization of work. Discussed and explained how companies can be sufficiently flexible to adapt their supply chain operations to the technological change as required.

2024 Creative_writer Assignment Help

Select an Initial Public Offering or a Secondary Offering completed in the last 10 years in the 2023

Select an Initial Public Offering (or a Secondary Offering) completed in the last 10 years in the U.S. capital markets, and discuss and analyze this IPO in seven- to eight-pages, double-spaced. Each student should select a separate company as the subject of the paper. This paper should be submitted to the Week 5 IPO Paper Dropbox. The paper should discuss the following about the company. Identify the company and its industry. Discuss important financial and other facts about the company from its SEC filings. How successful was the IPO in raising capital? What has happened to the company since the IPO? What is the trend in the stock price of the company since the IPO?

2024 A+ Answers Assignment Help

Part 1 For this assignment you will conduct a comparative DuPont analysis of two companies Using a search engine 2023

Part 1 For this assignment you will conduct a comparative DuPont analysis of two companies. Using a search engine, find one large corporation included in the S&P 500. Then, find one of its largest competitors. Go to the investor relations portion of each corporation’s homepage and find their most recent annual report. Complete a DuPont analysis by calculating the ROE, ROA, the profit margin, total asset turnover, and equity multiplier. Also, critique the differences between the two corporations in approximately 100 words. Part 2 Using the most recent income statements (annual) for the two corporations from Part 1 of the assignment, calculate a common size analysis. Then, discuss the differences in the two corporations in approximately 75 words. Insert your 75- word discussion just below your analysis. Be sure to show all of your work for the calculations. For this assignment you will conduct a comparative DuPont analysis of two companies. Using a search engine, find one large corporation included in the S&P 500. Then, find one of its largest competitors. Go to the investor relations portion of each corporation’s homepage and find their most recent annual report. Complete a DuPont analysis by calculating the ROE, ROA, the profit margin, total asset turnover, and equity multiplier. Also, critique the differences between the two corporations in approximately 100 words. Part 2 Using the most recent income statements (annual) for the two corporations from Part 1 of the assignment, calculate a common size analysis. Then, discuss the differences in the two corporations in approximately 75 words. Insert your 75-word discussion just below your analysis. Be sure to show all of your work for the calculations. Save and submit Part 1 and Part 2 together in one Word document. 2. Using the Online Library, research the variables that impact the pricing of options. Focus your energy on comparing the attributes of the two widely accepted models used for option pricing: Black-Scholes and Binomial Models. Your paper should be completed in Word and be no less than two pages in length following APA format. 3. Using the Online Library and the unit reading assignment, explore the capital budgeting techniques covered in the unit, NPV, PI, IRR, and Payback. Compare and contrast each of the techniques with an emphasis on comparative strengths and weaknesses. Be sure to show you understand how each is applied and used in capital budgeting decisions. Use Microsoft Word to complete your answer. Your paper on comparing techniques should be no less than two pages and any references should be cited using proper APA format.

2024 Analyzing The Effect Of Transactions” Assignment Help

Purpose of Assignment The purpose of this assignment is to help you become familiar with examining 2023

Purpose of Assignment The purpose of this assignment is to help you become familiar with examining transactions and how it affects the balance sheet. Assignment Steps Resources: Financial Accounting: Tools for Business Decision Making Write a minimum 150-word response to each of the following scenarios from Exercise E3-1 in Financial Accounting (p. 132) describing the effect of each transaction on assets, liabilities, and stockholder’s equity: · Selected transactions for Thyme Advertising Company, Inc. · Issued common stock to investors in exchange for cash received from investors. · Paid monthly rent. · Received cash from customers when service was performed. · Billed customers for services performed. · Paid dividend to stockholders. · Incurred advertising expense on account. · Received cash from customers billed in (4). · Purchased additional equipment for cash. · Purchased equipment on account.

2024 project management Assignment Help

ou are preparing the project budget and schedule for review with your manager 2023

ou are preparing the project budget and schedule for review with your manager. Next week’s meeting will focus on the budget and schedule for the marketing campaign deliverables of the project. Individual deliverable – continue work on the project plan by documenting the budget cost components for the marketing-related deliverables. Identify and describe the items that will be included in the budget and how those items will be tracked. Refer to PM-BOK and the Web resources for details on what to include. Please add your file. Individually, continue work on the project plan by developing the work breakdown structure for the marketing-related deliverables. For each deliverable, list the following: Activities that must be completed. Order in which they must be completed. Dependencies between activities. Considerations for duration. Considerations for assigning resources to the activity. Identify any milestones and describe your rationale for why they are milestones. Refer to PM-BOK and the Web resources for definitions and additional details. The result should be a list in Word, Excel, PowerPoint, or Project. Please add your file.

2024 Market Research Proposal Assignment Help

I have a marketing research proposal due I need the following below Clear statement 2023

I have a marketing research proposal due. I need the following below. · Clear statement of the intended contribution(s), both theoretical and substantive. · Background, including a brief review of relevant literature and how the proposed research will provide a novel and interesting contribution. · Motivation and research questions, including a statement of the specific research question(s) that will be addressed, why they are important and interesting, and what the researchers expect to learn from answering these questions. · Research design and methodology, including a detailed description of study design, data sources/collection procedures, experiments to be run (if applicable), modeling techniques to be used (if applicable), and any other relevant details. Methodological details will play a crucial role in the evaluation process, and the proposed research should be feasible. The form of the proposal is as follows : 1. Title Page –includes the title of the project from the RFP, the names of the prepares of the proposal, and contact information who the proposal is being prepared for and the date 2. Background of the Problem including literature review 3. Statement of the Research Objectives –usually stated in the RFP–if not they must be determined as described 4. Study Design –a statement of how the data will be gathered and who will be sampled and the sample size 5. Areas of Questioning –not found in all proposals–however, it may be helpful and is a tentative list of survey topics based on the research objectives 6. Data Analysis –which techniques will be used to analyze the data 7. Personnel Involved –provides a list of all people involved in the project and short vita of each (You may enter a place for this on your paper and say that details will come later) 8. Specifications and Assumptions –If you have any. If not, you may say that they will be discussed with the potential client. 9. Services –spell out exactly what the research supplier will do (or you may enter a place for this in the paper and say that the details will come later) 10. Cost –specify the cost and payment schedule (You may estimate this or you may enter a place for it in the paper and say that it has yet to be determined). 11. Timing –state when various phases of the project will be completed 12. Reference page

2024 MGT 521 Week 3 Operational Planning Assignment Help

Operational Planning MGT 521 Review the example SWOT Analyses located in this week s Electronic Reserve Readings to see 2023

Operational Planning MGT 521 Review the example SWOT Analyses located in this week’s Electronic Reserve Readings to see the types of information companies include. Complete the following tasks in the University of Phoenix Material: Organizational Planning Worksheet. Cite your resources. Part One: Select a domestic or international Fortune 500 company from the STUDENT ASSIGNMENTS – Randomly Selected Company Results file. Research the selected company by first clicking on the Business Source Complete: SWOT Analyses link in this week’s Electronic Reserve Readings. Note that additional research is needed to complete this assignment. Identify the company’s internal and external stakeholders. Identify the company’s goals and identify the following, specifically: The company’s mission and vision At least one goal that can be accomplished through a strategic plan At least one goal that can be accomplished through an operational plan Conduct a SWOT analysis on the selected company Part Two: Write a paper that creates strategic and operational plans based on the SWOT analysis, and includes explanations for the following: How these plans will achieve the related goals The effect of planning decisions on the internal and external stakeholders identified Required Elements: No more than 700 words Cite research in your paper to support your writing Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines

2024 Positioning Presentation Assignment Help

choose a product or service the company offers on which to focus the company is Starbucks Identify the important 2023

choose a product or service the company offers on which to focus. (the company is Starbucks) Identify the important attributes for your chosen product and select two key variables for your perceptual map. Prepare a perceptual map for your chosen product/brand and using a minimum of seven competitors, rank each product/brand on the two variables based on how they are positioned in the consumers’ minds. Explain why you placed each competitor on its particular spot on the map, and how you might strengthen your chosen product/brand’s position in the minds of the target market. Create an 8- to 10-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation with notes including the following: Develop a Summary slide. Explain the target market (be specific and address all four segmentation variables – demographic, geographic, psychographic and behavioral). NOTE: You will need to add a slide if you are using the template provided by the university as it is missing in that deck. Identify a Perceptual map. Explain the Map placement. Identify your references. Format your assignment consistent with APA guidelines. Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment. Please complete by 3pm on 02/05/2017

2024 Blog 3 Assignment Help

For the past 90 years advertising and film have worked hand in hand to persuade to viewer to buy 2023

For the past 90 years advertising and film have worked hand in hand to persuade to viewer to buy what they see in films (an TV). Don’t belive that? What did ET eat? I bet you can tell us even if you have not seen the film. And what candy company turned down that lucrative movie contract?* For this post I want you to do 3 things (react- think- respond): React: I want you to think about your favorite movie- what products do you see? Make a list. How do you feel about these products now that you see them as advertising to the viewer and not just film props? Think: Read the article and view the slide share about product placement in the week 6 folder. Respond : What is the cultural impact of the marriage between film and advertising? Should anything be changed in this relationship?