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2024 Week 3 Assignment Help

Week 3 Assignment Evaluate the Price of Unethical Behavior Instructions Prepare a 2023

Week 3 – Assignment: Evaluate the Price of Unethical Behavior Instructions Prepare a paper in which you evaluate a recent business case of unethical behavior with which you are familiar. Be sure to address the following in your paper: · Briefly summarize the historical scenario surrounding your selected case. · Explain how and why you believe the unethical behaviors occurred for as long as they did. · Evaluate the outcome of events, including relations with internal and external stakeholders. · Determine and explain if the punishment was justified. · Explain if and why it is difficult for us to identify ethical breaches that we personally commit. Support your paper with a minimum of five scholarly resources. In addition to these specified resources, other appropriate scholarly resources, including older articles, may be included. Length: 5-7 pages, not including title and reference pages Your paper should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course by providing new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards.

2024 Construction Of An Amortization Schedule Assignment Help

SEE EXCEL TEMPLATE ATTACHED You plan to purchase a 750 000 home using a 30 year mortgage obtained 2023

SEE EXCEL TEMPLATE – ATTACHED You plan to purchase a $750,000 home using a 30-year mortgage obtained from a local commercial bank. The mortgage rate offered is 5.25 percent and requires a 20 percent down payment. a. What are the monthly payments on the mortgage? b. Construct the amortization schedule for the first 10 payments. see chart on excel file c. If the rate offered was 7.50 percent, what would the monthly payments be? d. If a 15-year mortgage with a 4.50 percent rate and 20 percent down payment was obtained for the purchase, what would the monthly payments be?

2024 Question-MNGT 361 404 Leadership & Management Fall 2015 Ch 16 Quiz Assignment Help

Question Score 0 of 1 pt Test score 35 7 2023

Question Score: 0 of 1 pt Test score: 35 % (7 of 20 pts) All of the following questions are pertinent to their debate, EXCEPT which one? (a) What are the characteristics of future successful businesses? (b) How is the American economy projected to change in the future? (c) What managerial philosophies are most prevalent today? (d) In what ways are business philosophies currently ineffective? (e) Does change necessarily mean abandoning tradition? Question Score: 1 of 1 pt Test score: 35 % (7 of 20 pts) Chade-Meng Tan was instrumental in Google’s eventual success. Today, the company is worth billions. Which of the following brands of leadership qualities did he utilize in helping to build the Google empire? (a) Just-get-things-done leadership (b) Corporate social responsibility (c) Unethical leadership (d) Dominant management (e) Maximizing profits Question Score: 0 of 1 pt Test score: 35 % (7 of 20 pts) Summarizing the worksheets provided in the text and identifying gaps that exist between the present self and the future self is called what? (a) My learning Edge (b) Experimenting (c) My values (d) My Ideal Self (e) Personal Balance Sheet Question Score: 1 of 1 pt Test score: 35 % (7 of 20 pts) According to Meng, which of the following is an element of compassion? (a) Inspiring (b) Cognitive (c) Quantitative (d) Creative (e) Explorative Question Score: 0 of 1 pt Test score: 35 % (7 of 20 pts) Fully embed the ideas of ___and___ in management systems. (a) power; divergence (b) conformance; control (c) profit; diversity (d) hierarchy: innovation (e) community; citizenship Question Score: 0 of 1 pt Test score: 35 % (7 of 20 pts) A powerful fictional organization is determined to prevent the new principles of good leadership from spreading throughout the world. They start a propaganda campaign. Which of the following is most likely to be their campaign slogan? (a) “The road to leadership? There’s a shortcut.” (b) “Only you can prevent resonant leadership.” (c) “Globalization: Progress or plot?. (d) “Profit or progress-you make the choice.” (e) “Constant change. Can you afford it?” Question Score: 1 of 1 pt Test score: 35 % (7 of 20 pts) According to Meng, what kinds of people create breakthroughs in business? (a) People who can create a sense of exhilarating discomfort (b) People who are good enough to get things done (c) People who are obsessed with themselves (d) People who can quantify character (e) People who are always in control Question Score: 0 of 1 pt Test score: 35 % (7 of 20 pts) Economists Jordan and Barry are debating the future of business. Jordan believes that businesses need to undergo real change to their managerial philosophies in order to succeed in the future, including incorporating the ideas of citizenship and community into their foundations. Barry feels that businesses have operated successfully for decades using the same foundational principles and should stay true to tradition. Which of the following best describes the point of issue between the two economists? (a) Do modern businesses have the capacity to succeed in the future? (b) What industries will survive the changing economy to survive in the future? (c) How will businesses handle philosophical changes in their managerial structure? (d) Do businesses need to undergo philosophical changes to succeed in the future? (e) How are citizenship and community incorporated into a business’s philosophy? Question Score: 0 of 1 pt Test score: 35 % (7 of 20 pts) Which one of the following statements is NOT true, according to Meng? (a) Compassion is the antidote to excessive self obsession (b) Leadership is essentially about control (c) You have to realize that you can’t do anything alone (d) When you are engaged in compassionate endeavors, people are inspired by you (e) Happiness is a state of mind that frees you to do a lot Question Score: 1 of 1 pt Test score: 35 % (7 of 20 pts) Chade-Meng Tan, better known to his coworkes at Google as Meng, The “Jolly Good Fellow,” helps fellow employees and others all around the world to realize that change, even change in the world, comes from within. Chade-Meng Tan is a(n)_______. (a) Ineffective leader (b) Real leader (c) Uncompassionate leader (d) Traditional leader (e) Demanding leader Question Score: 0 of 1 pt Test score: 35 % (7 of 20 pts) John has been in business for 30 years, but is determined not to stick to old habits just because “it’s always been done this way. “ He consults his younger employees about business decisions and keeps up on the latest trends. In what ways is John preparing to meet the challenges of the twenty-first century? (a) He favors markets rather than hierarchies (b) He is creating new corporate values (c) He is seeking to establish social responsibility (d) He is flexible and willing to change (e) He is eliminating dysfunctional Question Score: 0 of 1 pt Test score: 35 % (7 of 20 pts) Which of the following qualities help a leader be part the solute on rather than part of the problem> (a) Self-management (b) Autonomy (c) Resonance (d) Adaptability (e) Emotional intelligence Question Score: 0 of 1 pt Test score: 35 % (7 of 20 pts) “ I need to control my anger.” “ I need to provide strong leadership.” Which of the following correctly compares these two goals? (a) Self-denial, self-awareness (b) Exploration, ideal (c) Threat, vision (d) Real self, learning plan (e) Working, learning Question Score: 0 of 1 pt Test score: 35 % (7 of 20 pts) Their debate is logically similar to which of the following? (a) Should a chef cook only within his comfort zone or branch out? (b) Should a chef poll his customers to gain feedback on his cuisine? (c) Should a chef adjust his cooking style to adjust to new technology? (d) Should a chef adhere to tradition, or adjust to changing tastes and techniques? (e) Should a chef experiment with new flavors until he finds the perfect combination? Question Score: 0 of 1 pt Test score: 35 % (7 of 20 pts) Meng says that can outstanding leader must have the confidence to believe that he can do a job, but be humble enough to realize that he needs other people. What term does he use to describe this concept? (a) Enlightenment (b) Search Inside yourself (c) Egoless ego (d) Exhilarating discomfort (e) Character Question Score: 1 of 1 pt Test score: 35 % (7 of 20 pts) Danielle completed all the worksheets for the textbook chapter and is eager to put her new knowledge into practice. She will probably succeed. Which of the following is the most likely reason for this probable success? (a) She has a clear picture of the ideal self (b) She has pinpointed her values (c) She is determined to overcome her negative qualities (d) She has decided what her role in business should be (e) She is practicing intentional change Question Score: 0 of 1 pt Test score: 35 % (7 of 20 pts) Which of the following summarizes the main idea of the “moon shots” list? (a) Share all responsibility (b) Keep businesses small (c) Reject the past (d) Promote world peace (e) Keep up with technological progress Question Score: 0 of 1 pt Test score: 35 % (7 of 20 pts) At a seminar called “Bringing Business into the Twenty-First Century, “ Which of the following might be the title of a topic discussed? (a) Business philosophy: Incorporating Other Disciplines (b) Advantages of Hierarchy (c) Tracking the Profit Motive: Interpreting Global Greed (d) Benefitting from Office Politics (e) Leader or Follower: Which are you? Question Score: 1 of 1 pt Test score: 35 % (7 of 20 pts) Wyatt admires the leadership philosophy of Google’s Meng, and is determined to help and inspire the workers he manages. What quality must he cultivate in himself? (a) Character (b) Cooperation (c) Compassion (d) Insight (e) Team-building Question Score: 1 of 1 pt Test score: 35 % (7 of 20 pts) When Roger was hired as a department head at a large corporation, he began holding weekly meetings with groups of workers to get their ideas and feedback on projects and s strategy. He was told to stop doing this because such meetings “are not company policy.” Roger kept bolding the meetings. What does this situation say about Roger? (a) He is willing to stand up for his values and ethics. (b) He is not a strong leader. (c) He is working for the wrong company (d) He is a lifelong learner. (e) He is using positive motivation

2024 marketing assignment Assignment Help

assignment topic Australian Dairy farmers Hybrid car choose one brand 2023

assignment topic – Australian Dairy farmers – Hybrid car (choose one brand) – Australian wool industry – Business schools in Australia – HSBC – Bank of China – Organic food – Health and fitness industry – Research industry (example CSIRO) – Any non profit organization like Red cross or Salvation army – Any small to medium size company in Australia assignment critaria as follows – Executive summary -Situation analysis (SWOT), industry analysis – Marketing strategy – Market opportunities -Financials (project profit/loss) – Clear and concise target market, segments and positioning (includes positioning mapping) followed by the company – Comments on both Micro and Macro environmental forces affecting the company – Brief analysis of consumer perceptions and behaviour about the brand/company – Marketing Mix (brief discussion) – Controls – Your comments or any recommendations · References Harvard style word limit (3000) · Research at least 3 to 4 academic articles on the topic · Students need to submit a soft copy on BB and hard copy on Lvl 6 by due date. · To do well groups need to do a quality research and follow the structure with application of marketing concepts. · 12 slide for presentations, regarding about the assignment so I have to present. Which assignment you going to do need power point slide.

2024 Discussion Assignment Help

Module 2 Discussion Contains unread posts The Saint Leo core value on which this 2023

Module 2 Discussion Contains unread posts The Saint Leo core value on which this course focuses is excellence. If communication competence is the key to organizational excellence, how would you encourage the members of an organization to become competent communicators to enhance the corporate communication strategy? Be certain to be specific in your response and support your answer. Include at least two credible academic sources as support.

2024 Social Media Marketing Plan-FOR TOM MUTUNGA Assignment Help

im sending the book to your email A outline is in the book on the PDF s starting from 2023

im sending the book to your email A outline is in the book on the PDF’s starting from page 321/348 (Actual Book page 303 title page) Replace “xyz company” with skills of “yourself” The Instructions is attached in this page, refer to the book for a sample outline of the necessary parts needed 10-12 double space pages You’re suppose to “sell yourself” in a personal social marketing plan, showing skills that you have, the paper is about how you’re going to use social media to promote yourself to a employer and secure a job/career. Showing the exact steps you’re going to take according to the outline. Be specific on budget as to the amount of $ spent in each operation and implementation

2024 U9D1 -68 – PLEASE FOLLOW ALL INSTRUCTIONS AS OUTLINED BELOW…..& SEE ATTACHMENTS…..Ethical Issues In Qualitative Research Assignment Help

U9D1 68 Ethical Issues in Qualitative Research Because the researcher is a data collection instrument qualitative research 2023

U9D1 -68 – Ethical Issues in Qualitative Research Because the researcher is a data collection instrument, qualitative research presents many possible ethical dilemmas. Three common areas of ethical dilemmas in qualitative research are: 1. Conflict of interest. 2. Research with vulnerable and protected populations. 3. Self as subject. In your discussion post: 1. Describe each of these common areas of ethical dilemma in detail. 2. Describe the ethical issues that might arise in your study. Keep in mind that all research involving human subjects includes ethical considerations, unless the researcher uses only secondary sources. Readings Use the Internet to read The Belmont Report from U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. Complete the following: Read the document Academic Integrity and Honesty. Review the iGuide page Research Ethics Education. Read IRB A–Z Handbook. Read the Transcript “Qualitative Research Proposal” INTRODUCTION – Ethical Issues in Qualitative Research In any research study, there are always ethical issues that must be considered, especially in qualitative research, which poses risks to both the subjects and the researcher. Even when a researcher uses de-identified secondary data (secondary data from which all identifiers have been removed), the Institutional Review Board (IRB) must still review the proposed study—and qualitative studies rarely employ de-identified secondary data. In this unit, you will examine the ethical issues that might arise in a qualitative research study and compose a plan for addressing those issues that might arise in your proposed study. OBJECTIVES To successfully complete this learning unit, you will be expected to: 1. Analyze ethical issues in designing qualitative research with human participants. 2. Evaluate the ethical responsibility of the researcher as it applies to the qualitative research process. 3. Assess the role and importance of the IRB process in human subject protection. 4. Evaluate the characteristics, purposes, benefits, strengths, and weaknesses of qualitative research methods.

2024 Marketing HW Assignment Help

1 ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS a You should complete an environmental analysis however you should also provide a written analysis in 2023

1. ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS a. You should complete an environmental analysis. however, you should also provide a written analysis in your plan. b. Do this for each of the forces listed in the marketing environment. 2. COMPETITIVE ANALYSIS a. List the current competitors (if any) for your product or business b. How will you differentiate your product or business from the competition? Double space, 4 pages without reference page, 5 pages would be reference page included, Following the proposal information A grade Guarantee and must submit on time.

2024 Select a new, realistic good or service for an existing industry. Assignment Help

Select a new realistic good or service for an existing industry Write the economic analysis section I just asked for 2023

Select a new, realistic good or service for an existing industry. Write the economic analysis section I just asked for another assignment help and someone else picked it up and it was horrible I couldn’t use any of it are you available to assist me with this assignment it was suppose to be turned in tonight but now its probably going to be late. The assignment: Select a new, realistic good or service for an existing industry. Write the economic analysis section of a business proposal. This will include statements about the market structure and the elasticity of demand for the good or service, based on text book principles. You need to create hypothetical data, based on similar real world products to estimate fixed and variable costs. Required Elements: Identify market structure Identify elasticity of the product Include rationale for the following questions: How will pricing relate to elasticity of your product? How will changes in the quantity supplied as a result of your pricing decisions affect marginal cost and marginal revenue? Besides your pricing decisions, what are your suggested nonpricing strategies? What nonpricing strategies will you use to increase barriers to entry? How could changes in your business operations alter the mix of fixed and variable costs in line with your strategy? No more than 1400 words Your proposal is consistent with APA guidelines Additional Requirements Other Requirements: The sooner you can have this available the better, please remember that this is a rough draft and I will be critiquing the proposal over the next few weeks.

2024 Corporations 061696RR Assignment Help

Questions 1 to 20 Select the best answer to each question Note that 2023

Questions 1 to 20: Select the best answer to each question. Note that a question and its answers may be split across a page break, so be sure that you have seen the entire question and all the answers before choosing an answer. 1. Casey Company reported net income of $35,000; depreciation expenses of $20,000; an increase in accounts payable of $2,000; and an increase in current notes receivable of $3,000. Net cash flows from operating activities under the indirect method is A. $56,000. B. $50,000. C. $55,000. D. $54,000 2. What is the rate of return on equity if net income is $22,700; preferred dividends are $3,000; sales are $100,000; and average common stockholders’ equity is $86,000? A. 26.4% B. 22.7% C. 86.0% D. 22.9% 3. Earnings that a stockholder receives from a corporation are an example of which stockholder right? A. Vote B. Liquidation C. Dividends D. Preemption 4. What is Jane’s rate of return on total assets if average total assets are $100,000; net income is $2,000; interest expense if $1,600; and income tax is $2,000? A. 5.6% B. 3.6% C. 4.6% D. 5.2% 5. Rick Company has declared a $40,000 cash dividend to shareholders. The company has 5,000 shares of $20 par, 6% preferred stock, and 10,000 shares of $15 par common stock. The preferred stock is cumulative. How much will be distributed to the preferred and common stockholders on the date of payment if the preferred stock is $12,000 in arrears? A. $18,000 preferred; $22,000 common B. $6,000 preferred; $34,000 common C. $20,000 preferred; $20,000 common D. $40,000 preferred; $0 common 6. The Isaiah Corporation Stockholders’ Equity section includes the following information: Total par value of the preferred and common stock is Preferred Stock $22,000 Paid-in Capital in Excess of Par—Preferred 2,980 Common Stock 48,000 Paid-in Capital in Excess of Par—Common 3,400 Retained Earnings 7,350 A. $76,380. B. $77,350. C. $70,000. D. $83,730. 7. What is the rate of return on common stockholders’ equity if sales are $100,000, net income is $22,700, and average common stockholders’ equity is $86,000? A. 86.0% B. 26.4% C. The rate of return can’t be determined from the information given. D. 22.7% 8. Birch issued 200 shares of $12 par common stock in exchange for a piece of equipment with a current market value of $3,000. Which of the following is not part of the journal entry for this transaction? A. Crediting common stock for $2,400 B. Debiting equipment for $3,000 C. Crediting common stock for $3,000 D. Crediting paid-in capital in excess of par common for $600 9. A company has $56,000 in cash; $12,000 in accounts receivable; $25,000 in short-term investments; and $100,000 in merchandise inventory. The company also has $60,000 in current liabilities. The company’s quick ratio is A. 1.550. B. 3.217. C. 0.933. D. 1.133. 10. The accuracy of the statement of cash flows can be verified by computing the change in the balance of the: A. cash and cash equivalent accounts. B. revenue accounts. C. equity account. D. asset and liability accounts. 11. Which section of the income statement does not report net of income taxes or net of income tax savings? A. Continuing operations section B. Discontinued operations section C. Extraordinary items section D. Cumulative effect of changes in accounting principles section 12. The Amanda Corporation Stockholders’ Equity section includes the following information: What was the total selling price of the preferred stock? Preferred Stock $12,000 Paid-in Capital in Excess of Par—Preferred 2,700 Common Stock 15,000 Paid-in Capital in Excess of Par—Common 4,100 Retained Earnings 8,200 A. $16,100 B. $12,000 C. $20,200 D. $14,700 13. Patty’s Baker has cost of goods sold for the years 2011, 2010, and 2009, respectively, of $28,600, $26,900, and $25,600. If 2009 is the base year, the trend percentage for 2011 is A. 105.08%. B. 11.72%. C. 5.08%. D. 111.72% 14. Tammy Corporation has 350,000 shares of $3 par common stock outstanding. It has declared a 5% stock dividend. The current market price of the common stock is $7.50/share. The amount that will be credited to common stock on the date of declaration is A. $52,500. B. $78,750. C. $131,250. D. $183,750. 15. Which activities are computed differently using the two methods of formatting a statement of cash flows? A. Investing activities B. Financing activities C Both operating activities and investing activities D. Operating activities 16. If Rick’s net sales increased from $40,000 to $80,000 and its operating expenses increased from $30,000 to $50,000, then vertical analysis based on net sales would show which of the following for operating expenses for the two periods (to the nearest tenth of a percent)? A. 75.0% and 62.5% B. 133.3% and 160.0% C. 160.0% and 133.3% D. 62.5% and 75.0% 17. Rick Company has declared a $40,000 cash dividend to shareholders. The company has 5,000 shares of $20 par, 6% preferred stock, and 10,000 shares of $15 par common stock. The preferred stock is noncumulative. How much will be distributed to the preferred and common stockholders on the date of payment? A. $40,000 preferred; $0 common B. $0 preferred; $40,000 common C. $6,000 preferred; $34,000 common D. $34,000 preferred; $6,000 common 18. Operating cash flows affect A. equity accounts. B. long-term liability accounts. C. current assets and current liabilities. D. long-term asset accounts. 19. If total assets are $6,000, what is the common-size figure of cash, assuming that cash has a balance of $2,400? A. 40.0% B. 120.0% C. 100.0% D. 60.0% 20. To determine why net income and cash on the balance sheet don’t equal, an accountant can prepare a/an A. income statement. B. balance sheet. C. statement of cash flows. D. statement of retained earnings.