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Module Week 5 Homework Assignment Chapter 7 Homework PART 1 1 point 2023

Module/Week 5 Homework Assignment Chapter 7 Homework PART 1: (1 point) Given the following table, identify the functional dependencies: StdSSN StdCity StdClass OfferNo OffTerm OffYear EnrGrade CourseNo CrsDesc S1 SEATTLE JUN 01 SPRING 2009 3.5 C1 DB S1 SEATTLE JUN 02 FALL 2009 3.3 C2 VB S2 DENVER JUN 03 SPRING 2010 3.1 C3 OO S2 DENVER JUN 02 FALL 2009 3.4 C2 VB StdSSN- StdCity, StdClass OfferNo – OffTerm, OffYear, CourseNo, CrsDesc CourseNo -CrsDesc StdSSN, OfferNo- EnrGrad PART 2: (1 point) In the table provided below, fill in the following data such that it is completely un-normalized. That is, it is not even in 1NF. 222-33-44444 John Doe Web Design, Database, Intro to MIS, C# Programming 555-66-7777 Jane Doe Prin. Of Accounting, Auditing I, Statistical Analysis SSN StudentName Courses 222-33-44444 Jane Doe Web Design Database Intro to Mis C# Programming 555-666-7777 John Doe Prin. OF Accounting Auditing I Statistical Analysis PART 3: (1 point) Using your un-normalized table above, fill in the table below with the data in 1NF. SSN StudentName Courses PART 4: Given the following table and functional dependencies, construct tables below that will satisfy 2NF and identify the primary key of each new table. Note that the primary key of this table is StdSSN + OfferNo. StdSSN StdCity StdClass OfferNo OffTerm OffYear EnrGrade CourseNo CrsDesc S1 SEATTLE JUN 01 SPRING 2009 3.5 C1 DB S1 SEATTLE JUN 02 FALL 2009 3.3 C2 VB S2 DENVER JUN 03 SPRING 2010 3.1 C3 OO S2 DENVER JUN 02 FALL 2009 3.4 C2 VB Functional dependencies: StdSSN à StdCity, StdClass OfferNo à OffTerm, OffYear, CourseNo, CrsDesc StdSSN, OfferNo à EnrGrade (1/2 point) Table 1 Primary Key: _______________________________ (1/2 point) Table 2 Primary Key: _______________________________ (1/2 point) Table 3 Primary Key: _______________________________ PART 5: (1/2 point) Now, assume an additional functional dependency: CourseNo à CrsDesc What table above needs to be modified to accommodate this new functional dependency? _______________________________ PART 6: (1/2 point) Given this new functional dependency, create tables below that will put this table in 3NF. Table 4 Primary Key: _______________________________ Table 5 Primary Key: _______________________________ PART 7: (1/2 point) Identify any foreign keys in Table 4: _______________________________

2024 Unit 3 DB Assignment Help

Reflecting on the focus and content of this course what is an important challenge facing the financial management of 2023

Reflecting on the focus and content of this course, what is an important challenge facing the financial management of organizations today, and how would you go about addressing it? Explain Unit 3: Alternatives for managing risk Assignment objective: Identify three broad alternatives for managing risk Fraser & Simkins: Chapters – 12, 13, 14, 17, 18 Must be Plagiarism Free. 3 – 4 paragraphs or at least if not more than 350 words.

2024 Week 6 Discuss Assignment Help

Marketing Mix Please respond to the following When thinking about the history of public relations determine which development 2023

“Marketing Mix.” Please respond to the following: When thinking about the history of public relations, determine which development do you think was the most significant. Explain your reasoning. Of all the articles you found on the Web site for the World Advertising Research Centre (WARC) at http://www.warc.com/ , determine which was the most applicable. Explain your rationale. Explain how can this information help you communicate effectively with these professionals.

2024 Persuasion And Influence Assignment Help

Cialdini 2001 provides many compelling insights into how choices are influenced Even though marketers are 2023

Cialdini (2001) provides many compelling insights into how choices are influenced. Even though marketers are barred from outright deception, you can still find examples of information or promotions designed to lead customers in a direction that may not be in their rational best interest. Some theorists suggest that rationality only plays a part in one’s decision toolkit. Outside influences (one such example is authority figures hawking goods or services) bear upon the choices you make. It is a susceptibility to these outside pressures and social constructs that may lead you, as a decision maker, away from well-reasoned optimization. The ability to manipulate an individual along these lines leads to the use of nonrational techniques, which are recognizable in the marketing efforts that can inundate your life. Review the article “Harnessing the Science of Persuasion” by R. B. Cialdini (2001) from this module’s assigned readings. Consider Cialdini’s insights on nonrational techniques. Respond to the following: •Consider the last two major purchases you made, and list the techniques that may have swayed your choices. Why do you think these techniques impacted your decision? •What would you do in the future to avoid these psychological pitfalls? Write your initial response in 300–500 words. Your response should be thorough and address all components of the discussion question in detail, include citations of all sources, where needed, according to the APA Style, and demonstrate accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation

2024 Discuss Board Assignment Help

You own a small manufacturing company that produces gaskets for the automotive industry You 2023

You own a small manufacturing company that produces gaskets for the automotive industry. You have traditionally purchased large rolls of rubber (about 40 inches wide) and slit them into 2” strips for use in your die cutting process. You have been approached by a company offering to slit the material for you. Given this information, discuss the following: Discuss why you would or why you would not want to have this company perform this task for you. Discuss the benefits and drawbacks from each course of action. Would the fact that the other company is from a foreign country affect your decision? What are the potential ethical issues related to transferring domestic labor to a foreign workforce (Offshoring).

2024 Capital Structure analysis Assignment Help

Craig company has a market value of 100M consisting of 1M shares selling for 50 per share and 2023

Craig company has a market value of $100M, consisting of 1M shares selling for $50 per share and $50M of 10% perpetual bonds now selling at par.The company’s EBIT is $13.4M and its tax rate is 15%. The company can change its capital structure either by increasing its debts to 70% (based on market values) or decreasing it to 30%. If it decisdes to increase its use of leverage, it must call its bonds and issue new ones with a 12% coupon. If it decides to decrease its leverage, it will call its old bomds and replace them with new 8% coupon bonds. The company will sell or purchase stock at the new equilibrium price to complete the the capital structure change. The fimr pays out all earnings as dividends; hence its stock is zero-growth stock. Its current cost of equity, r-s, is 14%. If it increases leverage, r-s will be 16%. If it decreases leverage, r-s will be 13%. What is the firm’s WACC and total corporate value under each capital structure?

2024 Assignment Assignment Help

Scenario You are the hospital administrator and are told by your ICU unit director of a patient in 2023

Scenario: You are the hospital administrator and are told by your ICU unit director of a patient in the unit that has suffered serious brain damage, but is not currently meeting the criteria for complete brain death. Half of the family is insisting that the patient “wouldn’t want to live this way” and the other half is accusing them of wanting to kill the patient. Some allegations have been raised about a substantial inheritance for some family members upon the patient’s death. The battle is becoming intense and it is beginning to disrupt the medical and nursing staff. 1) An analysis of the situation from an ethical and legal perspective. Address the following question a) What are the ethical issues? b) What are the legal issues? c) What are the medical care issues? d) What actions would you take? Why? How? e) What resources would you tap?

2024 managerial accounting test help Assignment Help

would anyone here be able to take my tests for me 2 2023

would anyone here be able to take my tests for me. 2 tests and a final exam. each test is 30 ?’s long and u have 1hr and 15 min to complete it. the final is 40 ?’s and is timed at 2hr long. first test isnt for 3 more weeks, but id like to find someone to do this for me by end of this weekend i will provide the website and my login and password and a date/time to take the tests

2024 Short Paper 2 – Managing Organizational Change Assignment Help

Course title MANAGING ORGANIZATIONAL CHANGE not Operations Management What does the term managing organizational 2023

Course title: MANAGING ORGANIZATIONAL CHANGE (not Operations Management). What does the term managing organizational change mean to you? Is it possible to not have change in an organization? Is change best driven by the leadership or is change more effective in a grass roots movement. Should change be resisted at all costs? Is change a good or a bad thing? Discuss, substantiating your position with the research that you have collected. Instruction: Please compose a 2-3 page response to the questions above. Follow the rubric requirements (attached). Sources must be cited with APA format. Plagiarism is unacceptable. * From what I can tell, this is simply a personal experience paper. I do need sources though.

2024 Advanced Accounting Assignment Help

So far our discussion and focus has been on business combinations where 100 of another company has been acquired In 2023

So far our discussion and focus has been on business combinations where 100% of another company has been acquired. In reality, complete ownership does not always take place. When a company does not acquire 100%, there is a noncontrolling interest (NCI) is held by another entity involved. The NCI can pose several reporting issues for accountants such as how to value the subsidiary’s accounts at consolidation and how to account for the NCI. SFAS 160 is a new FASB requirement related to consolidations involving a noncontrolling interest. Discuss how SFAS 160 changed the treatment of noncontrolling interest in business combinations. Also, in your opinion, which treatment of noncontrolling interest presents the most conservative approach and why. In your own words, post a substantive response to the Discussion Board question(s) and comment on other postings. Your response should address the DB question(s) and move the conversation forward. You will be graded on the quality of your postings, including mastery of the concept as well as critical thinking. If asked for your opinion, do not simply state that it is a good or bad idea; elaborate on your reasons and argument. Include enough detail to substantiate your thinking as well as your position on the questions or comments. Grading Criteria Discuss how SFAS 160 changed the treatment of noncontrolling interest in business combinations. Also, in your opinion, which treatment of noncontrolling interest presents the most conservative approach and why.