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2024 Conflict Identification and Resolution Assignment Help

Conflict Identification and Resolution We live in a very complex and culturally diverse society When we bring 2023

Conflict Identification and Resolution We live in a very complex and culturally diverse society. When we bring individuals together from diverse backgrounds in a work environment conflict can arise when expectations are not realized or met. Rather than hoping conflict will go away, this paper will explore and identify the reasons for conflict and how to successfully address them in a team environment. Write a four- to five-page paper (excluding title and reference pages) assessing the components of conflict. The following need to be addressed within your paper: Describe a conflict within an organization or team with which you are familiar. Identify and describe the source(s) and level of the conflict and support with evidence. Describe the steps taken to resolve the conflict or, if it is an ongoing conflict, propose steps to resolve the conflict. Describe a minimum of three conflict outcomes that could reasonably occur as a result of the conflict resolution. Support your reasoning for each possible outcome. Your paper must use a minimum of three scholarly sources, in addition to the textbook, your paper must be formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center

2024 Financial Reporting HW help Assignment Help

You have been asked to give a presentation to junior staff members on the objectives of financial reporting 2023

You have been asked to give a presentation to junior staff members on the objectives of financial reporting and the conceptual framework. Prepare a professional, business-quality presentation including the following: 10–12 PowerPoint slides Professional tone and appearance Presentation well suited for the audience (junior staffers) Appropriate citations and references in APA style Information covering the following topics: Identify the 1 general objective of financial reporting. Describe the 3 specific objectives of financial reporting. Explain the relationship between the objectives of financial reporting. Explain the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) conceptual framework.

2024 Organizational Ethics and CSR Assignment Help

Organizational Ethics and CSR Corporate Social Responsibility Assignment Overview In this assignment please read the article by Popa Salanta 2023

Organizational Ethics and CSR Corporate Social Responsibility Assignment Overview In this assignment please read the article by Popa & Salanta. Then, please provide an overview in which you integrate your SLP readings on stakeholder theory, ethical decision making, ethics program leadership and the most recent reading on corporate social responsibility. Assignment Instructions In a 4- to 5-page paper discuss how, and to what extent these ethics based concepts intertwine in ethically grounded organizations? That is, what role does stakeholder management play? What must be done to make sure employees are ethically grounded when facing difficult situations? What role does the Ethics Officer play in orchestrating the ethics related efforts of the organization? And how does the operational efforts related to organizational ethics tie to the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility (if at all)? SLP Assignment Expectations Your paper should be 4–5 pages, double-spaced and in 12-point type size. Your paper should have a separate cover page and a separate reference page. Use APA style, and proofread your paper.

2024 M3-Assignment 1: Discussion—Supply Chain Assignment Help

Understanding supply chain and how the consumer can play a critical role in the 2023

Understanding supply chain and how the consumer can play a critical role in the supply chain is an important part of developing and implementing a strategy. There are many products and services today where the target customer is part of the supply chain. The Web sites Wikipedia, Mary Kay Cosmetics, and Craig’s List are just a few examples. Using the module readings, Argosy University online library resources, and the Internet, respond to the following: Give an example of a product or service where the target customer is part of the supply chain. Describe the types of innovations or improvements that have come from involving the target customer in the supply chain. Describe the types of information technology mechanisms that have been used to involve the customer in the supply chain. Write your initial response in approximately 300 words. Apply APA standards to citation of sources. By Saturday, October 17, 2015 , post your response to the appropriate Discussion Area . Through Wednesday, October 21, 2015 , review and comment on at least two peers’ responses. Assignment 1 Grading Criteria Maximum Points Initial response: Was insightful, original, accurate, and timely. Was substantive and demonstrated advanced understanding of concepts. Compiled/synthesized theories and concepts drawn from a variety of sources to support statements and conclusions. 16 Discussion response and participation: Responded to a minimum of two peers in a timely manner. Offered points of view supported by research. Asked challenging questions that promoted the discussion. Drew relationships between one or more points in the discussion. 16 Writing: Wrote in a clear, concise, formal, and organized manner. Responses were error free. Information from sources, where applicable, was paraphrased appropriately and accurately cited. 8 Total: 40

2024 U6D1-28 – Describe The Action Learning Model You Will Use To Ensure That The Right People Are Represented On The NAT Or NAC . ***PLEASE FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS AS LISTED BELOW. THERE ARE MORE QUESTIONS AND ALL READINGS IS ATTACHED*** Assignment Help

Unit 6 Discussion 1 Exploring Hybrid Action Planning for Stakeholder Group The needs based action learning 2023

Unit 6 Discussion 1- Exploring Hybrid Action Planning for Stakeholder Group * The needs-based action learning project that you have been exploring for this course is now reaching the identification and selection of people whose interests are really at stake for inclusion in the NAC or NAT. * However, the complexity of the needs-based issues characterizing stakeholders’ interests also requires a hybrid action planning framework to ensure that the categories of datasets generated reflect the SAF chosen. * In prioritizing the topic categories under which the stakeholder representation can be grouped, the action learning model to use in validating the structural analysis of the SAF must be assessed for needs-based data accuracy and completeness. 1. Therefore, describe the action learning model you will use to ensure that the right people are represented on the NAT or NAC. 2. Identify and describe briefly those whom you will select for inclusion in the stakeholder group representation or NAT or NAC. 3. Examine the characteristics of the action learning model you will use in determining the needs-based SAF. 4. Also, discuss how you will go about making sure that the needs-based SAF chosen is reflective of the category of datasets’ interests for structural analysis. 5. And, given that the combined data are subject to messy problems of accuracy and completeness, how would you make sure the data is clean? OBJECTIVES To successfully complete this learning unit, you will be expected to: 1. Explore essential logistics for creating needs assessment committee or needs assessment team to constitute the stakeholder group representation. 2. Examine the characteristics of action learning models used in determining the needs-based situational analysis framework. 3. Identify appropriate roles for stakeholder involvement within the needs assessment committee or needs assessment team in the needs-based prioritization and planning process. 4. Explore action learning data tools used for gathering qualitative and quantitative data as components of hybrid action public needs assessments and planning. 5. Examine methods of qualitative and qualitative assessment processes and statistical or predictive database used as a structural analysis of data theme development to inform public needs assessment projects. Readings ***Note: Be certain to read the unit introduction, as it may contain important information and references pertaining to this unit’s content and activities. INTRODUCTION – Creating Needs Assessment Team, Action Learning Data Tools, and Hybrid Action Planning Stakeholder involvement in the needs-based planning process is essential, if not even indispensable, for conceptualizing the problem concept because stakeholders are by and large the owners of the issues needed to be addressed. Removing stakeholders from the needs assessment planning process can be likened to the paralysis of the heart of the problem, and at which point, there is no issue at stake for action learning and planning worthy of investigation. Problem ownership is thus at the heart of identifying people whose interests are at stake so as to validate the inclusiveness of parties, people, citizens, policymakers, service providers, research actors, organizational members, community planners, and all relevant groups for stakeholder representation. The NAC or needs assessment team (NAT) constitutes the group to which the stakeholder representation can be established. In creating such representation, an action learning model that characterizes what it really means to be problem owners, problem identifiers, problem assessors, problem managers, problem solvers, action planners, action researchers, and action intervention team players are among the relevant areas that should be considered. Given the variations characterizing the stakeholder representation, the action learning model used should be determined by how the needs-based SAF chosen is reflective of the category of datasets’ interests for structural analysis. The category of datasets’ interests can be generated by the action learning data tools in the form of qualitative and quantitative instruments or needs-based analytic tools explored in the previous units. However, to better facilitate the structural analysis of the combined qualitative and quantitative data, such needs-based data gathered will also require a hybrid action planning process with the stakeholder group. For this, in creating the community NAT or NAC, you, as the action learning facilitator or as an action research facilitator representing a particular stakeholder group, will gather many different types of data. The qualitative components, coming from interviews, focus groups, and other survey and verbal sources are typically represented as words. Quantitative datasets, on the other hand, most often are represented as numbers and more specifically statistics. Both types of data are subject to messy problems of accuracy and completeness that need to be recognized. If the problems are recognized, they can be corrected, adjusted for, or eliminated as part of the decision-making process. Remember that the end result of a public needs assessment is ideally an informed decision, made with input from stakeholders at NAC or NAT, problem owners in the public domain, or those who are part of the government decision-making process. The needs-based SAF defined through the datasets gathered and their eventual prioritization will form the basis of the structural analysis for action learning, action research or a government policy action for social change that requires the commitment of resources and assessment against other stakeholder actions or government alternatives. Therefore, it is imperative to consider what action learning model you would use to ensure that the right people are represented on the NAT or NAC. Another crucial area to consider is how you would go about making sure that the needs based SAF chosen is reflective of the category of datasets’ interests for structural analysis. And, given that the combined data are subject to messy problems of accuracy and completeness, you should also consider how you would make sure the data is clean. Thus, you have dug through the data, adjusted or corrected it to make sure you have represented the results as accurately as possible and gathered it all in one place for the NAC or NAT to review. But, how can you combine qualitative words and quantitative numbers, though? How does one category of data support or detract from the needs alluded to in the other? That is the challenge of this particular prioritization step in the needs assessment process. First, the data must be stated in a way that is comprehensible to the NAC or NAT membership as a whole, and that could be difficult based on each person’s differing level of education, familiarity with the particular data, and role in gathering it. Second, sources may corroborate or refute one another, and central needs still must be defined. Finally, all of the needs may not have the same long-term impact on public value or may not serve the same benefits. This unit focuses on the methods used to prioritize the needs the NAC or NAT has been assessing, which then creates that committee’s recommendations for action. *** Use your Bridging the Gap Between Asset/Capacity Building and Needs Assessment text to read Chapter 5, “Step 5–8; Completing the Hybrid Process,” pages 105–133. Use your Conducting Needs Assessments text to complete the following: – Read Chapter 5, “Quantitative Methods Assessments,” pages 75–108. – Read Chapter 6, “Quantitative Data Preparation and Statistical Analyses,” pages 109–119. – Read Chapter 7, “Qualitative Assessment Methods,” pages 121–135. – Read Chapter 8, “Qualitative Data Preparation and Analyses,” pages 137–151. – Read Chapter 9, “Recruiting and Collecting Data from Participants,” pages 155–167. Use your ABC of Action Learning library e-book to complete the following: – Read Chapter 2, “Essential Logistics,” pages 17–39. – Read Chapter 3, “The Characteristics of the Manager,” pages 41–51. You have learned about the importance of developing a balanced SAF and the variations or combined needs based analytical tools used in gathering data for the facilitation of the needs assessment planning process. Now, you should consider how the triangulation or combination of qualitative and quantitative tools can complement the needs-based data gathering process. Complete the following: • Quantitative Needs Assessment Methods Transcripts – Please Read. • Writing Qualitative Survey Questions Transcripts – Please Read. This will help you learn how to write qualitative research questions.

2024 MKT 500 WEEK 6 DISCUSSIONS Assignment Help

Pricing Products and Distribution Channels Please respond to the following From the scenario 2023

“Pricing Products and Distribution Channels” Please respond to the following: * From the scenario, evaluate the capacity of the most common distribution channels available for the new product launch to provide consumers with easier access to the product. Speculate on the extent to which Golds Reling, Inc. could use each channel to meet profit goals. Choose the most beneficial distribution strategies, and suggest two (2) ways in which this selection could potentially affect consumer adoption of the new product. Provide a rationale for your response. From the e-Activity, imagine that you are a manager at Amazon and you need to present your ideas on ways to improve logistics to increase profitability. Upload a short (one to two [1-2] minute) video using Kaltura to share your ideas. You may use an iPad, cellphone, laptop, desktop, or traditional video recorder to record your discussion response. You may embed your video or include the link in the discussion board. Note: Your video must be professional and of academic quality.

2024 Written And Oral Presentation Assignment Help

Individual Research Paper Presentation In the early part of this course you spent time reviewing how to 2023

Individual Research Paper & Presentation In the early part of this course, you spent time reviewing how to:  Conduct basic business related research utilizing our library’s resources  Execute proper professional correctness in terms of writing and grammar  Avoid plagiarism issues with proper summarization, quoting and utilizing proper citations. It is now time to exhibit those skills by following the guidelines below. This assignment is worth 100 points total (65 points for the paper and 35 points for the oral presentation). Utilizing our Texas A&M Library databases found at: http://tamuct.libguides.com/index. Then click on A-Z Databases and utilize the following: ** Recommended Top Five Library Databases  Academic Search Complete  ProQuest  JSTOR  EBSCO Host **  Business Source Complete ** (Login: Is your Canvas sign-in and password) You must:  Find three scholarly, peer reviewed journal articles (one may be an internet article) dealing with communication issues in business. The problem cannot be ‘made up’ – it must be real. o The articles may discuss good or bad communication techniques or ; o Describe instances where companies struggled or had great success in communicating. o The articles must be within the last 5 years and can be within any industry. o Each article can be about a different problem within a business After reading the articles, you need to prepare the following: A 6 page individual research paper: (1 Cover Page, 4 Body, and 1 Reference page) 65 points. Use the template provided for this assignment.  Your summaries should demonstrate: o Mastery of professional correctness o Proper summarization of your articles and the communication issues o APA style in general (a cover page, double spaced, 1 inch margins, Times New Roman or Arial 12 pt font, use of in-text citations, and a reference page).

2024 Another 4 Pages Due Saturday Noon PST Assignment Help

I need this Saturday Eveing PST Not an easy t opic so no gamblers please 2023

I need this Saturday Eveing PST Not an easy t opic so no gamblers please Good Intentions Technology, (GIT) submitted a Firm Fixed Price Proposal (FFP) to the Federal Watchout Agency (FWA), in response to a Firm Fixed Price Solicitation, to build 75 B1-RD type Aerial Surveillance Cameras (ASC). GIT is a world leader in surveillance systems and has delivered over 750 of the B1 series cameras. The ASCs must be delivered no later than 24 months after receipt of order. After a series of questions, information exchange, and clarification requests, GIT and the FWA have agreed to meet in a formal fact finding session at an undisclosed location. GIT responded to the FWA RFP with the Cost Summary Detail provided below, and is interested in a Cost Plus Fixed Fee (CPFF) arrangement. GIT’s Program Management asserts that a cost type effort may be better suited for delivering the FWA requirements, than the Firm Fixed Price. Your task, in Paper 2, is to provide preparation documentation to support face-to-face meetings between GIT and the FWA. You must develop a simple fact-finding meeting agenda, which includes your pre-negotiation objectives that you expect to accomplish. Additionally, you must explain how you plan to document the structure of your future negotiation settlement, assuming that the FWA accepts the GIT Proposal, with no further discussion. The Paper content should include framing and documenting each one the following points, for which you may take either the FWA or GIT perspective: •  High-level Fact-finding Meeting Agenda between GIT and FWA. •  Development of Pre-negotiation Objectives with explicit emphasis on cost analysis techniques that can be considered in evaluating the proposed direct labor, materials, and ODCs. •  Proposed Documentation for a negotiated settlement with objective support. •  Any Assumptions, such as regulatory, statutory, or operating guidelines used to accomplish the given specifications, in your Paper. •  Appropriate writing mechanics, formatting, and sources. Proposal Cost Summary Detail for the B1-RD ASC Element Rate Proposed Direct Material  3,300,000.00 Direct Labor 2,425,000.00 Subcontracts 3,250,000.00 Other Direct Costs 78,950.00 Total Direct Costs 9,053,950.00 Indirect Costs Labor Overhead 2,179,460.00 Material Overhead  10.00% 330,000.00 Subcontract Overhead 2.50%  81,250.00 Total Cost Input 11,644,660.00 G&A  8.00%  931,572.80 Total Cost 12,576,232.80 COM  2,647.59 Profit 20.00% 2,515,246.56 Total Price  15,094,126.95 Your Paper 2 is expected to explicitly cover the requirements listed above, and should be a thematic, coherent, and relevant chronology, with smooth transitions. In all cases, provide SUPPORT for your negotiation with minimum, but sufficient and convincing detail for its implementation. Research these items for additional support, as needed, for framework. Keep your thoughts organized by using good writing mechanics. Place a space between paragraphs, and please use double spacing and HEADINGS to match the requirements and major points of your Paper for a clear flow of your responses to the Assignment requirement. Abstracts are not required, and should not be included. Your exposition should reflect considerable thought and go beyond restating the text. A minimum of four (4) peer reviewed sources are required. You are expected to follow the APA guidelines for citations. This means that statements of “facts” supported by references must be both cited within the text and be listed in the references section of at the paper’s end. Your total response should be the equivalent of no less than 3 and no more than 5 typed, double-spaced pages not counting the Cover Page and Reference List. This paper is worth 25 points and is due on July 20, 2017 . You are required to observe and pay strict attention to the Academic Integrity Policies and Guidelines in your writing. Submit your completed Paper to the Assignments Folder. The information above is all that you need for completing this Assignment. However, you are allowed to make reasonable assumptions to support additional information that you need to sufficiently justify your narrative.

2024 Accounting Question Assignment Help

The Staff of Jefferson Medical Services has estimated the following net cash 2023

The Staff of Jefferson Medical Services has estimated the following net cash flows for a food services operation that it may open in its outpatient clinic: Year Expected net cash flow 0 ($100,000) 1 30,000 2 30,000 3 30,000 4 30,000 5 30,000 5(salvage value) 20,000 The Year o cash flow is the net investment outlay, while the final amount is the terminal cash flow. (The clinic is expected to move to a new building in five years.) All other flows represent net operating cash flows. Jefferson’s corporate cost of capital is 10%. a. What is the project’s IRR?? b. Assuming the project has average risk, what us its NPV?? c. Now assuming that operating cash flows in Year 1 through 5 could be as low as $20,000 or as high as $40,000. Furthermore, the salvage value cash flow at the end of Year 5 could be as low as $0 or as high as $30,000. What is the worst case and best case IRR?? The worst case and best case NPV?

2024 A Stimulus for Health Information Technology in Health Care Organizations Assignment Help

Application A Stimulus for Health Information Technology in Health Care Organizations The HITECH provision 2023

Application: A Stimulus for Health Information Technology in Health Care Organizations The HITECH provision of ARRA will facilitate the use of new health information technology in a range of health care organizations, from hospitals to physicians’ practices. To encourage a timely transition, HITECH includes incentives for providers and organizations based on how quickly and how well they incorporate certain kinds of technology in their practices. Prepare for this Application Assignment as follows: In light of this week’s Learning Resources, what do you think are major challenges facing health care organizations as they seek to interpret and implement ARRA/HITECH? Select a particular health care setting, such as a physician’s practice, academic hospital, or outpatient clinic, and consider the management implications of ARRA/HITECH in your selected setting. Do further research in the Walden Library and elsewhere online to understand the issues facing this type of organization as they expand their use of health information technology. (You will be examining the technological issues in some detail later in the course; for this Application Assignment, focus on the breadth of management challenges that ARRA/HITECH raises.) What solutions have been found? How might you, as a manager in this particular setting, contribute to the process? What tools and knowledge would you need to be effective? Then write a 1- to 2-page paper that addresses the following: Summarize the purpose of ARRA/HITECH and the key benefits it offers your selected health care setting. What kinds of management challenges does ARRA/HITECH pose to this kind of organization? How are these being addressed? What additional solutions might you propose, and why? MUST BE REFERENCE IN APA FORMAT. Use citation in paper as well as document sources at the bottom in references.