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2024 Management Engineering Assignment Help

You are considering three investment alternatives for some spare cash Old Reliable Corporation 2023

You are considering three investment alternatives for some spare cash: Old Reliable Corporation stock (A1), Fly-By-Nite Air Cargo Company stock (A2), and a federally insured savings certificate (A3). You expect the economy will either “boom” (N1) or “bust” (N2), and you estimate that a boom is more likely (p1=0.6) than a bust (p2=0.4). Outcomes for the three alternatives are expected to be (1) $2,000 in boom or $500 in bust for ORC; (2) $6,000 in boom but $-5,000 (loss) in bust for FBN; and (3) $1,200 for the certificate in either case. Set up a payoff table (decision matrix) for this problem and show which alternative maximizes expected value. I need it by two hours please. If you can do it massge me

2024 FIN550 Week 2 Homework Problems-Strayer Assignment Help

Chapter 4 4 You decide to sell short 100 shares of Charlotte Horse Farms when it is selling 2023

Chapter 4 4. You decide to sell short 100 shares of Charlotte Horse Farms when it is selling at its yearly high of $56. Your broker tells you that your margin requirement is 45 percent and that the commission on the purchase is $155. While you are short the stock, Charlotte pays a $2.50 per share dividend. At the end of one year, you buy 100 shares of Charlotte at $45 to close out your position and are charged a commission of $145 and 8 percent interest on the money borrowed. What is your rate of return on the investment? 5. You own 200 shares of Shamrock Enterprises that you bought at $25 a share. The stock is now selling for $45 a share. a. You put in a stop loss order at $40. Discuss your reasoning for this action. b. If the stock eventually declines in price to $30 a share, what would be your rate of return with and without the stop loss order? 6. Two years ago, you bought 300 shares of Kayleigh Milk Co. for $30 a share with a margin of 60 percent. Currently, the Kayleigh stock is selling for $45 a share. Assuming no dividends and ignoring commissions, compute (a) the annualized rate of return on this investment if you had paid cash, and (b) your rate of return with the margin purchase. 7. The stock of the Madison Travel Co. is selling for $28 a share. You put in a limit buy order at $24 for one month. During the month the stock price declines to $20, then jumps to $36. Ignoring commissions, what would have been your rate of return on this investment? What would be your rate of return if you had put in a market order? What if your limit order was at $18? chpter 6 1. Compute the abnormal rates of return for the following stocks during period t (ignore differential systematic risk): 2. Compute the abnormal rates of return for the five stocks in Problem 1 assuming the following systematic risk measures (betas): Stock βi B 0.95 F 1.25 T 1.45 C 0.70 E −0.30 3. Compare the abnormal returns in Problems 1 and 2 and discuss the reason for the difference in each case. 4. Look up the daily trading volume for the following stocks during a recent five-day period: Merck Caterpillar Intel McDonald’s General Electric Randomly select five stocks from the NYSE, and examine their daily trading volume for the same five days. a. What are the average volumes for the two samples? b. Would you expect this difference to have an impact on the efficiency of the markets for the two samples? Why or why not?

2024 Multiple Questions Answers Assignment Help

1 Which of these scenarios most clearly illustrates the concept of emotional labor A Because she 2023

1. Which of these scenarios most clearly illustrates the concept of emotional labor? A. Because she must smile all day while working as a sales clerk, Gloria loses touch with her actual emotional feelings. B. Alvin experiences depression because, in order to feed his family, he feels compelled to work in a chemical plant that produces toxic waste. C. As computerization allows Ed’s manager more and more control over his work tasks, he feels more like machine part than a person. D. Louise feels a loss of self-esteem as her nursing job demands more hours at less pay, thus cutting back on quality time with her children. 2. In Sweden, people pay high taxes. The majority of Swedes A. have voted to pay the taxes and receive the benefits. B. have immigrated to other countries to avoid paying high taxes. C. resent this. D. endorse high taxes because they’re Communists. 3. Resource mobilization theory proposes that one of the sparks for turning perceived deprivation into a social movement is A. widespread anger. B. absolute deprivation. C. seething resentment. D. organization. 4. Which of the following activities would not be an example of primary production? A. Hunting B. Teaching C. Mining D. Farming

2024 HM6110 Module 2 Assignment 2: Scenario Analysis 2 Assignment Help

Follow the directions given below to complete your second scenario analysis report in approximately 2023

Follow the directions given below to complete your second scenario analysis report in approximately 3–5 pages. Part I: Situation Summary Provide a summary of the selected situation or event, briefly describing the people involved and their interrelationships. Your summary should give enough information to support your analysis and allow others to analyze the situation. Write the summary in approximately 1 page. Part II: Analysis and Recommendation Review concepts, theories, and research findings discussed in your readings to understand and explain the organizational behavior you observed. Find at least two concepts, theories, or research findings that best explain the situation. In each module, you will discover additional concepts, theories, and research findings on organizational behavior that you should consider applying to your observations. Use two new concepts, theories, or research findings in each module. Complete the following: Identify the symptoms of the organizational behavior problem you have observed. Discuss your rationale for choosing the concepts, theories, or research findings to explain the situation. Provide a recommendation for how you would have handled the situation differently. Your final submission will be a 3–5-page report in Word format. Utilize 2–3 scholarly sources in your research. Your document should be written in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrate ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; and display accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Use the following file naming convention for your document: LastnameFirstInitial_M2_A2.doc.

2024 FIN 571 Week 1 DQs. Get an A++. Assignment Help

What is ethics If you follow all applicable rules and regulations are you an 2023

What is ethics? If you follow all applicable rules and regulations, are you an ethical person? Assume that interest rates have increased substantially. Would this tend to increase or decrease the market value (meaning the price an investor in the firm’s paper is willing to pay) of a firm’s liabilities (relative to the book value of liabilities)? This question is referring to a firm’s liability such as a bond or debenture that has been issued in the markets. What happens to the price an investor who is looking to purchase that bond or debenture is willing to pay if the market interest rate increases above the rate that the bond or debenture pays.

2024 Assignment 1: Discussion—Cultural and Ethical Challenges for Multinational Organizations Assignment Help

In order to succeed or to remain successful companies need to have a 2023

In order to succeed or to remain successful, companies need to have a good synchrony with their external environment. As companies expand their operations to different countries and in order to be accepted in a different culture, they have to adapt by changing some of their ways of doing business. Globalization may bring an intensification of ethical differences and ethical conflicts. From a company’s perspective, business as usual may be preferable, while local traditions and values can be seen as parochial, backward or even reprehensible. Conversely, from the standpoint of foreign cultures and communities to which the company expanded operations, the ways of doing business and behaviors favored by multinational corporations can be perceived as invasive, insensitive, or even immoral. One good example of this would be the way Muslim fundamentalists would see many Western corporations and the products offered by them. Using the University online library resources, locate a minimum of four different scholarly sources on organizational and national culture and ethical challenges faced by multinational companies and summarize your findings. Based on that, recommend best practices for a company that wants to expand its operations abroad. What philosophies of ethics would you recommend as frameworks for action? Justify your choice(s). Write your initial response in 300–500 words. Your response should be thorough and address all components of the discussion question in detail, include citations of all sources, where needed, according to the APA Style, and demonstrate accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation

2024 PSY 301 Week 4 DQs. Get an A++. Assignment Help

Examine the concept of altruism and altruistic behavior What does it mean for someone to behave 2023

Examine the concept of altruism and altruistic behavior. What does it mean for someone to behave altruistically? What is gained from this action, and how does it differ from egoistic behavior? What are some reasons why people would want to help one another, without regard for personal gain or benefit? In addition, explain the bystander effect. If we all have a genuine desire to help one another, why is the effect so common? How can we prevent it from occurring? Although we label some behaviors as aggressive, we also neglect a multitude of other actions that qualify as aggressive behaviors. As mentioned in your textbook, what matters is the intent of the action, not necessarily the action itself. Describe the various origins of aggressive behavior, and discuss the gender differences in how aggression is developed and presented. Additionally, describe the aggression cues that we encounter in our social world through the media, the presence of weapons, alcohol and drug consumption, the environment, etc. How do these cues influence our capacity to behave in an aggressive manner?

2024 BIS/221 Assignment Help

Create a Microsoft Word document saved under the following format Lastname Course W1 doc Research three different brands 2023

Create a Microsoft® Word® document saved under the following format: Lastname_Course#_W1.doc Research three different brands of computers using an Internet search engine (e.g. Google™, Bing™, Yahoo™, etc.). Research the benefits of information systems in the work environment. Write a 350- to 700-word summary describing the features of the different computers such as memory, processor, monitor/screen size, operating system, etc. In the summary include the following: Comparison of the price Bulleted list of the features that are most important to you in the computer description An image of the computers URL/Internet address for the computers Bold, underline, and add italics to the price of each computer Highlight the name of each computer Write a one paragraph recommendation in which you recommend the computer you would purchase based on your research. This is in addition to the summary. Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.

2024 PRINC OF ACC – Research Application Assignment Help

In this assignment you will use the Internet and other sources to gather and interpret 2023

In this assignment, you will use the Internet and other sources to gather and interpret information related to service and manufacturing organizations. Select either a service or a manufacturing organization of interest to you. Research the organization using the Argosy University online library and the Internet. Based on your research, do the following: Identify and classify the types of expenses associated with the operation of the selected organization. Review the income statement and balance sheet of the selected organization. What is your overall initial impression of the company based on the financial data you reviewed? Write a 2- to 3-page report detailing your findings in MS Word format. Apply current APA standards for writing style to your work.

2024 ENG 121 Journal 4 Assignment Help

This week you continue writing your journal entries This journal is designed to give 2023

This week, you continue writing your journal entries. This journal is designed to give you practice in academic writing, which is very different from the personal essay writing that you have been practicing. Academic writing entails making a point and supporting that point with information from a reputable source. There are three ways to support a point with information from a source: quoting, paraphrasing, or summarizing. This week, you will practice summarizing a source and citing that source in your journal entry. Please be sure to read and review the “Example Journal Entry – Summarizing (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.” document, which shows how summaries can be integrated. Note: The journal assignment should not be confused with a personal journal. This activity requires organization, effective stylistics and grammar, and proper source incorporation. It is not a free-writing or reflective writing exercise. The personal essay we have read this week, “Consider the Lobster (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.” uses narrative and/or descriptive elements (sections 6.3 and 6.4 in Essentials of College Writing), and each has a clear purpose. Write about one of the essays assigned in this week’s readings. In 250 to 500 words •State the purpose of the essay. •Describe one descriptive writing pattern being used in the essay (refer to section 6.4 in Essentials of College Writing). •Explain why you think that descriptive writing pattern is used well by the writer. Incorporate a summary from the essay and properly cite the essay. •Explain how you plan to use the same descriptive writing pattern in your personal essay. Please use the APA template that i have downloaded.