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2024 Finance Homework Assignment Help

Submit an Excel file with your answers to Problems 2 15 16 19 and 2023

Submit an Excel file with your answers to Problems: 2, 15, 16, 19, and 20, as well as CFA Problems: 2, 3, and 4. For the conceptual problems, just type the answer in Excel; please identify the boundaries of the page so that you use additional rows rather than extending an answer across several pages. For calculation based problems, please use Excel to do the calculations rather than doing them on a calculator and just typing the answers into Excel.

2024 Employment Law Homework Assignment Help

Assignment Choice 1 Ethical issues in Employment Law In a well written paper 2023

Assignment Choice #1 : Ethical issues in Employment Law In a well-written paper, relate your professional or personal experience in the business world as an employee or employer and an ethical issue you confronted that falls within the realm of employment law. For example, you could write about your experience working long hours as a minor in violation of federal wage and hour laws. If you have not personally or professionally confronted an issue, consider an issue that could arise within the realm of employment law and describe it. Be sure that your focus is twofold: first, on an area of employment law and second, on a potential ethical issue within that area of law. Address the following in your paper: Identify and clearly define the relevant law, either defining a legal doctrine, provisions of a law, or elements of a specific cause of action. Apply facts from your situation to the applicable law, doctrine or cause of action studied. Clearly summarize lessons learned from the week as they apply to your fact pattern and make links to the readings and/or module. Include new thoughts or ideas based on the module information. This is your reflection/insight which logically would flow from each information point presented. Identify any related ethical issues. Your paper should be 2-3 pages in length, not including the title or references pages. Review the grading rubric, which can be accessed from the Course Information page, and make sure to follow the CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA Requirements .

2024 800 Words Compensation Structure Assignment Help

Billy s Bar B Q is looking to set up a new Texas style restaurant However 2023

Billy’s Bar-B-Q is looking to set up a new Texas style restaurant. However, unlike the southern locations, they have come to the realization that things like taste, work ethic, and compensation expectations are different in the north. Compensation and/or benefits employee’s receive are a reflection of the companies value of the employee’s worth as to that position or the duties required to accomplish the job duties. Compensation could provide motivation for an employee to perform to the best of their abilities, or simply clock in and clock out. In framing your response, research different compensation polices from piece rate systems to hourly to salary: Identify different compensation systems and provide the benefits and disadvantages of each. Define Comparable Worth and explain how companies attempt to compensate their employees based on such a concept and not violate any federal legislation.

2024 finance due in 1 hour Assignment Help

Valuation report written assignment Directions Please download the spreadsheet labeled McDonalds MCD valuation spreadsheet from the class 2023

Valuation report written assignment Directions: Please download the spreadsheet labeled, “McDonalds (MCD) valuation spreadsheet” from the class website. The spreadsheet includes three worksheets: 1) 17 years of income statement, balance sheet history for MCD (plus more limited history of cash flow statements), 2) MCD forecasted financial statements and valuation of MCD’s equity using forecasted free cash flows to equity (FCFE), and 3) a sheet outlining various financial ratios for both historic data as well as throughout the forecast horizon. THE SCENARIO : you are a junior equity research analyst for the investment bank, Barton, Ingles, Glass, and Company (BIG Co) in May 2015. The analyst covering the restaurant chain industry has abruptly resigned from the company. Unfortunately, a large institutional client wants information about McDonald’s stock and has scheduled a meeting with one of BIG’s managing directors. In a review of the analyst’s files, the managing director found a valuation spreadsheet for MCD dated March 2015, but could not find an accompanying report. You’ve been sent the MCD spreadsheet, and the managing director has asked you to write a report detailing the prior analyst’s valuation of MCD, the assumptions implied in the analysis, as well as your assessment of the valuation’s assumptions . Using primarily the information contained in the spreadsheet, please write a report for your boss (that will be easily translated into your boss’s report for the client). NOTE: you may incorporate appropriate stock price information for MCD, any additional financial ratios or other metrics that you can compute from the given data that you deem appropriate, and any additional background information about McDonalds that you deem necessary to write a good report. Please make note of the dates above. The report should avoid incorporating information that would not be known after May 2015. PLEASE FOLLOW THE FORMAT BELOW FOR THE ASSIGNMENT. Failure to do so will be penalized: Section 1 : Provide an effective executive summary of the MCD valuation. Your summary should provide the “main point” of the valuation and any major points that you believe need to be stated in a brief reading. REMEMBER: an executive summary is a stand-alone document that provides an overview of your main report. Ideally, the executive summary’s length is approximately 10% of the length of the main report. Section 2 : Provide an effective discussion of the key details of the valuation model . In particular, make sure you discuss what is being valued (forecasted FCFE) and how the FCFE forecast provided translates into the estimated value. In particular, make sure the reader knows how value is being estimated. Section 3 : Provide an effective discussion of the most important financial results (i.e., big-picture assumptions) from the forecasted financial statements. These results should clearly relate to McDonald’s forecasted profitability , growth, investment requirements, and financing choices. In context, you should also consider historical information as appropriate. Section 4 : Provide a clear list of ALL assumptions made within the forecasts and valuation. (NOTE WELL: These assumptions may be explicitly shown in the text of the spreadsheet, or built into the spreadsheet). This list can be constructed as bullet points, but needs to be clearly presented. Section 5 : Provide your critique of the most important assumptions made in the analyst’s forecast. Additionally, please cite any aspects of the valuation or forecast that reflect the prior analyst’s mistakes. How would you fix these mistakes? Please use the evidence from the spreadsheet as your primary data source for making critiques of the assumptions. In particular, DO NOT offer opinions without providing clear evidence. Section 6 : Provide your concluding comments about the valuation and appropriateness of the valuation in the context of making a “buy/sell” recommendation. You must submit the following: 1) the text of your report, followed by 2) tables and/or graphs of “highlighted” results and/or assumptions (NOTE: elements of each table and/or graph must be discussed in the text of your report and should be labeled “Table 1”, “Figure 1”, etc., and these should be discussed in appropriate order). Your boss has placed two constraints on the pieces to your report. First, the text portion of your report should not exceed 6 pages in length (with double-spaced, 12-point font and 1.25-inch margins on all sides). Second, you should not include more than six (6) tables and/or graphs. The penalties for exceeding the limits will be: 1% deduction for each excess line of text and 10% deduction for each excess table or figure. You will be assessed on your ability to effectively present and discuss the prior analyst’s valuation of McDonald’s stock as outlined in the required format outlined above. Do a good job, and you might be on the short list for a promotion in the next year. Do a lousy job, and be prepared to be part of the yearly purge of the weaker-performing junior analysts! As is always the case, you are being evaluated 1) against your peers, and 2) against those who have preceded you.

2024 Worldwide Basketball And Sports Tours Inc. V. NCAA (2004) Assignment Help

The case you are to use is in the Antitrust laws are designed 2023

The case you are to use is in the Antitrust laws are designed to promote competition. Outside of college athletics, economic competition is considered good for society. Not so inside the world of the NCAA, which kept a stranglehold on competition for decades. However, in the past few years, there have been a number of landmark cases that have nibbled around the edges of NCAA rules and bylaws that limit competition, including the O’Bannon case, which found that student-athletes were entitled to compensation when their likenesses are used commercially. Go online – you cannot use a case from the textbook – and find an antitrust case against the NCAA. Briefly describe the case, including the parties’ respective legal arguments (i.e., the specific statutes that are being challenged), and then tell us whether you agree with the court’s decision, if the case has already been decided, or what you expect the court’s decision to be if the case is still in the court system. NOTE: Students are not allowed to use a case that has already been used by a fellow student. Be sure to: 1) use and define the legal terms/phrases that apply; 2) include a minimum of two internet references; 3) properly cite and reference all sources using APA format; 4) you are required to post substantial responses to at least two classmates’. MUST BE 275-350 words

2024 Mrs Tintswalo Maila owns a metal press shop and is considering expanding her company to include an advanced machining process… Assignment Help

Mrs Tintswalo Maila owns a metal press shop and is considering expanding her company 2023

Mrs Tintswalo Maila owns a metal press shop and is considering expanding her company to include an advanced machining process plant. If the plant is successful, 16 her company could realise an additional R200 000. profit. If it fails she could incur a loss of R180 000. Tintswalo, being the eternal pessimist, estimates a 60% chance that the new plant will fail. Her other option is to build a pilot plant to help her decide whether to build a complete facility. The pilot plant would cost R10 000 to build and Tintswalo estimates that the pilot has a 50-50 chance of success. It the pilot plant is successful then there is a 90% likelihood that the full plant will also be successful. If the pilot plant is unsuccessful then there is a 20% probability that the full plant will also be unsuccessful. Tintswalo is faced with the problem of having to decide whether to build a full plant directly from the onset or to first build a pilot plant and based on its performance, decide whether to build the full plant or not. Make use of decision tree analysis to help Mrs Maila decide on the most appropriate action to take

2024 Unit 4 IP Assignment Help

You are a financial analyst for the CMC Corporation This corporation predicts changes in the economy such 2023

You are a financial analyst for the CMC Corporation. This corporation predicts changes in the economy, such as interest rates, retail trends, and unemployment. Your job is to educate incoming analyst on the terminology, definitions, and uses of interest rate theories, yield curves, and predictions. In your next training session, you will cover major theories that have been developed to explain resulting yield curves and the term structure of interest rates. Prepare a training guide with the following: Define and compare the following theories: expectations theory, liquidity theory, market segmentation theory, and preferred habitat hypothesis theory. In 2–3 pages, explain how each of the above theories explain changes in the economy. Provide examples for each, and be sure to use and properly cite scholarly sources. Same Details as Unit 4 DB MUST be PLAGIARISM FREE. (3 – 4 Pages (Body of Paper) Must also have an Introduction, Conclusion and References. All Citing where or When Necessary. I will Pay $2.00 down with an Additional $10.00 on Completion.

2024 MKT571/MKT 571 WEEK 5 QUIZ (100% SOLUTIONS) Assignment Help

1 Which of the following statements correctly reflects a characteristic of public relations as a marketing communications 2023

1. Which of the following statements correctly reflects a characteristic of public relations as a marketing communications tool? Public relations can reach prospects who prefer to avoid mass media and targeted promotions. They incorporate some concession, inducement, or contribution that gives value to the consumer. Given their live, real-time quality, public relations tools are more actively engaging for consumers. Public relations communications can be prepared to appeal to the addressed individual. 2. When a consumer considers a product or service, he or she will choose whichever product or service delivers the highest customer-perceived value customer equity customer lifetime value customer-perceived cost 3. Selective price cuts, intense promotional blitzes, and occasional legal action are commonplace in the strategic design of guerilla warfare a bypass attack an encirclement attack a frontal attack 4. Total customer satisfaction is measured based on the relationship of advertised outcomes and real outcomes perceived performance and expectation past experience and present experience expected value and total customer benefit 5. TBS Bikes has recently introduced a series of bikes called Surami. The core positioning of TBS Bikes is “speed”. Surami is a five-gear bike and, apart from speed, the company promises to include other features such as safety, good performance, and pollution control features. This describes the ________ of the bike. value proposition total customer cost value-delivery system customer-perceived value 6. What function does a company’s public relations department perform when it promotes understanding of the organization through internal and external communications? Product publicity Corporate communications Press relations Counseling 7. Companies provide rewards to customers who buy often and in substantial amounts. These reward schemes are referred to as quality programs benefit programs frequency programs satisfaction programs 8. An insider trading crisis for an organization is what type of public relations crisis? Act of upheaval Act of nature Unintentional event Intentional event 9. When dealing with a public relations crisis, a _____ can be a useful online tool to communicate with internal stakeholders. public site crisis site white site dark site 10. Which of the following benefits is offered by sales promotion tools? They allow buyers personal choices and encourage them to respond directly. They can reach prospects who prefer to avoid mass media and targeted promotions. They incorporate some concession, inducement, or contribution that gives value to the consumer. They are typically an indirect form of soft-sell and hence, better received by customers. 11. Which of the following circumstances are best suited for the use of personal selling? When there is minimal risk involved in buying or using the products When the market has fewer and larger sellers When prospective customers are spread across a wide geographic area When the products used are simple and easy-to-use 12. Mountain Dew is a brand known for sponsorships of adventure events such as snowboarding and skateboarding competitions. What is the most likely objective of Mountain Dew’s sponsorship of these events? To express commitment to the community or on social issues To entertain key clients or reward key employees To enhance corporate image To create perceptions of key brand image associations 13. When Starbucks introduced its Tazo Tea line to bring in new customers who had never gone to Starbucks because they don’t drink coffee, Starbucks was employing a ________ strategy. new-market segment niche identification geographical-expansion market-penetration 14. Under which of the following conditions is the frequency the most important factor in media selection? When launching infrequently purchased brands When going into undefined target markets When introducing flanker brands When there is high consumer resistance to the product 15. Which of the following equations accurately describes the total number of exposures (E) of an advertising message through a given medium? E = reach * frequency E = frequency / reach E = reach * frequency * impact E = (reach * frequency) / impact 16. ________ is finding the most cost-effective media to deliver the desired number and type of exposures to the target audience. Content analysis Media scheduling Media selection Copy testing 17. ________ is based on the premise that marketers can no longer use interruption marketing via mass media campaigns. Database marketing Internet marketing Permission marketing Relationship marketing 18. ________ is an aggressive maneuver where the firm attacks first, perhaps with guerrilla action, across the market, keeping everyone off balance. Preemptive defense Contraction defense Position defense Flank defense 19. Which of the following factors forms the basis of assessing sponsorship activities through supply-side methods? Brand exposure reported by consumers Impact on sponsor’s bottom line Extent of media coverage Consumers’ brand knowledge 20. In order to help anticipate public relations crises it’s important to think about the possible events that could occur and the appropriate management response. This is often referred to as preventative planning imagining the worst dreaming about the future imagining the risk 21. Rachel and Josh are on vacation in Hawaii. When they arrived at the hotel, they were offered chilled juice. Their check-in formalities were handled by the staff. When they entered their room, they saw that chocolates had been placed on the pillows and a flower arrangement on the table. The hotel’s actions are an example of customer value analysis a customer touch point customer perceived value customer lifetime value

2024 Short essays after reading Assignment Help

Multiple readings should not be combined in one paper unless otherwise directed by the Instructor 2023

Multiple readings should not be combined in one paper unless otherwise directed by the Instructor. • Must be typed, #12 font, single-spaced, no more than ¾ page in length. • Mini Papers must be submitted as PDFs; File names must adhere to the following format: o Full title of the article, document, or website; source (if given), and author/s (if given). o Student’s name (first and last name) o 2 Elements: 1. 3 key takeaways (lessons learned). No more than 2-3 sentences on each of the 3 key takeaways or lessons learned from the article. Each point should be numbered 1, 2, or 3. 2. A key question the reading evoked for you but did not answer. Reading 1: http://www.quickmba.com/marketing/research/qdesign/ Reading 2: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/559/06/

2024 H Assignment Help

otal fixed expenses are 400 000 per year All three products are sold in highly competitive markets so the company is 2023

otal fixed expenses are $400,000 per year. All three products are sold in highly competitive markets, so the company is unable to raise its prices without losing unacceptably large numbers of customers. The company has a very effective lean production system, so there is no beginning or ending work in process or finished-goods inventories. Using the module readings, the Argosy University online library resources, and the Internet, research break-even point and costing systems. Analyze the case based on your research and what you have learned so far in the course. Respond to the following: Calculate the company’s overall break-even point in total sales dollars. Explain your methodology (approximately 2 pages). Of the total fixed costs of $400,000: $20,000 could be avoided if the Velcro product were dropped, $80,000 if the Metal product were dropped, and $60,000 if the Nylon product were dropped. The remaining fixed costs of $240,000 consist of common fixed costs such as administrative salaries and rent on the factory building that could be avoided only by going out of business entirely (approximately 2 pages): Calculate the break-even point in units for each product. Explain your methodology. Determine the overall profit of the company if the company sells exactly the break-even quantity of each product. Present your results. Evaluate costing systems for this company. Explain if this company should be using a job-order or process-costing system to accumulate costs (1 page). Write a 2-pages report in Word format. Apply APA standards to citation of sources. Use the following file naming convention: LastnameFirstInitial_M3_A2.doc.