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2024 Marketing Week3 Assignment Help

Required Resources Text Chapters White S 2012 Principles of marketing Electronic version Retrieved from https ashford content edu Chapter 2023

Required Resources Text Chapters White, S. (2012). Principles of marketing [Electronic version]. Retrieved from https://ashford.content.edu Chapter 5: The Marketing Mix: Price In this chapter, we’ll explore the role of price in the marketing mix. Key concepts: What is “Price” Buyer psychology 3 objectives of sales promotions Challenges to setting price In the featured case study, Price War in Mariachi Plaza, you will learn how price decreases as demand decreases (known as “elastic”) and examine the pricing decisions a budding Mariachi band might face and how it can leverage the remaining marketing mix elements to differentiate itself. Chapter 6: The Marketing Mix: Promotion In this chapter, we’ll explore the role of promotion in the marketing mix: Analyzing the business portfolio Growth opportunities and market-product strategies Corporate and marketing department organization In the featured case study, Barilla’s “Summer of Italy,” you will learn how a manufacturer of Italian food, Barilla, combined brand ambassadors, food bloggers, and local promotional activities to increase its market share in an American city. Multimedia Forbes video interactive: Hear how t-shirt company Threadless crowdsources product and place ideas. Recommended Resources An overview of the top social media tools and how to use them successfully: Kabani, S. (2013). The zen of social marketing. Dallas, TX: BenBella Books, Inc. Learn about netnography (ethnography adapted to the study of online communities) and its application to marketing research: Kozinets, R. V. (2002, February). The field behind the screen: Using netnography for marketing research in online communities. Journal of Marketing Research, 39, 61-72 A $7 million neuromarketing study reveals what really gets us to buy (& why sex doesn’t sell!): Lindstrom, M. (2010). Buy ̵ ology: Truth and lies about why we buy. New York City, NY: Crown Books Learn how social media is transforming the way we live and how we do business (and market): Qualman, E. (2013). Socialnomics. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons. Description TBD… Ruiz, R. (Producer). (2011). Marketing success [Video segment]. In Target: Inside the Bullseye. Available from Films on Demand database. Description TBD… Video Education America (Producer). (2009). Pricing strategies [Video segment]. In The Four P’s: Marketing Strategies. Available from Films on Demand database. DISCUSSION 1 Pizza Pricing Strategies Pizza Pricing Strategies This week you learned about the three core pricing strategies: penetration, neutral, and skim. Now we’re going to examine those pricing strategies in action. Hope you’re hungry, because you’re going to be looking at a lot of pizza. In this interactivity, you’re going to briefly recap the three pricing strategies, use them to classify the major pizza chains based on exploring the online ordering process and then answer a few related questions. So let’s dig in! Guided Response: Re-familiarize yourself with the three main pricing strategies Review section 5.2 in the text as needed. Research actual pizza pricing Visit each site, identify your location and simulate an order. Price out a medium cheese or pepperoni pizza. Proceed to payment stage, observing the selling process. Record your pizza choice and final price (minus tax). Execute your purchase as you see fit. Note: One brand doesn’t offer online ordering. Poke around their website for an online menu or consult fastfoodmenuprices.com (Links to an external site.) Links to an external site. . Create a forum post that includes the following: A brief description of the three pricing strategies (from least to most expensive). Your research driven price strategy classifications of the five brands. For any pricing strategy where you have multiple brands, rank them from least to most expensive. Include the kind of pizza you priced out, your recorded prices and any other pertinent notes. Your classifications may differ from others. That’s okay. Your answers to the following questions: Did your perception of these chains’ pricing strategies change based on this exercise? If so, how? Based on this exercise, identify three factors that complicate price comparisons. For you, which of these chains represents the greatest value and why? Explain how each of the Ps contributes to your answer. Reply to and pitch your peers. Price-value perceptions vary by individual. Respond to three of your peers, including one who selected a different chain as offering the best value. Customize your “pitch” to try to change their mind. DISCUSSION 2 IMC Campaign Stories IMC Campaign Stories One Message, Many Media: Integrated Marketing Campaigns In this interactivity, to examine integrated marketing in action, you’re going to tell the Storify story of a particular campaign from your internship brand across multiple media. We want to know what unifies the campaign and how the unique nature of each medium is being utilized (or underutilized if you feel so). And we want to hear if you think the campaign is effective or not and why.d then answer a few related questions. So let’s dig in!. Guided Response: 1. Check out our sample Twix campaign storify (Links to an external site.) Links to an external site. for inspiration. Note: you only need to include three media in your Storify. We overachieved. 2. Identify a significant marketing campaign from your internship brand. Find one that was supported across multiple media (e.g, TV, print, website, banner ads, etc.). How to identify and research major marketing campaigns? Search the web or major advertising publications ( Adweek (Links to an external site.) Links to an external site. or AdAge (Links to an external site.) Links to an external site. ) for articles about your brand’s advertising campaigns. Check your brand’s Twitter feed for recurring ad messages. 3. Find campaign executions for at least three different media Search for links you can include in your Storify story. Where? See our advertising creative finder (Links to an external site.) Links to an external site. for suggestions by media type. 4. Create a new storify story containing the following elements: Title and subtitle Headings for the three media you’ve found For each medium, a brief description of how it is being used, focusing on what it can do that other media cannot. A final paragraph summarizing what unifies the campaign and whether or not you think it’s effective and why. Reference our example and our Storify tutorial (Links to an external site.) Links to an external site. as needed 5. Post your Storify link to the forum below 6. Provide feedback to three of your peers Do you agree with their assessment of the campaign’s effectiveness? What previously unmentioned factors contribute to your assessment? In our Twix example, this might relate to your feelings about chocolate, whether you found the ads funny or not, your past experiences with Twix, your reaction to specific imagery, other ads in the campaign, etc.

2024 Mathguy18 Assignment Help

Assume that you have been asked by a US based company to evaluate 2023

Assume that you have been asked by a US based company to evaluate the attractiveness of three potential new markets. (You will be randomly assigned the set of three markets). For your set of markets, you must evaluate and compare the country attractiveness for a particular type of product, i.e. product category. You must choose a product category from the list below for the context of your analysis: a) Sports/Energy Drink b) Fast Food Restaurant c) Makeup/Cosmetic line Note: You choose only a product category, not a specific brand. So even though McDonald’s is in the fast food category, your analysis should not be about McDonald’s. The analysis should be about fast food restaurants in general. The same applies to the other possible categories. Your report should compare the attractiveness of the three countries – all within the context of your product category. Based on your analysis, you must explicitly recommend one country over the others and justify your recommendation. The country are : 1-Hungary 2-Colombia 3-Greece Recommended resources:
Passport Global Market Information Database Requirements:
2,500 – 3,000 words; 1” margins; Font: Times New Roman size 12; APA style references and in-text citations

2024 15-9 You own 1,000 shares of Jennings Corp. stock, which is currently selling for $88.00. Calculate the number of Assignment Help

15 9 You own 1 000 shares of Jennings Corp stock which is currently selling for 88 00 Calculate the number of 2023

15-9 You own 1,000 shares of Jennings Corp. stock, which is currently selling for $88.00. Calculate the number of shares you would own and the stock’s market price after each of the following stock splits. a. A two-for-one stock split b. A three-for-one stock split c. A three-for-two stock split d. A three-for-four reverse stock split e. A five-for-three stock split 15-9 You own 1,000 shares of Jennings Corp. stock, which is currently selling for $88.00. Calculate

2024 Acc 556 week 3 Assignment Help

Your report due in Week 6 requires you to look at tools of liquidity profitability and solvency Discuss several of 2023

Your report due in Week 6 requires you to look at tools of liquidity, profitability, and solvency. Discuss several of the financial analysis tools useful in assessing inventory issues and report the actual numbers for the company you selected for Assignment 1 in Week 6. Describe the impact of your numbers on reasons for investing or not investing in the company Identify the inventory valuation method (LIFO, FIFO, Average, etc.) used by your company and discuss the impact of the method on the income statement and balance sheet. Include the pros and cons/ tradeoffs of the method on the reported numbers.

2024 Auditing Canceled Ticket Sales Assignment Help

Auditied Canceled Ticket Sales Ticket Sales are booked over the internet and an entry is made debiting 2023

Auditied Canceled Ticket Sales · Ticket Sales are “booked” over the internet and an entry is made debiting a receivable account (from the credit card) and crediting sales. · When a ticket is canceled, the only entry made is to a database that maintains specific seat availability. · Customers are emailed a “Cancellation Form” when this occurs. · No accounting journal entry is recorded, and no refund occurs until the customer requests (in writing) a refund. · If the customer never requests the refund, the receivable is billed to the credit card and collected. · After it is billed to the credit card, many customers complain and are given a refund, and then an accompanying journal entry is made for the cancellation. · After analyzing the “Canceled Form”, you note that it says nothing about requiring a written cancellation for a refund. · The internal controller responded to your inquiry about the policy of requiring a written request for a refund by indicating that the policy is presented on the website’s “business policies and procedures” section. · The controller says that in total about two-thirds of the customers ask for and receive refunds, while one-third do not. · The CPA’s attorneys say that while it is probably a questionable policy, they are unable to say it is illegal—in fact, it probably is not. Is this a significant deficiency and should it be reported to the audit committee? Should it be reported elsewhere? Where? How? What impact should this policy have on the audit?

2024 ACC00724 (Accounting For Managers) S2, 2018 Assignment Help

ASSIGNMENT 2 20 MARKS Question 1 5 marks Refer to the company you studied for Assignment 2023

ASSIGNMENT 2 (20 MARKS) Question 1 (5 marks) Refer to the company you studied for Assignment one. Using some of the information you gleaned there, as well as additional information, calculate the cash cycle period for each of the five years. Then, reviewing the Statement of Cash flows for the most recent two years, evaluate the trends of overall cash flows, but particularly those related to cash flows from operating activities. Question 2 (8 marks) Telesmart Ltd. manufactures a high end smart phone with dual sim cards that is popular with young travelers. Related financial data for this product for the last year is as follows: Sales 5,000 units Selling price $420 per unit Variable manufacturing cost $144 per unit Fixed manufacturing costs $460,000 Variable selling and administrative costs $36 per unit Fixed selling and administrative costs $500,000. The CEO is under pressure from the Board of Directors to increase the profitability of the phones and has asked executives from different departments for suggestions. Three managers have responded with the following ideas: a) The production manager, Aaron Jacobsen, suggests making improvements to the quality of the product. These quality improvements would increase the variable costs by $28 per unit. This would be accompanied by a $30,000 national advertising campaign which he expects would boost sales volume by 30%. b) The sales manager, Joanne Arnett, believes that the product is unique, but not yet well known enough. Based on her market research, she feels that advertising should be increased by $50,000 and that the product would also be able to bear an increase in price of $60 with sales volume reduced by 10% from the current levels. c) The marketing director, Jennifer Saunders, wants to undertake a promotion campaign where a $30 rebate is offered to the first 1,500 phones sold. She expects that the rebate program would boost sales by an additional 1,000 units if spending on advertising was increased by $60,000. You have been asked by the CEO, Sharon Whitmore, to comment on each of these three proposals before she presents them to the Board of Directors. Draft a report in response to this request. You are not asked to make one particular choice or recommendation, but rather to explore the potential strengths and weaknesses that includes discussion on the breakeven, potential profits and, where possible, the margin of safety related to each proposal. Keep in mind that the sales volumes should be treated as estimates only and your report should consider potential variations in actual sales and their effects. Give both qualitative and quantitative support to your comments. Question 3 (7 marks) You are the accountant for FreeWheels Ltd, a tandem bicycle manufacturer that is located in Coffs Harbour and has customers in Australia and the USA. Their estimated current sales volume is 6,000 units per month and based on this level of production, the company has budgeted the following costs and prices per unit: Manufacturing Costs per unit (Based on production of 6,000 units per month) Direct Material Cost $75.00 Direct Labour Cost 35.00 Variable Factory Overhead 10.00 Fixed Factory Overhead 20.00 Total Manufacturing Cost 140.00 Selling & Administrative Costs Variable Selling and Administrative Cost 25.00 Fixed Selling and Administrative Cost 20.00 45.00 Total Cost Per Unit 185.00 Selling Price Per Unit $370.00 Cycle World Ltd is an overseas company that sells bicycles all over the world, with the majority of their market in China and India. They have approached FreeWheels about obtaining a quote for a special one-off order as they would like to purchase 25,000 bikes. As this will be a special order sale, there will be no costs incurred for variable selling and administrative costs and no additional fixed costs will be incurred. This order is because their existing supplier has suffered substantial earthquake damage to their premises, but the CEO of Cycle World Ltd also hinted to your CEO that if they are satisfied with the product, this might not be the last deal between the two businesses. Required: 1. Given this knowledge, what amount should FreeWheels Ltd. bid for this contract in each of the following circumstances: a) The FreeWheels’s annual factory capacity is 100,000 units. b) The FreeWheels’s annual factory capacity is 90,000 units. (To fulfil the order, you may have to pull the product from your regular production). 2. Assuming that the annual factory capacity is 100,000 units, prepare a report for your CEO explaining your justification for the bid price that you came up with in 1 a). Discuss the possible opportunities and potential disadvantages with accepting this contract with Cycle World. Give both quantitative and qualitative support to your discussion. THE END

2024 Risk Methodologies Assignment Help

P5IP 200 Points Possible For this assignment you must calculate the IRR and NPV as you did last week 2023

P5IP 200 Points Possible For this assignment, you must calculate the IRR and NPV as you did last week in your spreadsheet with new numbers. You do not need to turn in the spreadsheet, though you can include a screenshot in your PPT. In any case you must complete the calculations and present the NPV and IRR for the coffee packaging project. The point of this exercise is to determine whether to go forward with the coffee project based on the NPV and IRR of the project. The most important slides are #4 and #8. You must provide a correct NPV for the new project. You must come to the correct conclusion in slide #8. You must include the updated results of last week’s IP. If you did not have them correct, refer to your feedback. You must include speaker notes of 100 words per slide, 2-8. Use this information: Apix is considering coffee packaging as an additional diversification to its product line. Here’s information regarding the coffee packaging project: Initial investment outlay of $40 million, consisting of $35 million for equipment and $5 million for net working capital (NWC) (plastic substrate and ink inventory); NWC recoverable in terminal year Project and equipment life: 5 years Sales: $27 million per year for five years Assume gross margin of 50% (exclusive of depreciation) Depreciation: Straight-line for tax purposes Selling, general, and administrative expenses: 10% of sales Tax rate: 35% Assume a WACC of 10%. Compute the project’s IRR and NPV. In addition, answer the following questions: Do you believe that there was sufficient financial information to make a solid decision on what to do? Was there further financial information that you required that was not provided to you? What financial figure do you believe was the determinant to your decision and why? How would you be able to apply this particular financial information to other situations? Discuss risk methodologies used in capital budgeting. The Coffee packaging project is being considered on its own. There is no hurdle rate given. Focus on the NPV. If it is positive the project will be accepted. You should say what has changed from the previous project, that is the previous assignment. Organize your PPT as below: PowerPoint, 9 slides. | Slide 1: Titles. 5 | Slide 2: Overview of Apix. Summary of company’s assets, total profit, cash flow from operating activities, cash flow from investing and financing. | Slide 3: Summary of last week’s expansion project. Provide previous spreadsheet results. Discuss them. | Slide 4: Provide your new NPV and IRR calculations and results for the coffee packaging project. Discuss what has changed. | Slide 5: Do you believe that there was sufficient financial information to make a solid decision on what to do? Was there further financial information that you required that was not provided to you? What financial figure do you believe was the determinant to your decision and why? | Slide 6: How would you be able to apply this particular financial information to other situations? Discuss risk methodologies that are used in evaluating capital budgeting. | Slide 7: What is the biggest risk for the company, and what can be done to minimize the risk? | Slide 8: Summary: Make a recommendation. Should the coffee packaging project be accepted as an additional diversification to its product line? Why or why not? 50/50 | Slide 9: References. | Speaker Notes of 100 words per slide. Weekly tasks or assignments (Individual or Group Projects) will be due by Monday and late submissions will be assigned a late penalty in accordance with the late penalty policy found in the syllabus. NOTE: All submission posting times are based on midnight Central Time. Respond to the following scenario with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. Be substantive and clear, and use research to reinforce your ideas. Apix is considering coffee packaging as an additional diversification to its product line. Here’s information regarding the coffee packaging project: Initial investment outlay of $40 million, consisting of $35 million for equipment and $5 million for net working capital (NWC) (plastic substrate and ink inventory); NWC recoverable in terminal year Project and equipment life: 5 years Sales: $27 million per year for five years Assume gross margin of 50% (exclusive of depreciation) Depreciation: Straight-line for tax purposes Selling, general, and administrative expenses: 10% of sales Tax rate: 35% Assume a WACC of 10%. Should the coffee packaging project be accepted? Why or why not? Compute the project’s IRR and NPV. In addition, answer the following questions: Do you believe that there was sufficient financial information to make a solid decision on what to do? Was there further financial information that you required that was not provided to you? What financial figure do you believe was the determinant to your decision and why? How would you be able to apply this particular financial information to other situations? Discuss risk methodologies used in capital budgeting.

2024 ACC2 M4C4 Assignment Help

Assignment Expectations Information is uploaded The submission should be 4 5 pages and need to include answers to all the 2023

Assignment Expectations Information is uploaded · The submission should be 4-5 pages and need to include answers to all the questions listed above. · Show formula for computations, compare two financial statements, discuss the results, and include references in APA format in text and listed at the end on a separate page including web addresses that is applicable. · The paper will be typed in Times New Roman, Font 12, and Double Spaced.

2024 FIN 320_”Risk And Return” Assignment Help

Risk and Return Please respond to the following As a financial manager determine 2023

“Risk and Return” Please respond to the following: As a financial manager, determine at what point the risk of an investments outweighs the potential reward. Provide support for your rationale. Explain whether or not you believe an investor should be rewarded a risk premium for taking on risk. Support your answer with an example.

2024 Jeff Owns A House. There Is A Throw Rug In The House On A Tile Floor. Which Of The Following Is Most Likely To Meet The Definition Of A Fixture? Assignment Help

Question Multiple Choice Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers 2023

Question Multiple Choice Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question. 1. Jeff owns a house. There is a throw rug in the house on a tile floor. Which of the following is most likely to meet the definition of a fixture? a. the house. b. the throw rug. c. the tile floor. d. None of the above. 2. Floyd tells his daughter Glenda that she can have his Harley Davidson when he dies, but he does not add this to his will. What type of transfer, if any, is this? a. It is an intestate disposition. b. It is a valid inter vivos gift. c. It is a valid specific testamentary devise. d. It is not a valid gift. 3. Delacroix discovers a boat adrift, and he retrieves and anchors it. The boat has a number on its side and other evidence pointing to its owner, Elvira. This is a. an involuntary bailment. b. a voluntary bailment. c. an express bailment. d. Not a bailment. 4. Jack and Jill, who are brother and sister, own 10,000 shares of stock in My-T Gro Corporation. Because of the manner in which title is set up, on the death of either owner, that owner’s interest in the stock will pass by operation of law to the surviving owner who will own all of the shares, outright. What type of ownership interest is this? a. a tenancy in common. b. a life estate. c. a joint tenancy. d. a tenancy by the entireties. 5. Quito and Raul own a condo near San Francisco Bay as joint tenants. Raul sells his ownership rights in the condo to Timor. Quito and Timor own the condo as a. community property owners. b. joint tenants. c. tenants at sufferance. d. tenants in common. 6. Donna signs a one-year lease with Mae to occupy an apartment in Ames, Iowa, near the University of Iowa. Donna needs the apartment only for two semesters and may have to sublet it for the rest of the term. Donna’s tenancy is a. a periodic tenancy. b. a tenancy at will. c. a tenancy by the entirety. d. a tenancy for years. 7. Tyro has the right to drive across Ula’s land, which is next to Tyro’s property, to reach an access road. Tyro’s right is a. an easement appurtenant. b. an easement in gross. c. a profit appurtenant. d. a profit in gross. 8. Hobby Farms, Inc., owns rural property that it leases to various tenants, including Ira. Ira’s transfer of his entire interest in the leased property to a Jason is a. an assignment. b. an eviction. c. a right of entry. d. a sublease. 9. Grace applies for a homeowners’ insurance policy on her house with Heroic Insurance Company through Ian, a broker. In this transaction, Ian is a. an agent for both parties. b. Grace’s agent, and not Heroic’s agent. c. Heroic’s agent, and not Grace’s agent. d. not an agent. 10. General Allied Company obtains insurance policies with Hy-Rate Insurance, Inc., and Ideal InsurCo against the risk of loss of General’s office building in a fire. Each policy includes a multiple insurance clause. A fire partially destroys the building. General can collect from Hy-Rate a. all of the loss. b. half of the loss. c. its proportionate share of the loss to the total amount of insurance. d. none of the loss. 11. According to the terms of Carmen’s will, specific devises are made, and taxes and other estate expenses and debts are directed to be paid. The assets of Carmen’s estate that remain after payment of specific devises, taxes, expenses, and debts are most likely to be distributed to a. by codicil. b. holographically. c. to the state’s unclaimed asset department. d. through a residuary clause. 12. Don executes a will leaving half of his farm to his spouse Elsie and the rest to his sons, Frank and Greg, in equal shares. The will disinherits a third son, Hal. Don and Elsie divorce, but Don dies before changing his will. Under the Uniform Probate Code a. Elsie receives half of the farm, and Frank and Greg share the rest. b. Elsie receives half of the farm, and Frank, Greg, and Hal share the rest. c. Frank and Greg receive the entire estate in equal shares. d. the state inherits the entire estate. 13. Grey has two children, Ham (the eldest) and Ivy, both of whom predecease Grey. Ham is survived by a daughter, Jess, and Ivy by two sons, Kato and Lars. On Grey’s death, if the estate is distributed per stirpes a. each grandchild receives one-third of the estate. b. Jess receives one-half of the estate, and Kato and Lars each receive one-fourth. c. Jess receives the entire estate. d. the grandchildren receive nothing, and the estates of Ham and Ivy each receive one-half. 14. Orin creates a living trust to pass his assets, including stock in Petro Oil Company and other business investments, to his heirs. One advantage of this arrangement is that a. income taxes do not have to be paid on trust earnings. b. the assets are sheltered from the payment of estate taxes. c. the assets can be transferred without going through probate. d. the trust does not come into existence until the grantor’s death. Fact Pattern A. Nikita owns land in Ohio. Her ownership rights include the right to sell or give away the property without restriction, and the right to commit waste, if she chooses. 15. Refer to Fact Pattern A. What type of ownership interest does Nikita’s have? a. a fee simple absolute. b. a leasehold estate. c. a life estate. e. an easement. 16. Refer to Fact Pattern A. Nikita conveys some of her land to Reggie with the right to possess and use the property for a five years. Nikita has given Reggie a. a fee simple absolute. b. a leasehold estate. c. a life estate. d. an easement. 17. Sable and Rex agree while talking on the phone to form a partnership to deal in transfers of real property. Their partnership agreement is legally binding only if a copy of the agreement is filed in the appropriate state office. only if the agreement is reduced to writing. only if the parties exchange valid consideration. without doing anything else. 18. Fay is a newly admitted partner in Global Associates, an existing partnership. A partnership debt incurred before the date of her admission subsequently comes due. Fay is a. not liable for the debt. b. only liable for the debt up to the amount of her capital contribution. c. personally liable only to the extent the other partners do not pay. d. personally liable to the full extent of the debt. 19. Jay is a member of Kappa, LLC, a limited liability company. As a general rule, Jay is liable for Kappa’s debts a. in proportion to the total number of members of the limited liability company. b. to the extent of his investment in the limited liability company. c. to the extent that the other members of the limited liability company do not pay the debts. d. to the full extent of the debt of the limited liability company. 20. CPA Accounting, LLC, (CPA) is a limited liability company. Assuming that the law in CPA’s state is like the law in most states, then unless the members have agreed otherwise, participants in the firm’s management will be considered to include a. all members. b. no member. c. one member. d. two members, including at least one general partner. 21. Start-Up Corporation substantially complies with all conditions precedent to incorporation. Start-Up has corporate existence by estoppel. de facto existence. de jure existence. ultra vires existence. 22. EFG Corporation fails to hold a meeting to adopt bylaws. Under this circumstance, EFG Corporation will still be treated as a legal corporation in those states that recognize the common law doctrine of a. corporation by estoppel. b. de facto corporation. c. de jure corporation. d. ultra vires . 23. Quixotic Company claims to be a corporation but it is not. Rachel signs a contract with Quixotic that is not performed. In Rachel’s suit against Quixotic Company, a court will likely recognize the firm as a. a corporation by estoppel. b. a de facto corporation. c. a de jure corporation. d. an ultra vires corporation. 24. Patsy possesses twenty-four acres of remote, rugged land. Patsy has the right to use the property, including extracting silver from an existing mine, for life. Patsy also has the right to lease the land for a period not to exceed her life. This ownership interest is a. a fee simple absolute. b. leasehold estate. c. a life estate. d. the power of eminent domain. 25. Edna and Flavia buy a boat that they dock in a marina near Gulfport, Mississippi. On the death of either owner, that owner’s interest in the boat passes to her heirs. This is a joint tenancy. a life estate. a tenancy in common. None of the above. 26. Tom owns all of the stock of XYZ corporation. XYZ corporation owns 100 acres of undeveloped real estate in fee simple. Tom’s will leaves all of his property “to his sister, Susan, if she survives him, but if she does not survive him, then to her then living issue, per capita.” When Tom dies, Susan has one surviving child, Jane. Susan’s son, Peter, predeceased Tom leaving two children, Jack and Jill, who survived Tom. Tom’s will is admitted to probate. After payment of expenses, taxes, and debts using only cash assets that Tom owned at his death, the balance of Tom’s estate will be distributed according to the will. Under these facts, how will title to the100 acres of real estate be held after completion of the estate administration? Susan, Jane, Jack, and Jill will own 100 acres of undeveloped real estate, as tenants in common. Susan will own 100 acres of undeveloped real estate. XYZ Corporation will own 100 acres of undeveloped real estate. None of the above. 27. Jody, Kent, and River Company, a limited liability company owned equally by Jody and Kent, are the owners of Local Motion, a limited partnership that owns a night club and the land upon which it is located. River Company is the general partner, and Jody and Kent are limited partners. The business is profitable and federal income taxes are owed. Under the default rules for federal taxation, the taxes will be paid by a. Local Motion only. b. Jody and Kent only. c. Jody, Kent, and River Company only. d. None of above. 28. XYZ Corporation (the corporation) has been profitably operating a retail sales business for several years. Jamal is the sole shareholder, officer, and employee of the corporation. On October 6, 2012 the corporation entered into a five-lease with Kelvin and moved its business into the new premises. On November 10, 2012, The Last Rational Bank made a $5,000 loan to the corporation. On February 1, 2013, a patron slipped and fell in the premises, seriously injuring her back. The February rent and loan payments are in default. For which will Jamal be subject to personal liability? a. The loan and rent only b. Damages for the slip and fall only c. The loan, the rent, and damages for the slip and fall. d. None of the above. 29. Cornucopia Farms LLC possesses farmland. Cornucopia has the right to use the property, including harvesting the crops, for ten years. Cornucopia does not have the right to extract the coal under the land. This is a fee simple absolute. a leasehold estate. a life estate. an easement. 30. Utility Power Company has the right to run its power lines across Velma’s land. This is a. a license. b. an easement. c. a profit. d. a tenancy aa sufferance. 31. Clayton dies with a will that the court determines was not properly signed by Clayton. The distribution of Clayton’s property, including his farm near Lincoln, Nebraska, is prescribed by a. a court-appointed executor b. federal probate statutes c. state intestacy laws d. Clayton’s relatives 32. Keri’s will states, “I give to my sister Liz my condominium in Malibu, California.” This is a. a general legacy b. a residuary c. a disposition in trust d. a specific devise 33. Floyd tells his daughter Glenda, who is Floyd’s only child, that she can have his Harley Davidson when he dies, but he does not add this to his will. When Floyd died a year later, his will did not mention the Harley Davidson. Floyd’s will was admitted to probate. Glenda survives Floyd, and at the time of Floyd’s death, Glenda has two adult childrc children who survive Floyd. Floyd’s will provides that all of his property passes through the residuary clause to his lineal descendants, per stirpes. Who gets the Harley Davidson, and what type of transfer is this? a. Glenda gets the Harley Davidson. There was an inter vivos gift of the Harley Davidson to Glenda. b. Glenda gets the Harley Davidson. The Harley Davidson will pass by intestate succession to Glenda as it is not mentioned in the will. c. Glenda gets the Harley Davidson. This was is a valid specific testamentary devise. d. Glenda will get a one-half interest, and her two children will receive a one-quarter interest each.and her two children will each get a one-third interest, as tenants in common, in the Harley Davidson as a residuary devise. e. None of the above. 34. Brent leases an apartment from Cris for one year. After two months, she sublets the premises for the next six months to Dee, without obtaining Cris’s consent. Dee pays the rent for only four months. For the last two months of Dee’s six-month term, Brent is a. liable for the rent, because Dee defaulted. b. liable for the rent, because the sublease lacked Cris’s consent. c. not liable for the rent, because Bren does not own the apartment. d. not liable for the rent, because Bren sublet the premises to Dee. 35. Sid rents an apartment from Town Homes, Inc. The lease, which ends on May 31, does not include an option for renewal, and Sid and Town do not discuss whether Sid can stay on at the end of the term. There is no state statute that addresses this. On June 1, Sid has an implied option to renew the term. a right to remain contingent on notice from Town. a right to remain subject to notice to Town. no right to remain.