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2024 Assignment Assignment Help

1 If net financial expense NFE in 2014 was 1 net financial assets NFA were 2023

1. If net financial expense (NFE) in 2014 was $1, net financial assets (NFA) were $117 and $143 in 2014 and 2013 respectively, net dividends in 2014 were $11, the firm’s free cash flow for 2014 is: 2.If operating income in this year is manipulated up by $381, next year’s operating income is expected to be $3,814 with RNOA 1 of 13%, in this case the actual NOA 0 for this year before manipulation is: 3. (Please insert the answer in decimal form and round it to three decimal places if needed, example. 5.43% should be inserted as 0.054). If the return on net operating assets (RNOA) is 10%, financial leverage (FLEV) is 2, net borrowing cost (NBC) is 7%, the return on common equity (ROCE) is: 4.(Please insert the answer in decimal form and round it to three decimal places if needed, example. 5.43% should be inserted as 0.054). If the return on operating assets (ROOA) is 7%, the return on net operating assets (RNOA) is 11%, net operating assets are $253, and operating liabilities are $203, what is the implicit after-tax interest rate on the operating liabilities? 5. If CSE in year 1 was $279, the change from year 1 to year 2 in NOA is $281 and the change in NFO from year 1 to year 2 is $123, what is the balance of CSE in year 2?

2024 Sanders Enterprises, Inc., Has Been Considering The Purchase Of A New Manufacturing Facility For $270,000. The Facility Is To Be… Assignment Help

Sanders Enterprises Inc has been considering the purchase of a new manufacturing facility for 270 000 The 2023

Sanders Enterprises, Inc., has been considering the purchase of a new manufacturing facility for $270,000. The facility is to be fully depreciated on a straight-line basis over seven years. It is expected to have no resale value after the seven years. Operating revenues from the facility are expected to be $105,000, in nominal terms, at the end of the first year. The revenues are expected to increase at the inflation rate of 5 percent. Production costs at the end of the first year will be $30,000, in nominal terms, and they are expected to increase at 6 percent per year. The real discount rate is 8 percent. The corporate tax rate is 34 percent. Sandershas other ongoing profitable operations. Should the company accept the project?

2024 Communication Ethics Assignment Assignment Help

minimum of 150 words This week s readings include Chapters 8 Organizational Communication Ethics Community of 2023

minimum of 150 words This week’s readings include Chapters 8: Organizational Communication Ethics – Community of Memory and Dwelling, and Chapter 9: Intercultural Communication Ethics – Before the Conversation Begins. The topic that received the most votes was selected for this week, The NFL and the First Amendment. Please read the article (link below) and respond to the question. Article: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/fact-checker/wp/2017/10/05/the-nfl-and-the-first-amendment-a-guide-to-the-debate/?utm_term=.698aa24c8d5f Question: What side of the #takeaknee do you fall on? What are the underlying ethical issues or justifications?

2024 Individual (Strategic Analysis/Plan) Paper Assignment Help

Learning goal To develop your ability to systematically analyze and plan for a dynamic fast growing organization You will prepare 2023

Learning goal: To develop your ability to systematically analyze and plan for a dynamic, fast-growing organization. You will prepare a strategic analysis of/plan for Uber. Your “client” is that organization’s top management team. Your paper will be graded on the basis of its insight, logic, and scope. Your paper should be three pages, double-spaced, using 12-point type, not including appendixes, exhibits, and/or references. Please follow this format: Page 1: • Current capabilities—as a mix of differentiation (D), economy (E), and interaction (I)* • Current customers, competitors, and complementors (C3) Page 2: • Your time frame (planning horizon), and rationale for that date • Your proposed capabilities • Your expected/proposed C3 Page 3: • Rationale for your proposed capabilities • Rationale for your expected/proposed C3 • Major implementation issue(s)

2024 Do You Pay Attention To Detail Pricing Strategy Assignment Help

I need someone who will read the attached assignment and adhere to it No plagiarism or high 2023

I need someone who will read the attached assignment and adhere to it. No plagiarism or high content from other papers. My last paper was poorly written, had incorrect information, and was not formatted correctly. I paid for it and I ended up writing it over. I will ask for a refund in the future so please don’t accept if you are unable to deliver the paper correctly.

2024 Word or Excel spreadsheet: Columns A–C and rows 1–8 + references The CEO expects you to be providing a number of various logistics reports and recommendations to her. She has asked you to prepare a chart on 1–2 pages of frequently used logistics technique Assignment Help

Word or Excel spreadsheet Columns A C and rows 1 8 references APA format Can not use wikipedia The 2023

Word or Excel spreadsheet: Columns A–C and rows 1–8 + references APA format Can not use wikipedia The CEO expects you to be providing a number of various logistics reports and recommendations to her. She has asked you to prepare a chart on 1–2 pages of frequently used logistics techniques. To demonstrate your understanding of the breadth and depth of the logistics function, research the following terms, and for each of the 8 terms, complete the following: Provide a definition, in your own terms, of frequently used logistics techniques. Give an example of a real company or industry that uses this logistics technique. What would the pros and cons be of using each technique listed below? Distribution center Public warehouse Third-party logistics Common carrier Dedicated private fleet Backhauls Deadheading Freight equalization

2024 ECO 561 Week 6 Learning Team Deliverable Assignment Help

Economics Improving Business Decisions University of Phoenix Discuss this week s objectives with your team 2023

Economics – Improving Business Decisions University of Phoenix Discuss this week’s objectives with your team. Your discussion should include the topics you feel comfortable with, any topics you struggled with, and how the weekly topics relate to application in your field. Prepare a 1- to 3-page paper detailing the findings of your discussion

2024 assignment Assignment Help

Galaxy International is a small privately held company in the Northeast U S which manufactures high tech carbon composite skis for 2023

Galaxy International is a small privately held company in the Northeast U.S. which manufactures high- tech carbon composite skis for the U.S. market. The company has been in business for 20 years, has 125 employees, and has $50 million in annual sales. Its owner, Jeremy Riven, is an ex-Olympic skier who developed the proprietary technology and bonding polymers that give Galaxy skis their unique flexibility, durability, and propensity to need low maintenance—all of which serious skiers in the U.S. have come to prize. Major costs involved in the manufacturing of skis are oil polymers, carbon fiber, and labor. Ski technicians are highly skilled machinists, and manufacturing the finished product is as much an art form as it is a science. Jeremy has recently considered an initial public offering (IPO) to allow the firm to raise the funds it needs to go international. The underwriting group from Morgan Stanley believes they could easily raise sixty (60) million in the equity markets, and fifty (50) million in the bond market. Jeremy is trying to determine the cost of debt, the cost of equity (four [4] million shares at $15/share), and the firm’s weighted average cost of capital if he goes public and issues corporate bonds with a coupon rate of 8%. Last year, the firm resided in a 28% tax bracket. The risk-free rate in the U.S. is 2%, and the expected return on the market is 14%. Morgan Stanley estimates Galaxy’s beta, if traded publicly, would be approximately 1.8%. Galaxy has been growing at 15% a year since its inception. Jeremy would like to expand his current U.S. facility from 40,000 square feet to 100,000 square feet, automate certain processes which heretofore have been done manually, and outsource work to China, where he plans to either build or lease a plant to extend his ski line worldwide. He could build a 50,000- square-foot facility in Canton for fifty (50) million dollars, or lease a similar facility for ten (10) million a year. Annual operating costs would be twenty (20) million dollars, and projected free cash flow, based on past experience, would be twelve (12) million a year (whether he leases or buys). The life of the plant would be fifteen (15) years, and inflation in China is currently running at 6% annually. Galaxy would repatriate profits from the Chinese operation and consolidate them with those of the U.S. operations. All expenses of operating the plant in China would be in Yuan. Use the Internet to locate information about current events in China related to its economic state. Faculty Note: If you would like to substitute China with a different country to avoid plagiarism, please do so. Write a six to eight (6-8) page paper in which you: Examine the pros and cons of an IPO for Galaxy International. Recommend whether the company should or should not proceed with an IPO. Evaluate the appropriateness of the financing alternatives and strategies that are available to Jeremy, and select the one (1) you believe best suits the company. Provide support for your rationale. Determine the advantages of debt over equity, and what each would cost after taxes. Determine Galaxy’s weighted average cost of capital (WACC) if it uses both alternatives to raise capital (i.e., debt and equity). Recommend one (1) financial instrument that Jeremy could use in order to ensure a stable supply of oil for his operations and to protect his firm from currency translation losses. Suggest one (1) approach that Jeremy can use to hedge his currency translation and transaction exposure to the Yuan. Provide support for your suggestion. Determine whether Jeremy should lease or buy the plant in China. Justify your position using information regarding the current economic state in China. Imagine that you are a portfolio manager. Determine whether or not you would want to participate in the IPO if Galaxy International goes public. Provide a rationale for your decision. Determine the expected return on the stock using Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM). Determine if the Galaxy International’s expected returns would exceed its WACC. Provide a rationale. Use at least five (5) quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites to not qualify as academic resources. Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements: Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions. Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length. The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are: Examine the concepts related to financial management and the financial environment. Evaluate different types of financing available in the marketplace and the related impact on firm value. Examine the various alternatives to managing and mitigating business and financial risk with the use of forwards, futures, swaps, and options. Evaluate how simulation and scenario analysis can be used to improve an organization’s forecasting ability, and reach an optimal financing mix through the use of these instruments Develop strategies to protect a firm from financial distress. Examine the tools and methods used for portfolio analysis. Use technology and information resources to research issues in corporate finance. Write clearly and concisely about corporate finance using proper writing mechanics.

2024 Financial Management discussion question Assignment Help

From the e Activity examine ethical behavior within firms in relation to financial management Provide two 2 examples of 2023

* From the e-Activity, examine ethical behavior within firms in relation to financial management. Provide two (2) examples of companies that have been guilty of ethics-based malfeasance related to financial management and determine why their comeuppance was deserved. * From the scenario, recommend two (2) actions that Trevose Fitness Center (TFC) could take in order to raise capital that will, in turn, enable it to reach its expansion goals. Defend your response. Support your recommendation with two (2) real-world examples of successful implementations of these actions.

2024 BUS 309 Week 4 Assignment 1 – Not All Companies Are Viewed as Equal Assignment Help

BUS 309 Week 4 Assignment 1 Not All Companies Are Viewed as Equal In 2023

BUS 309 Week 4 Assignment 1 – Not All Companies Are Viewed as Equal In the land of free trade the public does not view all industries as equal. Do you believe that is ethical? Do you believe that some industries are unfairly targeted? Should it be consumers’ choice to partake in products that are not healthy for them, or do those companies have an ethical obligation to protect people? In this assignment you will choose one (1) industry to write about. Possible industries to research could be tobacco, soda, alcohol, casinos, or candy companies, just to name a few. Write a one and a half to two (1 ½ – 2) page paper in which you: Become an advocate for either the consumer or the industry. Prepare an argument explaining the major reasons why you support either the consumer or the industry. Explain the role capitalism plays in corporate decision-making.