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2024 BUFN 762 Fixed Income Securities Final Exam Solution Assignment Help

1 Briefly explain why many corporations prefer to issue callable long term corporate bonds rather than noncallable 2023

1. Briefly explain why many corporations prefer to issue callable long-term corporate bonds rather than noncallable long-term bonds. 2. Briefly explain the idea behind an Immunized Bond Portfolio. 3. Explain why an Interest Only Strip (IO MBS) usually gains value when interest rates increase. 4. Briefly explain what happens to the price of a straight bond (no options) when the yield increases – and why. 5. Briefly describe how the Federal Reserve moves rates in the Federal Funds Market. 6. Suppose that you want to hedge the interest rate risk of a Fixed Income Security that has negative convexity. Suppose that you can create a perfect hedge with futures and options (paying a premium to buy the options). As an alternative, you can use hedge with futures alone. If you believe that the true volatility will be much lower than the implied volatility of the options, which alternative should you choose? Why? 7. Briefly explain the idea behind splitting a companion CMO tranche into a floating rate class and an inverse rate floating rate class. 8. Suppose that a fixed cash flow treasury bond is split into two bonds, a floater and an inverse floater. Briefly explain why the Inverse Floating Rate Bond has a much longer effective duration than the underlying fixed cash flow. 9. Briefly explain why Salomon Brothers was able to make a profit while they were squeezing the Two-Year Treasury. 10. Briefly explain why straight Corporate Bonds have a higher yield than Treasury Bonds with the same coupon rate and maturity. 11. Theoretical Spot Rates will be close to Zero Coupon Bond Yields. Explain why there may be small differences in the real world. 12. Assume the following (all rates are stated annually with semiannual compounding): 13. Name three features that you feel should be included in a Term Structure Model. 14. Describe why some bonds are On Special in the Repo Market. 15. State the most useful thing you learned in this course and why you think it is useful.

2024 Analysis Of Perceptual Visual Elements Assignment Help

Choose one of the four following visuals Image courtesy of Nike 2013 advertisement Image courtesy of Parents 2023

Choose one of the four following visuals: Image courtesy of: Nike® 2013 advertisement Image courtesy of: Parents magazine June 2011 Image courtesy of: Harley Davidson® advertisement Image courtesy of: Bank of America advertisement In a 2-3-page APA formatted paper with an additional reference page ( template here ), analyze the strategic use of perceptual visual communication: Analyze how specific semiotic visuals in your chosen image affect different cultural perceptions (age, ethnicity, social group, etc.). Describe how each culture’s cognitive memories and experiences may affect how they perceive this image. Explain why cultural perception is important to consider when working with international or global cultures. Discuss why it is important to consider cultural perception when interacting with different age cultures and different social groupings. Support the items above by including relevant quotes and paraphrases from academic/scholarly sources. Save your assignment as a Microsoft Word document.

2024 See Below Assignment Help

A large functional department in state government decided to modernize their computer system 2023

A large functional department in state government decided to modernize their computer system. The employees were made aware several months in advance of the changes, however, the implementation date kept getting pushed back. The changes were significant and affected everyone. Many were not happy with the changes; there was quite a bit of fear and consternation. The changes meant that some employees who were used to doing things one way, now had to do things differently. Some were concerned that they were not adequately prepared for the new system and they lacked training. When the change came it was, at first, a disaster. Instead of the expected increase in productivity and effectiveness, there was a significant decrease. To add to the problems, the system had a number of “bugs” that had to also be worked out. These things only served to fuel the employees concerns. How would you use the MARS model to explain the drop in performance experienced in this case example?

2024 Assignment 2: Genesis Energy Capital Plan Report Assignment Help

The Genesis Energy operations management team nearing completion of its agreement with Sensible Essentials was asked by 2023

The Genesis Energy operations management team, nearing completion of its agreement with Sensible Essentials, was asked by senior management to present a capital plan for the operating expansion. The capital plan was not to be a wish list but an analysis of the necessary expenditures to successfully establish a fully equipped operating facility overseas. In addition, senior management requested meaningful financial and operating metrics to ensure that the performance objectives for the facility were being met. The operations management team was given five days to accomplish the following: Calculate the firm’s WACC. Prepare and analyze each planned capital expenditure. Evaluate, rank, and recommend the capital expenditures according to beneficial value to the organization, using the evaluation tools NPV, payback, and IRR. Evaluation, ranking, and recommendations should be by category of expenditures. For example, facility, equipment 1, 2, and 3, and inspection. Using the selected choices in part three, calculate the full cost of establishing a fully equipped facility. This would include the facility, equipment 1, 2, and 3, and inspection. In addition, calculate the payback, NPV, and IRR for the completed facility. Construct and recommend between three and five metrics to measure the performance of the organization. At least one metric should be dividend decision-making driven. Prepare an executive summary along with a separate document showing the calculations. Part I Following the example of the operations management team, do the following: Download the Capital Budgeting spreadsheet, and compute the WACC for Genesis Energy. Using the information provided in the spreadsheet, analyze Genesis Energy’s project options. Then, calculate the periodic and cumulative net cash flows for each potential project and its associated options. Please note that there are five projects (facility, equipment pieces 1, 2, and 3, and internal inspection), and that each project offers multiple-configuration options (facility size, equipment type, etc.). Evaluate, rank, and recommend a specific option for each capital project according to beneficial value to the organization, using the evaluation tools NPV, payback, and IRR. Construct and recommend between three and five metrics to measure the performance of the new operating strategy. At least one metric should reflect dividend policy as it relates to rewarding shareholders. Prepare an executive summary describing your recommendations for each project and the overall cost, net cash flows, and expected returns of the operating configuration that you recommend. Be sure to justify your recommendations in terms of the investment criteria applied in Step 3 above. Be sure to report the full cost of the facility as it is configured per your recommendations. Present and justify your operating strategy performance metrics. Your complete report should include all of your calculations as appendices (5 pages, or 1 page for each project). Part II—Executive Summary Presentation Because of limited resources in an era of plentiful opportunities, companies must carefully select investments. You analyzed Genesis Energy’s expansion plans and explained your findings in M5: Assignment 1 . This assignment is based on those findings. In this assignment, you will create a PowerPoint presentation that will include the following information: An executive summary of your findings from M5: Assignment 1 . Be sure to adhere to the following: The presentation should be approximately 6–8 minutes (or 10–12 slides). A statement of the problem or topic is included. A concise analysis of the findings is included. Specific details from M5: Assignment 1 to highlight or support the summary are incorporated. Develop a 10–12-slide presentation in PowerPoint format. Apply APA standards to citation of sources. Use the following file naming convention: LastnameFirstInitial_M5_A2.ppt.

2024 LASA – Project Planning – Developing the Project Plan and Determining Critical Path Assignment Help

Using the District4WarehouseMove WBS xls provided create a project plan for the District 4 Warehouse Move project Use the PDF document 2023

Using the District4WarehouseMove WBS.xls provided, create a project plan for the District 4 Warehouse Move project. Use the PDF document, Project Plan Check – District4Move , to check your work to be sure you have created your starting project plan correctly. ProjectLibre is required for this task. If you have not yet downloaded ProjectLibre, please click here and follow the directions to do so now. Note: you will need to insert a column to include your WBS codes, then you will need to sequence the tasks to show tasks by work package. Based upon the details in the WBS and the project case, determine which tasks need to be completed first and which tasks are dependent upon other tasks to be completed prior to starting. Using this information identify predecessors in your project plan’s predecessor column. Complete the predecessor column by entering the line number of tasks that must be completed in order for each task to start. This will create your project timeline. Using ProjectLibre’s Network or flow diagram view, determine the critical path for this project. In a MS Word document, list the activities that are on the critical path. Considering the risks identified in the risk table below, identify which risks would be most likely to increase your project timeline. Justify your responses. Submit both your completed project plan and your MS Word document. District 4 Production Warehouse Move Project – Risk Table 1 Permits are not received per the schedule 2 Finish work contractors walk off the job half way through 3 Framing and drywall contractors are running behind schedule and can only produce half their crew as scheduled 4 Work benches are poor quality and 1/3 will have to be rebuilt Assignment 2 Grading Criteria Maximum Points Correctly developed a project plan from the WBS provided 60 Completed the predecessor column correctly in the project plan based upon information in the case. 40 Correctly identified critical path activities 16 Correctly identified risks that would impact the project schedule 40 Used proper writing components such as, correct grammar, spelling, and word choice and cited all sources using correct APA style, etc.. 44 Total: 200

2024 BUS 518 Assignment 2 Wooden’s Pyramid of Success & Project Management Leadership Assignment Help

BUS 518 Assignment 2 Wooden s Pyramid of Success Project Management Leadership In the current business world 2023

BUS 518 Assignment 2 Wooden’s Pyramid of Success & Project Management Leadership In the current business world, team projects are commonplace. This assignment will use John Wooden’s Pyramid of Success, its different facets, how it relates to project management leadership, and how it is fulfilled in different circumstances. Visit this site dedicated to him to retrieve the information. Write a three to five (3-5) page paper in which you: Describe the extent to which John Wooden’s Pyramid of Success fits today’s business environment after reflecting on your own organization or one that you have observed. Provide three (3) examples to support the response. Typify your leadership style, and provide three (3) examples of how your own temperament, motivation pattern, thinking styles, character, expectations, and leadership philosophy relate to or contrast themes discussed in John Wooden’sPyramid of Success. Analyze John Wooden’s Pyramid of Success and identify the aspects with which you agree and disagree. Provide a rationale for each aspect. Create a new Pyramid of Success model based on your analysis of John Wooden’s Pyramid of Success, and provide a rationale for each aspect or step of this new model. Using either the coaching philosophy of John Wooden’s Pyramid of Success or your own newly designed Pyramid ofSuccess model, develop a step-by-step strategy that self-directed project team members may use to adapt to any project-related crisis. Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements: Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions. Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length. The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are: Analyze the interests, temperaments, motivation patterns, and thinking styles to effectively motivate project team members. Determine the most appropriate leadership style (e.g., directive, consultative, participative, or delegative) in a projectenvironment to effectively manage the project. Use technology and information resources to research issues in project management leadership. Write clearly and concisely and project management leadership using proper writing mechanics. Grading for this assignment will be based on answer quality, logic / organization of the paper, and language and writing skills. Click here to access the rubric for this assignment.

2024 Literature Review Topic Selection – Urgently Needed. Half-1 Page Assignment Help

Below is a list of topics that you must choose from to complete your Literature Review Note Be 2023

Below is a list of topics that you must choose from to complete your Literature Review. Note: Be sure to include a rational/reason for why the topic was chosen. · Porter’s Competitive Strategies · Miles and Snow’s Strategy Typology · Operations strategy and planning · Bureaucratic Organizations · Chaos Theory · Hawthorne Studies · Organizational Theory · Organizational Behavior · Scientific Management · Organizational Structure · Supply Chain Structures and Relationships · Collaborative Networks · Impact of Technology on Job Design · Organizational Decision Making Systems · Shaping Cultures and Ethics of the Organization · Organizational Decision Making Make sure that you focus on the organizational design and structure of these items when writing your paper.

2024 law of diminishing returns paper Assignment Help

The law of diminishing returns is fundamental to the cost curves of the firm As we add more 2023

The “law of diminishing returns” is fundamental to the cost curves of the firm. As we add more of one resource (labor) to a fixed amount of another (capital), our marginal improvement in output quickly begins to diminish. The same ‘principle’ can be seen in many things. Apply the “law of diminishing returns” to your studying for a Micro exam. Draw a curve with study time on the horizontal axis and score on the vertical axis. Plot your estimated results with zero studying and with increments of 30 minutes of study. Where are you normally on that curve? Why? Apply the idea of “diminishing returns” to another area of your life, or society. Be creative but logical. Don’t confuse diminishing utility (satisfaction) with returns (performance, outcome) Take a look at these two graphs. Could diminishing returns play a role? Explain. http://mercatus.org/sites/default/files/publication/k-12-education-spending-pdf_0.pdf http://www.cato-at-liberty.org/public-school-spending-theres-a-chart-for-that/

2024 Finance Investment Assignment Help

Old Alfred Road who is well known to drivers on the Maine Turnpike has reached his seventieth birthday and 2023

Old Alfred Road, who is well-known to drivers on the Maine Turnpike, has reached his seventieth birthday and is ready to retire. Mr. Road has no formal training in finance but has saved his money and invested carefully. Mr. Road owns his home—the mortgage is paid off—and does not want to move. He is a widower, and he wants to bequeath the house and any remaining assets to his daughter. He has accumulated savings of $180,000, conservatively invested. The investments are yielding 9% interest. Mr. Road also has $12,000 in a savings account at 5% interest. He wants to keep the savings account intact for unexpected expenses or emergencies. Mr. Road’s basic living expenses now average about $1,500 per month, and he plans to spend $500 per month on travel and hobbies. To maintain this planned standard of living, he will have to rely on his investment portfolio. The interest from the portfolio is $16,200 per year (9% of $180,000), or $1,350 per month. Mr. Road will also receive $750 per month in Social Security payments for the rest of his life. These payments are indexed for inflation. That is, they will be automatically increased in proportion to changes in the consumer price index. Mr. Road’s main concern is with inflation. The inflation rate has been below 3% recently, but a 3% rate is unusually low by historical standards. His Social Security payments will increase with inflation, but the interest on his investment portfolio will not. What advice do you have for Mr. Road? Can he safely spend all the interest from his investment portfolio? How much could he withdraw at year-end from that portfolio if he wants to keep its real value intact? You do NOT need to provide specific calculations, but explain how you would do the necessary calculations to advise Mr. Road using the concepts presented in the current and previous weeks. Since 2005, Facebook has enjoyed spectacular success. By all accounts it is the most successful social media website. From initial funding by Mark Zuckerberg and Eduardo Saverin, to Angel Investors, to Accel Investment and Microsoft infusion of $240 million, Facebook grew to a staggering valuation by Goldman Sachs of an amazing $50 billion. There seemed to be no end to the profitability and growth (over 900 million users) to Facebook. To increase profitability and raise additional capital for expansion of its current technology and purchase of other threats/opportunities such as Instagram, Facebook made the decision to file for an Initial Public Offering (IPO) on February 1, 2012. This long-awaited announcement gave investors hope that the underwriter value of their shares ($38 each and pricing the company at around $104 billion) would see stock valuation increase immediately, as Linkedin (+109%); Groupon (+31%); and Pandora (+9%) did on their first day of public trading. Clearly, this seemed to be an easy bet—nothing seemed to be able to limit the quick opportunity to make profit for the investor. However, the appreciation that investors hoped for did not materialize. In fact, as of July 17, 2012, Facebook stock price was at $28.09, roughly $10 per share less than its initial IPO price only 4 months earlier. The events that led to this disappointment have left major shareholders skittish and investors weary. To restore confidence in the investment potential of the company, further actions will obviously be necessary. For this assignment, you are tasked with writing a letter to the Board of Directors. Taking on the position of the CEO, your letter must be convincing so the Board has restored confidence that you are in touch with the issues and can take the necessary steps to significantly enhance valuation. Carefully explain your perspective on the IPO. From whose perspective was the IPO a failure and why? From whose perspective was it a success and why? (This will require some research on your part.) What is your strategy for quickly restoring value and increasing the stock price? What is your longer term strategy e.g., diversification, additional cash flows from proposed new programs or projects? (Using what you learned in Week 2, project the future value of any investments you recommend.) Using what you learned about specific and market risk in Module 4, how can investor risk be minimized? Be sure to employ convincing statistics and/or figures to support your arguments. You can make up numbers for your calculations on diversification and new programs/projects, but your answer must be logical and consistent with what you’ve learned in the course. For example, if you recommend a new project that would enhance shareholder value, you need to consider and calculate the opportunity cost of that action. Write your letter in standard business letter format to the Facebook Board of Directors. Your letter is not to exceed 8 pages in length, with a precise Executive Summary at the beginning and a compelling conclusion at the end.

2024 BUS 501 WK 3 Assignment 1 – The Independent Government Cost Estimate and the Statement of Work Assignment Help

BUS 501 WK 3 Assignment 1 The Independent Government Cost Estimate 2023

BUS 501 WK 3 Assignment 1 – The Independent Government Cost Estimate and the Statement of Work Imagine that you are working in a federal government office as a government employee. You have been tasked with preparing an Independent Government Cost Estimate (IGCE) for a two-million-dollar procurement. The purchase is for the construction of fifty (52) towers with cameras and radar. The period of the contract is ten (10) years. The contract will also include training for the camera operators. Write a four to six (4-6) page paper in which you: Evaluate the importance of the IGCE. Examine the reasons for confidentiality of the IGCE. Propose two (2) actions that should be taken in order to maintain the confidentiality of the IGCE. Create a sample of a detailed cost estimate. Evaluate the types of statements of work in regard to compatibility with this contract. Determine the most appropriate type of statement of work for this contract. Support your position. Use at least four (4) quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not qualify as academic resources. Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements: Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions. Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.