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2024 Calculations Shown Assignment Help

Chapter 18 pblems 18 2 18 4 18 10 and 18 12 Follow these instructions for completing and submitting your assignment Do 2023

Chapter 18, pblems 18-2, 18-4, 18-10, and 18-12 Follow these instructions for completing and submitting your assignment: Do all work in Excel. Do not submit Word files or *.pdf files. Submit a single spreadsheet file for this assignment. Do not submit multiple files. Place each problem on a separate spreadsheet tab. Label all inputs and outputs and highlight your final answer. Follow the directions in “Guidelines for Developing Spreadsheets 18-2 18-2. A nation’s current annual rate of growth of per capita real GDP is 3.0 percent, and its annual rate, of population growth is 3.4 percent. What is the nation’s annual rate of growth of real GDP? (See page 397.) 18-4 18-4. The annual rate of growth of real GDP in a developing nation is 0.3 percent. Initially, the country’s population was stable from year to year. Recently, however, a significant increase in the nation’s birthrate has raised the annual rate of population growth to 0.5 percent. (See page 397.) a. What was the rate of growth of per capita real GDP before the increase in population growth? b. If the rate of growth of real GDP remains unchanged, what is the new rate of growth of per capita real GDP following the increase in the birthrate? 18-10 18-10. Last year, $100 million in outstanding bank loans to a developing nation’s government were not renewed, and the developing nation’s government paid off $50 million in maturing government bonds that had been held by foreign residents. During that year, however, a new group of banks participated in a $125 million loan to help finance a major government construction project in the capital city. Domestic firms also issued $50 million in bonds and $75 million in stocks to foreign investors. All of the stocks issued gave the foreign investors more than 10 percent shares of the domestic firms. (See page 403.) a. What was gross foreign investment in this nation last year? b. What was net foreign investment in this nation last year? 18-12 18-12. Identify which of the following situations currently faced by the World Bank or the International Monetary Fund are examples of adverse selection and which are examples of moral hazard. (See pages 404–405.) a. The World Bank has extended loans to the government of a developing country to finance construction of a canal with a certain future flow of earnings. Now, however, the government has decided to redirect those funds to build a casino that may or may not generate sufficient profits to allow the government to repay the loan. b. The IMF is considering extending loans to several nations that failed to fully repay loans they received from the IMF during the past decade but now claim to be better credit risks. Now the IMF is not sure in advance which of these nations are unlikely to fully repay new loans. c. The IMF recently extended a loan to a government directed by democratically elected officials that would permit the nation to adjust to an abrupt reduction in private flows of funds from abroad. A coup has just occurred, however, in response to newly discovered corruption within the government’s elected leadership. The new military dictator has announced tentative plans to disburse some of the funds in equal shares to all citizens.

2024 Walmart As An MNC Assignment Help

explore these statements about the WALMART MNC 1 How have changes in technology 2023

explore these statements about the WALMART MNC 1) How have changes in technology contributed to the globalization of market and production in Walmart? 2) Would the globalization of production and market have been possible without these technological changes in the Walmart? you must address at least three scholarly resources in this paper. – 5 pages (not including reference and title page) – must be own writing, understable and professional language.

2024 Week 1 Discussion 1 IMC & Marcom Assignment Help

What is marcom How have the functions within marketing communications become more integrated 2023

What is marcom? How have the functions within marketing communications become more integrated? What does the Forbes writer, Judy Begehr, say about how content will impact the IMC? Why is this important? Incorporate concepts and examples from this week’s lecture in your post. Weekly Lecture : Integrated Marketing Communications Welcome to the world of the Integrated Marketing Communication! Since we know there is not one “right” way to communicate with an organization’s customers and potential customers, organizations must study carefully the options and venues available to reach their targeted market segments. While there are 4 P’s in the marketing mix (price, product, place, promotion), our course will focus on the “promotion” aspect of the marketing mix. Ogden & Ogden (2014) state marketing communications is a subset of marketing (section 1.1). For purposes of our course, we will use Hutton’s (as cited in Ogden & Ogden, 2014) definition of integrated marketing communication (IMC), “the process of coordinating and integrating all marketing communication tools into a seamless program to help the company achieve its objectives” (section 1.1). Companies frequently abbreviate marketing communications as “marcom.” Since the purpose of marketing communications is to build a relationship with potential customers, it is critical organizations spend resources and thought when developing their marcom. What does all this mean? It means the marketing manager must carefully consider the organizational objectives and constraints when selecting communication venues. It also means the organization should communicate one message to the public from every single area within the organization. This takes a lot of coordination. Below we will discuss corporate image, branding, and the effect of consumer attitudes. A corporate image is how consumers and other businesses feel about an organization and the brands of its individual product lines. A corporate image also summarizes what the organization stands for and how it is known in the marketplace. For instance, Clow and Baak (2012) use the examples of the “good hands” of Allstate or the “good neighbor” of State Farm. We know immediately the insurance organizations’ stand for reassurance and safety, which contributes to their corporate image. Since this is based on individual consumer perception, how might an organization set about creating its corporate image? Branding One way an organization creates its corporate image is by branding. The difference between corporate image and branding is simple: corporate image covers the entire organization and its reputation among its consumers, whereas branding covers a single product line or a group of complementary product lines. Hormel Foods is the corporate brand, and brand names of Dinty Moore and Jennie-O Turkey Store as product lines. Can you think of another corporate image with individual brands? What about Kraft? Proctor & Gamble? Coca-Cola? Johnson & Johnson? Take a look at the infographic below. Some of the brands for each corporation are listed: We recognize many of the brands from each corporation. The right name can differentiate an organization’s brand from its competitors with a single word (Manning, 2014). A good name should be interesting and memorable; generic-sounding names will not separate a brand from its competitors, so it is imperative the organization gets it right. On the other hand, intentionally selecting a name that is difficult to pronounce and/or spell can have a negative impact. A brand name requires an extensive search (Felber, 2012); however, used correctly, a brand name can evoke respect and create a sustainability to obtain and keep market share (Stephens, 2014). Attitudes What are attitudes? On the surface, this concept seems simple: an attitude is something we think, believe, or feel. Yet can there be more to an attitude? And how is a person’s attitude so influential toward consumer behavior? In order to determine what affects an attitude and how it is formed, it is first important to understand what attitude is: a “learned predisposition to behave in a consistently favorable or unfavorable way with respect to a given object” (Schiffman & Kanuk, 2007, p. 268). An object can be a product, a product genre, a commercial, a service, etc. There are four broad categories of attitude models discussed in our text; the following will highlight additional research and insight into how an attitude is formed. Unlike many believe, a person’s behavior and attitude resemble the times more than the teachings from his or her childhood. Meredit and Schewe (1994) suggest our attitude is formed by our cohort group, from the experiences of our youth (see Appendix A). Ryder (1964) further suggests the cohort effect is defined as a group of people “born over a relatively short and contiguous time period as a ‘generational cohort’ that is deeply influenced and bound together by the events of their ‘formative years’ (p. 843). What does this mean for marketers? In the United States, the passage of adulthood occurs approximately between the ages of 17 and 21 (Meredith & Schewe, 1994, p. 24). Economic and national events that happen during this time tend to affect the lifelong attitude and, thus, consumer buyer behavior. Psychologists find these core values and attitudes remain largely unchanged throughout life (Meredith & Schewe). One illustration of attitudes and its effect on consumer behavior would be an organization positioning itself to appeal to a specific generation – if you are Pepsi, positioning yourself as a baby boomer’s soft drink would not be smart. Studies by Pepsi show Generation X and Generation Y tend to drink Pepsi, while baby boomers tend to drink Coca-Cola. The moral of the story? Find your customer, study their attitudes, and customize your marketing and advertising campaigns around ideas and events to which they will be able to relate! Remember the commercial with the person representing the IBM-based PC? ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ibwWYEV0tEU ) He was middle aged and conservative, whereas the person representing the Apple Mac was young, casually dressed, and portrayed as being open to change and growth – does this remind anyone of one of Apple’s co-founders, Steve Jobs? Forbes School of Business Faculty References: Apple Videos. Mac vs. PC commercial: Meant for work [Video file]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ibwWYEV0tEU Clow, K. E., & Baack, D. (2012). Integrated advertising, promotion, and marketing communications (5th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc. Felber, B. (2012, July). What’s in a name? Beware before you brand. Public Relations Tactics, 19 (7), 7. Manning, S. (2014, January). What’s in a name? Entrepreneur, 42 (1), 74-75. Meredith, G. & Schewe, C. (1994, December). The power of cohorts. American Demographics, 16 (12), 22-31. Ogden, J. R., & Ogden, D. T. (2014). Utilizing a strategic marketing approach to managing marketing communications . San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc. Stephens, T. (2014, January). What’s in a name? Private Label Buyer, 28 (1), 26.

2024 BMGT 364 Week 2 Assignment Help

Organizational Theory Competitive advantage in the 20th century was created by making quality products and 2023

Organizational Theory Competitive advantage in the 20th century was created by making quality products and services faster, cheaper, and moving them quickly around a town, state or nation. Business organizations in the 21st century must continue to produce goods and services faster and cheaper than its competitors; however, unlike the 20th century, competitive advantage is gained only when a business can customize the goods and/or services to meet customer demands and have them delivered around the world. Ironically, while the pace of doing business has magnified thousands of times, employees desire more than ever to slow down and balance work with family. People who successfully manage this 21st century paradigm must comprehend all facets of the organization and how they compose the company’s competitive advantage. Manager’s in particular have to find ways to secure competitive advantage via innovation of the process of planning, organizing, staffing, directing, and controlling the organization’s rules, procedures, processes and people who execute them. As seen in week one organizational theory has evolved to embrace a human centric framework. This week theme one seeks to explain how 21st century businesses’ must blend 20th and 21st century management theory and application to create a competitive edge. In theme two the material for the week begins to explain that the foundation of most existing managerial practices stems from Fayol’s four functions of management. It is upon Fayol’s foundation that manager’s will have to build their practices for a new agile organization structure. In the coming weeks, students will examine the four functions so that they can understand the common practice upon which new ideas of management are built. Theme 1 : Helping a business to create a competitive edge among competitors is a crucial job of the manager. Theme 2: The Functions of Management and the New Organization The role of the manager in a business organization has been defined as a person who can implement the vision, purpose and mission of the business by creating processes, procedures, and short/long term goals that put the organization on a competitive path. The manager does this through the implementation of the four primary functions or pillars of management – planning, organizing, leading/directing, and controlling. Henri Fayol’s functions of management mentioned in our organizational theory timeline has created a foundation for the modern management role and are very much alive in running businesses today (it should be noted that it is currently five not four [to include staffing] management pillars). The challenge for the manager in the 21st century is to merge the traditional functions of a manager to include a greater role in developing long term goals and leading people while still maintaining the traditional functions of management. This week’s themes explore the definition of the four functions of management and how they form the foundation of the manager’s job.

2024 Analyze Financial Data Assignment Help

See the attachment and analyze financial data of each of the following six sections Accounts Receivable Inventory Gross Plant 2023

See the attachment and analyze financial data of each of the following six sections: Accounts Receivable, Inventory, Gross Plant & Equipment, Accounts Payable & Accruals, Notes Payable and Long-Term Debt (all sections that re in red font) and present the rationale to deny a loan renewal request. Comparative Balance Sheets and a Cash Flow Statement are used in the analysis. Scenario: The assignment requires an analysis of specific financial data of Bob Smith Inc. Bob is an existing bank customer. When the loan to Bob was originally made in 2013 the bank required Bob to increase the YE 2014 cash balance to at least $70,000. The Cash Flow Statement and Balance Sheet show an actual YE 2014 cash balance of less than $34,000. You are aware this action will create dire financial circumstances for Bob’s company. As the loan officer must pass along the news in a business letter that is most professional and written in an objective manner. Please use values in the letter whenever possible. Need this by 1300EST TODAY 11 Oct 2015 (5 hours from now)

2024 capstone diss Assignment Help

Assignment 1 Discussion Key Performance Measures and the Business Culture Business culture is the context in which the measures exist 2023

Assignment 1: Discussion—Key Performance Measures and the Business Culture Business culture is the context in which the measures exist. They are bound to each other in terms of context and environment. Understanding business metrics as key performance measures is an important part of business strategy and management. In this assignment, you will look at financial performance measures. Financial performance measures are vitally important to assessing corporate performance. However, financial measures are primarily backward looking in that they measure the results of past actions, and do not always give a reliable indication of future direction. Using the module readings, Argosy University online library resources, and the Internet, respond to the following for your own organization: Give three examples of key performance measures that are forward looking and more predictive. What aspect of the value chain are they measuring? How do these measures tie to specific strategies in your business unit? Does the business’ culture enable or block its business strategy and/or does it have an effect on financial performance in the value chain? Provide a rationale in support of your answer. What are cultural norms that govern the organization, and what types of behaviors does the culture promote or punish? Write your initial response in approximately 300 words. Apply APA standards to citation of sources. By Saturday, October 24, 2015 , post your response to the appropriate Discussion Area . Through Wednesday, October 28, 2015 , review and comment on at least two peers’ responses. Consider the following when you respond to your peers’ posts: Comment on which you found most helpful and the reasons you found them helpful. Provide a citation or resource to each response based on your learning or research. Comment on one of the measures described in your peers’ posts about how their organizations are alike or different from your own organization. Explain how your organization might benefit from considering the measures stated by your peers. Assignment 1 Grading Criteria Maximum Points Initial response: Was insightful, original, accurate, and timely. Was substantive and demonstrated advanced understanding of concepts. Compiled/synthesized theories and concepts drawn from a variety of sources to support statements and conclusions. 16 Discussion response and participation: Responded to a minimum of two peers in a timely manner. Offered points of view supported by research. Asked challenging questions that promoted the discussion. Drew relationships between one or more points in the discussion. 16 Writing: Wrote in a clear, concise, formal, and organized manner. Responses were error free. Information from sources, where applicable, was paraphrased appropriately and accurately cited. 8 Total: 40

2024 Public school finance Assignment Help

Assignment 4 The word education is absent from the U S constitution Based on 2023

Assignment 4 The word education is absent from the U.S. constitution. Based on this fact, how is Federal involvement in public education justified? Briefly discuss the two major questions commonly pondered regarding Federal funding of public education: a) How much- what percentage of the total education budget should be federally funded? B) How-block grants, categorical or general aid? Briefly describe the following federal initiatives and the major impact on public education. Land ordinances of 1785 Morrill Act 1862 Smith-Hughes Act 1917 National Defense Education Act 1958 Elementary and Secondary Education Act 1965–List and briefly describe the five Titles in the original legislation. Civil Rights Act 1964 Rehabilitation Act 1973 Privacy Act (Buckley Amendment). Education for All Handicapped Children Act 1975 Americans with Disabilities Act 1990. Assignment 5 The courts often generate change in many aspects of society including public schools. The following are cases that significantly impacted public education. What was the major impact of these cases? Brown v. Board of Education 1954 Kalamazoo Case 1874 The following cases are directly related to school finance. You are to prepare a mini-brief on each including Citation (name of the case), Issue, Decision and the impact of that decision. Serrano v. Priest 1971 San Antonio v. Rodriquez 1973 Rose v. Council 1989 Read text on the Florida Adequacy suit and write 2 or three sentences on the issues. Scan ( read over ) in the text issues relating to adequacy, reform efforts and taxpayer retrenchment. Note: No written response required on number 4. Assignment 6 The use of public funds in non-public schools has always been a hot topic. The courts have given direction in this matter. As a public school administrator it is important to be informed in this area. Prepare mini-briefs on: A. Pierce v. Society of Sisters B. Aguilar v. Felton C. Lemon v. Kurtzman (memorize the 3 prongs of the Lemon test-it will serve you well). What is the major argument for the use of public funds for non-public schools? Against? Briefly discuss the pros & cons of each of the following: Vouchers Choice Charter Schools Tax Credits Each assignment should be at least one paragraph and each paragraph should be 150-200 words the assignment should be saved in .rtf format.

2024 Introduction to Financial Managment Assignment Help

Provide an evaluation of the following in a paper 1 What are the advantages of and disadvantages of changing 2023

Provide an evaluation of the following in a paper: 1 What are the advantages of and disadvantages of changing the company organization from a sole proprietorship to LLC? 2 What are the advantages and disadvantages of changing the company organization from a sole proprietorship to a corporation? 3 Provide, recommendation when a company should move away from a sole proprietorship to another from of business (Please do not use the first person in your recommendation and provide sources) Support your paper with minimum of five (5) resources. In addition to these specified resources, other appropriate scholarly resources, including older articles, may be included. Length: 2-3 pages not including title and reference pages. Your paper should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course and provide new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards. Be sure to adhere to University’s Academic Integrity Policy. Upload your assignment using the Upload Assignment button below. Grading guideline – • Introduction is attention getting with sufficient background information to establish the topic and a clear thesis statement. • The three main points are each supported by at least 3 solid proofs (quote, statistic, example). The topic is clearly tied to Business Finance. At least one cause is presented followed by clear details for each of the main points. At least one effect is explained based off the main points. The progression is clear and makes sense throughout the paper. The paper is at least 2 – 3 pages long. Paper is written in third person, past tense throughout without any contractions used. • The conclusion summarizes the main points, and leaves the reader with a strong comprehension of the paper’s significance and the author’s understanding. • All research is correctly credited with at least 5 sources: one book, one periodical, and one primary source. Using correct APA format. • Grammatically correct – No spelling, grammar, or mechanics errors.

2024 Marketing Homework DUE BY 11:59 TODAY Assignment Help

The attachement is below thats needed I need this by 11 59 TODAY no later Click on 2023

The attachement is below thats needed. I need this by 11:59 TODAY no later. Click on the Chapter 8 folder to access the Marketing Plan for Hillside Veterinary Clinic. Read the section on “Marketing Strategy”. Answer and discuss the following questions: 1- What goods and services does Hillside Veterinary Clinic sell? 2-What consumer product classes are offered by Hillside Veterinary Clinic? 3-Base on what you have read in the chapter, what marketing mix is typical for different classes of products? Does the marketing strategy recommended in the marketing plan fit with those considerations? Why or why not? The first 3 questions should be answered in your initial post. For your reply posts, please discuss the following: 1- Are there additional products and services that Hillside should consider offering? Why or why not? 2- Should their marketing mix be altered in any way? If so, how? If not, why not?

2024 Evidence Tracking Assignment Help

Follow the instructions in Evidence Tracking Instructions which areattached below to gain access to 2023

Follow the instructions in Evidence-Tracking Instructions, which areattached below, to gain access to the DNA Initiative website ( https://letraining.dna.gov ). The website provides access to several different crime scenes and scenarios that are used for this assignment. Explore the chosen scenario from the Evidence-Tracking Instructions to learn enough information to complete the assignment. Write a 1,400- to 1750-word paper in which forensic and other evidence found at the selected crime scene is tracked from collection through presentation. Include the following: Brief description of the chosen scenario Two different types of collected evidence Sources of the evidence Proper collection procedures Instructions on how to record the evidence Chain of evidence Processing protocols Interpretation methods Preservation of evidence Proper presentation methods for different types of evidence Consequences of mishandling evidence