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2024 answer the questions Assignment Help

2 What are the three major business activities in which accountants play a major role Give 2023

2. What are the three major business activities in which accountants play a major role? Give an example of each. 4. What is double-entry bookkeeping? Give a brief example. 5. List the four major financial statements. Which financial statements are permanent and which are temporary? 6. What is the difference between a current asset and a long-term asset? Why is cash typically listed first on a balance sheet? 8. What is accrual accounting? Give an example of how accrual accounting affects a firm ’s financial statement.

2024 Accounting Assignment Assignment Help

Write a 500 750 word paper on the following topic Fidelity Investments Company is a well known mutual fund 2023

Write a 500-750 word paper on the following topic: Fidelity Investments Company is a well-known mutual fund investment company. It makes investments worth billions of dollars in companies listed on the New York Stock Exchange and other stock markets. Generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) are very important for Fidelity’s investment analysts. What are GAAP? Why are financial statements that have been prepared in accordance with GAAP and audited by an independent CPA useful for Fidelity’s investment analysts? What organizations influence GAAP? Explain how they do so. Your paper must be formatted according to APA 6th edition guidelines, and you need to use at least one external reference.

2024 You just won $25,000 in the lottery. You decide you want to buy a 10485 Assignment Help

You just won 25 000 in the lottery You decide you want to buy a sportscar 2023

You just won $25,000 in the lottery. You decide you want to buy a sportscar. You don’t want to buy the car now but want to wait for 5 years when you will be 25 and your insurance premiums will be affordable. You think you can earn 8% on the money. How much will you be able to spend on the sportscar in five years? You have a student loan of $75,000. The interest rate is 8.6% per year. You have been out of school for 6 months and are ready to start making payments. You want to use the maximum allowed of 10 years to pay off the loan by making equal monthly payments. How much are the monthly payments? You have been diligently saving to buy a boat. For the last 10 years, you have been putting $50 per month into a secret savings account paying .5% interest per year. You started with $0. You just discovered that your spouse knew about the account the whole time and has been withdrawing $45 each month for the last 10 years. How much money do you have in the account?

2024 BUS 405 WK 4 Assignment 1 Union Management and Organization Assignment Help

BUS 405 WK 4 Assignment 1 Union Management and Organization Write a six to 2023

BUS 405 WK 4 Assignment 1 Union Management and Organization Write a six to eight (6-8) page paper in which you: 1. Summarize the historical and legal framework which provides the foundations for the American system of labor / management relations. 2. Analyze the actions of unions and management to determine basic compliance with the major U.S. federal labor laws. 3. Determine the roles and responsibilities of key participants in a right-to-work state when compared to a non right-to-work state.

2024 Cases in marketing: Orientaion, Analysis, and problems Assignment Help

Recommended Format 1 Statement of Problem s This section should contain a statement of the problem s 2023

Recommended Format 1. Statement of Problem(s) This section should contain a statement of the problem(s) which the case will attempt to solve. Although there may be more than one problem, there is usually one primary problem which is the underlying cause of the other secondary problems. Determine this primary problem and be fairly specific. 2. Relevant Facts of the Case This section should include facts of the case which are pertinent to the problem or to the solution offered. In other words, the identification of facts relevant to the problem(s) within the case so as to make an intelligence solution. 3. Additional Data Sometimes additional data may be desirable, especially in real-life cases. Use of secondary sources in the library is acceptable and encouraged. 4. Assumptions In order to avoid a dead-end, you may occasionally need to make certain assumptions about the situation. These should be clear, logical and consistent with the known facts of the case. 5. Identification of Alternative Courses of Action As you analyze the relevant facts of the case, alternative courses of action or possible solutions to the problems will come to mind. These alternatives must actually be alternative course of action; in other words, each alternative presented must be a different course of actions. 6. Evaluation of These Alternative Courses of Action Analysis of the alternatives consists in part of attempting to predict the probable effects upon, or reaction of, the many variables which influence the success or failure of a course of action. Each alternative must be examined in much the same way as the initial problem. 7. Recommended Solution The next step in preparing a case analysis is to arrive at a decision as to the proper course of action to be taken in order to solve the problems facing the company; in other words, the selection of the course of action that provides the best answer to the problem. 8. Implementation of Your Decision You are required to develop detailed or precise answers on how to implement your selected alternative

2024 Fast Food Industy in the US (PROF. FRANK ONLY) Assignment Help

As the final report you will write a policy paper which outlines 2023

As the final report, you will write a policy paper which outlines how members of your chosen industry can protect itself or benefit from another financial crisis . Your recommendations and benefit must be clearly identified. The report may be no longer than 20 pages, not including appendices, exhibits, background information etc. Reports must be 12 point font with 1.5 line spacing. Your paper MUST use APA format. The final paper is due on Sep 16th, 10:00 PM Your final paper MUST adhere to the structure outlined below: 1. Executive Summary (10%) a. No more than 1 page b. Summarize your key recommendations c. The benefits of accepting the recommendations d. The impact on the industry overall 2. Overview/Background (15%) a. What is driving the discussion b. What is the current policy or situation c. Why does there need to be a change 3. Option identification (20%) a. Identify what you are trying to accomplish b. Outline the options considered c. Explain the benefits and risks of each one 4. Recommendation (20%) a. Outline and discuss which option you have recommended b. Explain why this is the best option c. What are the benefits to the stake holders (Owners, Suppliers, Government, Customer, Employees) in the industry d. Who will need to be involved to implement these changes 5. Conclusion (10%) a. Summary of recommendations and analysis 6. Appendices (10%) a. These must be relevant and on point 7. Presentation and format (15%) a. This is not a subsection of the paper b. You will be graded on quality of writing and presentation c. Marks will be lost for poor writing, editing, grammar etc. Recommanded Resources: https://virtualbutterfly.files.wordpress.com/2010/04/72221-fast-food-restaurants-in-the-us-industry-report.pdf http://www.academia.edu/4729686/Fast_Food_Industry http://www.peri.umass.edu/fileadmin/pdf/research_brief/PERI_fast_food_wages.pdf http://clients1.ibisworld.ca/reports/ca/industry/default.aspx?entid=1980

2024 Biz POLICY – LASA 1 Assignment Help

Business Unit Analysis Directions Create a Feasibility Study for Harley Davidson using the 2023

Business Unit Analysis Directions: Create a Feasibility Study for Harley-Davidson using the following outline: Part I: Differentiation Strategies The analysis of current strategy and competitor analysis you conducted last module impressed the senior vice president. She now needs you to delve into the brands and analyze them by conducting a business unit analysis and presenting your findings in a three-part PowerPoint presentation. Research the Harley-Davidson (H-D) Web site for each brand, and review the annual report for relevant details of the size, scope, target market, services and amenities, and other salient points of differentiation. Include these details in Part I of your PowerPoint presentation. From the research and analysis of the business units, identify: A description of each brand or business unit that provides a clear picture of the brand and its place in the overall portfolio of Harley-Davidson. The target market of each brand. How the brands are alike and how they differ. A preliminary analysis of any gaps that exist in the portfolio that might lead to opportunities to add to the brands. Your analysis of possible merger/acquisition/joint venture possibilities and what would be achieved or accomplished through the merger/acquisition/joint venture. Part II: SWOT Analysis Perform a SWOT analysis for Harley-Davidson and include this information in Part II of your PowerPoint presentation. Based on the internal analyses of the SWOT analysis, assess the functional areas, resources, capabilities, and strengths H-D possesses. Please be sure to cover the following functional areas in your assessment: Marketing: New product development, integrated marketing planning, marketing communications, and building customer loyalty. Operations: Quality, service, and consistent execution. Human Resources: Hiring, training, developing talent, and performance planning. Avoided lawsuits and bad PR due to its hiring practices. Is ethical in its HR practices. Executive Leadership: Industry knowledge and experience, vision about where the industry is heading, and strategy execution. Supply Chain Optimization: Strategic sourcing of input, vendor management, integrated IS, and joint forecasting with suppliers. Corporate Responsibility and Ethics: Concern for corporate citizenship and the environment. Present any potential ethical concerns as well. Safety and Quality: How the motorcycle industry is dealing with safety and quality issues. Part III: Growth and Profitability Strategies In addition, the executive board is interested in your ideas about bold strategies for the future. The strategies you recommend will have to contribute to growth and profitability, as outlined in the Annual Report. You will want to pay special attention to exploring vertical integration, strategic alliances, and the internal growth of new brands entering new geographic markets, and/or additional acquisitions. Consider the following: Is Harley-Davidson, Inc., (H-D) competing in the right businesses, given the opportunities and threats present in the external environment? If not, how can H-D realign its diversification strategy to achieve a competitive advantage? This may include additional diversification to take advantage of opportunities such as further vertical integration. Is the corporation managing its portfolio in a way that creates synergy among its businesses? If so, what additional businesses should it consider adding to its portfolio? After you have reviewed the growth and profitability strategies, create a list of possible strategies to present a full range of ideas. Part III of your presentation should include your complete list—all potential ideas—for the senior vice president. This is your chance to be creative. Next, rank your ideas from best to worst. To do this, keep in mind several things such as fit with current strategy, resources and capabilities, and difficulty of execution. For each of your top five ideas, add the following: Briefly describe the strategy. Why you picked it as one of the top five. Think about such things as: Does the strategy build on current competencies and foster horizontal relationships among brands? In other words, what can be leveraged or shared? What are the pros and cons of this strategy? Your PowerPoint Feasibility Study presentation will also include slides pertaining to the following assessments: Part I: Identification of size, scope, target market, services, amenities, and points of differentiation. Part II: SWOT analysis that includes marketing, operations, human resources, executive leadership, supply chain optimization, corporate responsibility, ethics, safety, and quality. Part III: Growth and profitability strategies, including your top five strategic ideas and support.

2024 ECON 101 M05 Elasticity Project Assignment Help

ECON 101 M05 Elasticity Project Assignment Choose two real world companies in different industries CAN NOT BE 2023

ECON 101 M05 Elasticity Project Assignment: Choose two real-world companies in different industries (CAN NOT BE APPLE OR GENERAL MOTORS) , one that you feel faces elastic demand and one that you feel faces inelastic demand. In each case, you are an economist working in the company and you have come to a conclusion of what kind of demand the company faces. You are to write a paper, convincing the president of the company of your conclusion and explaining what the company’s pricing strategy should be. · 300 words minimum for each company · Paper must be written in APA format, · 2 sources, other than the textbook, must be cited. Include a bibliography.

2024 Communicating With Customers: Need Today Assignment Help

Companies use the marketing communications mix differently depending upon the intended target audience As you learned having 2023

Companies use the marketing communications mix differently, depending upon the intended target audience. As you learned, having a well-coordinated integrated marketing communications strategy is important in order to deliver a clear and compelling message to customers. For your discussion, provide an example of a company that you feel has used well-integrated marketing communications tools. Discuss why you feel the company has done a good job with their IMC efforts. Also, provide an example of a company or product brand that hasn’t done a good job with communicating their message to customers. How might the company better leverage the marketing communications mix to successfully communicate with customers? Propose an alternative with supporting details. Then exchange views with other classmates.

2024 WK 6 DQs Assignment Help

WK 6 DQ 1 Claims to Environmental Friendliness After reading The six sins of 2023

WK 6 – DQ 1 Claims to  Environmental Friendliness After reading “ The ‘six sins of greenwashing’: A study of environmental claims in North American markets (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. ,” discuss the tension between business’s interests in maximizing profits and the public’s interest in receiving complete, truthful, and non-misleading information about products that they purchase. From a business perspective, what are the dangers of greenwashing? If you were a marketing executive, would you have a policy against greenwashing? Why or why not? WK 6 – DQ 2 Environmental Statutes Visit the Small Business Administration’s ” Environmental Regulations (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. ” page and visit the United States Environmental Protection Agency’s “ Laws & Regulations (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. ” page. Identify one environmental law that is relevant to your past, current, or future employer. Apply that law to a business situation created by that employer. How does (or did) that employer maintain compliance with that statute? Do you believe that environmental regulations help or hinder business? Why, or why not?