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2024 BUS322 Assignment Help

1 CRM Read the Forbes article The Role of Business Ethics in Relationships with Customers 2023

1. CRM Read the Forbes article, “ The Role of Business Ethics in Relationships with Customers. ” Based on the content presented in the article, describe the strategic importance of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and discuss how CRM business ethics can be used to create customer satisfaction and greater profits for the firm 2. Competing Internationally When making purchasing decisions, should a corporation reduce its ethical standards in order to allow the company to compete internationally? Take a position and defend your

2024 ECO 365 Week 5 Theory Of Consumer Choice And Frontiers Of Microeconomics Assignment Help

Week 5 exposes students to subjects that are intended to whet their appetites for 2023

Week 5 exposes students to subjects that are intended to whet their appetites for further study in economics. Students will use the theory of consumer choice and the impact of the concepts of asymmetric information, political economy, and behavior economics, to describe how consumers make economic decisions. Assignment Steps Scenario: You have been asked to assist your organization’s marketing department to better understand how consumers make economic decisions. Write a 1,050-word analysis including the following: The impact the theory of consumer choice has on: Demand curves Higher wages Higher interest rates The role asymmetric information has in many economic transactions. The Condorcet Paradox and Arrow’s Impossibility Theorem in the political economy. People are not rational in behavior economics. Cite a minimum of three peer-reviewed sources not including your textbook. Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.

2024 Leadership Challenges in Today’s Environment Assignment Help

Leadership Challenges in Today s Environment There are some who argue that leaders face unprecedented demands as we enter the 21st 2023

Leadership Challenges in Today’s Environment There are some who argue that leaders face unprecedented demands as we enter the 21st century. The pace of organizations is faster than ever due to technology advances and impatience in stakeholder groups. There is increased diversity due to globalization. The workforce is more nomadic; few people today spend their entire careers in a single company. This puts a lot of pressure on leaders and may demand new or evolved competencies. Using the module readings,online library resources, and the Internet, including general organizational sources like the Wall Street Journal, BusinessWeek, or Harvard Business Review , research the demands facing 21st century leaders. Then, respond to the following: What are the challenges facing leaders in today’s environment? Consider both internal and external challenges within an organization. Describe the impact of those challenges on today’s leaders. Explain how leaders need to respond to them. Discuss at least three–four core competencies that you think leaders need to be effective in today’s environment. Explain how these competencies will address the challenges you identified. By October 2, 2015 , post your response to the appropriate Discussion Area . Through Monday, October 5, 2015 , review and comment on at least two peers’ responses. Write your initial response in 300–500 words. Your response should be thorough and address all components of the discussion question in detail, include citations of all sources, where needed, according to the APA Style, and demonstrate accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation Do the following when responding to your peers: Read your peers’ answers. Provide substantive comments by contributing new, relevant information from course readings, Web sites, or other sources; building on the remarks or questions of others; or sharing practical examples of key concepts from your professional or personal experiences Respond to feedback on your posting and provide feedback to other students on their ideas. Make sure your writing is clear, concise, and organized; demonstrates ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; and displays accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Grading Criteria Assignment Components Max Points Initial response was: Insightful, original, accurate, and timely. Substantive and demonstrated advanced understanding of concepts. Compiled/synthesized theories and concepts drawn from a variety of sources to support statements and conclusions. 16 Discussion Response and Participation: Responded to a minimum of two peers in a timely manner. Offered points of view supported by research. Asked challenging questions that promoted discussion. Drew relationships between one or more points in the discussion. 16 Writing: Wrote in a clear, concise, formal, and organized manner. Responses were error free. Information from sources, where applicable, was paraphrased appropriately and accurately cited. 8 Total: 40

2024 BUS 325 Assignment 1 HRM in an MNE Assignment Help

BUS 325 Assignment 1 HRM in an MNE Assume that you are an HR manager in a 2023

BUS 325 Assignment 1 HRM in an MNE Assume that you are an HR manager in a MNE, and you have been tasked with designing HR policy that would apply to the various locations external to the United States, You must define the differences between domestic and international HRM, examine key factors that drive standardization, and define the impact on culture and the institutional environment. Write a six to eight (6-8) page paper in which you: 1. Compare and contrast two (2) main differences between domestic and international HRM. 2. Examine two (2) of the factors that drive standardization of HRM practices. Determine whether or not it is advantageous for an MNE to adopt a worldwide corporate culture for each of its subsidiaries. 3. Examine the role of the subsidiary. Compare and contrast global innovators, the integrated player, implementers, and local innovators as subsidiaries. Determine the best role for a company that is just beginning to expand internationally. Provide a rationale for your response.

2024 What is Kraft Foods Inc.’s corporate strategy? Assignment Help

1 What is Kraft Foods Inc s corporate strategy How has its corporate strategy 2023

1. What is Kraft Foods Inc.’s corporate strategy? How has its corporate strategy evolved since its independence in 2007? 2. What is your assessment of the long-term attractiveness of the industries represented in Kraft Foods’ business portfolio? 3. What is your assessment of the competitive strength of Kraft Foods’ different business units? 4. What does a 9-cell industry attractiveness/business strength matrix displaying Kraft Foods’ business units look like? 5. Does Kraft Foods’ portfolio exhibit good strategic fit? What value-chain match-ups do you see? What opportunities for skills transfer, cost sharing, or brand sharing do you see? 6. What is your overall evaluation of Kraft Foods’ corporate strategy and planned restructuring in 2012? What evidence and/or reasons support a conclusion that Kraft Foods’ shareholders will or will not benefit from the spinoff of the company’s North American grocery business? 7. What actions do you recommend that Kraft Foods management take to improve the company’s performance and boost shareholder value after the spinoff of its North American grocery business? Your recommended actions must be supported with convincing, analysis-based arguments.

2024 Tangshan Mining Has Common Stock At Par Of $200,000, Paid In Capital In Excess Of Par Of $400,000, And Retained… Assignment Help

Tangshan Mining has common stock at par of 200 000 paid in capital 2023

Tangshan Mining has common stock at par of $200,000, paid in capital in excess of par of $400,000, and retained earnings of $280,000. In states where the firm’s legal capital is defined as the par value of common stock, the firm could pay out ________ in cash dividends without impairing its capital.

2024 Multinational Corporations Case Study Assignment Help

Multinational Corporations Case Study Purpose of Assignment At times multinational corporations encounter in country issues 2023

Multinational Corporations Case Study Purpose of Assignment At times, multinational corporations encounter in-country issues that if not properly addressed, could place the viability of the company at risk. Thus, it is important to promptly recognize and understand these threats so management can employ an effective solution to the problem. An in-depth analysis of this assignment will provide students with a good understanding of the potential issues involved. Assignment Steps Select one of the following cases from the textbook: · Starbucks Wins Key Trademark Case in China (Ch. 2, p. 56) · Ethical Issues at Apple (Ch. 5, p. 132)<~~ THIS ONE! · Corruption At Daimler (Ch. 5, p. 136) Prepare a minimum 700-word analysis addressing the following: MUST INCLUDE INTRO & CONCLUSION! AS WELL AS 2 SOURCES. ANSWER BULLETS THOROUGHLY! NO PLAGIARISM!!!!!!!!!! · Analyze the legal, cultural, and ethical challenges encountered by the global business case you selected. · Determine the various roles host governments played in this particular global business operation. · Summarize the operational challenges global managers faced as illustrated in your selected case. Format your assignment consistent with APA guidelines. The following case is below. Ethical Issues at Apple In mid-2006, news reports surfaced suggesting there were systematic labor abuses at a factory in China that makes the iPhone and iPod for Apple, Inc. According to the reports, workers at Hongfujin Precision Industry were paid as little as $50 a month to work 15-hour shifts making Apple products. There were also reports of forced overtime and poor living conditions for the workers, many of them young women who had migrated from the countryside to work at the plant and lived in company-owned dormitories. The 2006 articles were the work of two Chinese journalists, Wang You and Weng Bao, employed by China Business News, a state-run newspaper. The target of the reports, Hongfujin Precision Industry, was reportedly China’s largest export manufacturer with overseas sales totaling $14.5 billion. Hongfujin is owned by Foxconn, a large Taiwanese conglomerate, whose customers (in addition to Apple) include Intel, Dell, and Sony Corporation. The Hongfujin factory is a small city in its own right, with clinics, recreational facilities, buses, and 13 restaurants that serve the 200,000 employees. Upon hearing the news, Apple management responded quickly, pledging to audit the operations to make sure Hongfujin was complying with Apple’s code on labor standards for subcontractors. Managers at Hongfujin took a somewhat different tack; they filed a defamation suit against the two journalists, suing them for $3.8 million in a local court, which promptly froze the journalists’ personal assets pending a trial. Clearly, the management of Hongfujin was trying to send a message to the journalist community—criticism would be costly. The suit sent a chill through the Chinese journalist community because Chinese courts have shown a tendency to favor powerful, locally based companies in legal proceedings. Within six weeks, Apple had completed its audit. The company’s report suggested that although workers had not been forced to work overtime and were earning at least the local minimum wage, many had worked more than the 60 hours a week allowed for by Apple, and their housing was substandard. Under pressure from Apple, management at Hongfujin agreed to bring practices in line with Apple’s code, committing to building new housing for employees and limiting work to 60 hours a week. However, Hongfujin did not immediately withdraw the defamation suit. In an unusually bold move in a country where censorship is still common, China Business News gave its unconditional backing to Wang and Weng. The Shanghai-based news organization issued a statement arguing that what the two journalists did “was not a violation of any rules, laws, or journalistic ethics.” The Paris-based Reporters Without Borders also took up the case of Wang and Weng, writing a letter to Apple’s then CEO, the late Steve Jobs, stating, “We believe that all Wang and Weng did was to report the facts and we condemn Foxconn’s reaction. We therefore ask you to intercede on behalf of these two journalists so that their assets are unfrozen and the lawsuit is dropped.” Once again, Apple moved quickly, pressuring Foxconn behind the scenes to drop the suit. Foxconn agreed to do so and issued a “face-saving” statement saying the two sides had agreed to end the dispute after apologizing to each other “for the disturbances brought to both of them by the lawsuit.” The experience shed a harsh light on labor conditions in China. At the same time, the response of the Chinese media, and China Business News in particular, point toward the emergence of some journalistic freedoms in a nation that has historically seen news organizations as a mouthpiece for the state. More recent news may indicate new ethical concerns at Apple's production facilities in China. In a 2014 story by BBC News, Apple is again the center of issues related to workers' hours, ID cards, housing arrangements, work meetings, and juvenile workers at its Pegatron facilities on the outskirts of Shanghai. Apple disagreed strongly with the portray of the Pegatron factory's working conditions, and stated in the BBC News article that "We are aware of no other company doing as much as Apple to ensure fair and safe working conditions." Sources: R. Bilton, "Apple Failing to Protect Chinese Factory Workers," BBC News, December 18, 2014; E. Kurtenbach, “The Foreign Factory Factor,” Seattle Times, August 31, 2006, pp. C1, C3; Elaine Kurtenbach, “Apple Says It’s Trying to Resolve Dispute over Labor Conditions at Chinese iPod Factory,” Associated Press Financial Wire, August 30, 2006; “Chinese iPod Supplier Pulls Suit,” Associated Press Financial Wire, September 3, 2006. Copyright (c) 2006 by Associated Press. Used with permission

2024 Assignment 2: Power, Influence, and Success Assignment Help

Assignment 2 Power Influence and Success In this assignment you will review an article analyzing the personal 2023

Assignment 2: Power, Influence, and Success In this assignment, you will review an article analyzing the personal and positional sources of power of a famous businessman, Steve Jobs. His innovation, creativity, and boldness have earned Apple Computers worldwide success. You will write an analysis covering the following requirements. Background Overview: Steve Jobs created the Apple Computer in 1976 with his friend, Stephen Wozniak. From day one, the Apple Computer Company differentiated itself from similar companies with its unconventional business ideas that constantly redefined the standards for products, marketing, and industry innovation techniques. Steve Jobs was criticized many times, labeled “eccentric,” and said to be hard to work with. What was the real force behind the success? Directions: Read the following: Markoff, J. (2011, October 5). Apple’s visionary redefined digital age. New York Times . http://www.nytimes.com/2011/10/06/business/steve-jobs-of-apple-dies-at-56.html? _r=moc.semityn.www&adxnnl=1&ref=applecomputerinc&pagewanted=1&adxnnlx =1348599652-bYaC7rxlLsyo+X1SDUXzfw Using the University online library resources, select and research at least two other business leaders. Write an essay that covers the following: Identify Steve Jobs’ sources of personal and position power. Justify your reasoning. Assess the implications of Steve Jobs’ influence inside and outside the company. Utilizing your previous knowledge/experience with different organizations, compare Jobs with at least two other business leaders , analyzing the relationship between each leader’s power and influence inside and outside of their organizations. Analyze the Apple case within the political frame presented in Module 4 , considering its main characteristics. Write a 2-pages paper in Word format. Utilize at least two scholarly sources in support. Your paper should be written in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrate ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; and display accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Apply APA standards to citation of sources. Use the following file naming convention: LastnameFirstInitial_M4_A2.doc. For example, if your name is John Smith, your document will be named SmithJ_M4_A2.doc.

2024 Assignment 2: Project Team And Stakeholder Management – Essay Assignment Help

Read the project case for this assignment using the documents in Shared 2023

Read the project case for this assignment using the documents in Shared Documents . As the project manager for the District 4 Warehouse Move project, you will need to determine who your stakeholders and project team members are for this project. Remember that anyone connected to the project who has an interest or stake in the project should be considered as a stakeholder. This would include the project team, vendors and management among possible others. After you have determined who your stakeholders are, determine who will need to be a part of the project team. Develop a 2-3 page paper (650-750 words) in the form of a Microsoft Word document, not including the header and reference pages, defining the following: How will project communications and interactions work between the project manager, the stakeholders and the project team? What are some of the issues you, as the project manager will need to be concerned about in forming the project team? What, if any, situational factors exist that may affect the project team’s performance? What are some project pitfalls you will want to watch out for as you execute this project? Save the Word file as ProjectTeamManagement_ , where “” will be your name. Submit the plan to the Submissions Area by the due date assigned . Assignment 2 Grading Criteria Maximum Points A description of a project communication plan is provided 20 Team forming and development concerns are identified and described 20 Situational factors are described in relation to the D4 Warehouse Move project 20 A discussion of project pitfalls from a project manager’s perspective is provided 20 Paper is 650-750 words and provides depth of discussion 15 Used correct grammar, spelling, and word choice and cited all sources using correct APA style. 5 Total: 100

2024 MKTG 201 Week 6 Assignment Help

NO PLAGIARISM 250 WORDS Answer two of the three forum questions listed below 2023

NO PLAGIARISM! 250+ WORDS Answer two of the three forum questions, listed below. 1. What are some of the different factors which can affect the promotion mix? Ch 11 2. Think about and provide examples of two different message strategies you’ve seen in commercials in the last year. Why do you think they were or were not effective? Ch 11 3. How would you define social media? Ch 12 Book Title: Principles of Marketing Author(s): Tanner and Raymond Publisher: Flatworld Knowledge eISBN : 978-1-4533-4499-6