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2024 Dis 1 Assignment Help

Company Description Throughout this course you will develop a series of written papers 2023

Company Description Throughout this course, you will develop a series of written papers / projects that you will later combine into a complete business plan for a Non-Alcoholic Beverage company. For this discussion, you must first review the “ NAB Company Portfolio ”. The mentioned portfolio contains the company parameters and details you must follow when developing your company. Provide the following information to set the foundation for your non-alcoholic beverage (NAB) business plan. Please respond to the following: Create your NAB company name and explain its significance. Develop your company’s Mission Statement and provide a rationale for its components

2024 unit 5 assignment Assignment Help

Assignment eCommerce Risks and Threats You have just been hired as a security consultant to evaluate risks 2023

Assignment: eCommerce Risks and Threats You have just been hired as a security consultant to evaluate risks and threats for an internet-based retail business. Based on your Reading Chapter 5, and the learning activities where you practiced with risks and threats in ecommerce, respond to the checklist items in an informative essay: Checklist: Following the Informative Essay steps address the following: Explain the types of ecommerce risks and threats with which this online retailer may have to contend. Discuss a minimum of 4 prevention techniques to minimize these risks to the online retailer. Write your original informative essay in Standard American English. Please be sure to include an Introduction, Body (addressing all the checklist items), and Conclusion. Pay special attention to correct grammar, style, and mechanics. Respond to the checklist items in a complete manner. Ensure that your viewpoint and purpose are clearly stated. Remember you are the consultant. Demonstrate logical and appropriate transitions from one idea to another. Your paper should be highly organized, logical, and focused. Respond in a minimum of a 2–3 page APA formatted and citation styled paper and submit your informative essay to the Assignment Dropbox.

2024 1-2 pages paper Assignment Help

Note I need 1 2 pages paper on the instructions provided below Must include headings before starting each new section Must 2023

Note: I need 1-2 pages paper on the instructions provided below. Must include headings before starting each new section. Must include 1-2 scholarly references in APA. Your answer must be 100% original. Instructions : You know that your team will be travelling to all of the different divisions of the corporation to assist in that division’s strategic planning. You want to impress on the group of strategic planners the importance of the concept of competitive advantage, and why it is important to conduct an industry analysis. For this week’s meeting, you told your team that they should be prepared to discuss an industry analysis of the digital music distribution industry and competitive advantage. Complete the following: · Identify the major competitors in the digital music distribution industry, and describe their sources of competitive advantage. · Discuss at least 3 current issues that this industry faces (they could be favorable or unfavorable to the industry). · Which of the major competitors has the strongest competitive advantage and ability to overcome the barriers presented by the current issues identified, and why?

2024 everything in the attachment Assignment Help

please I need at least one source for each question these are the questions I wanted to be 2023

please I need at least one source for each question these are the questions I wanted to be answered and I did attach a word document that talks about our company so you would have an idea about it. What holidays, religious celebrations or other events should you be aware of that might impact the schedules of those from your assigned country? What is the time difference in this country and how might that impact scheduling as you do business with this company? Should you take gifts with you when you visit this country for business dealings? If so what would be appropriate to take?

2024 Strategic Management Accounting Assignment Help

Individual Assignment General Information Weighting 100 of the marks for this module This is an individual 2023

Individual Assignment General Information Weighting – 100% of the marks for this module This is an individual assignment of 3,000 words (+/-10%), excluding appendices and bibliography. The word count MUST be shown on the front of the assignment. There are TWO questions to be answered in this assignment. Each question carries a maximum mark of 50%. All of the learning outcomes for the module are being assessed in this assignment. The learning outcomes are shown in the section entitled “Marking Guide”, which is further on in this document. The University’s policy on cheating collusion and plagiarism will be applied to this piece of work. You are required to produce a report which answers the following TWO questions: Requirements: Part a. You have just been appointed to the position of Finance Director for a large multinational corporation. The business operates in about 20 countries around the world and has a very diverse product, service and business portfolio. Some of the businesses within the group buy from one another. You are looking at ways to maximise profits for the corporation as a whole and as such you are investigating different ways to measure the performance of individual managers who each have responsibility for one part of the portfolio. As the organisation’s Finance Director you have been asked to advise the Board of Directors as to which of the following three approaches to measuring performance is best for the organisation: 1) Cost Centre management; or 2) Profit Centre management; or 3) Investment Centre management? Your answer should include a critical review of each approach. Part b. Organisations need to know the cost of products or services they provide for a variety of decision making situations. Critically evaluate the following three approaches to costing products or services: 1. Marginal or variable costing; 2. Full or absorption costing; 3. Activity Based costing (ABC). For each approach, identify two managerial decision making situations where that approach is more appropriate than the other two and justify why you have chosen that approach over the other two approaches in a particular decision making situation. Guidance: Students are encouraged to be inquisitive and innovative in their approach as to what should be included in this report. The following may be of some use in providing guidance as to what could possibly be included, although this is in no way meant to be prescriptive. The aim of the assignment is to help you understand how key areas of strategic management accounting are demonstrated in practice by a large, international company. This will include investigating topics from throughout the course linked to the above issues. Some of the principles, concepts and models will be more relevant to your chosen approach than others and so it is likely that different students will formulate different approaches to the problems. This is normal, it is not expected that all of the course content will be used in the analysis, concentrate on that which you feel is most important. As part of your work you might find it helpful to briefly explore the underlying theory behind the key areas of investigation that you identify before applying them to report. With a total of 3,000 words you do not have a lot of room for long introductions so assume you are writing to a sophisticated audience who has a working knowledge of strategic management accounting and is well versed in business theory. Numerical examples for illustrative purposes may be of use but should not be the main thrust of the work. If used they should be to provide evidence to support your findings from your other analysis of position and policies. If other sources are used remember to reference everything! Please avoid relying too heavily on descriptive sections reproducing information available from course material or the set text. It is your own logical, evaluation of the situation, the interpretation of course material and presentation, with critical analysis, of a coherent strategic plan that will attract high marks. APC309 JANUARY ASSESSMENT MARKING GUIDE Marking Guide The learning outcomes for this module assessed by this piece of work are Knowledge 1. Critically evaluate a range of key strategic management accounting models and concepts. 2. Critically understand of specific analytical skills in key areas within management accounting at local and international level 3. Critically understand of the role and limitations of management accounting theory. Skills 4. Applied the key management accounting concepts and methodologies in order to contribute to successful decision making in an organisation. In light of this the assessment criteria in the grid below will be used when assessing your work.

2024 Entrepreneurship Case Study Assignment Help


PLEASE NOTE: MUST BE 100% ORIGINAL WORK, NEVER SOLD BEFORE ! PLAGIARISM WILL BE DISPUTED! Please check for plagiarism before sending: https://www.grammarly.com/plagiarism?network=g&utm_source=google&matchtype=e&gclid=CjwKCAiAsejRBRB3EiwAZft7sIQ3-8qjHdHlPseQO1I778H4hesNgu7_In7juCjtNZhWFRUxwBDkNhoChUoQAvD_BwE&placement=&utm_content=56705335566&utm_campaign=Search&utm_medium=cpc&utm_term=plagiarism+checker+free Entrepreneurship Case: P’kolino Financials This case (found at the end of chapter 9) consists of the financial exhibits from the P’kolino case analyzed in a previous lesson. The P’kolino financials are pretty detailed; they should begin to acquaint the new entrepreneur with the sort of financial planning needed to get a substantial enterprise off the ground. Please pay special attention to the financial assumptions—numbers alone are just gobbledegook. They need to be based on real assumptions connecting projections to the real world. Please answer the following questions in the discussion: How do the common-sized income sheet ratios compare to industry standards? Can you explain the variances in a way the makes the projections seem sound? How do the revenues per employee compare to industry standards? Again, can you explain the variances? Do the financial projections accurately capture all the expenses that are implied in the written plan (refer back to the previous case)? Is the proposed financing sufficient to cover the company’s cash flow needs? What happens if sales are not as high or quick to materialize as expected?

2024 BTM8106 Week 3 Complete Solution Assignment Help

1 Jackson even numbered Chapter Exercises pp 308 310 2 What is the difference between a randomized ANOVA and a 2023

1. Jackson, even-numbered Chapter Exercises, pp. 308-310. 2) What is the difference between a randomized ANOVA and a repeated measures ANOVA? What does the term one-way mean with respect to ANOVA? 4) If a researcher decides to use multiple comparisons in a study with three conditions, what is the probability of a Type I error across these comparisons? Use the Bonferroni adjustment to determine the suggested alpha level. 6) When should post-hoc comparisons be performed? 8) Why is repeated measures ANOVA statistically more powerful than a randomized ANOVA? 10) In a study of the effects of stress on illness, a researcher taillied the number of colds people contracted during a 6-month period as a function of the amount of stress they reported during the same period. There were three stress levels: minimal, moderate, and high stress. The sums of squares appear in the following ANOVA summary table. The mean for each condition and the number of subjects per condition and the number of subjects per condition are also noted. Source df SS MS f Between groups 22.167 Within groups 14.750 Total 36.917 Stress level Mean N minimal 3 4 moderate 4 4 maximum 6 4 A) Complete the ANOVA summary table B) Is F obt significant at a=.05, or at a=.01 C) Perform post hoc comparisons if necessary. D)What conclusions can be drawn from the F-ratio and the post hoc comparisons? E) What is the effect size? What does it mean? F) Graph the means. 12) A researcher conducted an experiment on the effects of a new “drug” on depression. The researcher had a control group that received nothing, a placebo group and an experimental group that received the “drug”. A depression inventory that provided a measure of depression on a 50-point scale was used (50 indicates that an individual is very high on the depression variable). The ANOVA summary table appears next, along with the mean depressing score for each condition. source df ss ms f between groups 1,202.313 within groups 2,118.00 total 3,320.313 drug condition mean n control 36.26 15 placebo 33.33 15 drug 24.13 15 A. complete the ANOVA summary table b. Is f obt significant at α= .05; at α= .01? c. Perform post hoc comparisons if necessary d. What conclusions can be drawn from the F ration and the post hoc comparisons? e. What is the effect size , and what does this mean? f. Graph the means 14) A researcher has been hired by a pizzeria to determine which type of crust customers prefer. The restaurant offers three types of crust: hand-tossed, thick, and thin. Following are the mean number of l-inch pieces of pizza eaten for each condition from 10 subjects who had the opportunity to eat as many pieces with each type of crust as they desired. The ANOVA summary table also follows Source df ss MS F Subject 2.75 Between 180.05 Error 21.65 Total 204.45 Crust type Mean n Hand-tossed 2.73 10 Think 4.20 10 thin 8.50 10 a) Complete the ANOVA summary table. b) Is Fobt significant at a = .05; at a = .01? c) Perform post hoc comparisons if necessary. d) What conclusions can be drawn from the F-ratio and the post hoc comparisons? e) What is the effect size, and what does this mean? f) Graph the means 2. What is an F-ratio? Define all the technical terms in your answer. 3. What is error variance and how is it calculated? 4. Why would anyone ever want more than two (2) levels of an independent variable? 5. If you were doing a study to see if a treatment causes a significant effect, what would it mean if within groups variance was higher than between groups variance? If between groups variance was higher than within groups variance? Explain your answer 6. What is the purpose of a post-hoc test with analysis of variance? 7. What is probabilistic equivalence? Why is it important?

2024 Create a legally Binding Contract using SBA article Assignment Help

After reading the U S Small Business Administration SBA article How to Create a Legally 2023

After reading the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) article, ” How to Create a Legally Binding Contract ” and visiting the Student Career Center’s “On the Job Success – Be a Lifelong Learner” section, you will create a professional contract that contains the definite and certain elements as discussed. Your contract will be written for your family-owned, small business. The agreement will be for employees to sign who wish to further their education while working for your company. Be creative, yet professional. The following components must be present in your contract. For each element you must demonstrate your ability to write clearly, concisely, and with advanced communication skills. Distinguish the type of contract (e.g. bilateral, unilateral) and include the six elements of contract formation. Develop the factors of time, tasks, goals, potential clauses, assignments, and restrictions into the contract. Use and define legal concepts by incorporating the legal terminology from your textbook where appropriate and relevant. Use academic or legitimate news sources, such as The New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, The Washington Post, CNN, MSNBC, Fox News, etc. Identify any ethical issues that exist in this alleged contract and result. Your paper should be 2-3 pages in length, not including the title or references pages. Include at least two APA style sources to support your findings. 12 Point Time New Roman Double Space

2024 3 pg essay NO PLAG Assignment Help

playing the role of the Marketing Manager in a marketing simulation for Minnesota 2023

playing the role of the Marketing Manager in a marketing simulation for Minnesota Micromotors, Inc. (MM). Minnesota Micromotors, Inc. (MM), based in Minneapolis, is a manufacturer of brushless, direct current (BLDC) 1 motors used in orthopedic medical devices. Approximately 70% of the revenues of Minnesota Micromotors, Inc. were generated from customers that placed large-volume orders. In this Assignment, you will engage in the development of the following professional competencies: Analyze Quantitative Data Active Listening

2024 Assignment 2: Describing the Sample Assignment Help

Building on your own research topic discussed in Module 2 discuss the following information concerning your sample 2023

Building on your own research topic discussed in Module 2 , discuss the following information concerning your sample. Submit your checklists no later than Monday, September 14, 2015 . Remember, this is a process so please make sure to incorporate corrections based on the feedback you received on previous assignments! Research Topic: Purpose of the Study: Overarching Research Question or Theory: Specific Research Questions/ Philosophical Underpinnings: Methodological Approach and Rational: Sample: What is the anticipated sample size: How many will be included? How will you determine this number? Explain the demographic variables (age, gender, ethnicity, education etc. and how these relate to the study). What population does the sample belong to? Ie: What are the general demographic characteristics of the population (students, children, healthy adults, mentally ill adults etc). Recruitment: How do you plan to recruit the participants? Will all those recruited be included in the study? Why or why not? What type of sampling procedure will you use? Location: Where will the data be collected? Discuss potential difficulties you may encounter in recruiting this population and/or discuss your plan on how to access this population. All written assignments and responses should follow APA rules for attributing sources. Assignment 2 Grading Criteria Maximum Points Included research topic, purpose of study, overarching research question/theory, specific research questions/philosophical underpinnings, and methodological approach. 3 Identified the sample size and explained how this number was or will be determined. 6 Identified the demographic variables. 6 Identified the population. 6 Discussed recruitment plan. 6 Identified location. 6 Discussed potential difficulties with population recruitment. 12 Wrote in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrated ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources, displayed accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Justified ideas and responses by using appropriate examples and references from texts, Web sites, and other references or personal experience. Followed APA rules for attributing sources. 6 Total: 51