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2024 marketing class Assignment Help

Case 2 Ever since the financial crisis of 2008 2009 banks and others lenders have been 2023

Case 2 Ever since the financial crisis of 2008/2009 banks and others lenders have been skeptical about lending money due to the uncertainty of consumers paying back the loans. Gen Y-or the Millennial’s-are the primary victims of the financial crisis and the following economic decisions made by government and financial institutions following the “Great Recession” didn’t help this generation either. Now as the economy is starting to get a little better (don’t count it as being back just yet!), Millennial’s are starting to get married, getting careers and growing up! You are a marketer for a major financial institution and have just read an article on the relationship between millennials and their money. Now it is your task to turn the economy around by marketing to the Millennial’s After clicking on the below link and reading the article, please answer the following questions: Millennial’s and Banking 1. Do you think that the views expressed here for this generation would also be similar across other industries (other than banking)? 2. Using the information from Chapters 4 and 5, the above article and your general knowledge, develop a segment profile (a description of the segment and their needs) for the Millennials. Remember…two pages total. Case #2 is due on 10/19/15

2024 FINANCE – MASTERS – HELP ME Assignment Help

See attached documents and provide a response to both questions BELOW in PPT this is for 2023

See attached documents and provide a response to both questions BELOW in PPT this is for a TEAM PROJECT. Scenario: Your team has been hired to provide financial analysis for a start-up company, Bobble in Style, which produces customized bobble heads. The bobble heads are made out of less rigid materials and are more true to life than those of competitors. The company inventors, Mr. and Mrs. Lee, are going to pitch their idea to Shark Tank in a few months, but first they need to have a better understanding of the business financials. The Lee’s are already creating and selling their product from their home-based office and work area. They know what costs are involved with making the bobble heads on a small scale, but they don’t have an understanding of financial figures beyond basic costs. They need you to make sense of various financial figures for them. The Project: There are several financial analysis tasks involved with this project, which are outlined below (I AM ONLY ASKING FOR THE TWO BELOW UNDERLINED TO BE COMPLETED). Once you have worked through each task, you will need to produce a PowerPoint presentation to introduce and highlight your findings. Your PowerPoint presentation should include a title slide, an executive summary slide(s), subsequent slides that illustrate your findings, any additional recommendations that you would like to make, and a conclusion slide. The PowerPoint presentation should be approximately 8 SLIDES. Include notes in the presentation as needed. You will also need to create a written executive summary (one page in length). 1. 1. Net Present Value: The Lees are considering adding a new piece of equipment that will speed up the process of building the bobble heads. The cost of the piece of equipment is $42,000. It is expected that the new piece of equipment will lead to cash flows of $17,000, $29,000, and $40,000 over the next 3 years. If the appropriate discount rate is 12%, what is the NPV of this investment? Explain the findings. AND 2. Contribution Margin: Based on the Break-Even Analysis just performed, what is the contribution margin per unit? 2.

2024 WK 3 ASSGN Assignment Help

Outsourcing Outsourcing especially to low labor cost countries has grown substantially Be sure to address the following in 2023

Outsourcing Outsourcing, especially to low labor-cost countries, has grown substantially. Be sure to address the following in your paper: Analyze the trade-offs between inputs for the productivity improvements. Analyze the advantages and disadvantages of global sourcing versus producing in the U.S. Describe a product or service of a specific low-labor-cost country as an example. Include a recommendation of a low-labor-cost country based on inputs, trade-offs, and going global advantages. Your paper should be in paragraph form (avoid the use of bullet points) and supported with the concepts outlined in your text and additional scholarly sources. Submit your three- to four-page paper (not including the title and reference pages). Your paper must be formatted according to APA style and must cite at least three scholarly sources in addition to the textbook.

2024 < University of Michigan-Flint MGT 313 Quiz 2 Winter 2015 > Assignment Help

Review Test Submission Q02 Course Intro To Management Science Winter 2015 Test Q02 Instructions Quiz 2023

Review Test Submission: Q02 Course Intro To Management Science (Winter 2015) Test Q02 Instructions Quiz 2 is a timed assessment. Thirty minutes are allotted for the quiz. While the system will not terminate the quiz after 30 minutes, your grace might be discounted proportionally if you exceed the allotted time. It is recommended that prior to opening the quiz you assemble: • Any notes or texts you want for reference • Pencils, scratch paper and calculator • A few sheets of graph paper The latter items might be useful in answering some quantitative questions. Good luck. Results Displayed All Answers, Submitted Answers, Correct Answers Question 1 0 out of 1 points The Home ► Editing ► Fill ► Series command will enter various kinds of se ries. Question 2 1 out of 1 points The Office Building Planning model concerns floor plans of a new office building. Question 3 1 out of 1 points To select two distinct rectangles of cells, select the first range, hold down the Control key, and select the second range. Question 4 1 out of 1 points One way to edit the information in a cell is to place the cursor on the cell and press F2. Question 5 2 out of 2 points Each Excel file is called a Question 6 0 out of 2 points How many built-in functions does Excel have? Question 7 0 out of 2 points =IF(“A” = “a”,1,0) evaluates to _____ Question 8 0 out of 2 points =IF(5>= 8,average(6,7),min(5,10)) evaluates to _____ Question 9 2 out of 2 points If the contents of C4 were copied and pasted to C11, the numerical value in C11 would be _____ Question 10 2 out of 2 points If the contents of C4 were copied and pasted to B11, the numerical value displayed in B11 would be _____. Question 11 0 out of 2 points If the contents of C4 were copied and pasted to D13, the address in D13 would be _____. Question 12 0 out of 2 points To find the NPV of the cash flows @ discount rate shown, use the expression = C6 + NPV(_______). Question 13 0 out of 0 points On my honor, I completed this quiz individually, without assistance from any other person(s).

2024 Accounting – Assestment Assignment Help

Objectives This assessment item relates to the course learning outcomes 1 3 as 2023

Objectives This assessment item relates to the course learning outcomes 1 – 3 as stated on Page 1. Details This assignment can (and should be) worked on each week commencing in Week 1, and submitted when all questions have been completed. Penalties will apply for late submission of assignments. Answer all questions. Copies of the format for General Journal, General Ledger (T-Format and 3 column format) and Financial Statements will be available on Moodle. These should be used to record the answers for the assignment. Do not use a computerised accounting program for this assignment. This is an individual assignment. Question 1 17 Marks Secure Storage Services was formed on 1 st May 2014. The following transaction took place during first month. Transactions on 1 st May 1. Paul Taylor invested $ 60,000 cash in business , as its sole owner. 2. Hired two employees to work in the warehouse. They will each be paid a salary of $1000 per month. 3. Signed a two years rental agreement on the warehouse; paid $18,000 cash in advance for the first year. 4. Purchase furniture and Equipment costing $35,000. A cash payment of $10,000 was made immediately; the remainder will be paid in six months. 5. Paid $1,500 cash for a 1 year insurance policy on the furniture and equipment. 6. Purchase basic supplies for $500 cash 7. Purchase more office supplies for $1,500 on account. 8. Total revenue earned was 15,000 – $5000 cash and @10,000 on account. 9. Paid $400 to supplier for account payable due. 10. Received $2,500 from customer in payment of accounts receivable. 11. Received utility bills in the account of $200 to be paid next month. 12. Paid monthly salaries of the two employees, totalling $2,000 Required: a) Prepare journal entries to record each of the events listed. (3 Marks) b) Open T account and Post the journal entries in T accounts. (11 Marks) c) Prepare trial balance as at 31 st May 2014. (3 Marks) Question 2 10 Marks You are employed to investigate whether any accrual entries are needed in the business of Unique Security Services. On completion of your investigation on 30 June, you have discovered that the following items need attention: Employee salaries owed but not recorded $19,200.00. Prepaid insurance expired, $1900.00. Interest revenue accrued but not recorded $10,000.00. Unearned security services revenue now earned $14,600.00. Depreciation not recorded $16,000.00. Used supplies of $1,800.00. Nine months of rent $1,350.00 were paid in advance 1 April. Accrued advertising expenses, $900.00. Required: a) Prepare the adjusting entries for the items 1 to 8 at 30 June, the end of the accounting period. (8 marks) b) Suppose the adjusting entries in requirement (a) were not made. Calculate the total overstatement or understatement of profit as a result of the omission of these adjustments. (2 marks) QUESTION 3 23 Marks On 30 June 2014, the ledger of Jackson Brown, roofing supplies, contained the accounts and account balances shown below: ACCOUNT DEBIT CREDIT Cask at bank $ 5000 Accounts Receivable 3,600 Roofing supplies 2,280 Equipment 12,000 Accumulated Depreciation – Building 2,400 Accounts Payable 2,800 Unearned Revenue 600 Mr, Brown Capital 14,000 Mr, Brown Drawings 1,200 Service Revenue 6,000 Salaries Expense 1,400 Miscellaneous Expenses 400 TOTAL $25,800 $25,800 The following information has not yet been recorded: A physical count reveals only $280 of roofing supplies on hand . Depreciation on the equipment is $400.00. Unearned Revenue amounted to $260 after adjustment at the yearend balance Accrued salaries are $700. REQUIRED: a) Prepare a 10-colum worksheet for the year ended 30 June 2014. (11 marks) b) Prepare an income statement, a statement of changes in equity and a balance sheet. (5 marks) c) Journalise the closing entries. (7marks) Assessment criteria The marking criteria sheet at the end of the assignment indicates the allocation of marks for the assignment. Please submit an electronic copy of this marking criteria sheet including your name and your student ID when submitting your assignment. Note: there is a 5% penalty per day for late submission

2024 Suggest the key elements of Starbucks’ organizational culture that contributes to its success in a global economy. Indicate management’s role with creating and sustaining the organizational culture. Assess the effectiveness of Starbucks’ management decisi Assignment Help

Write a four to five 4 5 page paper in which you Suggest the key elements of Starbucks 2023

Write a four to five (4-5) page paper in which you: Suggest the key elements of Starbucks ’ organizational culture that contributes to its success in a global economy. Indicate management’s role with creating and sustaining the organizational culture. Assess the effectiveness of Starbucks ’ management decisions in providing innovative offerings for its customers (e.g., WiFi, style of coffee, etc.) in order to achieve its current competitive marketplace advantage. Provide support for your rationale. Determine one (1) key management competency that a successful manager at Starbucks is likely to have. Indicate one (1) way in which this particular competency is a good fit for the organizational culture. Evaluate Starbucks ’ ability to achieve long-term sustainability as a global leader in the coffee industry without the organization’s CEO, Howard Shultz. Use at least two (2) quality academic resources. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not qualify as academic resources. Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements: Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions. Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length. The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are: Examine the concepts of management related to modern-day work environments. Analyze the corporate environment, culture, and challenges for managing in a global environment. Use technology and information resources to research issues in modern management. Write clearly and concisely about modern management using proper writing mechanics.

2024 ACCT 504 Week 6 Discussions and Case Study Devry Assignment Help

ACCT 504 Accounting and Finance Managerial Use and Analysis Week 6 Week 6 2023

ACCT 504 (Accounting and Finance, Managerial Use and Analysis) Week 6 Week 6 DQ 1: Stockholders’ Equity and Statement of Cash Flows Accounting for and Reporting Equity (Graded) Stockholders’ Equity is an important heading in a corporate balance sheet. Let’s begin the discussion of stockholders’ equity by asking: How is the stockholders’ equity section of a corporate balance sheet different from that in a single-owner business? Anybody? Week 6 DQ 2: Stockholders’ Equity and Statement of Cash Flows – Discussion Statement of Cash Flows (Graded) The statement of cash flows is an important financial statement that is required to be released along with the income statement and balance sheet by every publicly traded company. We did not have this requirement prior to the year 1988. Let’s begin our discussion by asking this question: When we already have the income statement and balance sheet to tell us about the financial performance and financial health of a company, why was there a need to require companies to prepare a statement of cash flows? Anybody? Week 6 Assignment: ACCT 504 Week 6 Case Study 3 (Oxford Cash Budget Template). ACCT 504 Week 6 Case Study 3 (Oxford Cash Budget).

2024 The US Congress Passes A Law That Raises The Excise Tax On Gasoline By $1 Per Gallon. What Effect Will This Change Have On The Demand And Supply Of Gasoline? What Will Happen To Gasoline Prices And Quantity? Choose A Market That Maybe Affected And Pred Assignment Help

This is a discussion question NOT a paper Must be 250 words 2023

This is a discussion question NOT a paper. Must be 250 words. For Economics class. The US Congress passes a law that raises the excise tax on gasoline by $1 per gallon. What effect will this change have on the demand and supply of gasoline? What will happen to gasoline prices and quantity? Choose a market that maybe affected and predict long-term consequences.

2024 Personal Financing Assignment Help

What is the amount a person would have to deposit today present value at 13 2023

What is the amount a person would have to deposit today (present value) at 13 percent interest rate to have $10500 saved 18 years from now. Use the appropriate Time Value of Money table [ Exhibit 1-A , Exhibit 1-B , Exhibit 1-C , OR Exhibit 1-D ] (Round your answer to the nearest whole number. Do not include the comma, period, and “$” sign in your response.) Save Question 5 (1 point) What is the amount you would have to deposit today to be able to take out $1670 a year for 8 years from an account earning 8 percent. Use the appropriate Time Value of Money table [ Exhibit 1-A , Exhibit 1-B , Exhibit 1-C , OR Exhibit 1-D ] (Round your answer to the nearest whole number. Do not include the comma, period, and “$” sign in your response.) Save Question 6 (1 point) If you desire to have $57100 for a down payment for a house in 8 years, what amount would you need to deposit today? Assume that your money will earn 6 percent. Use the appropriate Time Value of Money table [ Exhibit 1-A , Exhibit 1-B , Exhibit 1-C , OR Exhibit 1-D ] (Round your answer to the nearest whole number. Do not include the comma, period, and “$” sign in your response.) Save Question 7 (1 point) Pete Morton is planning to go to graduate school in a program of study that will take 3 years. Pete wants to have $14900 available each year for various school and living expenses. If he earns 8 percent on his money, how much must be deposit at the start of his studies to be able to withdraw $14900 a year for 3 years? Use the appropriate Time Value of Money table [ Exhibit 1-A , Exhibit 1-B , Exhibit 1-C , OR Exhibit 1-D ] (Round your answer to the nearest whole number. Do not include the comma, period, and “$” sign in your response.) Save Question 8 (1 point) Carla Lopez deposits $7180 a year into her retirement account. If these funds have an average earning of 3 percent over the 6 years until her retirement, what will be the value of her retirement account? Use the appropriate Time Value of Money table [ Exhibit 1-A , Exhibit 1-B , Exhibit 1-C , OR Exhibit 1-D ] (Round your answer to the nearest whole number. Do not include the comma, period, and “$” sign in your response.) Save Question 9 (1 point) If a person spends $28 a week on coffee (52 weeks in a year), what would be the future value of that amount over 11years if the funds were deposited in an account earning 7 percent? Use the appropriate Time Value of Money table [ Exhibit 1-A , Exhibit 1-B , Exhibit 1-C , OR Exhibit 1-D ] (Round your answer to the nearest whole number. Do not include the comma, period, and “$” sign in your response.) Save Chapter 1 LO 1.3 Question 10 (1 point) A financial company that advertises on television will pay you $65,000 now for annual payments of $9,400 that you are expected to receive for a legal settlement over the next 8 years. Assume you estimate the time value of money at 10 percent. Use the appropriate time value of money table [ Exhibit 1-A , Exhibit 1-B , Exhibit 1-C , OR Exhibit 1-D ]. (a) What is the present value? (Round your answer to the nearest whole number. Omit the comma, period, and “$” sign in your response.) Save

2024 Accounting Expert Needed Assignment Help

i have to write a report The company i have chosen is Adidas and please note the 2023

i have to write a report The company i have chosen is Adidas and please note the financial information must be from mentioned year i.e for 2013, THE WORK MUST BE ZERO PERCENT PLAGIARISED IT SHOULD BE ORIGINAL AND PUT URLS OR WEBLINKS ON REFERENCES. P.S i am studying in singapore