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2024 Use The Internet Or Strayer Library To Research Articles On Process Improvement Assignment Help

Among the tools e g graphics tools knowledge based tools etc that the author discussed 2023

Among the tools (e.g., graphics tools, knowledge-based tools, etc.) that the author discussed in the textbook, determine the type of tool that you would use for process improvement framework. Next, determine the type of tool you would use for problem solving framework. Justify your response. Use the Internet or Strayer Library to research articles on process improvement and problem solving tools. Select one (1) business project that used one of the tools discussed in the textbook. Evaluate level of the efficiency and effectiveness of the utilization of the tool within the project that you selected. Justify your response.

2024 perfecto – Cash Management Assignment Help

By Wednesday September 9 2015 solve the following problem Norma s Cat Food of Shell Knob ships cat food throughout 2023

By Wednesday, September 9, 2015 solve the following problem. Norma’s Cat Food of Shell Knob ships cat food throughout the country. Norma has determined that through the establishment of local collection centers around the country, she can speed up the collection of payments by two and one-half days. Furthermore, the cash management department of her bank has indicated to her that she can defer her payments on her accounts by one-half day without affecting suppliers. The bank has a remote disbursement center in Iowa. If the company has $5 million per day in collections and $3 million per day in disbursements, how many dollars will the cash management system free up? Justify your answers. If the company can earn 8 percent per annum on freed-up funds, how much will the income be? Justify your answers. If the annual cost of the new system is $800,000, should it be implemented? Explain why or why not.

2024 MGT311 Organizational Development Week 4 Assignment Groups, Teams, and Conflict Assignment Help

Groups Teams and Conflict Part I Team Strategy Plan You are part 2023

Groups, Teams, and Conflict Part I: Team Strategy Plan You are part of a group of newly hired team superintendents with Riordan Manufacturing. Your group was hired to lead new teams and begin production of the newly designed CardiCare Valve heart valves. This will be at the organization’s Pontiac, MI, location that is currently manufacturing custom plastic parts. Many of the production employees are current employees from other divisions, and the company expects to hire some new employees. Resources: Riordan Manufacturing Virtual Organization, and University of Phoenix Material: Team Strategy Plan Review the Riordan Manufacturing intranet site and the Human Resource section under Demographics, Employees, Employee Files, and Reports. Prepare a plan to create the teams. Address the following in your plan: Identify various strategies available to build teams. What challenges or barriers may happen? How will the best strategy be determined? What measures will you use to determine if the team is operating successfully Part II: Conflict Management Plan While developing the teams, the management group finds that there is currently some internal conflict among two of the employees chosen for this project. David Nguyen has spoken to his current manager twice regarding his feelings that James Deal is intentionally creating problems on the production line, which is causing David to miss his quality checks. James insists that he has no idea what David is referring to and does not understand why David is trying to cause problem. James now goes to his own superintendent because he feels David is spreading rumors that he is looking for other work. David advises his own manager that he is not sure why James thinks this because he has never said anything like that. Before the new teams are formed, the management group knows they must resolve this issue so that the new production teams can operate smoothly. Both James and David are good employees with positive performance reviews, and they were chosen for the new project because of this reason. Resources: Riordan Manufacturing Virtual Organization, and University of Phoenix Material: Conflict Management Plan Create a Conflict Management Plan for the conflict between David and James. In this plan, include the following: The various conflict management strategies The strengths and weaknesses of each Considerations for selecting a strategy Alternate strategies Possible challenges Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.

2024 Activity Based Costing System Assignment Help

Assignment 1 Discussion Activity Based Costing System Activity based costing is one of the most accurate methods that can be 2023

Assignment 1: Discussion—Activity-Based Costing System Activity-based costing is one of the most accurate methods that can be used to allocate overhead. However, it is not often used in many smaller organizations due to the substantial cost involved with its implementation. Using the module readings and the Argosy University online library resources, research the activity-based costing method. Use your research and/or your experiences as a working professional to complete this assignment. Respond to the following: If you have utilized an activity-based costing system in your former or current employment, describe how this system had been used. In your response, be sure to include your experience and position on the effectiveness of the activity-based costing system. Support your ideas by drawing on your readings and scholarly articles. If you have not encountered this type of system in your work experience, assume a company needs to switch to an ABC system. Describe the common cost drivers that could be used. How would the organization identify the cost drivers? How would the organization use them in the implementation of this system? You may use your former or current company for the analysis. By the due date assigned , post your response to the Discussion Area . Through the end of the module , review and comment on at least two peers’ responses. Write your initial response in 300–500 words. Your response should be thorough and address all components of the discussion question in detail, include citations of all sources, where needed, according to the APA Style, and demonstrate accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation Do the following when responding to your peers: Read your peers’ answers. Provide substantive comments by contributing new, relevant information from course readings, Web sites, or other sources; building on the remarks or questions of others; or sharing practical examples of key concepts from your professional or personal experiences Respond to feedback on your posting and provide feedback to other students on their ideas. Make sure your writing is clear, concise, and organized; demonstrates ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; and displays accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Grading Criteria Grading CriteriaMaximum Points Quality of initial posting, including fulfillment of assignment instructions16Quality of responses to classmates12Frequency of responses to classmates4Reference to supporting readings and other materials4Language and grammar4 Total:40

2024 marketing plan Assignment Help

The board has called a meeting to see how the new product for MM is coming along Michelle calls 2023

The board has called a meeting to see how the new product for MM is coming along.Michelle calls you about the meeting. “I like your ideas for branding the product,” she says. “I think the board wants an overview now of the whole process we are using for developing the new product. Can you do that?” “Thanks for the comments about the branding strategy,” you say. “I tried to be creative with my approach. I’d be glad to show the board the process we are using to develop the new product.” “Great,” she says. “Why don’t you do what you did last time? “In the past I’ve done similar presentations and have a format that really works. The board has been very receptive to the flow of the information and I think it will work for us for this presentation too,” she adds. “I’ll instant message the information to you after our meeting. The flow might work for you also.” “Great,” you respond. “I’ll get started on this first thing in the morning.” When you get back to your office, the instant message from Michelle is on your screen. It reads: These are the areas we need to cover in the presentation. Idea generation Idea screening Concept development and testing Marketing strategy development Business analysis Product development Test marketing Commercialization Apa format 1000-1200 word with reference

2024 Financial Risk Management Assignment Help

Deadline Week 6 Learning Objectives for Course Systematically understand the steps involved in the financial risk 2023

Deadline Week 6 Learning Objectives for Course Systematically understand the steps involved in the financial risk management process, identify and prioritize key financial risks, Distinguish between different types of risks, and undertake a practical analysis of these risks for a particular company, Comprehensively understand the main financial risk management tools and techniques, develop a hedging strategy for a company, Critically evaluate the impact of the recent financial crisis on modern risk management practices, and comprehensively understand the changes which are being currently introduced into financial markets to comply with the new, post-crisis regulatory financial reform, Critically appraise theories that underlie current thinking in Financial Risk Management, and demonstrate effective oral communication of complex arguments, as well as possess developed listening skills. Guidelines for assignment This is an individual assignment Ground your answer in relevant theory Plagiarism and reproduction of someone else’s work as your own will be penalized Make use of references, where appropriate – Use Harvard or APA referencing method. Late submission are not accepted Structural elements should include an introduction, main body, and a conclusion Weight – 85% Word count guidance : 5000 analytical report Type of assignment: Extended Business report Start / Finish : End of Course Learning Outcome Assessed: 1,2,3,4 Submit one single document and not lots of different files. Assignment Brief You are required to prepare a Risk Assessment Report for a company of your choosing. The report should be inclusive of : Introduction Distinguish between different types of risk and the steps involved in the financial risk management process. Comprehensively discuss the main financial risk management tools and techniques Main Body – Assessment of company Identify and prioritize the key financial risks of the company. Develop a strategy for a company such as hedging. Critically evaluate the impact of the recent financial crisis on modern risk management practices, and comprehensively understand the changes which are being currently introduced into financial markets to comply with the new, post-crisis regulatory financial reform. Conclude your Report and prepare notes for a discussion with your tutor where you will be given an opportunity to demonstrate effective oral communication of complex arguments, as well as possess developed listening skills.

2024 Data 2 Assignment Help

APA format the attached file presents a sample of the number of 2023

– APA format the attached file presents a sample of the number of defective flash drives produced by a small manufacturing company over the last 30 weeks. Use Excel’s Analysis ToolPak and compute the regression equation for predicting the number of defective flash drives over time (in weeks), the correlation coefficient r and the coefficient of determination R2. Submit your statistical output from Excel, which should include values for a slope, y-intercept, regression equation, r, and R2.

2024 Applied Managerial Marketing 2-3 Page Memo (excluding Cover And Reference Pages) Please Include References And Cover APA Format Assignment Help

Key Assignment Draft Now that the product and promotional decisions have been made for the new product Michelle is 2023

Key Assignment Draft Now that the product and promotional decisions have been made for the new product, Michelle is concerned about the pricing of the new product and the distribution channels that will be used to make the product available to customers. She has asked you to write a 2-3 page memo outlining two different pricing strategies that MM should consider. Her voice mail message goes on to say, I want you to recommend which strategy you think should be used for the target market and why. The second part of the memo should outline a distribution plan that will make the product available to the target customers. You are ready for Michelle’s request and begin drafting the memo to her that same day.

2024 E06 ASSIGNMENT 04 Creative Expression And Play Assignment Help

Directions Be sure to make an electronic copy of your answer before 2023

Directions: Be sure to make an electronic copy of your answer before submitting it to Ashworth College for grading. Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use correct English spelling and grammar. Sources must be cited in APA format. Your response should be four (4) pages in length; refer to the "e; Assignment Format & quote; page for specific format requirements. You will want to refer back to Lesson 3 for support and guidance. Part 1 Explain why it is important to have a curriculum in art that accommodates diverse learners. Part 2 Provide an example of an activity for children with each of the following. a) b) c) d) Emotional and intellectual challenges Visual impairments Hearing impairments Orthopedic impairments You may use the ideas in the textbook as springboards, but do not copy them. Come up with ideas of your own that show you understand the needs of the child with that particular challenge or impairment. Grading Rubric Please refer to the rubric on the next page for the grading criteria for this assignment.

2024 How Much Assignment Help

Write a 4 6 page analysis of a leader you either interviewed personally or researched thoroughly In your analysis address specific ways 2023

Write a 4–6-page analysis of a leader you either interviewed personally or researched thoroughly. In your analysis, address specific ways the leader demonstrates effective leadership. Effective leaders realize that employees should be recognized for a job well done. While some people prefer public praise and others prefer personal recognition, most employees want to be recognized in some way. Kouzes and Posner (2017) state that effective leaders begin their leadership development by first learning to lead themselves. Effective leadership begins from within and expands outward to affect others. This development cascades into effective leadership. Throughout your career, you could undoubtedly benefit from analyzing leadership and management characteristics of other leaders and managers you consider effective and successful. This assessment provides an opportunity and framework to do that in the context of effective leadership. To complete this assessment, you have two options. You may choose to base your assessment on a leader you know personally or on a leader who is well-known. Be sure to read the complete instructions for both options carefully before making a decision. Instructions Option A: Interview a Leader You Know Personally Identify someone you know who is currently serving in a leadership capacity at an organization. You may choose a leader affiliated with your employer, a community leader, a political or church leader, or anyone whose leadership skills you admire. Arrange an interview with your selected leader to learn about his or her view of leadership. Structure the interview around the concepts of leadership as you have come to understand them from your own research or the recommended readings. Some suggested interview questions are: What is your definition of leadership ? How do you model leadership? How do you inspire a shared vision in those around you? How do you look for new opportunities that may require experimenting or taking risks? How do you enable or empower others to act? How do you recognize the contributions made by others? In what ways do you get personally involved? What challenges and opportunities do you face? Conduct the interview and then use the interview results to complete this assessment as instructed in the Requirements below. Option B: Research a Well-Known Leader It may be difficult for you to gain access to interview an available leader. If so, you may opt to research a well-known historical figure or contemporary leader whom you believe embodies great leadership. You may choose a business leader, political leader, author, scientist, sports personality, or any public figure about whom there is enough information publicly available for you to fulfill the requirements of this assessment. Refer to the Option B Leaders List (linked in the Resources) for potential subjects; you are not limited to this list. Focus your research on how the leader demonstrates exemplary leadership as identified below: What is the leader’s definition of leadership ? How does the leader model leadership? How does the leader inspire a shared vision in those around him or her? How does the leader look for new opportunities that may require experimenting or taking risks? How does the leader enable or empower others to act? How does the leader recognize the contributions made by others? In what ways does the leader get personally involved? What challenges and opportunities does the leader face? Once you have completed your research, complete this assessment as instructed below. Requirements for Both Options In your assessment, address the following: Explain why you chose your selected leader. Provide background information on the environment and culture of the organization in which the leader provides leadership. Analyze how the leader models leadership. Analyze how the leader inspires a shared vision. Analyze how the leader looks for new opportunities that may require experimenting or taking risks. Analyze how the leader empowers and recognizes the contributions of others. Analyze how the leader reflects their definition of leadership. Evaluate the leadership style, characteristics, or themes of the leader in relation to the purpose and relevance of leadership. Draw justifiable conclusions about the effectiveness of the leader. Additional Requirements for Both Options Your analysis should be well organized and written in clear, succinct language. It should be approximately 4–6 pages in length. Follow APA rules for attributing sources that support your analysis and conclusions. Academic Integrity and APA Formatting As a reminder related to using APA rules to ensure academic honesty: When using a direct quote (using exact or nearly exact wording), you must enclose the quoted wording in quotation marks, immediately followed by an in-text citation. The source must then be listed in your references page. When paraphrasing (using your own words to describe a non-original idea), the paraphrased idea must be immediately followed by an in-text citation and the source must be listed in your references page.