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2024 Ashord BUS 308 Week 1 Quiz (All Correct) Assignment Help

1 Question When using the Chebyshev s theorem to obtain the bounds for 2023

1. Question : When using the Chebyshev’s theorem to obtain the bounds for 99.73 percent of the values in a population, the interval generally will be _______ the interval obtained for the same percentage if normal distribution is assumed (empirical rule). Student Answer: narrower than wider than the same as Points Received: 1 of 1 2. Question : An example of a qualitative variable is the mileage of a car. Student Answer: True False Points Received: 1 of 1 3. Question : By taking a systematic sample, in which we select every 100th shopper arriving at a specific store, we are approximating a random sample of shoppers. Student Answer: True False Points Received: 1 of 1 4. Question : All of the following are measures of central tendency except the Student Answer: range mode mean median Points Received: 1 of 1 5. Question : Measurements from a population are called Student Answer: statistics. observations. variables. inferences. Points Received: 1 of 1 6. Question : A normal population has 99.73 percent of the population measurements within ___ standard deviations of the mean. Student Answer: one two three four Points Received: 1 of 1 7. Question : When a population is skewed to the left or right with a very long tail, what is the best measure to use for central tendency. Student Answer: Population mean Population mode Population median Population standard deviation Points Received: 1 of 1 8. Question : All of the following are measures of central tendency except the Student Answer: range mode mean median Points Received: 1 of 1 9. Question : Which percentile describes the first quartile Q1? Student Answer: 25th 50th 75th 100th Points Received: 1 of 1 Comments: 10. Question : Any characteristic of a population unit is called a Student Answer: measurement. sample. observation. variable. Points Received: 1 of 1

2024 Discuss Board Assignment Help

Review the Terminal Course Objectives accessed by clicking on the Course Information 2023

Review the Terminal Course Objectives, accessed by clicking on the “Course Information” tab at the top of your screen, scrolling down to the “Course Objectives” and then selecting View class objectives. How will accomplishing these objectives support your success in management? What risks or challenges might a manager encounter if they have not mastered these objectives? Explain.

2024 Texas Woman’s University BUS4133 Ch 8 Quiz – PROMOTIONAL STRATEGY Assignment Help

Review Test Submission Ch 8 Quiz Course 14FABUS413301 PROMOTION STRAT Test Ch 8 Quiz Question 1 0 out of 0 5 2023

Review Test Submission: Ch. 8 Quiz Course 14FABUS413301 PROMOTION STRAT Test Ch. 8 Quiz Question 1 0 out of 0.5 points Using an existing brand name on new products is referred to as brand: Question 2 0 out of 0.5 points Jello decides to introduce a new flavor of pudding: mocha. This pudding will be sold alongside its other flavors. This new product is an example of a: Question 3 0 out of 0.5 points The four types of objectives discussed in the chapter are marketing, advertising, creative, and __________: Question 4 0.5 out of 0.5 points Acme Inc. does a survey and finds out that by and large people don’t like the taste of their candy bars. In which section of the SWOT analysis should this fact go? Question 5 0 out of 0.5 points Which type of branding has the goal of enhancing the overall image of the firm?

2024 MKT 305 Week 11 Quiz 10 Chapter 16 Assignment Help

1 Consumer misbehavior is behavior that violates generally accepted norms of conduct 2 2023

1. Consumer misbehavior is behavior that violates generally accepted norms of conduct. 2. Consumer misbehavior may be viewed as a subset of a more general topic, human deviance. 3. All consumer misbehavior is illegal. 4. The focal motivation for consumer misbehavior is value. 5. Other consumers may suffer while misbehaving consumers break societal norms and laws. 6. Moral equity represent beliefs regarding an act’s fairness or justness. 7. A consumer’s moral beliefs are comprised of two components: norms and relativism. 8. Relativism refers to beliefs about the violation of written or unwritten laws. 9. Equity reflects beliefs about the social acceptability of an act. 10. When a consumer enters into a situation that calls for an ethical decision, three sets of ethical evaluations occur: equity, contractual, and relativist. 11. Aspirational evaluations focus on specific actions. 12. A relativistic evaluation occurs when a consumer asks him- or herself, “Is this action ‘right’?” 13. Teleological evaluations focus on the consequences of the behaviors and the individual’s assessment of those consequences. 14. One issue taken into consideration with deontological evaluations is the desirability of the consequences of an action for the stakeholders. 15. One motivation of consumer misbehavior is unfulfilled aspirations. 16. Anomie is a state that occurs when there is a disconnect between cultural goals and norms and the capacities of members of society to act within societal norms in an effort to achieve those goals. 17. For some consumers, the simple thrill of the action leads them to misbehave. 18. Sociologists use attribution theory to explain why groups of people replace one set of acceptable norms with another set that others view as unacceptable. 19. Retaliatory socialization is one motivation of consumer misbehavior that states consumers may view misbehavior as a way of getting revenge against big companies. 20. Situational factors, such as retail crowding, flight delays, excessive heat, or noise can provoke consumer misbehavior. 21. One motivation for consumer misbehavior is that consumers may simply believe that the rewards associated with the behavior outweigh the risks involved, which is referred to as opportunism. 22. Consumer misbehavior and consumer problem behavior are synonymous. 23. Consumers may express a desire to stop problem behaviors but simply find quitting to be too difficult. 24. One way to distinguish between consumer misbehavior and consumer problem behavior is to consider the issue of what is causing the behavior. 25. Shoplifting, fraud, abusive behavior, compulsive purchasing, compulsive shopping, and binge drinking are examples of consumer problem behaviors. 26. One motivation for shoplifting behavior is that some consumers believe retailers can absorb the loss. 27. Emotions and feelings play a large role in shoplifting. 28. Older consumers are more likely to shoplift than are younger consumers. 29. The U.S. Computer Copyright Act deems the sharing of copyright music as illegal. 30. Consumers in the United States send less spam than do consumers in any other nation. 31. Cyberbullying is the attack of innocent people on the Internet. 32. A number of consumer misbehaviors may be classified as consumer fraud. 33. Identity theft is a type of consumer fraud that has grown considerably. 34. Consumers who are aggressive or rude are usually not abusive. 35. Culture jamming refers to attempts to disrupt advertisements and marketing campaigns by altering the messages in some meaningful way. 36. Dysfunctional fan behavior refers to abnormal or impaired functioning relating to sporting event consumption. 37. One study found that dysfunctional fans tend to consume more alcohol during sporting events than do other fans. 38. Research reveals that dysfunctional fans at sporting events tend to be married, middle-aged males with relatively low incomes and education. 39. Some consumers complain illegitimately based on a motivation for monetary gain. 40. Product abuse refers to consumers using products in ways that were not intended by the marketer. 41. Aggressive driving is an example of product abuse. 42. In general, younger, less-educated males are more likely to engage in aggressive driving behavior. 43. The term road revenge is used to describe an extreme manifestation of aggressive driving. 44. Drunk driving is often related to binge drinking. 45. Studies reveal that changing radio stations is the single biggest distraction for today’s driver. 46. All consumer problem behaviors break laws. 47. Compulsive consumption refers to a physiological dependency on the consumption of a product. 48. Compulsive buying may be defined as chronic, repetitive shopping behavior. 49. Anorexia refers to the consumption of large amounts of food while feeling a general loss of control over intake. 50. Problem gambling is a serious consumer behavior issue. 51. The term ethics refers to standards or moral codes of conduct to which a person, group, or organization adheres. 52. Marketing ethics consist of societal and professional standards of right and fair practices that are expected of marketing managers as they develop and implement marketing strategies. 53. Misbehavior by marketers occurs even if the marker is not aware that he or she is behaving unethically. 54. The marketing concept proposes that all the functions of the organization should work together in satisfying its customers’ wants and needs. 55. Consumerism is used to describe the activities of various groups to protect basic consumer rights. 56. The Consumer Bill of Rights stands as a foundation of the consumerism movement. 57. The Consumer Bill of Rights includes the right to safety, the right to be informed, the right to redress and to be heard, and the right to choice. 58. The marketing concept developed in the 1960s. 59. Famed author Theodore Levitt published an article entitled, “Marketing Myopia,” in which he argued that a firm’s long-term health depends on its ability to exist as a consumer-satisfying entity rather than a goods-producing entity. And lot More Questions included………

2024 Accounting Question – Pot Company owns controlling interests in San and Tay Corporations Assignment Help

Pot Company owns controlling interests in San and Tay Corporations having acquired an 80 percent interest in 2023

Pot Company owns controlling interests in San and Tay Corporations, having acquired an 80 percent interest in San in 2011, and a 90 percent interest in Tay on January 1, 2012. Pot’s investments in San and Tay were at book value equal to fair value. Inventories of the affiliated companies at December 31, 2012, and December 31, 2013, were as follows: Pot sells to San at a 25 percent markup based on cost, and Tay sells to Pot at a 20 percent markup based on cost. Pot’s beginning and ending inventories for 2013 consisted of 40 percent and 50 percent, respectively, of goods acquired from Tay. All of San’s inventories consisted of merchandise acquired from Pot. REQUIRED 1. Calculate the inventory that should appear in the December 31, 2012, consolidated balance sheet. 2. Calculate the inventory that should appear in the December 31, 2013, consolidated balancesheet.

2024 Business Writing —-Negative Message Assignment Help

Situation James Sanchez was surprised when he picked up his rental car from AVIS 2023

Situation: James Sanchez was surprised when he picked up his rental car from AVIS in San Diego, CA. He reserved a full-size car, but the rental agent told him he could upgrade to a full-size SUV, an Audi Q7 Sports Utility Vehicle (SUV) for an additional $18 per day. “She told me it was easy to drive,” Mr. Sanchez reported. “But when I saw it, I realized it was huge – like a tank. You could fit a full size bed inside.” During his trip, Mr. Sanchez damaged the bumper from hitting a curb ($750 damage). He didn’t worry because he thought the damage would be covered since he booked the rental vehicle on his American Express credit card (which not affiliated with AVIS). He knew American Express offered backup car rental coverage if it was booked with an American Express Credit Card. Later, he discovered that the credit card’s car rental coverage excluded SUVs “I just assumed they covered it,” he confessed to AVIS. He wrote a letter to AVIS to complain about not being warned that credit cards may not cover damage to SUVs. And requested to not pay for the $750 damage to AVIS. However, AVIS agents always encourage renters to sign up for AVIS’ car insurance when booking, but it is not AVIS’ responsibility to study the customer’s personal credit card policy. Customers who do not purchase insurance through AVIS are at their own risk. Mr. Smith doesn’t make any claim against AVIS, but he is upset about being “pitched” to upgrade to an SUV Your Task: As the Customer Relations Manager with AVIS Rental Cars, respond to the complaint from Mr. Sanchez using a letter format. AVIS is obviously not going to pay for the SUV repairs, but AVIS does not want to salvage his goodwill and future business. Be sure to complete the following 4 mandatory items: 1. Create a logo for the company letterhead by increasing the font size of “AVIS Rental Cars” in your Word Document, so it looks similar to the following (does not have to be exact): AVIS Rental Cars 2. Send to: Mr. James Sanchez, 5411 Lighthouse Lane, Los Angeles, CA 90036. 3. Offer him a coupon for two days’ free rental of any full-size sedan. 4. Keep your letter to 1 page maximum.

2024 Advance Economic Analysis – A business is more likely to vertically integrate and produce Assignment Help

This is an unformatted preview Please download the attached document for the original format 2023

This is an unformatted preview. Please download the attached document for the original format. Advance Economic Analysis PART I Multiple Choice questions [30 Points] Select the option that best answers the question. 1. A business is more likely to vertically integrate and produce an input internally if a) Specialized investments are important and the contracting environment is simple b) Specialized investments are important and the contracting environment is complex c) Specialized investments are not important and the contracting environment is simple d) Specialized investments are not important and the contracting environment is complex 2. A problem with using a “revenue sharing” plan to compensate employees is that the plan a) Does not provide incentives for employees to work hard b) Will be costly if revenues are low c) Does not provide incentives for workers to minimize costs d) Will have high administrative costs 3. Assume the compensation of a manager is given by the equation = + Π, where is the base salary and Π is the profit of the business. Then, an increase in will create a) Stronger incentives and more risk for the manager b) Weaker incentives and more risk for the manager c) Stronger incentives and less risk for the manager d) Weaker incentives and less risk for the manager 4. The return from an investment is uncertain and there is a 25% chance that it will be 100,000 dollars, a 50% chance that it will be 50,000 dollars, and a 25% chance that it will be 20,000 dollars. The expected return from the investment is a) 45,000 dollars b) 50,000 dollars c) 55,000 dollars d) 75,000 dollars 5. In a Second-Price, Sealed-Bid auction with independent private values, the optimal strategy is to a) Make a bid above your valuation of the item b) Make a bid below your valuation of the item c) Make a bid equal to your valuation of the item d) Not make a bid 1 6. A few years back, Disney switch from a “fee per ride” price strategy to a “fee per day” price strategy. The “fee per day” price strategy is a form of a) Two-part pricing b) Peak-load pricing c) Transfer pricing d) Randomized pricing 7. A movie theater will generally charge a lower price to students because a) Students buy less popcorn than the general public b) Students buy more popcorn than the general public c) Students have a less elastic demand for movies than the general public d) Students have a more elastic demand for movies than the general public 8. There are three businesses in an industry, with sales of 20 million, 10 million, and 10 million, respectively. The HHI index for this industry is a) 2250 b) 3500 c) 3750 d) 5000 9. If a monopoly has a marginal cost of MC = 20 and the price elasticity of demand is E = −3, the optimal price for the monopoly is a) 25 b) 30 c) 50 d) 75 10. For a business in a monopoly market with inverse demand function p = 50 – q and total cost function C(q) = 100 + 10q, the optimal price and quantity are a) pM =30 and qM = 20 b) pM =20 and qM = 30 c) pM =25 and qM = 25 d) pM =15 and qM = 35 PART II Short answer questions [20 Points] For each of the following terms, provide an intuitive explanation and discuss its economic implications. 1. Market Power 2. Industry Concentration 3. Network Markets 4. Product Differentiation 2 Part III Analytical/essay questions 1. [10 points] Provide an intuitive description of a NASH equilibrium and compute the NASH equilibrium of the following game with simultaneous moves Player 2 X Z A 3,5 0,3 5,1 B 1,0 2,2 3,0 C Player 1 Y 5,3 0,1 1,5 2. [20 Points] The Principal-Agent Problem i. Provide an intuitive explanation of the Principle-Agent problem and discuss any mechanisms used to mitigate the problem. Initially, you should use the business owner-manager problem as an illustration. ii. Then, discuss the Principle-Agent problem (and the related concept of “moral hazard”), and any mechanisms used to mitigate the problem, in the context of the healthcare industry (the interaction of consumers, hospitals/doctors, and health insurance companies). 3. [20 Points] The Adverse-Selection Problem i. Provide and intuitive explanation of the Adverse Selection problem and discuss its implications and any mechanisms used to mitigate the problem. You should use the healthcare industry as an illustration. ii. A key elements of Obama Care is the “individual mandate” (everyone is required to have health insurance). Is this likely to increase or decrease health insurance premiums? How is this likely to affect the consumption of healthcare? Provide an intuitive explanation for your answers.

2024 Case Critical Analysis Assignment Help

Critical analysis must be a maximum of three pages in length You will identify the problem or opportunity and discuss 2023

Critical analysis must be a maximum of three pages in length You will identify the problem or opportunity and discuss a viable solution based on your analysis of the case. The case needed to be analyzed is in the attachment. The general structure of all critical analyses: 1. Describe the business situation, including the macro-environmental and micro-environmental conditions facing the organization. 2. Develop the problem statement: the opportunity or threat facing the organization. 3. What alternative strategies and programs would you consider to deal with the opportunity or threat to the organization? Present each alternative in sufficient detail to give the reader an idea of why it may be beneficial. 4. Recommend one or more of the alternatives you have identified. Inform the reader of your reasons for these recommendations. 5. Describe tracking metrics to determine whether your recommended strategies and programs are effective. Be sure to include both intermediate and conclusive metrics to guide management’s redirection of ineffective strategies. 6. Summarize what you have learned from your critical analysis. You are encouraged to do external research on the industry or the company as a context for your analysis. Intext source citations and a comprehensive bibliography are required. Your report must include the focal reading plus at least three references in addition to the company’s website or Wikipedia.

2024 A+ Assignment Help

Decision Making Assignment Essay Defining the Problem and Setting Objectives Refine and pose a reasonably complex problem 2023

Decision Making Assignment Essay Defining the Problem and Setting Objectives Refine and pose a reasonably complex problem definition along with a set of objectives (elements that you want to exist in your solution). Do not go beyond the objectives stage. Remember: Objectives are the desirable traits of a potential solution. They are not alternatives and they are not action steps . This can be tricky, so think carefully and evaluate your list! 1. Provide your view and just enough background detail to allow the reader to understand the problem and objectives. 2. The length should be between 550 and 800 words (excluding the title page and references). Assignments under 550 and over 800 words will attract penalties. 3. Formal writing is required using APA. 4. Copied input, quotations, and paraphrasing require citations and references conforming to APA 6 th edition standards to avoid the dire consequences of plagiarism and cheating. Formal research is not required. YOu see the powerpoint attachment for reference. Y

2024 MA260 Assignment 5-8 Statistical Analysis Assignment Help

Assignment 05 MA260 Statistical Analysis I Directions Be sure to save an electronic 2023

Assignment 05 MA260 Statistical Analysis I Directions: Be sure to save an electronic copy of your answer before submitting it to Ashworth College for grading. Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use correct English, spelling, and grammar. Refer to the “Assignment Format” page located on the Course Home page for specific format requirements. NOTE: Show your work in the problems. 1. Compute the mean and variance of the following discrete probability distribution. x P(x) 2 .50 8 .30 10 .20 2. The Computer Systems Department has eight faculty, six of whom are tenured. Dr. Vonder, the chair, wants to establish a committee of three department faculty members to review the curriculum. If she selects the committee at random: a. What is the probability all members of the committee are tenured? b. What is the probability that at least one member is not tenured? (Hint: For this question, use the complement rule). 3. New Process, Inc., a large mail-order supplier of women’s fashions, advertises same-day service on every order. Recently, the movement of orders has not gone as planned, and there were a large number of complaints. Bud Owens, director of customer service, has completely redone the method of order handling. The goal is to have fewer than five unfilled orders on hand at the end of 95% of the working days. Frequent checks of the unfilled orders follow a Poisson distribution with a mean of two orders. A Poisson distribution is a discrete frequency distribution. Has New Process, Inc. lived up to its internal goal? Cite evidence. 4. Recent information published by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency indicates that Honda is the manufacturer of four of the top nine vehicles in terms of fuel economy. a. Determine the probability distribution for the number of Hondas in a sample of three cars chosen from the top nine. b. What is the likelihood that in the sample of three at least one Honda is included? Grading Rubric Please refer to the rubric below for the grading criteria for this assignment. Assignment 08 MA260 Statistical Analysis I Directions: Be sure to save an electronic copy of your answer before submitting it to Ashworth College for grading. Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use correct English, spelling, and grammar. Refer to the “Assignment Format” page located on the Course Home page for specific format requirements. NOTE: Show your work in the problems. 1. A recent article in the Myrtle Beach Sun Times reported that the mean labor cost to repair a color television is $90 with a standard deviation of $22. Monte’s TV Sales and Service completed repairs on two sets this morning. The labor cost for the first was $75 and it was $100 for the second. Compute z values for each and comment on your findings. 2. The mean of a normal distribution is 400 pounds. The standard deviation is 10 pounds. a. What is the area between 415 pounds and the mean? b. What is the area between the mean and 395 pounds? c. What is the probability of selecting a value at random and discovering that it has a value of less than 395 pounds? 3. The monthly sales of mufflers in the Richmond, VA area follow the normal distribution with a mean of 1200 and a standard deviation of 225. The manufacturer would like to establish inventory levels such that there is only a 5% chance of running out of stock. Where should the manufacturer set the inventory levels? 4. Research on new juvenile delinquents revealed that 38% of them committed another crime. a. What is the probability that of the last 100 new juvenile delinquents put on probation, 30 or more will commit another crime? b. What is the probability that 40 or fewer of the delinquents will commit another crime? c. What is the probability that between 30 and 40 of the delinquents will commit another crime? 5. An Air Force study indicates that the probability of a disaster such as the January 28, 1986 explosion of the space shuttle Challenger was 1 in 35. The Challenger flight was the 25 th mission. a. How many disasters would you expect in the first 25 flights? b. Use the normal approximation to estimate the probability of at least one disaster in 25 missions. Grading Rubric Please refer to the rubric below for the grading criteria for this assignment.