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2024 writing a business plan for a sandel business only 6 pages Assignment Help

Instructions for Business Plan Rough Draft due 10 8 15 Your group will research how to set up 2023

Instructions for Business Plan; Rough Draft due 10/8/15 Your group will research how to set up an online store at etsy.com. Each student will write a Business Plan for that business, using the guidelines at the Small Business Administration site. You will then conduct a pilot research project for your business using Qualitative Research (Chapter 7 in your textbook). In your research, you will explore whether the business you selected would do well on etsy.com. This research project will be the subject of the Research Project paper later in the semester. In qualitative research, you try to discover people’s motivations through techniques such as group interviews or focus groups. 1. Total pages: 6-7 pages + Appendix a. Executive Summary ¾ page (3 paragraphs) i. The Executive Summary is a succinct overview of the whole business plan; a busy executive should be able to make a decision based on your summary. b. Company Description ¾ page c. Market Analysis 1-1½ page d. Organization & Management ¾ page e. Service or Product Line ¾ page f. Marketing & Sales 1 page g. Funding Request and Financial Projections ½ page h. Appendix: The financial projection spreadsheet and any other supporting information.

2024 MKT 431 WEEK 5 Marketing Your Business Paper Assignment Help

Resources University Library Internet Write a 1050 to 1400 word paper that finalizes the major portions of your Marketing plan 2023

Resources: University Library, Internet Write a 1050- to 1400- word paper that finalizes the major portions of your Marketing plan from Week 2 and Week 4. Your plan should include a detailed description of the following: Relationship Marketing How will your business incorporate Relationship Marketing into your mix? Networking, Special Events and Customer Reward Programs Advertising and Promotional Activities How will you reach new customers Ethical Marketing Include: How you will insure that your marketing plan will be implemented in an ethical manner. Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.

2024 11 Nov FN Assignment Help

1 A company s financial statements consist of the balance sheet income statement 2023

1. A company’s financial statements consist of the balance sheet, income statement, and statement of cash flows. Describe what each statement tells us and their limitations. 2. What is the purpose and importance of financial analysis? What are financial ratios? Describe the “five-question approach” to using financial ratios. What are the limitations of financial ratio analysis? If we divide users of ratios into short-term lenders, long-term lenders, and stockholders, in which ratios would each group be most interested, and for what reasons? Instructions: Your initial response should be at least 250-words with at least one scholarly journal reference. Support your main response with at least 1 scholarly journal reference in addition to the course materials. Please note Wikipedia, Investopedia and similar websites are not credible academic references. Use the Online Library to research credible references. Respond to at least two of your classmates with a minimum of 100 words and include direct questions. Include in-text citations and references in APA format. Refer to Forums Grading Rubric for additional guideline

2024 Organization Behaviour Assignment Help

Steps for completing the assignment 1 Carefully review the topic below 2 Write a 3 5 page essay double spaced specifically addressing 2023

Steps for completing the assignment: 1. Carefully review the topic below 2. Write a 3-5 page essay, double-spaced, specifically addressing the topic listed below 3. Include a title page and a reference page, in addition to the 3-5 required content pages 4. Your essay must contain at least 5 references. 5.Write clearly, use correct grammar and format your essay according to APA 6. Save your work in a Microsoft Word file with the following name: YOURLASTNAME Assignment 2 7. Submit your assignment by e-mailing it as an attachment to man3025homework@gmail.com 8. Make sure that you e-mail the assignment from your own e-mail address. 9. In the subject line of your e-mail, write Assignment 2 Assignment Topic: An organization’s greatest assets are its people (its human resources.) When the skills and capabilities of all employees are combined, an organization experiences synergy, which, in the end, produces its success. As an employee, your success in the organization will depend, among other things, on your personality, your abilities and whether you believe that you can be successful. This last characteristic is directly related to your self-esteem. Create an essay in which you describe the impact of personality, ability and self-esteem on your road to professional success. Your essay should contain the following 3 sections: 1. Personality and Success. Are there specific personality traits that are more conducive to success than others? Is a certain personality type better suited to one organization, and not the other? 2. Ability and Success. What kinds of abilities are most in demand in today’s marketplace? Are there skills and abilities that are in demand across organizations, regardless of the field of endeavor? How does your specific mix of abilities impact your job satisfaction at work? 3. Self-Esteem and Success. How impo rtant is it to believe in your ability to succeed? Do companies evaluate potential employee’s level of self-esteem? How will self-esteem influence your satisfaction at your next job?

2024 Humming Bird Feeders Of America Case Study 4 Assignment Help

E Commerce MNA1821 Dr McChesney Case Study 4 Now that our HBFA website is built it is time to 2023

E-Commerce MNA1821 – Dr. McChesney Case Study 4 Now that our HBFA website is built, it is time to work on the marketing side of the business. Your task is to continue to develop the strategies necessary to implement the global e-commerce division. This case will develop the online marketing content. Your Challenge You have been asked to address the following issues and provide a written report to the CEO of HBFA. Your report should address, at a minimum, the following: 1. Using table 4.1 in your text, the Internet, and the Unique Selling Proposition you built, address the following issues: a. Develop a list of 5 websites that are frequented by our primary customer group and a list of 5 websites frequented by our secondary customer group. Provide a detailed explanation to support your decision. b. Detail the advertising opportunities on each site? What types of advertising opportunities are available (pay-per-click, banner, link exchange, etc). c. Recommend 3 websites for each customer group in which to target a marketing campaign. d. Select a pay-per-click advertising company and detail the reason for selecting this particular company. List 10 keywords to target on a pay-per-click campaign (i.e. humming bird feeder). Estimate the monthly cost and expected traffic generated by each keyword. Guidelines The paper will be graded on accuracy, creativity, content, and spelling/grammar.  Be sure to include your approved domain name on the title page.  This written report will be presented to the CEO of HBFA. Keep in mind that the CEO is not familiar with the technical jargon or specifics of e-commerce. This report should be written in a manner that will instill confidence in your recommendations.  The paper should be well-structured and demonstrate your ability to analyze the issue as it relates to the course. The content should illustrate critical thinking skills. While there is no minimum word requirement, a one sentence answer to each question will not qualify as “critical thinking”.  The paper should be free from spelling errors and basic grammatical mistakes (including paragraph breaks).

2024 Assignment 2: Administrative Costs – AU ACC202 Assignment Help

Assignment 2 Administrative Costs By the due date assigned respond to the following in the Discussion Area below 2023

Assignment 2: Administrative Costs By the due date assigned , respond to the following in the Discussion Area below: Remember, the information you gather in this assignment will contribute to your final project due in Module 5 . You are now ready to add administrative costs to your budget. Please discuss the types of administrative costs that will be required for your business. Will you need to rent a building or will your business be home-based? Will you need to advertise? Will you require electricity and other utilities? Will you need a manager to oversee the business? Think about any administrative costs that will be required to get the business started and to operate over the first year. Add these costs to your spreadsheet in the next category called selling and administrative expenses. Once you have added these costs, you are ready to calculate your projected net income for each month and for the year. Add that as the final amount on your spreadsheet. Include your table as an attachment to your initial discussion response. Be sure to cite any sources using APA style. You may use this APA Citation Helper as a guide. Through the end of the module , provide substantive responses to at least two other students’ initial posts. Assignment 2 Grading CriteriaMaximum Points Initial Response20Discussion Participation20Writing Craftsmanship and Ethical Scholarship10 Total:50

2024 The KGV Blood Bank, a private charity partly supported by government grants, is located on the Caribbean Assignment Help

P10 22 KGV Blood Bank The KGV Blood Bank a private charity partly supported by government grants is 2023

P10-22 KGV Blood Bank The KGV Blood Bank, a private charity partly supported by government grants, is located on the Caribbean island of St. Lucia. The blood bank has just finished its operations for September, which was a particularly busy month due to a powerful hurricane that hit neighboring islands causing many injuries. The hurricane largely bypassed St. Lucia, but residents of St. Lucia willingly donated their blood to help people on other islands. As a consequence, the blood bank collected and processed over 20% more blood than had been originally planned for the month. A report prepared by a government official comparing actual costs to budgeted costs for the blood bank appears on the following page. (The currency on St. Lucia is the East Caribbean dollar.) Continued support from the government depends on the blood bank’s ability to demonstrate control over its costs. KGV Blood Bank Cost Control Report For the Month Ended September 30 Planning Actual Budget Results Variances Liters of blood collected . . . . . . . . . 600 780 Medical supplies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 7,110 $ 9,252 $2,142 U Lab tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,610 10,782 2,172 U Equipment depreciation . . . . . . . . . 1,900 2,100 200 U Rent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,500 1,500 0 Utilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300 324 24 U Administration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14,310 14,575 265 U Total expense . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $33,730 $38,533 $4,803 U The managing director of the blood bank was very unhappy with this report, claiming that his costs were higher than expected due to the emergency on the neighboring islands. He also pointed out that the additional costs had been fully covered by payments from grateful recipients on the other islands. The government official who prepared the report countered that all of the figures had been submitted by the blood bank to the government; he was just pointing out that actual costs were a lot higher than promised in the budget. The following cost formulas were used to construct the planning budget: KGV Blood Bank Cost Control Report For the Month Ended September 30 Planning Actual Budget Results Variances Liters of blood collected . . . . . . . . . 600 780 Medical supplies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 7,110 $ 9,252 $2,142 U Lab tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,610 10,782 2,172 U Equipment depreciation . . . . . . . . . 1,900 2,100 200 U Rent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,500 1,500 0 Utilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300 324 24 U Administration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14,310 14,575 265 U Total expense . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $33,730 $38,533 $4,803 U Medical supplies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $11.85 q Lab tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $14.35 q Equipment depreciation . . . . . . . . . . $1,900 Rent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,500 Utilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $300 Administration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $13,200 + $1.85 q Required: 1. Prepare a new performance report for September using the flexible budget approach. 2. Do you think any of the variances in the report you prepared should be investigated? Why?

2024 Project Communications Assignment Help

Project Communications Management Case Study Several issues have arisen on the Recreation and Wellness Intranet Project 2023

Project Communications Management: Case Study Several issues have arisen on the Recreation and Wellness Intranet Project. The person from the HR department who was supporting the project left the company, and now the team needs more support from that group. A member of the user group that supports the project is extremely vocal and hard to work with, and other users can hardly get a word in at meetings. The project manager, Tony, is getting weekly status reports from all of his team members, but many of them do not address obvious challenges that people are facing. The team is having difficulty deciding how to communicate various project reports and documents and where to store all of the information being generated. Recall that the team members include you, a programmer/analyst and aspiring project manager; Patrick, a network specialist; Nancy, a business analyst; and Bonnie, another programmer/analyst. Assignment – Project Communications Management: 3 Tasks Write a one-page paper describing two suggested approaches to communicating with the hard-to-work-with user.

2024 ECO 550 WEEK 6 DISCUSSION Assignment Help

Market Structures Please respond to the following From the scenario assuming Katrina s Candies is operating in the monopolistically competitive 2023

“Market Structures” Please respond to the following: * From the scenario, assuming Katrina’s Candies is operating in the monopolistically competitive market structure and faces the following weekly demand and short-run cost functions: VC = 20Q+0.006665 Q2 with MC=20 + 0.01333Q and FC = $5,000 P = 50-0.01Q and MR = 50-0.02Q *Where price is in $ and Q is in kilograms. All answers should be rounded to the nearest whole number. Algebraically, determine what price Katrina’s Candies should charge in order for the company to maximize profit in the short run. Determine the quantity that would be produced at this price and the maximum profit possible. Maximizing Revenue” Please respond to the following: * From the scenario, assuming Katrina’s Candies is operating in the monopolistically competitive market structure and faces the following weekly demand and short-run cost functions: VC = 20Q+0.006665 Q2 with MC=20 + 0.01333Q and FC = $5,000 P = 50-0.01Q and MR = 50-0.02Q *Where price is in $ and Q is in kilograms. All answers should be rounded to the nearest whole number. Algebraically, determine what price Katrina’s Candies should charge if the company wants to maximize revenue in the short run. Determine the quantity that would be produced at this price and the maximum revenue possible

2024 market1 Assignment Help

The marketing plan format is one that is utilized by major corporations all over the country However writing a comprehensive 2023

The marketing plan format is one that is utilized by major corporations all over the country. However, writing a comprehensive marketing plan is a difficult and challenging task, yet, the ability to write such a plan is critical to the development of a marketing manager and an organization. As you draw to the culmination of this course, apply all that you have learned to develop a comprehensive marketing plan. Directions: Identify a company you would like to use for this assignment. This should be an organization that you are familiar with, or have access to their information. You will complete a comprehensive marketing plan, which will include an analysis of their current market situation. In other words, ask yourself: Is the industry growing? What is the market share for the organization that they represent? Who is the dominant player in the marketplace? Remember, you will need to justify your approach using market research and data. The second step in the process is the actual writing of the plan. Think about the following: What are the goals and objectives for the organization? What is the timing of the plan? What resources will be required to achieve the plan? What are the financial goals? In your marketing plan, be sure to include the following sections: Executive Summary and Table of Contents In the executive summary, make sure you address all the main goals and objectives of your plan. These goals and objectives need to be clear, measurable, and reasonable. Situational Analysis A situational analysis presents a snapshot of the market in its current state by describing the company’s products/services, target segments, distribution networks, and position of the products/services in the segment, along with competing offerings and relative positioning. It includes current and future assessment of the business conditions and challenges. Within your situational analysis, analyze all the following points: Market summary SWOT analysis Competitor analysis Product offering Keys to success Critical issues Pricing Marketing Strategy The marketing strategy describes the planned direction and goals of the marketing activities, incorporating facts and assumptions about the market size, growth, and financial objectives. Think about the following questions: Where do you see your business going in the next 3-5 years? What is unique about your product portfolio? How will you tell the consumer about your products and unique value proposition? How will you stay connected to your target market’s needs and wants? How will you price your product? Within your market analysis, be sure to address the following: Mission Marketing objectives Product positioning Marketing mix (4 Ps) Marketing research Financials The financials of the marketing plan describe a set of five-year revenue, cost, and profit projections for the marketing plan, including any initial startup costs, sales by channel and segment, and profit margins. Think about the following questions: How much do you plan to sell? What are your factory cost targets? What is your profit target by percent and dollar amount? Remember to include the following in your financials: Sales Forecast Profit targets Controls The controls of the marketing plan describe the budget tactical activities for implementing the plan, as well performance benchmarks for each activity. These include pricing, product configuration, promotion, and distribution performance benchmarks, and plans for changing any of the parameters if performance measures are not met. They are in place to measure forecast and profit attainment. Forecasts should be reviewed monthly and quarterly. Secondly, a 12-month calendar should be developed to clearly target specific dates for product introductions and promotional activity. Remember to include the following: Milestones Implementations and timelines Summary The summary of the marketing plan should summarize the plan by summarizing the size and scope of the opportunity, and reiterating the STP (segmentation, targeting, positioning) and 4 P (product, price, place, promotion) elements of the plan. It should tell the reader that the plan is real, how you will win, and why it is worth pursuing as an organization (RRW). This section should be no longer than one page. Remember to review the grading criteria as you write the plan to ensure you address all needed elements. Use the grading criteria to guide your report. Make sure you include details within your analysis to support your ideas. Use proper grammar, spelling, and APA style throughout. For more information on modeling the buying process, refer to your textbook. Write an 8–12-page report in Word format. Apply APA standards to citation of sources. Use the following file naming convention: LastnameFirstInitial_M5_A1.doc. By Monday, September 14, 2015 , deliver your assignment to the M5: Assignment 1 Dropbox .