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2024 work Assignment Help

Week 2 Discussion 1 Explain what is meant by the term value in a supply chain 2023

Week 2 – Discussion 1 Explain what is meant by the term “value” in a supply chain. How can it be best measured in a supply chain? How does increasing value in a supply chain help align supply chain operations to the business mission? Week 2 – Discussion 2 All supply chain activity involves some degree of risk. Identify six potential sources and causes of risk in global supply chains. Research the University library to find support for counter measures for each of the six risks you identify. Document those sources

2024 10hours Assignment Help

Personnel Plan You will create a personnel plan for two new employee positions Your 2023

Personnel Plan You will create a personnel plan for two new employee positions. Your personnel plans should include a tentative work schedule and payroll cost worksheet. You will need to create work schedules that include the hours for these positions; this work schedule can be revised in later classes. If your place of business does not have a steady work schedule you will need to base the schedules on a busy time in order to estimate how many hours per year that person(s) will actually work. Use the Work Schedule Template for this. In order to budget for two new employees, you will need to create a payroll cost worksheet to include the employees’ pay, payroll taxes, any benefits you would like to offer (medical benefits, 401K, etc.), and the total cost. You may need to research average salaries for the positions you will fill. Use the Payroll Cost Sheet as an example , and click on the links below to access information on Michigan Taxes and other important resources for creating your Personnel Plan. http://www.michigan.gov/taxes/0,1607,7-238-43531-155476–,00.html www.ssa.gov www.michigan.gov www.irs.gov Your next step will be to create a job description. Define who you are, what you need, who you need. List your core values. What is the mission of your business? Based on your answer to “who you need,” you will prepare a job description for two new employee positions for your business. If you are a sole proprietor, make one for yourself and one additional position. You may not be able to hire employees right away, but your goal is to grow your business. As you grow, you may be able to hire an employee(s). Your job descriptions should include: Job title FLSA Status Prepared date Job Summary Essential duties and responsibilities Supervisory responsibilities (if applicable) Qualifications which includes: Education and/or experience Language skills Mathematical skills Reasoning ability Certificates, licenses, registrations Physical demands Work environment How to apply for this job and how/where the information should be sent Attachments: en211_payroll_cost_sheet-1_1.xls personnel_plan_rubric.docx en211_schedule_template-1.xls

2024 Can anyine do this by tomorrow Assignment Help

A firm currently uses 40 000 workers to produce 180 000 units of output per day The daily wage per worker 2023

A firm currently uses 40,000 workers to produce 180,000 units of output per day. The daily wage per worker is $100, and the price of the firm’s output is $28. The cost of other variable inputs is $500,000 per day. (Note: Assume that output is constant at the level of 180,000 units per day.) Assume that total fixed cost equals $1,200,000. Calculate the values for the following four formulas: Total Variable Cost = (Number of Workers x Worker’s Daily Wage) + Other Variable Costs Total Costs = Total Variable Costs + Total Fixed Costs Total Revenue = Price * Quantity Average Variable Cost = Total Variable Cost / Units of Output per Day Average Total Cost = (Total Variable Cost + Total Fixed Cost) / Units of Output per Day Complete the following: Calculate the firm’s profit or loss. Is the firm making a profit or a loss? Explain the Short Run Shut Down Rule. Should this firm shut down? Please explain. Provide a report to the management of the firm that discusses what should be done.

2024 mcs Assignment Help

McS Customer Service Career Success Through Customer Loyalty by Timm 5th edition 2011 2023

McS Customer Service: Career Success Through Customer Loyalty by Timm, 5th edition, 2011 1. The real issue when working with customer solutions is: a. not whether the customer is right. b. making sure the customer feels justified and helped. c. both a and b d. neither a nor b 2. Deciding that the customer is always right is: a. less effective than deciding to always solve the problem. b. the best way to keep customers loyal. c. difficult to do, but important. d. All of the above. 3. A good strategy with an angry customer is to: a. let them blow off steam until they calm down. b. remember that they are no longer rational. c. be supportive once they start listening. d. All of the above. 4. Industrial intimacy: a. means allowing customers to select from menus of product characteristics. b. comes from better understanding of the specific needs and wants of customers. c. comes from focusing on what is important to the customer. d. All of the above. 5. Clear business communication doesn’t mean: a. avoiding jargon. b. being abrupt. c. avoid using stock numbers or abbreviations. d. All of the above. 6. Which of the following failings is NOT a hindrance to clear communication? a. failure to express appreciation b. failure to offer an alternative solution c. failure to provide a reasonable explanation d. failure to get to the point

2024 BUS 680 Week 2 Discussion 2 Assignment Help

Discuss the differences between and the relationship among the following levels of analysis organizational analysis operational 2023

Discuss the differences between, and the relationship among, the following levels of analysis: organizational analysis, operational analysis, and person analysis. Do more than provide a basic definition. Generate at least two important questions to ask when conducting each level of analysis. Identify at least two techniques, sources of data, or methods to collect data for each level. Your initial post should be 250 to 300 words. Use this week’s lecture as a foundation for your initial post. In addition to the Blanchard and Thacker (2013) text, use at least one additional scholarly source to support your discussion. Respond to at least two other posts regarding items you found to be compelling and enlightening. To help you with your reply, please consider the following questions: What did you learn from the posting? What additional questions do you have after reading the posting? What clarification do you need regarding the posting? What differences or similarities do you see between your initial discussion thread and your classmates’ postings? How do the questions you have generated for each level of analysis compare to those identified by others? Your reply posts should be a minimum of 150-250 words each.

2024 UNIT I- HUMAN RELATIONS Assignment Help

1 Recall the model for improving interpersonal skills and the major personality factors and traits from the unit readings A 2023

1. Recall the model for improving interpersonal skills and the major personality factors and traits from the unit readings. A goal has been identified for a particular employee: become front-line manager in six months. The employee has met the demands for duties and responsibilities with no reprimands nor sanctions for performance, and the employee is continuing mentoring and shadowing efforts with another seasoned front-line manager. However, there is a need to further assess the employee’s performance. The employee is identified with the self-monitoring personality factor (low). Discuss the pros and cons of possessing this self-monitoring personality factor. Identify how the performance of the employee can be improved and properly assessed. Your response should be at least 300 words in length. 2. In evaluating personality types and cognitive styles, which types/styles do you consider important for identifying with personality differences among people? Why? Your response should be at least 200 words in length.

2024 BUS 325 Assignment 3 International Assignment Presentation Assignment Help

BUS 325 Assignment 3 International Assignment Presentation Create a nine 9 slide PowerPoint Presentation in which you Provide a 2023

BUS 325 Assignment 3 International Assignment Presentation Create a nine (9) slide PowerPoint Presentation in which you: Provide a title slide (as indicated in the format requirements below) followed by a slide with an introduction to your presentation. Summarize your response to each of the criteria in Assignment 2 – one (1) slide per criterion, for a total of six (6) slides. Provide a summary slide which addresses key points of your paper. Narrate each slide, using a microphone, indicating what you would say if you were actually presenting in front of an audience. Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements: Format the PowerPoint presentation with headings on each slide and three to four (3-4) relevant graphics (photographs, graphs, clip art,etc.), ensuring that the presentation is visually appealing and readable from18 feet away. Check with your professor for any additional instructions. Include a title slide containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The title slide is not included in the required slide length.

2024 Emerging Economies and Globalization Assignment Help

Emerging Economies and Globalization Background Markets in developed economies are approaching saturation level Therefore MNCs are searching for new untapped 2023

Emerging Economies and Globalization Background Markets in developed economies are approaching saturation level. Therefore, MNCs are searching for new untapped markets in emerging countries such as India and China. Since the healthcare industry will continue to grow in the future due to the size of the global population and its age composition, General Electric Healthcare (GEH) is trying to capitalize on these trends. It is expanding its operations and development of new drugs and manufacturing of the medical equipment in India and China. Directions Read the following articles: At least one peer-reviewed article related to the trade theories in general as well as for China and India Articles related to the human resource management for MNCs, cross-cultural management, expatriate training, and expatriates’ success/failure in overseas assignments Articles related to GEH Then, respond to the following: Select two trade theories that best explain why GEH expanded its operations of developing new drugs to India, and manufacturing X-ray business to China. Explain the selected theories, and then evaluate GEH’s reasoning. Explain possible pitfalls for such strategy from GEH’s perspective. Identify solutions to the possible pitfalls for the strategy. For each operation (India and China), evaluate GEH’s human resource strategy. Identify how you would design training for preparing expatriates for their assignments to India and China if you were in charge of their training prior to the overseas assignment. Write a 7–10-page paper in Word format. Utilize at least five to seven scholarly sources in your research. Apply APA standards to citation of sources. Make sure you write in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrate ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; and display accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.

2024 Anti-Trust Assignment Help

Prior to completing the assignment review Chapter 4 of your course text You are a manager with 5 years 2023

Prior to completing the assignment, review Chapter 4 of your course text. You are a manager with 5 years of experience and need to write a report for senior management on how your firm can avoid the threat of a Federal Trade Commission investigation if you were to merge with other health care organizations. Research on your own to select a health care organization in the United States that has been charged with an antitrust action within the last five years and use this information as the basis for your paper. In your report Summarize the charges and rebuttal or mitigation of charges used by the health care organization you researched. Discuss lessons learned and propose actions that can be taken by your management to avoid similar anti- trust actions in your proposed merger. Your paper must include an introduction, thesis, and conclusion. Your paper must be four to five double-spaced pages in length (excluding title and reference pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. Utilize three scholarly and/or peer-reviewed sources (excluding the course text) that were published within the last five years. Cite your sources within the text of your paper and provide complete references for each source used on the reference page. Textbook: Cleverley, W., Song, P., & Cleverley, J. (2011). Essentials of health care finance (7th ed.). Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett.

2024 M2 Assignment 1: Discussion—Market Structures Assignment Help

Assignment 1 Discussion Market Structures Industries can be classified under different market structures and this classification 2023

Assignment 1: Discussion—Market Structures Industries can be classified under different market structures and this classification strongly dictates decisions made by managers within the market. For example, in an industry classified under perfect competition, or in a perfectly competitive market, many competitors offer the same product and entry into the industry is easy. In this market, the pressure to maintain the same prices as the competitors is high, which characterizes this market. On the other extreme, some industries are classified as monopolies and some fall under monopolistic competition. In a monopoly, there is only one provider of a product or a service, which has an inelastic demand. In this case, there is little incentive for the monopoly to be efficient or price competitive. In a monopolistically competitive market, there are many firms selling a product or service that is only slightly differentiated from one another, and in the long term, these firms start showing characteristics of a perfectly competitive market. Tasks: Find an article about an industry in the United States, such as the pharmaceutical industry. You can consult sources such as the Wall Street Journal , Financial Times , Bloomberg Markets , the Economist , US News and World Report , and other publications for your reference. After reading the article, respond to the following: Identify the market structure that best characterizes the industry described in the article. Explain the factors you considered when identifying the market structure for this industry. Analyze whether this industry will work better if it changes its market strategy and starts showing characteristics of another market structure. Critically analyze the advantages and disadvantages of the market structures that you studied in the readings. Submission Details: By the due date assigned , post your responses in a minimum of 500 words to this Discussion Area . Support your assumptions with reputable source material. Through the end of the module , read and respond to at least two other classmates’ posts. While responding, focus on market structures for the selected industries as well as analyses of advantages and disadvantages of other market structures. Write your initial response in 300–500 words. Your response should be thorough and address all components of the discussion question in detail, include citations of all sources, where needed, according to the APA Style, and demonstrate accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation