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2024 PSY 105 Assignment Assignment Help

ssignment 1 Retrospective Analysis of Personality Due Week 9 and worth 220 points In this assignment begin 2023

ssignment 1: Retrospective Analysis of Personality Due Week 9 and worth 220 points In this assignment, begin by taking a retrospective look at your life history, to discuss which aspects of your personality have remained consistent and which aspects of your personality have changed over time. Then, analyze the roles of nature and nurture in shaping your personality. Subsequently, discuss possible sources of inaccuracy and bias in any retrospective analysis. Finally, discuss the reasons why systematic scientific studies are considered more valuable than individual accounts. Write a three to four (3-4) page paper in which you: Section 1 (1-2 paragraphs): Choose one of the following areas of your brain and explain what it does: Thalamus Reticular formation Brain stem (pons and medulla) Cerebellum Limbic system One of the four lobes of the cerebral cortex Explain how the area you described contributes to a specific activity from your everyday life. (Example: During horseback riding, the cerebellum integrates information from the motor systems and balance system.) Section 2 (1-2 paragraphs): All of us have been shaped by both nature (biology) and nurture (environment), making us the persons we are today. In most cases, it is difficult to completely disentangle the separate effects of nature vs. nurture with much certainty. However, we can make some educated guesses based on our knowledge of familial tendencies that we may have inherited, as well as knowledge of our environment and experiences. In this section, we ask for you to make some educated guesses about the roles of nature and nurture in your life. Describe the role of nature (biology) in shaping what kind of person you are today. Provide a specific example of the role of nature. Describe the role of nurture (environment) in shaping what kind of person you are today. Provide a specific example of the role of nurture. Section 3 (1-2 paragraphs): Describe the influences of culture, your environment, and biology on your gender role behavior. Use specific examples from your own life to explain your answers. Section 4 (1-2 paragraphs): Discuss the fallibility of memory in terms of bias and inaccuracy when you reflect on your past. Identify specific memory biases that could affect how you remember your past. Include factors related to cognition. Use specific examples from your own life. Section 5 (1 paragraph): Describe why the science of psychology places more emphasis on results based on scientific studies than it does on personal experiences and anecdotes. Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements: Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions. To keep this essay short and manageable, your only sources for your paper should be your own experience and the Webtext. For this reason, APA citations and references are not required for this assignment. Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required page length. The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are: Relate psychological concepts to real-world situations. Describe the major theories of personality development, learning, memory, cognition, consciousness, development and social psychology. Use technology and information resources to research issues in psychology. Write clearly and concisely about psychology using proper writing mechanics.

2024 CMR 244 Module 4 Assignment Assignment Help

Instructions Please read an article on international risks and write a one half page over view of what you have learned 2023

Instructions Please read an article on international risks and write a one-half page over view of what you have learned. Type your thoughts in the comments box and send send a hyperlink of the article. How does the risks you read about affect your project? What plans would you recommend to address these risks? This assignment counts 10 points.

2024 LDR 300 Week 3 DQ 1, DQ 2 Assignment Help

How would you define power How would you define influence What are some distinctions between power and influence in an 2023

How would you define power? How would you define influence? What are some distinctions between power and influence in an organizational setting? How may power and influence positively affect an organization? How may power and influence negatively affect an organization? Provide specific examples to support your answer. Identify a public or political leader. What kind of power does this leader possess? What Influence tactics does this leader normally use based on his or her power? Provide a specific example of an influence tactic this person has not used. What would happen if the leader used this tactic? How would his or her power be affected?

2024 Finance 100: Week 4 Assignment 1:Complexities Of The U.S. Financial System Assignment Help

Assignment 1 Complexities of the U S Financial System Due Week 4 and worth 200 points The U S 2023

Assignment 1: Complexities of the U.S. Financial System Due Week 4 and worth 200 points The U.S. financial system has many complexities, and it is impacted by several environmental factors, including federal regulations and the economy. Write a two (2) page paper in which you: Briefly describe one (1) way the U.S. financial markets impact the economy, one (1) way the U.S. financial markets impact businesses, and one (1) way the U.S. financial markets impact individuals. Briefly explain the primary roles of the U.S. Federal Reserve, the Federal Reserve Chairman, and the Federal Reserve Board. Indicate each party’s effectiveness in today’s economic environment. Provide support for your explanation. Briefly explain two (2) ways interest rates influence the U.S. and global financial environment. Provide at least one (1) example of such influence for both the U.S. financial environment and one (1) example for the global financial environment. Please include the follwoing reference on the reference page: Melicher, R. W., & Norton, E. A. (2011). Introduction to finance (14th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons. Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements: Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions. Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

2024 Bus517 Midterm Exam Part 1& 2 (All Correct) Assignment Help

Part 1 Question 1 The advent of project management has been most profound 2023

Part 1 Question 1 The advent of project management has been most profound in Answer Automobile manufacturing Construction Information technology The U.S. Department of Defense Film making Question 2 Which of the following is the number one characteristic that is looked for in management candidates? Answer Overall intelligence Works well with others Experience Past successes Good reference Question 3 In which of the following stages are project objectives established, teams formed, and major responsibilities assigned? Answer Conceptualizing Defining Planning Executing Delivering Question 4 Project management is ideally suited for a business environment requiring all of the following except Answer Accountability Flexibility Innovation Speed Repeatability Question 5 A common rule of thumb in the world of high-tech product development is that a six-month project delay can result in a loss of product revenue share of ___ percent. The waste on failed projects and cost overruns is estimated in the neighborhood of Answer 10 20 33 45 50 Question 6 Which of these is not part of the “technical dimension” of project management? Answer WBS Budgets Problem solving Schedules Status reports Question 7 From among the following activities, which is the best example of a project? Answer Processing insurance claims Producing automobiles Writing a term paper Completing a college degree All of these are good examples of projects Question 8 Which of the following activities is not considered a project? Answer Developing a new software program Designing a space station Preparing the site for the Olympic Games Production of automobile tires Developing a new advertising program Question 9 Project selection criteria are typically classified as: Answer Financial and non-financial Short-term and long-term Strategic and tactical Required and optional Cost and schedule Question 10 Which of the following is not one of the characteristics of effective objectives? Answer Realistic Assignable Flexible Specific Measurable Question 11 Susie’s department is implementing many projects. She finds herself starting and stopping work on one task to go and work on another task, and then return to the work on the original task. Susie is experiencing Answer Poor scheduling Excess work burden Flexible tasking Multitasking Burnout Question 12 Which of the following would not be classified as an organizational opportunity? Answer Increasing product demand Excellent employees Emerging markets Demographics Question 13 A project screening matrix typically contains all of the following except: Answer The list of available projects Specific criteria Weights assigned to specific criteria Costs to complete each project Question 14 In the Snapshot from Practice, Intel’s CEO has concentrated Intel’s strategy toward? Answer Creating chips to support the digital device market Eliminating AMD as a competitor Strengthening Intel’s position in the PC market Expanding Intel’s international market Expand efforts in the mainframe computer market Question 15 A major project proposal form will likely include all of the following except: Answer Project Classification Schedule objective Major deliverables of the project How success will be measured Question 16 Projects are usually classified into all but one of the following categories. Which one is not one of the typical classifications? Answer Compliance and emergency Operational Strategic Political necessity Question 17 Who is responsible for determining what tasks have to be done in a matrix project management structure? Answer The functional manager The project manager Both are responsible This is no pattern of who takes responsibility Question 18 MegaComputers, Inc. has assigned a project manager for each of the five new-product teams. The managers as well as the project team members work on the projects on a full-time basis. The structure being used is ________ organization. Answer Functional Balanced matrix Weak matrix Strong matrix Project Question 19 The project manager has the responsibility to answer which of the following questions? Answer What task has to be done? Who will do the task? How will the task be done? How well has the functional input been integrated? Why will the task be done? Question 20 The project structure that is ranked as most effective for developing new products is ______ organization. Answer Functional Balanced matrix Weak matrix Strong matrix Project Question 21 A good project management system provides for defining the interface between the project team and the organization in all the following areas except Answer Authority Allocation of resources Development of project team members Integration of the project into the organization Question 22 _________ organization is a hybrid form in which a horizontal project management structure is overlaid in the normal functional hierarchy. Answer Functional Matrix Project Balanced Question 23 The Macintosh development team at Apple is a good example of what kind of project structure? Answer Project Balanced Matrix Project Matrix Functional Matrix Functional Question 24 Organizational culture is best explained as organizational Answer Personality Hierarchy Reporting relationships Background Management style Question 25 From the list below, which is not a primary characteristic of organization culture? Answer Control Team emphasis History Conflict tolerance Risk tolerance Part 2 Question 1 The project scope statement indicates that the client is responsible for training the people who will be using the equipment and that the project team will train the client’s trainers. This is an example of: Answer Project objectives Deliverables Limits and exclusions Technical requirements Milestones Question 2 If a project criterion indicates that the project must meet a specific date, that criterion is classified as Answer Constrained Enhanced Accepted Limited Fixed Question 3 Scott has just been given a project that has a specific target date. After discussion with top management he finds that while the date is important the cost is more important and a slip in delivery would be acceptable if required to meet the cost targets. The target date is best classified as Answer Constrain Enhance Accept Limit Optional Question 4 If a project is small or of narrow scope and does not require an elaborate system, which of the following is a good choice? Answer Responsibility matrix Organization breakdown structure Work breakdown structure Priority matrix Process breakdown structure Question 5 The ability of 911 emergency systems to identify the caller’s phone number and location are considered to be a Answer Technical requirement Milestone Project limit Project exclusion Project deliverable Question 6 Which of the following is not one of the basic classifications of project priorities? Answer Profit Cost Time Performance Question 7 The tendency for the project deliverables to expand over time—usually by changing requirements, specifications, and priorities—is called: Answer Scope erosion Scope creep Project bloat Scope enhancement Project add-ons Question 8 The final step in the creation of a Work Breakdown Structure is to Answer Code the WBS for tracking Assign the cost account to a manager Assign the work package to a manager Develop the responsibility matrix Question 9 The process of forecasting or approximating the time and cost of completing project deliverables is called Answer Budgeting Predicting Estimating Planning Guesstimating Question 10 Ed is looking over the actual results of projects and comparing them to what was estimated. He notices that projects that took six months or longer to complete were noticeably more off the estimates. Which of the following factors is he recognizing? Answer Padding estimates Planning horizon Project structure People Organization culture Question 11 Jose is forecasting project time and cost for constructing a new building by multiplying the total square footage by a given dollar amount. Which of the following methods is he using? Answer Ratio Template Apportion Function point Learning curve Question 12 The accuracy of top-down estimates will typically be in the range of Answer Minus 50% to plus 50% Minus 0% to plus 75% Minus 20% to plus 60% Minus 35% to plus 35% Minus 10% to plus 30% Question 13 Design flaws being revealed after the fact, extreme weather conditions, and accidents occurring are examples of: Answer Hidden interaction costs Things going wrong on a project Normal conditions not applying Changes in project scope Question 14 Project costs are typically viewed from all of the following except: Answer Scheduled Sunk Actual Committed Question 15 Learning curves are more likely to apply in situations where most of the costs are Answer Materials Labor Overhead Evenly spread over materials, labor, and overhead Question 16 The accuracy of bottom-up estimates will typically be in the range of Answer Minus 50% to plus 50% Minus 0% to plus 75% Minus 20% to plus 60% Minus 35% to plus 35% Minus 10% to plus 30% Question 17 People working on prototype development needing time to interact with the design engineers after the design is completed is an example of: Answer Hidden interaction costs Things going wrong on a project Normal conditions not applying Changes in project scope Question 18 Which of the following can help a project manager to digest, clarify, and understand the factors leading to the selection of a specific project? Answer Risk matrix Priority matrix Responsibility matrix Gantt chart Contingency matrix Question 19 Culture is a concept that encompasses all of the following except: Answer Shared norms Beliefs Values Economic level Customs Question 20 Needs for a project could include telecommunications, transportation, power, and availability of technically skilled talent. This is an example of which of the following environmental factors? Answer Geographic Infrastructure Economic Legal/political Cultural Question 21 Concern about the local restrictions on toxic waste is classified as which of the following environmental factors? Answer Economic Geographic Legal/political Infrastructure Culture Question 22 An information systems specialist reported that his performance on a project in Northern Sweden declined due to sleep deprivation during the summer months in which there was 20 hours of daylight each day. This is an example of which of the following environmental factors? Answer Cultural Legal/political Geographic Economic Infrastructure Question 23 If a construction company in Dallas builds a bridge in Houston, the project would be classified as Answer Global Overseas Local Domestic Foreign Question 24 As a response to the events of September 11, 2001, the moving of personnel, materials, and equipment across international borders has created border congestion with increased costs and time. This is an example of which of the following environmental factors? Answer Cultural Infrastructure Geographic Security Legal/political Question 25 If IBM built a computer system for Outback Barbie Inc. (based in Australia) at their corporate headquarters in Sydney, the project would be classified as Answer Global Overseas Local Domestic Foreign

2024 Philosophical Assumptions And Research Assignment Help

Each of us has unique experiences and perceptions that shape what we 2023

Each of us has unique experiences and perceptions that shape what we believe about the world. These beliefs and underlying assumptions affect our natural approach to research. Some philosophical worldviews are more congruent with qualitative research, while others align with quantitative research. After reviewing the Reading and Study material for this module and considering the four philosophical worldviews discussed, please respond to the following: Which philosophical worldview most closely aligns with your perspective and the way that you view problems in the world? How so? Of the four philosophical worldviews, which ones are aligned with qualitative methodology? How does understanding the connection between philosophical worldview and research methodology assist in your research approach? Compare/contrast philosophical worldview with that of a Christian worldview. Are there any areas that are problematic or do most philosophical worldviews appear to be congruent with a Christian worldview?

2024 BUS 600 Week 6 Discussion 2 Assignment Help

Week 6 Discussion 2 Your initial discussion thread is due on Day 3 Thursday 2023

Week 6 – Discussion 2 Your initial discussion thread is due on Day 3 (Thursday) and you have until Day 7 (Monday) to respond to your classmates. Your grade will reflect both the quality of your initial post and the depth of your responses. Refer to the Discussion Forum Grading Rubric under the Settings icon above for guidance on how your discussion will be evaluated. Business Presentations In a 250-300 word response, describe how you would build rapport with your audience in a business presentation. What motivational strategies have you used in the past that were successful or what strategies have you seen speakers use that were effective? Use at least one resource to support your key points. Respond to at least two of your fellow students’ posts.

2024 2 QUESTION 1 95 marks You are the audit senior in charge of the group audit of Ezweni Ltd, a holding.. Assignment Help

2 QUESTION 1 95 marks You are the audit senior in charge of the group audit of Ezweni Ltd a 2023

2 QUESTION 1 95 marks You are the audit senior in charge of the group audit of Ezweni Ltd, a holding company listed on the JSE Ltd. Your audit firm is responsible for the audit of all of the companies in the group and you are currently completing the audit for the year ended 28 February 2006. The group uses International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) in the preparation of their annual financial statements. The group carries on trade in the clothing industry and consists of the following individual companies that all play a role in the production chain of the group: • The holding company – Ezweni Ltd • Four subsidiaries o Retail Ltd, a retail company; o Manufacture Ltd, a manufacturing company; o Property Ltd, a property investment company; and o Foreign Ltd, clothing manufacturer and distributor in the United States of America. The following information was extracted from the audited financial packs received from the auditors of the individual companies in the group for the year ended 28 February 2006: Ezweni Ltd R’000 Retail Ltd R’000 Manufacture Ltd R’000 Property Ltd R’000 Foreign Ltd US $’000 Profit after taxation 35 500 65 800 55 300 15 700 6 900 Dividends paid: 28 February 2006 (25 000) (20 000) (40 000) (2 000) (500) Retained earnings: 1 March 2005 85 600 240 300 310 900 45 600 12 800 Additional information on the companies in the group Ezweni Ltd The income received by Ezweni Ltd consists mainly of income from lease agreements and dividends received from subsidiaries. Ezweni Ltd has also incurred operating expenses which have been deducted correctly in order to calculate the profit after taxation. Ezweni Ltd has issued share capital of 2 million equity shares (with a par value of R1 per share) that were all issued at R2 above par value. No shares were issued during the year ended 28 February 2006. On 1 March 2005 the remuneration committee of the board of Ezweni Ltd decided to reward eight of its directors, as part of a performance management scheme to link the directors’ interests with the interest of the shareholders. The details of the scheme are as follows: • Participants may elect, at grant date, to receive 10 000 share options or 10 000 share appreciation rights. On the grant date five directors chose share options while three chose share appreciation rights. 3 • The share options give the directors the right to obtain shares in Ezweni Ltd. The directors must remain in the employ of the group for three years, and the options will only vest if the share price is R95 or higher on 29 February 2008. • The share appreciation rights entitle the directors to receive, in cash, the increase in the share price over R58 at 29 February 2008. The directors must remain in the employ of the group for three years, and the rights will only vest if the share price is R95 or higher on 29 February 2008. • On 1 March 2005 the Ezweni Ltd share price was R60. The options have a strike price of R58. On that date an independent valuer determined that the fair value of the options was R20 each. The valuer used the binomial option pricing model, which takes into account market conditions. • By 28 February 2006 the Ezweni Ltd share price had fallen to R50 and the fair value of the option, determined using the binomial option pricing model, was R10. The directors are of the opinion that the company’s share price will not reach R95 at 29 February 2008. • On 1 February 2006 one of Ezweni Ltd’s directors resigned. That director had previously chosen to receive share options. No further directors were expected to leave the company up to 29 February 2008. Retail Ltd Retail Ltd is a retailer that sells clothing through its own retail outlets. Retail Ltd acquires its inventory from Manufacture Ltd (see information below). Ezweni Ltd acquired its 80% investment in Retail Ltd at the incorporation of the company on 1 March 2002 for R5,2 million when the equity of Retail Ltd consisted of the following: R’000 Share capital (R1 par value shares) Share premium 1 000 5 250 Because of its strategic importance to the group, Ezweni Ltd was willing to pay a premium for the interest in Retail Ltd. Manufacture Ltd Manufacture Ltd is a manufacturing company which is responsible for the manufacture of all of the finished goods sold by Retail Ltd. Ezweni Ltd acquired all the share capital of Manufacture Ltd on 1 July 2001 for R120 million when the equity of Manufacture Ltd consisted of the following: R’000 Share capital (R1 par value shares) Retained earnings 100 125 900 The assets and liabilities were all considered to be fairly valued in the accounting records of Manufacture Ltd at the date of acquisition by Ezweni Ltd. 4 Manufacture Ltd was unable to obtain the required financing to purchase non-specialised manufacturing machinery from a financial institution. Ezweni Ltd therefore decided to purchase the machinery and lease it to Manufacture Ltd. Ezweni Ltd acquired the manufacturing machinery on 1 March 2003 at a cost of R15 million (excluding VAT). On the same date it entered into a lease agreement with Manufacture Ltd in terms of which Ezweni Ltd leased the non-specialised manufacturing machinery to Manufacture Ltd. Ezweni Ltd qualifies for a capital allowance of 20% per annum on cost price in respect of the manufacturing machinery for income tax purposes. The lease agreement between the two companies contains no special arrangements and all terms are considered to be market-related. The lease agreement between the two parties contains amongst others the following conditions: Commencement of the lease term Cash cost price (fair value) of the machinery (including VAT at 14%) on which lease is based Economic life of the manufacturing machinery Lease term Rate implicit in the lease Incremental borrowing rate Unguaranteed residual value (including VAT at 14%) Instalments 1 March 2003 R22,8 million 10 years 6 years 10% 11% R2 million Payable monthly in arrears It has been clearly stipulated in the lease agreement that Manufacture Ltd will not at any stage during or after the lease term obtain ownership of the manufacturing machinery. The group expects the useful life of the production machinery to be the same as its economic life. The machine is used for a qualifying purpose in terms of the Value-Added Tax Act and both Manufacture Ltd and Ezweni Ltd are registered VAT vendors. Manufacture Ltd sells all of its manufactured inventories to Retail Ltd at a gross profit margin of 20% calculated on manufactured cost price. The inventory account in the general ledger of Retail Ltd reflected the following closing inventories on hand (at cost to Retail Ltd): R’000 28 February 2005 28 February 2006 30 000 42 000 Property Ltd Property Ltd is a property investment company which invests in land and buildings and holds these investments primarily for capital gain. Ezweni Ltd acquired a 60% interest in Property Ltd on 1 September 2002 for R30 million when the equity of Property Ltd consisted of the following: R’000 Share capital (R2 par value shares) Share premium Retained earnings 1 000 20 000 24 000 5 At the date of acquisition by Ezweni Ltd the assets and liabilities were all considered to be fairly valued in the accounting records of Property Ltd, except for land which was undervalued by R5 million. Land has never been impaired in the accounting records of Property Ltd. On 1 March 2005, Property Ltd decided to buy back some of its own share capital from the shareholders. The existing shareholders agreed that 200 000 shares would be bought back from Ezweni Ltd and none from the other shareholders. Ezweni Ltd received R100 per share from Property Ltd for the buyback. Property Ltd sought to minimise any additional secondary tax on companies (STC) that might be payable as a result of the share buyback. No profit or loss arising from the share buyback in either the separate or consolidated financial statements of the Ezweni Ltd group of companies had any tax implications. The abridged balance sheet of Property Ltd as at 1 March 2005 was as follows: PROPERTY LTD ABRIDGED BALANCE SHEET AS AT 1 MARCH 2005 R’000 Assets Property, plant and equipment Receivables Bank and cash balances 127 800 5 100 2 100 135 000 Equity and liabilities Share capital Share premium Retained earnings Long-term liabilities 1 000 20 000 45 600 68 400 135 000 Foreign Ltd Foreign Ltd is a clothing manufacturer and distributor situated in the United States of America. Ezweni Ltd acquired 75% of the share capital of this company on 1 March 2004 for R35 million to expand into the global clothing industry. Foreign Ltd’s functional currency is the US dollar ($). At the date of acquisition the equity of Foreign Ltd consisted of the following: $’000 Share capital ($1 par value shares) Retained earnings 500 3 500 At the date of acquisition by Ezweni Ltd the assets and liabilities were all considered to be fairly stated in the accounting records of Foreign Ltd, except for factory buildings which were undervalued by $200 000. At that date the factory buildings had a remaining useful life of ten years. Foreign Ltd qualifies for the relevant capital allowances on the factory building. 6 The relevant foreign exchange rates were as follows at the specified dates: 1 March 2004 28 February 2005 Average for 2005 financial year 28 February 2006 Average for 2006 financial year $1 = R10,00 $1 = R8,50 $1 = R9,50 $1 = R6,80 $1 = R8,00 Notes on accounting policies • The Ezweni Ltd group accounts for all investments over which significant influence is exercised according to the equity method. • The Ezweni Ltd group accounts for all items of property, plant and equipment according to the cost model in terms of IAS 16, Property, plant and equipment (AC 123). No items of property, plant and equipment have been revalued in the separate annual financial statements of any group companies. • Where applicable, assume a local company tax rate of 29% and a foreign company tax rate of 40% in all your calculations. Ignore capital gains tax in respect of foreign assets and liabilities. REQUIRED Marks (a) Prepare the journal entries relating to the share-based payment transaction (including the tax effects) in the separate accounting records of Ezweni Ltd for the year ended 28 February 2006. 12 (b) Prepare a reconciliation of the goodwill balance as it should appear in the notes to the annual consolidated financial statements of Ezweni Ltd for the year ended 28 February 2006. No comparative figures are required. 16 (c) Calculate the consolidated profit or loss on the share buyback of Property Ltd as it would appear in the annual consolidated financial statements of Ezweni Ltd for the year ended 28 February 2006. 8 (d) Describe the procedures you should have performed to audit the share buyback in the annual financial statements of Property Ltd for the year ended 28 February 2006. 12 (e) Calculate the consolidated net profit or loss before minority interests of the Ezweni Ltd group for the year ended 28 February 2006. 22 (f) Show the following items as they would be disclosed in the consolidated statement of changes in equity for the Ezweni Ltd group for the year ended 28 February 2006: • Foreign currency translation reserve; and • Minority interest. 25 TOTAL MARKS 95

2024 Paper Assignment Help

Conduct an internal and external environmental analysis and a supply chain analysis for your 2023

Conduct an internal and external environmental analysis, and a supply chain analysis for your proposed new division and its business model. Create a SWOTT table summarizing your findings. Your environmental analysis should consider, at a minimum, the following factors. For each factor, identify the one primary strength, weakness, opportunity, threat, and trend, and include it in your table. External forces and trends considerations: Legal and regulatory Global Economic Technological Innovation Social Environmental Competitive analysis Internal forces and trends considerations: Strategy Structures Processes and systems Resources Goals Strategic capabilities Culture Technologies Innovations Intellectual property Leadership Write a synopsis of no more than 1,050 words in which you analyze relevant forces and trends from the list above. Your analysis must include the following: Include economic and legal and regulatory forces and trends. Critique how well the organization adapts to change. Analyze and explain the supply chain of the new division of the existing business. Share your plans to develop and leverage core competencies and resources within the supply chain in an effort to make a positive impact on the business model and the various stakeholders. Identify issues and/or opportunities: Identify the major issues and/or opportunities that the company faces based on your analysis. Generate a hypothesis surrounding each issue and research questions to use for conducting analysis. Identify the circumstances surrounding each issue; classify the circumstances; attribute the importance of each classification; and test the accuracy of the importance for each classification.

2024 Ashford BUS 650 Week 2 DQ 1 Assignment Help

Initial Investment After reading Chapters 3 and 4 of your textbook address each 2023

Initial Investment After reading Chapters 3 and 4 of your textbook, address each of the following questions: a) Think of something you want or need for which you currently do not have the funds. It could be a vehicle, boat, horse, jewelry, property, vacation, college fund, retirement money, etc. Select something which costs somewhere between $2,000 and $50,000. Use the “Present Value Formula”, which computes how much money you need to start with now to achieve the desired monetary goal. Assume you will find an investment that promises somewhere between 5% and 10% interest on your money (you choose the rate) and pretend you want to purchase your desired item in 12 years. (Remember that the higher the return, usually the riskier the investment, so think carefully before deciding on the interest rate.) How much do you need to invest today to reach that desired amount 12 years from now? b) You wish to leave an endowment for your heirs that goes into effect 50 years from today. You don’t want to be forgotten after you pass so you wish to leave an endowment that will pay for a grand soirée yearly and forever. What amount would you like spent yearly to fund this grand party? How much money do you have to leave to your heirs 50 years from now assuming that will compound at 6% interest? Assuming that you have not invested anything today, how much would you have to invest yearly to fully fund the annuity in 50 years, again assuming a 6% monthly compounding rate? Guided Response: Review several of your classmates’ postings. Examine calculations and reply to at least two of your classmates’ posts by adding recommendations to extend their thinking or posing questions to help them consider components they may have missed. Reference: Byrd, J., Hickman, K., & McPherson, M. (2013). Managerial Finance. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education Inc. This text is a Constellation™ course digital materials (CDM) title