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2024 HR18 Assignment Help

Assignment 1 Discussion Value of Money Business decisions are based on the time value 2023

Assignment 1: Discussion—Value of Money Business decisions are based on the time value of money. Bonds, stocks, loans, and other business investments are valued by determining the present value of an expected cash flow, which is also called discounting the cash flow. The time value of money finds considerable application in the decision-making processes of a business. In this assignment, you will apply the basic principles of the time value of money to business decisions. Tasks: Part 1: You are the chief financial officer of a firm. The firm has an expected liability (cash outflow) of $2 million in ten years at a discount rate of 5%. Calculate the amount the firm would need on the present date as savings to cover the expected liability. Calculate the amount the firm would need to set aside at the end of each year for the next ten years to cover the expected liability. Part 2: Using the University online library resources, identify an article that demonstrates the application of time value of money principles to a business decision. Explain the specific business decision that management made after computing this value. Analyze how management used the concept of the time value of money principles to make this decision. Analyze factors other than the time value of money that management considered or should have considered in reaching the business decision. Submission Details: By Friday , September 11, 2015 , post your responses in a minimum of 500 words to this Discussion Area . Support your assumptions with reputable source material. Through Wednesday, September 16, 2015 , read and respond to at least two other classmates’ posts. While responding, consider the implications for the firms selected in applying the concept of the time value of money, such as present value (PV) and future value (FV). What would happen if the firms do not apply the concepts of the time value of money to their finances? Write your initial response in 300–500 words. Your response should be thorough and address all components of the discussion question in detail, include citations of all sources, where needed, according to the APA Style, and demonstrate accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation Do the following when responding to your peers: Read your peers’ answers. Provide substantive comments by contributing new, relevant information from course readings, Web sites, or other sources; building on the remarks or questions of others; or sharing practical examples of key concepts from your professional or personal experiences Respond to feedback on your posting and provide feedback to other students on their ideas. Make sure your writing is clear, concise, and organized; demonstrates ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; and displays accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Grading Criteria Assignment Components Max Points Initial response was: Insightful, original, accurate, and timely. Substantive and demonstrated advanced understanding of concepts. Compiled/synthesized theories and concepts drawn from a variety of sources to support statements and conclusions. 16 Discussion Response and Participation: Responded to a minimum of two peers in a timely manner. Offered points of view supported by research. Asked challenging questions that promoted discussion. Drew relationships between one or more points in the discussion. 16 Writing: Wrote in a clear, concise, formal, and organized manner. Responses were error free. Information from sources, where applicable, was paraphrased appropriately and accurately cited. 8 Total:


Case I is due at the end of this week Prepare a memo in Word which answers the questions in 2023

Case I is due at the end of this week. Prepare a memo in Word, which answers the questions in the Chapter 2 Case, Cash Flows and Financial Statements at Sunset Boards, Inc. , on page 51 of the textbook. Use Excel to solve any financial calculations. You will be graded on correct financial analysis, proper use of technology, business-like presentation of technology, and business-like presentation. Page 51 CHAPTER CASE CASH FLOWS AND FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AT SUNSET BOARDS, INC. Sunset Boards is a small company that manufactures and sells surfboards in Malibu. Tad Marks, the founder of the company, is in charge of the design and sale of the surfboards, but his background is in surfing, not business. As a result, the company’s financial records are not well maintained. The initial investment in Sunset Boards was provided by Tad and his friends and family. Because the initial investment was relatively small, and the company has made surfboards only for its own store, the investors haven’t required detailed financial statements from Tad. But thanks to word of mouth among professional surfers, sales have picked up recently, and Tad is considering a major expansion. His plans include opening another surfboard store in Hawaii, as well as supplying his “sticks” (surfer lingo for boards) to other sellers. Tad’s expansion plans require a significant investment, which he plans to finance with a combination of additional funds from outsiders plus some money borrowed from banks. Naturally, the new investors and creditors require more organized and detailed financial statements than Tad has previously prepared. At the urging of his investors, Tad has hired financial analyst Paula Wolfe to evaluate the performance of the company over the past year. After rooting through old bank statements, sales receipts, tax returns, and other records, Paula has assembled the following information: 2013 2014 Cost of goods sold$169,969 214,607 Cash 24,524 26,056 Depreciation 47,980 54,230 Interest expense 10,442 11,954 Selling & administrative expenses 33,425 43,626 Accounts payable 43,344 48,090 Net fixed assets 211,680 264,021 Sales 333,426 406,427 Accounts receivable 17,378 22,542 Notes payable 19,757 21,571 Long-term debt 106,848 119,976 Inventory 36,570 50,185 New equity 0 20,160 Sunset Boards currently pays out 50 percent of net income as dividends to Tad and the other original investors, and has a 20 percent tax rate. You are Paula’s assistant, and she has asked you to prepare the following:

2024 MS620 Discussion 4 Assignment Help

Assignment 1 Discussion Worker Rights and Privacy in the Workplace In addition to the readings assigned for Module 2023

Assignment 1: Discussion—Worker Rights and Privacy in the Workplace In addition to the readings assigned for Module 4 , using the Argosy University online library resources or the Internet, locate and read two to three other articles on worker rights and privacy in the workplace. Share your observations, early conclusions, reflections, and questions in this discussion. Respond to the following questions: What are the relevant laws that govern privacy in the workplace? How can workers take advantage of the protections that these laws provide? Submission Details: By the due date assigned , in a minimum of 500 words, post a summary of your findings to this Discussion Area . Support your work by citing sources according to APA standards.

2024 Marketing Research Assignment Help

The management of Acme Wholesaling Inc has asked you as a preliminary 2023

The management of Acme Wholesaling, Inc. has asked you, as a preliminary to the research project, to prepare a memorandum that describes marketing research as a concept and the process of marketing research. In this memo, you should include the following: Explain why marketing research is necessary to a firm that sees itself as “marketing solutions to customer needs.” Discuss how the research that you plan to undertake would harvest data and transform them into information. Describe the distinction between descriptive, exploratory, and causal research. Which you plan to undertake? Create an outline of the steps in the research process, and explain why each one is important in the sequence that you set out. Set up at least 2–3 research questions that you feel need to be answered by your research project to properly predict the likelihood of success of the Acme Wholesaling, Inc. product venture. These questions should be worded as such, and they can be either closed-ended or open-ended. Explain briefly why you think each question is so critical to the success of the venture.

2024 Short eassy Assignment Help

Part 1 Write a full proposition to a private lender or investor why should 2023

Part 1 Write a full proposition to a private lender or investor why should the invest into your new real estate company? Make a chart that will show company profit for the next 6 months. Explain and sell yourself.. Part 2 1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of being the first mover in an industry? Are buyer-switching costs the most important factor to becoming the first mover? Give some examples of first and late mover firms. Which were the most successful? Why? 2. The United States has been part of NAFTA since 1994. Since its inception, do you think NAFTA has helped the United States’ corporate strategy? Why, or why not? Defend your answer.

2024 Accounting Assignment – Government and Non-governmental Assignment Help

Assignment 1 Financial Statement Audit Report Review Due Week 4 and worth 240 points Select a 2023

Assignment 1: Financial Statement / Audit Report Review Due Week 4 and worth 240 points Select a local government in your state and review the financial statements and audit report for the county or municipality. The financial statements of the government selected should have at least three funds. Write a three to four (3-4) page paper in which you: 1. Analyze the method of accounting used for the general fund and all other funds in existence by the government. Evaluate the reasoning for the use of the method of accounting for each of the funds as required by GAASB. 2. Assess the application and compliance of GASB Statement 34, Basic Financial Statements and Management Decisions and Analysis for State and Local Governments to each of the funds. 3. Evaluate management’s discussion and analysis (MD&A). In your evaluation, analyze the significant information in the MD&A and how the information contributed to the clarity of the financial statements. From your analysis of financial statements, identify and analyze information that should be included in the statements. 4. Determine whether the entity’s financial position improved or deteriorated during the reporting period. Speculate on the causes from your review of the financial statements. Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements: Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions. Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length. Assignment 2: Public University Analysis Due Week 9 and worth 240 points Select a public university system and review the financial statements and audit report for the system. Write a three to four (3-4) page paper in which you: 1. Identify and analyze the employee pension plan disclosures in the financial statements. Evaluate the impact of the GAASB proposed changes to the pension liabilities on the financial statements of the institution. 2. Identify and analyze the economic conditions that will affect the future growth and success of the institution. 3. Review and evaluate the treatment of federal grants such as Pell grants, supplemental grants, and work study on the revenue reported for the institution. 4. Compare the treatment of endowments, earnings on endowments, and restricted funds with GAASB requirements. Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements: Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions. Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

2024 There Are Four Schools Of Thought That Help HR Professionals Understand How To Create Labor Relations Strategies For Their Organization. Each School Of Thought Listed Below Has A Different View On Labor Unions. •Mainstream Economics School •Human Resource Assignment Help

There are four schools of thought that help HR professionals understand how to create labor relations strategies for their organization 2023

There are four schools of thought that help HR professionals understand how to create labor relations strategies for their organization. Each school of thought listed below has a different view on labor unions. •Mainstream Economics School •Human Resource Management School •Industrial Relations School •Critical Industrial Relations School Using the Internet research information on these four schools of thought, and analyze each by identifying the following: •Its view on unions (e.g., positive, negative, necessary, unnecessary) and its rationale for this view. •Its approach to labor relations and providing employees a voice in bargaining. •Your own views on each school of thought (e.g., Do you agree with this school of thought? Why or why not?) 800 words, APA, with references and citations

2024 Economics Paper Assignment Help

Select an organization that both U S and international presences Write a 1 050 word paper in which you answer address the 2023

Select an organization that both U.S. and international presences. Write a 1,050 word paper in which you answer address the following: What does the president and congress do to stimulate the economy? What does the president and congress do to contract the economy? What does the Federal Reserve do to stimulate the economy? What does the Federal Reserve do to contract the economy? What motivates policymakers to stimulate the economy or contract the economy? Based on your research, what does the Federal Reserve say about its policy goals? What does the Federal Reserve say about the strength of the economy? How does the strength of other economies outside of the U.S. affect your organization? Based on your research, recommend changes in your organization’s competitive strategies or supply chain. Use a minimum of 3 peer reviewed sources not including your textbook.

2024 FIN571 Foundations of Corporate Finance WEEK 6 ASSIGNMENT Working Capital Simulation Assignment Help

Resources Harvard Business Publishing Working Capital Simulation Managing Growth Assignment Ch 1 21 of Fundamentals of Corporate 2023

Resources: Harvard Business Publishing: Working Capital Simulation: Managing Growth Assignment Ch. 1 – 21 of Fundamentals of Corporate Finance WileyPLUS Assignments All additional resources from each week Review the following scenario: Acting as the CEO of a small company, you will apply the principles of capital budgeting to invest in growth and cash flow improvement opportunities in three phases over 10 simulated years. Each opportunity has a unique financial profile and you must analyze the effects on working capital. Examples of opportunities include taking on new customers, capitalizing on supplier discounts, and reducing inventory. You must understand how the income statement, balance sheet, and statement of cash flows are interconnected and be able to analyze forecasted financial information to consider possible effects of each opportunity on the firm’s financial position. The company operates on thin margins with a constrained cash position and limited available credit. You must optimize use of internal and external credit as you balance the desire for growth with the need for maintaining liquidity. Sign-in to the simulation and review each of the following: Welcome Statement How to Play Terminology Primer More Details (this includes information to help you understand how to play the simulation) Write a paper of no more than 1,400 words that analyzes your decisions during each phase (1-3) and how they influenced each of the following final outcomes (metrics) of SNC: Sales EBIT Net Income Free Cash Flow Total Firm Value Address the following in your paper: A summary of your decisions and why you made them How they affected SNC’s working capital What general effects are associated with limited access to financing Include scholarly references (in addition to your course textbook and simulation materials) to support your positions. Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

2024 Management Assignment Help

3 pages Deborah enters your office and you notice that she looks apprehensive Hi Deborah What s up you 2023

3 pages Deborah enters your office, and you notice that she looks apprehensive. “Hi, Deborah. What’s up?” you ask, hoping that nothing is wrong. “Well, your team is doing an excellent job researching, and you’ve been keeping me up-to-date on your findings. My concern is that we are approaching this from a narrow-minded approach.” “How so?” You ask. You are puzzled. “Our team has been looking at every aspect of the company and considering both internal and external pros and cons.” “Have you considered partnerships or an acquisition or other options for expanding our brand?” Deborah asks. “I didn’t see that as an option in any of your reports. I think you really need to cover our bases here. Please report back to me next week with more options.” You decide that Deborah has brought up another good point that should have been discussed in the beginning of the project. You make a note to add this to a list of project management ideas to help make future projects go smoother. Complete the following: What other strategies would be a good fit for your company profile? Provide a brief overview of these strategies. Why is it important to have more than one strategy in mind when pursuing global expansion?