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2024 INV IP 4 Assignment Help

DUE Wednesday 12 09 2015 Your first task is to post your own Key Assignment Outline plan for the Phase 4 project seen 2023

DUE Wednesday 12/09/2015 Your first task is to post your own Key Assignment Outline/plan for the Phase 4 project seen below. DUE Sunday 12/13/2015 1200 words APA format, in text citations, title and reference pages Part 1 Tasks In general terms, discuss how the following should be taken into consideration when constructing an investment portfolio: · Age · Income · Debt level and assets · Marital status · Parental status · Risk tolerance · Time horizon · General economic conditions Part 2 Tasks Task 1 Discuss the efficient market hypotheses, and answer the following question: · Does this hypothesis support active trading or buying a passive stock index fund? Task 2 · Discuss several pieces of legislation that were enacted to protect against unethical investing practices. Task 3 To illustrate your knowledge of portfolio construction, design a portfolio based on the following scenario: · Robert and Susan Jenkins have inherited $200,000. They are aggressive investors with a joint annual income of $100,000, no debt, and an additional $500,000 in assets other than the $200,000 inheritance. Design 2 separate $200,000 portfolios based on the following scenarios: · The couple has 3 children between the ages of 9 and 17 years old, and they will use this money to pay for their college education. · The couple will use the money to help fund retirement in 35 years. When designing your portfolios, be sure to keep the following in mind: · Each portfolio should contain at least 3 common stocks, 1 American Depositary Receipt (ADR) that you researched, and 3 bonds. · Leaving a portion of the portfolio in cash is an option if you feel that is it appropriate. · Charts and graphs should be used where appropriate. · Portfolio models should be based on the Jenkins’ demographic profile and time horizon. Be sure to include the following in your discussion: · Reasons for your investment choices · Stock and bond investment risk and return factors · The security market line · Beta and standard deviation · Bond duration and interest rates

2024 On Time Please Assignment Help

Assignment 2 Business Plan Breakdown 3 The Simplified Financial Plan This is the third milestone of your business 2023

Assignment 2: Business Plan Breakdown 3—The Simplified Financial Plan This is the third milestone of your business plan—the financial plan. Tasks: Research the costs, financial statements, cash flow, and risks of your chosen project. Based on your research and the knowledge you have gained from the course, create a simplified 4- to 5-page financial plan including tables and charts. For the financial plan: Estimate the capital requirements, use of capital, start-up requirements (if applicable), and other probable costs involved in the implementation and subsequent operation of your project. Identify the sources of financing. Define a payback period. Prepare cash flow projections. Prepare a projected balance sheet representing the end of the first calendar year of operations and defining assets and liabilities, both current and long term. Prepare income statement projections for the end of the first calendar year of operations, including charts showing gross revenues, gross profit, and net income. Define the meaning of a break-even analysis and prepare an analysis appropriate for your project. Prepare a ratio analysis, including the definition and value of the following ratios (whichever applicable)—current, quick, debt, debt-to-equity, average inventory turnover, receivables turnover, payables turnover, net sales to working capital, net profit to sales, and net profit to equity. Prepare a list of possible risks associated with the implementation and future operation of your project and describe the significance of each of them. Submission Details: By the due date assigned , save your paper as M3_A2_lastname_firstinitial.doc and submit it to the Submissions Area . This assignment is worth 100 points and will be graded according to the following rubric. Assignment 2 Grading CriteriaMaximum Points Estimate capital requirements, use of capital, start-up requirements (if applicable), and other probable costs involved in the implementation and subsequent operation of your project.12Identify sources of financing and define a payback period.8Prepare cash flow projections.12Prepare a projected balance sheet representing the end of the first calendar year of operations, and defining assets and liabilities, both current and long term12Prepare income statement projections for the end of the first calendar year of operations, including charts showing gross revenues, gross profit, and net income.12Define the meaning of a breakeven analysis and prepare one to reflect your project.12Prepare a ratio analysis, including the definition and the value of the following ratios (whenever applicable): current, quick, debt, debt to equity, average inventory turnover, receivables turnover, payables turnover, net sales to working capital, net profit to sales, and net profit to equity.12Prepare a list of possible risks associated with the implementation and future operation of your project, and provide significance for each of them.12Write in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrate ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; display accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.8 Total:100

2024 hello teachers please read assignment fully Assignment Help

A study by the U S Sentencing Commission recognized the importance of organizational culture and its impact on an 2023

A study by the U.S. Sentencing Commission recognized the importance of organizational culture and its impact on an organization’s commitment to ethical conduct and compliance with the law (LRN, 2006). Imagine that a business of your choosing is concerned about recent ethical breaches by its employees. The business has hired you as a consultant to evaluate the current ethical climate of the organization. The leadership has requested that you to develop a comprehensive survey that the business can use to determine the ethical climate of the organization. Note : You may create and / or make all necessary assumptions needed for the completion of this assignment. In preparation for this assignment, read the article titled “ Measuring Your Organization’s Climate for Ethics: The Survey Approach ”. Also, for tips on writing effective survey questions read the article titled, “Writing Good Survey Questions”, located at https://www.surveymonkey.com/mp/writing-survey-questions/ . Write a four to six (4-6) page paper in which you: Provide a brief (one [1] paragraph) description of the organization for which you are providing consulting services. Recommend key steps that the organization can take to create a strong culture. Develop an introduction paragraph to the survey explaining the tie between organizational culture and ethical conduct. Designate at least two (2) groups within the organization who will take the survey, and provide a rationale as to why these two (2) groups should complete the survey. Develop a one (1) paragraph invitation to participate in the survey explaining the purpose and intended use of the survey. Develop criteria for conducting the ethical climate survey of the organization. The criteria should identify: Who the target audience is; The method by which the you will administer the survey; Instructions for participants on accessing and completing the survey. Construct at least three (3) sample questions that address each of the following areas (12 questions total). At least two (2) of the twelve (12) questions should require an open-ended response. Determine the organizational culture Examine the ethical climate of the organization Examine the impact of existing ethics training program(s) Determine the overall satisfaction of employees with the management on leading the organization in an ethical manner Write a concluding paragraph that summarizes the intent, the purpose, and expected impact of conducting the ethical climate survey. Use at least three (3) quality academic references in this assignment. You may include the resource(s) provided in the assignment. Note : Wikipedia does not qualify as an academic resource. Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements: Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions. Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length. The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are: Explain the variety of leadership theories and roles. Analyze the formation and dynamics of group behavior and work teams, including the application of power in groups. Evaluate ways organizational culture can be managed and promote ethics in an organization. Use technology and information resources to research issues in leadership and organizational behavior. Write clearly and concisely about leadership and organizational behavior using proper writing mechanics.

2024 M1 Assignment 3 Assignment Help

Assignment 3 Moneyball Moneyball a book by Michael Lewis 2003 highlights how 2023

Assignment 3: Moneyball Moneyball, a book by Michael Lewis (2003), highlights how creativity, framing, and robust technical analysis all played a part in the development of a new approach to talent management in baseball. It also exhibited great examples of the biases and psychological pitfalls that plague decision makers. Review the article “Who’s on First?” by Thaler & Sunstein (2003) from this module’s assigned readings. This article reviews the book Moneyball by Michael Lewis. Write a critique of the article including the following points: Examine why sabermetric-based player evaluation is such a shock to other executives in baseball. Evaluate why Beane is much more effective in his success by constructing a matrix of pitfalls and heuristics that highlight the differences between Beane’s team and other executives. Moneyball highlights how people tend to overestimate the likelihood of success and end up facing financial loss—in this case, it meant forfeiting millions of dollars. Analyze a professional or personal decision (yours or otherwise) that highlights this predilection in spite of substantial losses. Explain how you would apply Moneyball’s management lessons in your own endeavors. Write a 3–5-page paper in Word format. Apply APA standards to citation of sources. Use the following file naming convention: LastnameFirstInitial_M1_A3.doc. By the due date assigned, deliver your assignment to the Submissions Area. Lewis, M. (2003). Moneyball. New York, NY: W. W. Norton & Company. Hayashi, A. M. (2001). When to TRUST Your GUT. Harvard Business Review, 79(2), 59–65. http://www.thecampuscommon.com/library/ezproxy/ticketdemocs.asp?sch=auo&turl=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=bth&AN=4039074&site=ehost-live Assignment 3 Grading Criteria Maximum Points Explained why sabermetric-based player evaluation is a shock to other executives in baseball. 12 Analyzed Beane’s effectiveness in a matrix of pitfalls and heuristics. 24 Analyzed a professional or personal decision that highlights the tendency to overestimate the likelihood of success. 24 Applied Moneyball management lessons in personal endeavors. 20 Wrote in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrated ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; displayed accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation. 20 Total: 100

2024 Spreadsheet Modelling And Decision Analysis Assignment Help

Spreadsheet modelling and decision analysis Question1 Sanderson Manufacturing produces ornate decorative wood frame doors and windows Each item produced 2023

Spreadsheet modelling and decision analysis Question1. Sanderson Manufacturing produces ornate, decorative wood frame doors and windows. Each item produced goes through 3 manufacturing processes: cutting, sanding, and finishing. Each door produced requires 1 hour in cutting, 30 minutes in sanding, and 30 minutes in finishing. Each window requires 30 minutes in cutting, 45 minutes in sanding, and 1 hour in finishing. In the coming week Sanderson has 40 hours of cutting capacity available, 40 hours of sanding capacity, and 60 hours of finishing capacity. Assume that all doors produced can be sold for a profit of $500 and all windows can be sold for a profit of $400. a. Formulate an LP model for this problem. b. Sketch the feasible region. c. What is the optimal solution? i) Use the corner point method ; hand drawn graphs for the feasibility region are acceptable if clearly legible. ii) solve using risk solver Question 2. American Auto is evaluating their marketing plan for the sedans, SUVs, and trucks they produce. A TV ad featuring this SUV has been developed. The company estimates that each showing of this commercial will cost $500,000 and increase sales of SUVs by 3%, but reduce sales of trucks by 1%, and have no effect of the sales of sedans. The company also has a print ad campaign developed that it can run in various nationally distributed magazines at a cost of $750,000 per title. It is estimated that each magazine title the ad runs in will increase the sales of sedans, SUVs, and trucks by 2%, 1%, and 4%, respectively. The company desires to increase sales of sedans, SUVs, and trucks by at least 3%, 14%, and 4%, respectively, in the least costly manner. a. Formulate an LP model for this problem. b. Sketch the feasible region. c. What is the optimal solution?

2024 FIN 534 – Homework Chapter 16 Assignment Help

FIN 534 Homework Chapter 16 Rating A 1 Swim Suits Unlimited is in a highly seasonal business and 2023

FIN 534 – Homework Chapter 16 Rating A 1. Swim Suits Unlimited is in a highly seasonal business, and the following summary balance sheet data show its assets and liabilities at peak and off-peak seasons (in thousands of dollars): Peak Off-Peak Cash $ 50 $ 30 Marketable securities 0 20 Accounts receivable 40 20 Inventories 100 50 Net fixed assets 500 500 Total assets $690 $620 Payables and accruals $ 30 $ 10 Short-term bank debt 50 0 Long-term debt 300 300 Common equity 310 310 Total claims $690 $620 From this data we may conclude that a. Swim Suits’ current asset financing policy calls for exactly matching asset and liability maturities. b. Swim Suits’ current asset financing policy is relatively aggressive; that is, the company finances some of its permanent assets with short-term discretionary debt. c. Swim Suits follows a relatively conservative approach to current asset financing; that is, some of its short-term needs are met by permanent capital. d. Without income statement data, we cannot determine the aggressiveness or conservatism of the company’s current asset financing policy. e. Without cash flow data, we cannot determine the aggressiveness or conservatism of the company’s current asset financing policy. 2. Which of the following statements is CORRECT? a. A firm that makes 90% of its sales on credit and 10% for cash is growing at a constant rate of 10% annually. Such a firm will be able to keep its accounts receivable at the current level, since the 10% cash sales can be used to finance the 10% growth rate. b. In managing a firm’s accounts receivable, it is possible to increase credit sales per day yet still keep accounts receivable fairly steady, provided the firm can shorten the length of its collection period (its DSO) sufficiently. c. Because of the costs of granting credit, it is not possible for credit sales to be more profitable than cash sales. d. Since receivables and payables both result from sales transactions, a firm with a high receivables-to-sales ratio must also have a high payables-to-sales ratio. e. Other things held constant, if a firm can shorten its DSO, this will lead to a higher current ratio. 3. Halka Company is a no-growth firm. Its sales fluctuate seasonally, causing total assets to vary from $320,000 to $410,000, but fixed assets remain constant at $260,000. If the firm follows a maturity matching (or moderate) working capital financing policy, what is the most likely total of long-term debt plus equity capital? a. $260,642 b. $274,360 c. $288,800 d. $304,000 e. $320,000 FA + Min CA = LT Debt + Equity 4. Your consulting firm was recently hired to improve the performance of Shin-Soenen Inc, which is highly profitable but has been experiencing cash shortages due to its high growth rate. As one part of your analysis, you want to determine the firm’s cash conversion cycle. Using the following information and a 365-day year, what is the firm’s present cash conversion cycle? Average inventory = $75,000 Annual sales = $600,000 Annual cost of goods sold = $360,000 Average accounts receivable = $160,000 Average accounts payable = $25,000 a. 120.6 days b. 126.9 days c. 133.6 days d. 140.6 days e. 148.0 days 5. Affleck Inc.’s business is booming, and it needs to raise more capital. The company purchases supplies on terms of 1/10 net 20, and it currently takes the discount. One way of getting the needed funds would be to forgo the discount, and the firm’s owner believes she could delay payment to 40 days without adverse effects. What would be the effective annual percentage cost of funds raised by this action? (Assume a 365-day year.) a. 10.59% b. 11.15% c. 11.74% d. 12.36% e. 13.01%

2024 Financial Statements Assignment Help

Refer to this company s financial statements for its most recent fiscal year What is its fiscal year end 2023

Refer to this company’s financial statements for its most recent fiscal year. What is its fiscal year-end date (month, day, year)? Why is it not December 31? How much cash did the company have at the end of its most recent fiscal year? What were the company’s total assets at the end of its fiscal year? Write the company’s accounting equation at the end of its fiscal year by filling in the dollar amounts (assets = liabilities + owner’s equity). Identify the total revenue for the fiscal year. How much did the total revenue increase or decrease from the prior fiscal year? How much net income or net loss did the company experience last fiscal year? Was its most recent fiscal year a good year or a bad year compared to the prior year? State your reasons. Identify 3 accounting policies listed in the notes to the company’s financial statements. Please submit your assignment. 1–2 pages (Word or Excel file) Grading Criteria What is its fiscal year-end date (month, day, year)? Why is it not December 31? 12% How much cash did the company have at the end of its most recent fiscal year? 12% What were the company’s total assets at the end of its fiscal year? 8% Write the company’s accounting equation at the end of its fiscal year by filling in the dollar amounts (assets = liabilities + owner’s equity). 12% Identify the total revenue for the fiscal year. How much did the total revenue increase or decrease from the prior fiscal year? 16% How much net income or net loss did the company experience last fiscal year? Was its most recent fiscal year a good year or a bad year compared to the prior year? State your reasons. 16% Identify 3 accounting policies listed in the notes to the company’s financial statements. 24%

2024 Consumer Demand Analysis and Estimation Applied Problems Assignment Help

Consumer Demand Analysis and Estimation Applied Problems Please complete the following two 2023

Consumer Demand Analysis and Estimation Applied Problems Please complete the following two applied problems: Problem 1: Patricia is researching venues for a restaurant business. She is evaluating three major attributes that she considers important in her choice: taste, location, and price. The value she places on each attribute, however, differs according to what type of restaurant she is going to start. If she opens a restaurant in a suburban area of Los Angeles, then taste is the most important attribute, three times as important as location, and two times as important as price. If she opens a restaurant in the Los Angeles metropolitan area, then location becomes three times as important as taste and two times as important as price. She is considering two venues, respectively, a steak restaurant and a pizza restaurant, both of which are priced the same. She has rated each attribute on a scale of 1 to 100 for each of the two different types of restaurants. Attribute Steak Restaurant Pizza Restaurant Taste 80 70 Location 55 80 Price 65 50 Show all of your calculations and processes. Describe your answer for each question in complete sentences. a. Which of the two options should Patricia pursue if she wants to open a restaurant in a suburban area of Los Angeles? Calculate the total expected utility from each restaurant option and compare. Graph is not required. Describe your answer, and show your calculations. b. Which of the two options should she pick if she plans to open a restaurant in the Los Angeles metropolitan area? Describe your answer, and show your calculations. c. Which option should she pursue if the probability of finding a restaurant venue in a suburban area can be reliably estimated as 0.7 and in a metropolitan area as 0.3? Describe your reasoning and show your calculations. d. Provide a description of a scenario in which this kind of decision between two choices, based on weighing their underlying attributes, applies in the “real-world” business setting. Furthermore, what are the benefits and drawbacks, if any, to this method of decision making? Problem 2: The demand function for Newton’s Donuts has been estimated as follows: Qx = -14 – 54Px + 45Py + 0.62Ax where Qx represents thousands of bagels; Px is the price per bagel; Py is the average price per bagel of other brands of bagels; and Ax represents thousands of dollars spent on advertising Newton’s Donuts. The current values of the independent variables are Ax=120, Px=0.95, and Py=0.64. Show all of your calculations and processes. Describe your answer for each question in complete sentences, whenever it is necessary. a. Calculate the price elasticity of demand for Newton’s Donuts and describe what it means. Describe your answer and show your calculations. b. Derive an expression for the inverse demand curve for Newton’s Donuts. Describe your answer and show your calculations. c. If the cost of producing Newton’s Donuts is constant at $0.15 per donut, should they reduce the price and thereafter, sell more donuts (assuming profit maximization is the company’s goal)? d. Should Newton’s Donuts spend more on advertising? Reference: Douglas, E. (2012). Managerial Economics (1st ed.). San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education.

2024 NEED IN HOURS, One Page Single-spaced Easy Essay Assignment Help

based on what we have learned and write a journal Using real life experience 2023

based on what we have learned and write a journal. Using real life experience and write how you think about the topics. What did you learn from them. Topics are in the PPTs. “you will be asked to integrate information from the readings, class discussion/activities and/or your experience to generate reflective, critical, and insightful thinking. For instance, you can discuss what contradicts or aligns with your previous knowledge or life/work experience, what you want to learn more about this topic, or how you can use the knowledge in your career, etc. “

2024 Assignment 2: Discussion—Decision Case—World.com Assignment Help

Assignment 2 Discussion Decision Case World com Review Decision Case 1 World com on page 186 in chapter 3 2023

Assignment 2: Discussion—Decision Case—World.com Review Decision Case 1 (World.com) on page 186 in chapter 3. By Thursday , October , 2015 analyze the data presented in the case scenario and address the following questions in your initial post: Assume that the most you would pay for the business is 20 times the monthly net income you could expect to earn from it. Compute this possible price. Nicholas states that the least he will take for the business is an amount equal to the business’s stockholders’ equity balance on January 31. Compute this amount. Under these conditions, how much should you offer Nicholas? Give your reason.