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2024 Article Component Papers (PERSPECTIVES ON EFFECTIVE LEADER BEHAVIOR) Assignment Help

Please write component paper for each article this is not a summary but an analysis driving paper base on the 2023

Please write component paper for each article, this is not a summary but an analysis driving paper base on the attached Articles. (I have assigned 5 papers and one example paper to give you an idea what the component paper should look like). shoot for about 1 page per article with a max of 4 pages single spaced. So in cases were there are 5 articles (like the ones attached), you would have less than 1 page single spaced per article. Please ask question for clarity.

2024 BUS 520 WK 9 Assignment 4 – Leadership Style What Do People Do When They Are Leading Assignment Help

BUS 520 WK 9 Assignment 4 Leadership Style What Do People Do 2023

BUS 520 WK 9 Assignment 4 – Leadership Style What Do People Do When They Are Leading Choose one (1) of the following CEOs for this assignment: Larry Page (Google), Tony Hsieh (Zappos), Gary Kelly (Southwest Airlines), Meg Whitman (Hewlett Packard), Ursula Burns (Xerox), Terri Kelly (W.L. Gore), Ellen Kullman (DuPont), or Bob McDonald (Procter & Gamble). Use the Internet to investigate the leadership style and effectiveness of the selected CEO. Write a five to six (5-6) page paper in which you: 1. Provide a brief (one [1] paragraph) background of the CEO. 2. Analyze the CEO’s leadership style and philosophy, and how the CEO’s leadership style aligns with the culture. 3. Examine the CEO’s personal and organizational values. 4. Evaluate how the values of the CEO are likely to influence ethical behavior within the organization. 5. Determine the CEO’s three (3) greatest strengths and three (3) greatest weaknesses. 6. Select the quality that you believe contributes most to this leader’s success. Support your reasoning. 7. Assess how communication and collaboration, and power and politics influence group (i.e., the organization’s) dynamics. 8. Use at least five (5) quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not qualify as academic resources. Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements: • Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions. • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

2024 Week 5 Discussion 1 – Capital Budgeting Tools Assignment Help

Week 5 Discussion 1 Capital Budgeting Tools Explain the NPV rule and provide an example How is 2023

Week 5 Discussion 1 – Capital Budgeting Tools Explain the NPV rule and provide an example. How is the IRR related to the NPV analysis and why is the IRR a popular alternative to the NPV? Select one of the other capital budgeting tools discussed this week and explain how it provides additional helpful information that the NPV or IRR tools might not adequately capture. MICROSOFT WORD, 1-2 PAGES, APA FORMAT and SCHOLARLY REVIEWED CITATIONS.

2024 discussion 8 Assignment Help

This discussion due tonight at midnight which is 13 hours from now just half of page At one time Apple s 2023

This discussion due tonight at midnight. which is 13 hours from now. just half of page. At one time, Apple’s iPad represented 75% of tablets being sold. And, about 50% of consumers read newspapers and magazines on their tablets. This commanding share of the market made Apple feel like it had publishers right where it wanted them. However, when Apple announced that it would charge publishers a fee of 30% of subscription revenue for subscriptions sold through Apple’s App store, Google announced it would only charge a fee of about 10% of subscription revenue for users of its Android system. Do the substantially different prices that Apple and Google charge for a similar service reflect the costs incurred by each company, or is the price difference due to something else?

2024 Economics – Answer the question below Assignment Help

For each of the following two parts you must justify your answer No explanation no 2023

For each of the following two parts, you must justify your answer. No explanation = no credit. Partially correct explanations=partial credit. a) (10 points) True or false. For the events A and B, if (A’∩B’) = Ø , then the events are exhaustive. b) (10 points) True or false. For two events A and B, if P(A)=.3, P(B)=.25, and P(AUB)=.50, then A and B are mutually exclusive. 2. A raffle is being held at a school to raise money for the library. The organizers sell 40 tickets. They will select 4 winning tickets at random for prizes. a) (10 points) How many different combinations of 4 winning tickets can there be? b) (10 points) Suppose you hold 6 tickets. What is the probability that you will win exactly 2 out of the 4 prizes. 3. Let the random variable R denote the rate of return on an asset. R has the following pdf. R P(R=r) .3 .05 .2 .20 .1 .20 0 .20 -.1 .15 -.2 .10 -.3 .10 a. (10 points) What is the expected value and variance of R? b. (10 points) You are considering investing $150 in this asset. After 1 year, the value will be $150(1+R). What is the expected value and standard deviation of the value of your asset in 1 year? 4. Suppose the random variable X has a mean of 16 and a variance of 144. Y is a linear transformation of the form Y=a+bX. Y has a mean of 4 and variance 36. Assuming b>0, what are the values of a and b? (Hint: find b first.) 5. Suppose cell phones are available in two basic types: Flashy or Dull. Furthermore, suppose cell phone owners fall into two basic categories: Hipsters or Grannies. Let .55 be the probability of being a Hipster. Also, 40% of cell phones are both Flashy and owned by Hipsters. Finally, if a cell phone is owned by a Granny, the probability of it being Dull is .90 a) What is the probability that a cell phone is both Dull and owned by a Hipster. b) If a phone is owned by a Hipster, what is the probability it is Flashy. c) What is the probability that any randomly chosen phone is Dull? 6. Suppose a microchip manufacturer produces 1 defective chip for every 30 they build. They randomly select 210 chips off the assembly line for quality control testing. a) (10 points) What is the expected value and variance of the number of defective chips? b) (10 points) What is the probability that they discover exactly 9 defective chips in this test? (You may leave your answer in terms of factorials and exponents, if you prefer.) 7. On a typical spring afternoon, customers enter a bookstore at a rate of 80 per hour. a. (5 points)What is the value of λ, defined as the average rate of customers per minute? b. (5 points) In 30 minutes, what is the a) expected value and b) standard deviation of the number of customers entering the store? c. (10 points) In a 3 minute period, what is the probability of 2 or more customers entering the store?

2024 Scanners And Xerox Assignment Help

Assignment 2 Scanners and Xerox With the advent of scanners and the universality of 2023

Assignment 2: Scanners and Xerox With the advent of scanners and the universality of the portable document format (PDF), the market for optical copiers is shrinking rapidly. Can a company such as Xerox Corporation survive? In this assignment, you will address this question. Research the issues faced by Xerox from 2000–2010 and the solutions found using the assigned readings, the Argosy University online library resources, and the Internet. Specifically review the company’s annual report at the following: Xerox Corporation http://news.xerox.com/investors/reports Respond to the following: Identify multiple business pressures on Xerox. Describe some of the company’s response strategies. Identify the role of IT as a contributor to the business technology pressures (for example, obsolescence). Identify the role of IT as a facilitator of Xerox’s critical response activities. Support your positions with reasons and examples based on your research. Write a 3–5-page paper in Word format. Apply APA standards to citation of sources. Use the following file naming convention: LastnameFirstInitial_M2_A2.doc. By the due date assigned, deliver your assignment to the Submissions Area. Assignment 2 Grading CriteriaMaximum Points Described the problems and solutions of Xerox from 2000–2010.32Identified multiple business pressures on Xerox and their response strategies.16Identified the role of IT as a contributor to the business technology pressures.16Identified the role of IT as a facilitator of Xerox’s critical response activities.16Writing is clear, concise, and in an organized manner; demonstrates ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; and displays accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.20 Total:100

2024 Startegic Management Final (Strategic Plan) Assignment Help

I need help with my Strategic Management Final It is on Hormel Foods The instructions for 2023

I need help with my Strategic Management Final. It is on Hormel Foods. The instructions for the project are: Now that you completed all the individual components of the  Strategic Plan, conclude this project by synthesizing all the individual  components into a strategic plan that could be presented to leaders of the organization. The final draft of your plan must include: The  Internal Analysis The  External Analysis Strategy  Analysis and Choice Strategy  Implementation Evaluation  and Control The plan should be clear, comprehensive, and forward-looking. This is not merely a research project. Your plan should focus on specific strategic decisions (i.e., problems or opportunities) facing the  company and conclude with a set of strategic recommendations. Include a brief, 1-2 page, executive summary highlighting the key points of the plan. My final is labeled as such but I have also added my weekly assignments up to this point. Thank you

2024 marketing 3 Assignment Help

1 Connect the 5 pillars framework you DO NOT need to use all five 2023

1. Connect the 5 pillars framework, you DO NOT need to use all five (5) individual pillars in your answer, to either The Butterfly Home or Slow-Food/Sustainability initiative and the following scenario: “Societies are constantly seeking change –seeking ways to overcome problems both grand and trivial to make lives of individuals and their environment significantly (or at least somewhat) better” (Andreasen, 2006, p. 4) [1] . [1] Andreasen, A. (2006). Social Marketing in the 21St Century. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, Inc.

2024 ACC 206- Managerial Accounting-Fall 2015 – Lawton Industries Assignment Help

ACC 206 Managerial Accounting Fall 2015 Lawton Industries HANDOUT 2 Lawton Industries has 2023

ACC 206: Managerial Accounting -Fall 2015 – Lawton Industries HANDOUT #2 Lawton Industries has manufactured prefabricated houses for over 20 years. The houses are constructed in sections to be assembled on customers’ lots. Lawton expanded into the precut housing market several years ago when it acquired Presser Company, one of its suppliers. In this market, various types of lumber are precut into the appropriate lengths, banded into packages, and shipped to customers’ lots for assembly. Lawton decided to maintain Presser’s separate identity and, therefore, established the Presser Division as an investment center of Lawton. Lawton uses return on investment (ROI) as a performance measure. Management bonuses are based in part on ROI. All investments in operating assets are expected to earn a minimum return of 15 percent before income taxes. Presser’s ROI has ranged from 19 to 22 percent since it was acquired by Lawton. During the past year, Presser had an investment opportunity that had an estimated ROI of 18 percent. Presser’s management decided against the investment because it believed the investment would decrease the division’s overall ROI. Last year’s (2014) income statement for Presser Division is given below. The division’s operating assets employed were $15,500,000 at the end of 2014, which represents a 24 percent increase over the 2013 year end balance. (Several purchases of new equipment were made during 2014.) ________________________________________________________________________ PRESSER DIVISION Divisional Income Statement For the Year Ended December 31, 2014 Sales $35,000,000 Cost of goods sold 24,600,000 Gross margin $10,400,000 Less operating expenses: Selling $5,700,000 Administrative 1,900,000 7,600,000 Net operating income $2,800,000 ________________________________________________________________________ Required: 1. Calculate the following performance measures for Presser for 2014: a. Return on investment (ROI) b. Residual income (RI) 2. Would the management of Presser Division have been more likely to accept the investment opportunity it had in 2014 if residual income were used as a performance measure instead of ROI? Explain. 3. The Presser Division is a separate investment center within Lawton Industries. Identify the items which Presser Division must be free to control if it is to be evaluated fairly by either ROI or residual income.

2024 Human Capital Management And Leadership Styles Assignment Help

400 Words Earlier today you attended a meeting with Shawn Williams the new VP of 2023

400 Words Earlier today, you attended a meeting with Shawn Williams, the new VP of global human capital management at Atlantis Global Corporation (AGC), and John Dawson, the company’s chief executive officer (CEO). John was very concerned about the financial losses at AGC. John’s main concerns were product market share and the threat of losing AGC’s market position as the top manufacturer of electronic circuit boards for high-definition television screens. However, John did not mention any issues relating to the employees who work at AGC. Last month, the general manager of one of AGC’s global subsidiaries told Shawn that it is difficult to recruit talent for AGC, that employees are not happy, and that many are leaving AGC to work for other organizations. Shawn discussed developing a new recognition-and-rewards program to attract talent, motivate employees, and improve job satisfaction. When Shawn brought the up human capital concerns at AGC in the meeting, John was not very interested and thought that employee-related issues are not critical to AGC’s performance. Shawn thinks that it will be challenging to work with John to implement a global human capital management strategy. You and Shawn are scheduled to meet next week with John and the board of directors at AGC. Due to the urgency of the company’s situation, you and Shawn decide to create a briefing about the value and need for an optimized program for the management of global human capital. Review the AGC scenario for this course and with your classmates; discuss the following questions that will help you and Shawn prepare for the briefing:What are the differences between the leadership styles of Shawn and John? What are the pros and cons of each style? What is your own leadership style? During the briefing, how will you use your leadership style to illustrate the intrinsic value of human capital?  What human capital management strategies will you recommend to John and the board of directors? What examples from other organizations can you provide to strengthen the board’s knowledge of global human capital trends and problems?