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2024 Business Discussion Assignment Help

Working Capital https www forbes com sites sageworks 2013 04 12 businesses seeking working capital survey 67d8d65d34bb Read the journal article Businesses Seeking Working Capital Survey Links to an external site Links to an 2023

Working Capital https://www.forbes.com/sites/sageworks/2013/04/12/businesses-seeking-working-capital-survey/#67d8d65d34bb Read the journal article, “ Businesses Seeking Working Capital-Survey (Links to an external site.) Links to an external site. .” Based on the information presented in the article, discuss the following: How should a business use working capital analysis? Which is more important to the short-term lender: the stock of cash or the flow of cash? Is it possible in today’s business to operate with no current liabilities?

2024 HR30 Assignment Help

Assignment 1 Course Project Final Paper Based on your facilitator s feedback revise 2023

Assignment 1: Course Project Final Paper Based on your facilitator’s feedback, revise your paper. Revise the executive summary and add the risk assessment and recommendations section. Submit your work in a 15- to 20-page Word document. Apply current APA standards for writing style to your work. All written assignments and responses should follow APA rules for attributing sources. Use the following file naming convention: LastnameFirstInitial_M5_A1.doc. By Thursday, October 29, 2015 , submit your assignment to the M5: Assignment 1 Dropbox . Assignment 1 Grading Criteria Maximum Points Summarized and discussed relevant information obtained from reliable sources about the selected country’s macroeconomic condition. 40 Summarized and discussed relevant information obtained from reliable sources about the selected country’s financial system. 40 Summarized and discussed relevant information obtained from reliable sources about the selected country’s political and cultural environment. 40 Summarized and discussed relevant information obtained from reliable sources about the selected country’s special legal and business issues. 40 Wrote an effective executive summary. 40 Developed effective overall recommendation and risk assessment for making business investments into the selected country. 60 Wrote in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrated ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources, displayed accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation. 40 Total: 300 Course Project Overview: The country of choice is the Republic of Panama. Please use the CIA; IMF; WORLD Bank, to get the information you need to do this paper. Also use other websites, for information about Panama and their international business potential. Research the new expansion of the panama canal, and explain how this will impact global trade and business worldwide. For the course project, you will select a country of interest and assess the international business potential of that country and compare its characteristics to the characteristics of the United States. You will write a 15- to 20-page paper based on your research over the course of next 5 weeks. Include the following sections in the paper: Executive summary Macroeconomic condition Political and cultural environment Operations, Marketing, and Human Resource considerations Overall recommendations and risk assessment for making business investments into this country The following organizations gather and publish data relevant to your course project. Use these resources for research. You will find links to these resources in the Webliography . United Nations International Trade Center World Bank International Monetary Fund European Union Asian Development Bank Central Intelligence Agency Trade Information Center Japanese External Trade Organization Ernst & Young Lexis-Nexis DIALOG Dow Jones Your course project tasks are: M1: Assignment 3, Task 1 : Review of Web resources and available information; selection of the country for the course project M2: Check-in: Cultural and political characteristics of the selected country and comparison with the U.S., with statistical data M3: Check-in: Macroeconomic characteristics of the selected country and comparison with the U.S., with specific and documented data and graphic support material M4: Rough Draft: M5: Assignment 1, Final Paper: Complete paper finalize for grading United Nations < http://www.un.org > [9/3/2015] International Organization Course Management European Union < http://europa.eu/index_en.htm > [9/3/2015] International Organization Course Management International Monetary Fund < http://www.imf.org > [9/3/2015] International Organization Course Management World Bank < http://www.worldbank.org > [9/3/2015] International Organization Course Management Asian Development Bank < http://www.adb.org > [9/3/2015] International Organization Course Management Japanese External Trade Organization < http://www.jetro.go.jp > [9/3/2015] International Organization Course Management Trade Information Center < http://www.trade.gov/td/tic > [9/3/2015] International Organization Course Management Central Intelligence Agency < http://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook > [9/3/2015] International Organization Course Management DIALOG < http://www.dialog.com > [9/3/2015] International Organization Course Management Lexis-Nexis < http://www.lexisnexis.com > [9/3/2015] International Organization Course Management Ernst & Young < http://www.ey.com > [9/3/2015] International Organization Course Management International Trade Centre < http://www.intracen.org > [9/3/2015] International Organization Course Management Dow Jones < http://www.dj.com > [9/3/2015] International Organization Course Management

2024 5-9 You own 1,000 shares of Jennings Corp. stock, which is currently selling for $88.00. Calculate the number of Assignment Help

15 9 You own 1 000 shares of Jennings Corp stock which is currently selling for 88 00 Calculate the number of 2023

15-9 You own 1,000 shares of Jennings Corp. stock, which is currently selling for $88.00. Calculate the number of shares you would own and the stock’s market price after each of the following stock splits. a. A two-for-one stock split b. A three-for-one stock split c. A three-for-two stock split d. A three-for-four reverse stock split e. A five-for-three stock split

2024 Following is the adjusted trial balance of Perfect Game Lanes for the year ended December 31, 20XX. Assignment Help

Following is the adjusted trial balance of Perfect Game Lanes for the 2023

Following is the adjusted trial balance of Perfect Game Lanes for the year ended December 31, 20XX. Adjusted Trial Balance ($) Debit Credit Cash 1,575 Bowling supplies 590 Prepaid insurance 180 Bowling equipment 36,565 Accumulate depreciation, bowling equipment 13,515 Mortgage payable 10,000 Walter Hall, capital 14,025 Walter Hall, withdrawals 9,000 Bowling revenue 35,500 Salaries expense 13,970 Advertising expense 750 Equipment repairs 420 Rent expense 3,550 Utilities expense 1,135 Taxes expense 305 Interest expense 350 Bowling supplies expense 1,830 Insurance expense 395 Depreciation expense, bowling equipment 3,875 Salaries payable 315 Rent payable 1,150 Taxes payable 85 Prepaid interest 100 Totals 74,590 74,590 Required: Using the adjusted trial balance prepare an income statement and balance sheet in good form.

2024 Finance Assignment Help

One year ago you purchased 15 shares of XYZ stock for 95 per share During the 2023

One year ago, you purchased 15 shares of XYZ stock for $95 per share. During the year, you received dividend of $2 per share. Today, you sold all your shares for $106. What is the percentage return on your investment? Note: Round to the nearest 2 decimal percentage point. Do not enter % in the answer box. For example, if your answer is 12.345% then enter as “12.35” in the answer box.

2024 A+ Answers Assignment Help

Normal Distribution An industry sewing machine uses ball bearings that are targeted to have a diameter of 0 75 inch 2023

Normal Distribution: An industry sewing machine uses ball bearings that are targeted to have a diameter of 0.75 inch. The lower and upper specification limits under which the ball bearing can operate are 0.74 inch (lower) and 0.76 inch (upper). Past experience has indicated that the actual diameter of the bearing is approximately normally distributed with a mean of 0.754 inch and a standard deviation of 0.004inch. If you select a random sample of 25 ball bearings, what is the probability that the sample mean is: (a) What is the probability that a ball bearing has a diameter great than the upper specification limit? (b) What is the probability that a ball bearing has a diameter lower than the lower specification limit? (c) The probability is 93% that the diameter of the ball bearing will be greater than what value? If you select a random sample of 25 ball bearings, what is the probability that the sample mean is: (d) between the target and the population mean? (e) between the lower specification limit and the target? (f) greater than the upper specification limit (g) For the same sample of 25 ball bearings, the probability is 93% that the sample mean diameter will be greater than what value?

2024 A+ Answers Assignment Help

what techniques are effective when working with internal customers Give some advice to your 2023

what techniques are effective when working with internal customers? Give some advice to your classmates on how to do that successfully. use what you have learned this week Read the discussion question. Post a 5-10 sentence response to the discussion topic using examples and personal experiences. Here is some of what I listed, just need them in paragraph form in a 5 -10 sentence discussion post. Need by Sunday am!!!! Teamwork is important Do what you can to help out each other by going above an beyond If you have issues with someone or people try to talk it out Treat them like you would an external customer. “Relationships with your internal customers are important. You should meet your commitments and build a professional reputation

2024 Statistics Summary article Assignment Help

Choose an article The article should be peer reviewed Summarize the article in 2023

Choose an article. The article should be peer-reviewed. Summarize the article in your own words. Discuss 5 topics of: ( Quartiles , Percentiles ,Mode ,Geometric Mean ,Median ,Weighted Mean , Mean ) OR ( tem-and-Leaf Display , Cumulative Distributions ,Histogram ,Dot Plot ,Relative Frequency and Percent Frequency ,Distributions , Frequency Distribution ) 1- Clearly demonstrating your knowledge of the topic and how it is being applied in the article. 2- Remember: this class is about making decisions and how to understand and apply statistics in order to make better decisions. 3- Discuss the opinion/decision/why that was covered in the article. It must be turn in today at 12.30 AM in Dallas time zone, which is 12 hours from now.

2024 Accounting Question Assignment Help

Fougere Realtors Inc specializes in home re sales It earns revenue from selling fees Fougere Realtors major costs are commissions 2023

Fougere Realtors, Inc. specializes in home re-sales. It earns revenue from selling fees. Fougere Realtors major costs are commissions for salespersons, listing agents, and listing companies. Its business has improved steadily over the last ten years. As usual, Chris Fougere, the managing partner of Fougere Realtors, Inc., received a report summarizing the performance for the most recent year. Fougere Realtors, Inc. Performance Report For the year ended December 31, 2007 Budget Actual Variance Number of home re-sales 180 202 22 F Variable expenses Sales commissions $1,102,950 $1,205,183 $102,233 U Automobile 36,000 39,560 3,560 U Advertising 171,000 192,690 21,690 U General overhead 656,100 716,970 60,870 U Total $1,966,050 $2,154,403 $188,353 U Fixed expenses General overhead 60,000 62,300 2,300 U Total expenses $2,026,050 $2,216,703 $190,653 U Required: a) Explain the major weakness of this performance report and why all the variances for the variable expenses are unfavourable (U) (5 marks) b) As a first step in helping Chris Fougere to evaluate cost / expense control in the organization, complete the following for the year ended December 31, 2007, assuming the only cost driver is the number of home re-sales. ( Note : Indicate any variance as either favourable (F) or unfavourable (U).) (15 marks) Budget Actual Variance Number of home re-sales 202 202 0 Variable expenses Sales commissions $ $ 1,205,183 _________ Automobile $ _________ 39,560 _________ Advertising $ _________ 192,690 _________ General overhead $ _________ 716,970 _________ Total $ _________ $2,154,403 _________ Fixed expenses General overhead $ _________ 62,300 _________ Total expenses $ $2,216,703

2024 FIN 405- Assignment 1 Assignment Help

This is your second interview with a prestigious brokerage firm for a job as an 2023

This is your second interview with a prestigious brokerage firm for a job as an equity analyst. You survived the morning interviews with the department manager and the vice president of equity. Everything has gone so well that they want to test your ability as an analyst. You are seated in a room with a computer and a list with the names of two companies – Ford (stock symbol F) and Microsoft (stock symbol MSFT) and are asked to do the following analysis including computing stock ratios for F and MSFT, comparing and contrasting those ratios, and analyzing the performance of the stocks versus the industry averages. Complete the following tasks and write a four- to five-page report on your findings, including the analysis in Questions 2 and 3 below. Compute ratios by following the below directions: Navigate to Morningstar ( http://www.morningstar.com/ ). In the Quote box at the top of the page, enter each stock symbol, choose your companies, and click on the Financials tab. You will see underneath Financials tab the three financial statements (Income Statement, Balance Sheet, and Cash Flow). An Export button is to the far right. Download the income statement and balance sheet financial statements for each company. Next, you will need historical data for each stock. Navigate to Yahoo! Finance ( https://finance.yahoo.com/ ), enter each stock symbol, click on Historical Data, and select ending date of the most recent full reported year (for example, if the income statement ending is December 2016, select December 30 to 31, 2016). Note the company’s stock closing price for the last day of the financial statement reporting period you will use for this assignment. To determine each organization’s market capitalization at the closing date of the most recent annual statements you downloaded from Morningstar, multiply the number of shares outstanding by the stock price you obtained from Yahoo! Finance. Use the number of shares outstanding by using Basic under Weighted Average Shares Outstanding on the income statement you downloaded from Morningstar (remember, the share value will be in millions of shares so make the adjustment by adding 0s). Compute the following ratios for F and MSFT (refer back to Week 1) for the most recent year of financial statements downloaded from Morningstar: Price-earnings ratio (for EPS, use diluted EPS total) Market-to-book ratio (aka price-to-book ratio) Operating margin Net profit margin Return on equity Current ratio Quick ratio Debt-to-equity (for debt, use long-term debt) Obtain industry averages for each company by going to Reuters ( http://www.reuters.com/finance/markets ). Click the magnifying glass search icon, enter each company’s name, click on Companies, select each company, and then the Financials tab. Scroll down under Valuation Ratios and each ratio you calculated to the industry (ignore the current company ratios as these are not the same as you calculated). Analyze the performance of each firm versus the industry, and comment on what you find in terms of strengths and weaknesses. Compare and contrast the ratios for F and MSFT. What might explain the differences between them? Would you recommend investors buy, hold, or sell F and MSFT, based on your analysis? Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements: Typed, double spaced, Times New Roman font (size 12), one inch margins on all sides, APA format. Use headers for each of the subjects being covered, followed by your response. In addition to the four to five pages required, a title page is to be included. The title page is to contain the title of the assignment, your name, the instructor’s name, the course title, and the date. The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are: Formulate approaches to current asset management, capital budgeting, financial structure, dividend policy, long-term financing, and mergers. Analyze approaches to current asset management, capital budgeting, financial structure, dividend policy, long-term financing, and mergers. Write clearly and concisely about financial management using proper writing mechanics.