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2024 Innovation/Entrepreneurial Change Paper Assignment Help

I need this based on the attachment please NO PLAGIARISM Use the same organization that your team 2023

I need this based on the attachment please. NO PLAGIARISM!!! Use the same organization that your team selected for the Week 3 Innovation/Entrepreneurial Change Annotated Bibliography Assignment. Write a 1,050-word business proposal to the organization’s Board of Directors to revitalize the organization through some well thought out innovative strategies. Your proposal should include the following: Analysis of the missed opportunities for innovation which have negatively impacted the organization. Description of innovation measurement and reward systems for existing employees. A process for creative problem solving. Description of the implementation and evaluation of innovation. Evaluation of external technology acquisition and implementation processes. Analysis of the organization’s ecosystem in terms of innovation. Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.

2024 Business Assignment Help

Fully answer the assigned questions in narrative third person format The paper consist 2023

Fully answer the assigned questions in narrative, third person format. The paper consist of 900 WORDS. Also, include at least three (3) scholarly sources in your responses. The attachments MUST be one the sources utilized. Paper must be completed in APA format. NO PLAGIARISM! The assignment must be completed by Saturday September 16,2018 at 11:00AM central time . MUST BE SUBMITTED ON TIME MEETING ALL EXPECTATIONS! 1.Why do you think results are so mixed on the use of social networking in the workplace? 2.What are some possible upsides to utilizing social media as part of an integrated marketing strategy, especially in digital marketing? 3.What are the downsides to restricting employee access to social networking sites? 4.You work for a small company that wants to use social media to increase awareness. However, the CEO is worried that employees might use social media for non-work purposes. the CEO Has charged you with developing a social media policy that employees can reference when using social media in the workplace. Provide a list of recommendations for monitoring and regulating social media use.

2024 Transportation Logistics Management Assignment Help

Original forum minimum of 250 words respond to both students separately with a minimum of 100 please follow directions or 2023

Original forum minimum of 250 words respond to both students separately with a minimum of 100 please follow directions or I will dispute!!! ATTACHMENTS ARE BELOW!!! O riginal Forum This week you will identify and discuss 2-3 emerging concepts within the transportation and logistics field. You will have to conduct online research to determine what emerging concepts have surfaced over the past 1-2 years. Discuss in detail to include a definition or explanation of the emerging concept, the importance it plays in the TLM field (currently), a forecast of where you see this heading in the future, and its potential future impact within the TLM field. Provide sources to support your thoughts, insights, ideas, and statements. Complete this Forum by giving an update on your project. What topics or essential elements will you include in your project? Why? Student Response James Good Evening Class, I hope you are all doing well today. This week we examine a few emerging concepts in the field of Transportation and Logistics Management. These concepts have been developed over the past several years, but have continued to adapt and improve. Going green is not necessarily a new term or idea. In the past few years there have been some real benefits derived from this. In the past much of the “green movement” was merely political. Now companies such as Walmart are noticing real benefits of the sustainability movement. I’m sure by now you have all heard about Walmart’s sustainable pizza boxes. They take corrugated cardboard and recycle it in there facility to make the boxes(Natsu 2009). This is one way that they are going green. In many areas sustainability can help to drive costs down while helping to reduce carbon emissions. Another technology that has been increasingly known is the use of RFID. RFID technology is being used in a diverse set of industries. It’s use for inventory accuracy may be one of its most valuable assets to our field. Lowe Rental, a global company, states that the use of RFID has lead to nearly %100 accuracy on inventories(Swedberg 2018). Any item in the company’s possession can be tagged and pinged to locate and verify with in minutes. This adds to the over efficiency and use of time for any organization where inventories have traditionally been quite time consuming. After this week’s lesson. I will consider looking in to how RFID technology and green practices can be used in the Fleet Maintenance setting. Have a great week! James Natsu,Paul.(2009, November 30).Wal-Mart Turns Corrugated Waste into Pizza Boxes – Environmental Leader. (n.d.). Retrieved October 10, 2018, from https://www.environmentalleader.com/2009/11/wal-mart-turns-corrugated-waste-into-pizza-boxes/ Swedberg, Claire(2018, October 10).Global Rental Company Achieves Near-100 Percent Inventory Accuracy Page 1 – RFID Journal. (n.d.). Retrieved October 10, 2018, from https://www.rfidjournal.com/articles/view?17897 Stephen Class, In this week’s forum we were to learn about the emerging concepts within the transportation and logistics field, I would have to go with the implantation of robotics. Robotics have seemed to just move in without anyone really knowing what was going on, we looked up and noticed that the distributions centers where not hiring as many people but the businesses were still growing but the robotics system had taken the place of workers. Amazon warehouse in southern New Jersey late last year, stacking plastic bins the size of small ottomans. It was not, she says, the most stimulating activity. And lifting the bins, which often weigh 25 pounds each, was also tiring over 10-hour shifts. Now Ms. Scott, 21, watches her replacement — a giant, bright yellow mechanical arm — do the stacking. Her new job at Amazon is to babysit several robots at a time, troubleshooting them when necessary and making sure they have bins to load (Wingfield, 2017). Companies are using robots to replace the human in a lot of jobs some of them even have the ability to replace more than one person, but as sad as it is the robots are making companies more efficient when it comes to fulling the customers’ orders which in turn improves the bottom line for the company. Robotics has become the new employee in a lot of distribution centers and we will have more interaction with robotics in the work place in the near future. In my project I will go in detail on the use of the RFID tags and how they impact the transportation and logistics field, showing how giving the customer and real time update on their shipment can improve customer service, I feel this is very critical to my paper. Simon References Wingfield, N. (2017, September 10). As Amazon Pushes Forward With Robots, Workers Find New Roles . Retrieved from The New York Times : https://www.nytimes.com/2017/09/10/technology/amazon-robots-workers.html

2024 Emerging Technology And New Business Organization Assignment Help

Write 1 400 word paper using a faculty approved organization in which you Evaluate the current technology and SCM systems utilized 2023

Write 1,400-word paper using a faculty-approved organization, in which you: Evaluate the current technology and SCM systems utilized by e-business. Research potential new markets or suppliers that can be used to grow the e-business. Recommend new business opportunities, including technologies for reaching new markets (e.g. mobile applications, social media sites, text messaging). Propose an implementation plan for introducing this new technology or business opportunity, and discuss the potential risks involved. Cite three separate resources in addition to your textbook. Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

2024 Assignment 1: Discussion—Ethics In Business Assignment Help

Erron is purchasing a business named Pure Bliss Spa near Orlando Florida The 2023

Erron is purchasing a business named Pure Bliss Spa near Orlando, Florida. The business has had several brushes with the law during the past few years, dealing with claims of false advertising and wrongful termination of employees. As a result, Erron is concerned about the ethical culture of the firm. In this assignment, you will review the concept of ethics discussed in this module to critically evaluate the existing or potential ethical problems in Smith’s business and help him propose solutions to eliminate the problems. Tasks: Respond to the following points: What specific techniques could Smith use to increase the emphasis on business ethics when he takes control of the firm? Explain. What, in your opinion, can be done to improve the human resource management (HRM) of the firm, to avoid future legal problems? Note: Also post and additional question for classmate to answer about this topic?

2024 03 Discussion – Project Scope and the Human Element Assignment Help

As the owner of a small business that designs and makes specialty 2023

 As the owner of a small business that designs and makes specialty furniture you were thrilled when you were informed you had received a $50,000 grant from your local municipality for being elected the Small Business of the Year. You gathered your management team together to discuss how the money could best be invested in the company. As a team, you decided to upgrade your equipment in order to fabricate higher quality furniture and cut costs. Now you are appalled when you realize the Purchase Orders for this new equipment far exceeds the original amount of the grant. You schedule an emergency meeting with your team to discuss which Purchase Orders can be approved and which need to be canceled. Your Master Carpenter Rich has entered a Purchase Order for expensive hand tools that he insists are necessary to improve your final product. Your Shop Floor Supervisor Miguel has entered a Purchase Order for new machinery to increase the volume of furniture that can be produced. He states this will contribute to profitability by increasing sales and that since Rich is the only person who could use the expensive hand tools, “It is a waste of money to buy toys only one person can play with”. Your Marketing person Sheila would like to open an account with a local web designer to upgrade your presence on Social Media. She thinks this will boost sales and provide the company with a cool website. She says she realizes she had originally agreed to buy upgrades for equipment, but she believes a web site is a form of virtual equipment. Your brother, who is also your Accountant, believes the money should be invested because sales have been flat or slipping a little, and he would like to make sure you have a cushion if sales continue to fall. He says he only agreed to buy equipment because the Holidays were coming, and he didn’t want an argument at the family dinner table. The meeting, which began very civilly, has broken down into a shouting match. Miguel stomps out of the room angrily, and your brother is muttering something about talking to Dad about this mess. In your discussion share how you would respond to this situation. How would you spend the money from the grant? Would you discipline your managers for losing control in the meeting? What would your action plan be for handling this situation? Be sure to cite any external research using APA format. As part of your reply post to another student offer at least one alternative action plan for resolving the situation described in the scenario.

2024 Vibrant Company had $850,000 of sales in each of three consecutive years 2012–2014, and it purchased merchandise costing $500,000 in each of those years. It also maintained a $250,000 physical inventory from the beginning to the end of that three-year per Assignment Help

Vibrant Company had 850 000 of sales in each of three consecutive years 2023

Vibrant Company had $850,000 of sales in each of three consecutive years 2012–2014, and it purchased merchandise costing $500,000 in each of those years. It also maintained a $250,000 physical inventory from the beginning to the end of that three-year period. In accounting for inventory, it made an error at the end of year 2012 that caused its year-end 2012 inventory to appear on its statements as $230,000 rather than the correct $250,000. References Section Break Exercise 5-12 Analysis of inventory errors LO A2 5. value: 1.20 points Required information Exercise 5-12 Part 1 1. Determine the correct amount of the company’s gross profit in each of the years 2012 − 2014. Hints References eBook & Resources Hint #1 Check my work 6. value: 1.20 points Required information Exercise 5-12 Part 2 2. Prepare comparative income statements as in Exhibit 5.11 to show the effect of this error on the company’s cost of goods sold and gross profit for each of the years 2012 – 2014.

2024 Upfront contract steps 12 items Assignment Help

Sales Class I need an Upfront contract steps The Professor asked for 12 items 2023

Sales Class I need an Upfront contract steps, The Professor asked for 12 items that will help initiate the UPFRONT Contract step indentifying my services that is House Cleanning (and explaing a litlle each one) only for homes not a office or businnes. ( nothing complicated ). Just to facilitate for you he is teaching us base on Sandler Submarine. http://www.effectivesales.sandler.com/sandler-crm-products For monday i will paid $10

2024 Operations Management 2 1 Assignment Help



2024 Inventory Management Assignment Help

Assignment 2 Inventory Management Due Week 8 and worth 300 points Research two 2 manufacturing or two 2 service companies 2023

Assignment 2: Inventory Management Due Week 8 and worth 300 points Research two (2) manufacturing or two (2) service companies that manage inventory and complete this assignment. Write a six to eight (6-8) page paper in which you: Determine the types of inventories these companies currently manage and describe their essential inventory characteristics. Analyze how each of their goods and service design concepts are integrated. Evaluate the role their inventory plays in the company’s performance, operational efficiency, and customer satisfaction. Compare and contrast the four (4) different types of layouts found with each company; explain the importance of the layouts to the company’s manufacturing or service operations. Determine at least two (2) metrics to evaluate supply chain performance of the companies; suggest improvements to the design and operations of their supply chains based on those metrics. Suggest ways to improve the inventory management for each of the companies without affecting operations and the customer benefit package. Provide a rationale to support the suggestion. Use at least three (3) quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as quality resources. Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements: This course requires use of Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). The format may be different than other Strayer University courses. Please take a moment to review the SWS documentation for details (more information and an example is included in the Strayer Writing Standards left menu link). Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length. The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are: Evaluate the processes used in designing and producing goods and services. Determine four layout patterns and when they should be used. Utilize the concept of supply chain management. Employ the concept of capacity management. Evaluate the management of inventories and resources. Use technology and information resources to research issues in operations management. Write clearly and concisely about operations management using proper writing mechanics. Click here to view the grading rubric for this assignment.